3.5Profile, level, and constraint definitions (requirements related)
JCTVC-M0094 (m28532) Proposal of the profile/level for Range extensions [T. Suzuki, N. Saunders, S. Karl (Sony)] [late]
Presented in joint discussion with MPEG ReEquirements , MPEG Video, and VCEG etc.
Proposes a basis for profile/level definitions for RExt for HEVC. Considers bit depth (e.g. 12 and 16 bits), monochrome, 4:2:2, 4:4:4, and level definition multipliers CpbBrVclFactor and CpbBrNalFactor.
For further study.
JCTVC-M0173 (m28626) Removing a Level Restriction on Coding Tree Block Size [E. Pinhasov, S. Riabtsev, A. Menachem]
Presented in joint discussion with MPEG Requirements, MPEG Video, and VCEG.
The issue is friendliness to legacy encoder design architectures. This Wwould require corrigendum or additional profiles. This would seem to need a new profile. No action. [some notes may be in other draft report]
It was later remarked that using a CTB size of 32 that is always split by the encoder into smaller CUs may be one way for an encoder to deal with this for an encoder.
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