JCTVC-M0068 Non-RCE2: TU-level flag for DPCM [Y. H. Tan, C. Yeo (I2R)]
Related to Test 5 of RCE 2.
This contribution studies the effectiveness of a TU-level flag when applied to the lossless residue coding method described in JCTVC-K0157. The flag signals, at the TU level, whether the residues in the TU are coded with sample-wise prediction. It is asserted that, with the residue prediction scheme used for both inter and intra coding, the proposed method brings average gains of 9.1%, 6.7% and 7.1% for All-Intra, Random-Access and Low-Delay B test configurations.
The same process is applied to both intra and inter.
This proposal used 2D DPCM.
Compared to Test 4:
Test 4: 9.2%, 5.8% and 5.3%
Proposal: 9.1%, 6.7% and 7.1%
It was remarked that this seems to indicate that TU-level adaptivity may be useful. However, the complexity of the 2-D DPCM scheme tested here may be an issue.
It was noted that (late) contribution M0442 is related, as it considers inter with DPCM as well.
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