Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11649
Title: Minor edits to MARTE
Carleton University (Dr. Murray Woodside, cmw@sce.carleton.ca)
Many editorial corrections to chapter 17.
The original text and error are listed here, and the revised text below under Revised Text. Some have been added. They are listed with codes E1 - E36,
These codes are used in notes in the pdf file edits-marte-ch15-17.pdf, which may assist in fitting them in. The figure file is also needed.
E1: p 311 Fig 17.2 The name of the package is PAM_Workload; it should be PAM_Resources
E2: also on the left in LogicalResource, halfway down the Fig 17.2, troughput should be throughput, spelling correction
E2a (added), right side of Fig 17.2, in RunTimeObjectInstance, capitalization and missing colon, Throughput NFP... --> throughput: NFP_Frequency
E3: p 312 line 2 BehaviorScenarios).... end bracket is missing. (corrected from the issue)
E4: p 314 line 2 reads Figure 17.3; should be Figure 17.4
E5: line 14 reads: “For instance if the network is defined in the deployment then a message transmission is, but if no deployment is specified it may be an external service. “ It is unclear that message transmission is defined in the model, or is an external service. Revise.
E6: p 317 Fig 17.6 CommunicationStep is shown to inherit from GQAM_Workload::Step. This is incorrect, it inherits from PAM_Workload::PAM_Step.
E7: Figure 17.6, the attributes of CommunicationStep are inherited and can be eliminated from this figure.
E8: p 322 line 10 "identity of the resurce" spelling error
E9: p 325 sec 17.4.1 para 2 line 1 reads: “In Figure 17.8, the blockingTime attribute...”. Errors: the figure is 17.9 and the attribute is blockT .
E10: p 325 fig 17.10 Error: the stereotype on database is shown as <
>, this was changed in the profile to <
E11: p 326 first line after Fig 17.10 reads: "In Figure 17.9 a simple sequence diagram"...it should be figure 17.10.
E12: second para after Fig 17.10, delete the last sentence, it refers to something in the example that was changed.
E13: third para, the stereotype ExecStep is used twice. It has been replaced by Step.
E14: As E13, on p 327 line 1)
E15: Figure 17.13, in the box labeled dbReq, a numerical parameter is missing from the example. Under the label dbReq should be the numbers 12.4 ms.
E16: p 329 last line, there is an incomplete sentence: "The behavior is shown i". Complete it (shown in Figure 17.15)
E17: p 330, Fig 17.15, two annotations near the bottom have "$images" which should be just "images"
E18: p 331 first sentence has text "with that a set" which is not English. The statement is also missing a detail of the delay spec. Replace by “with a set" and add at the end of the sentence "(with 95% probability)".
E19: p 332 para 2 line 1, the text uses "Process stereotypes" which have been replaced in the profile by "RunTInstance stereotypes"
E20: p 332 Fig 17.17 in the attributes of the <> stereotype the cycleTime95 variable should be preceded by "out$" (it is declared here, and it is an analysis output)
E21: lower in Fig 17.17 the $ sign should be removed from variables acquireThreads, frameSize, blocks, storeThreads, DBThreads. (they are declared in the context, so the $ is not needed here)
E22: p 333 para 2 refers to aspects of the example that have been changed. Delete the paragraph.
E23: p 335 line 2 wrong figure number 17.20, three instances in the para. Replace by Figure 17.21.
E24: p 336 Fig 17.21, where it is written <
> it should be <
E25: p 336 Fig 17.21, in the context at the top, the declaration of messageSize lacks the “in” definition, it should read "contextParams=in$messageSize"
E26: below Fig 17.21, two figure number errors: Figure 17.21 --> 17.22 and 17.22 --> 17.23
E27: p 337 Figure 17.22 two lifelines are labelled <
> , which should be replaced by <>.
E28: p 337 Figure 17.22, in the attributes of webserver it is written "runTInstance = webserver". This was not adapted to a change in definitions, and should read "instance = webserver" . Similarly in App, "runTInstance = App" --> "instance = application"
E29: below Figure 17.23, wrong figure numbers in “In both Figure 17.21 and Figure 17.22,” increase Fig numbers by 1 .
E30: p 338 last line, written Figure 17.24, should be Figure 17.25
E31: p 339 line 1 written Figure 17.24(b), should be Figure 17.25(b)
E32: line 2, incomplete sentence. Add to end of sentence "Figure 17.26."
E33: Figure 17.26 legend refers to Figure 17.23(b) . I should end with "hierarchy of Figure 17.25"
E34: p 340 para 2, Figure number errors. Figure 17.26 --> 17.27 and 17.14 --> 17.15
E35: p 341 Figure 17.27 top: two instances of @Nusers use an inconvenient prefix. They should be $Nusers the first time, then Nusers.
E36: p 342 para 1, is insufficiently clear. Add a sentence of explanation.
"The Markov Chain is solved to provide the steady state probabilities of each state, and thus of each behavior in the combined workload."
Editorial changes as follows.
Revised Text:
E1: p 311 Fig 17.2 The name of the package is PAM_Resources.
New figure is in visio file PAM_cmw-02-13.vsd, sheet PAM_Resources Domain Model, also for E2 and E2a.
E2: also on the left in LogicalResource, halfway down the Fig 17.2, troughput should be throughput, spelling correction
E2a (added), right side of Fig 17.2, in RunTimeObjectInstance, capitalization and missing colon, Throughput NFP... --> throughput: NFP_Frequency
E3: p 312 line 2 BehaviorScenarios).... end bracket is missing.
before: by its behaviour (BehaviorScenarios
after: by its behaviour (BehaviorScenarios)
E4: p 314 line 2 reads Figure 17.3; should be Figure 17.4
E5: line 14 becomes:
Before: For instance if the network is defined in the deployment then a message transmission is, but if no deployment is specified it may be an external service.
After: For instance if the network is defined in the deployment then a message transmission is defined within the UML model, but if no network is specified it is an external service.
E6: p 317 Fig 17.6 CommunicationStep inherits from PAM_Workload::PAM_Step.
Figure is in visio file PAM_cmw-02-13.vsd, sheet PAM_Communications Domain Model, also for E7
E7: Figure 17.6, the attributes of CommunicationStep are eliminated from the figure.
as E6
E8: p 322 line 10 spelling of “resource”
before: • resource: Resource [0..1] the identity of the resurce of which some units are passed.
after: • resource: Resource [0..1] the identity of the resource of which some units are passed.
E9: p 325 sec 17.4.1 para 2 line 1.
Before: In Figure 17.8, the blockingTime attribute represents...
After: In Figure 17.9, the blockT attribute of the LAN represents ...
E10a: p 325 fig 17.10 the stereotype on database is <
Revised Fig 17.10:
E10b Fig 17.10 title should be:
new caption: Example of interaction performance annotations
E11: p 326 first line after Fig 17.10 becomes: "In Figure 17.10 a simple sequence diagram"...
Before: In Figure 17.9 a simple
After: In Figure 17.10 a simple
E12: second para after Fig 17.10, delete the last sentence, it refers to something in the example that was changed.
Remove: By default it applies to the entire operation up until the reply, but additional ExecSteps may be added as recursive messages, as is done here just before the reply.
E13: Use of the old stereotype name ExecStep
Change: Change everywhere to PaStep
e.g.: third para after Fig 17.10:
Old text: Message 2 is stereotyped both with the message size (in the CommStep stereotype) and the database operation parameters (in the ExecStep). The ExecStep is repeated an average of 1.3 times (from the repetitions attribute),
New text: Message 2 is stereotyped both with the message size (in the CommStep stereotype) and the database operation parameters
(in the Step). The Step is repeated an average of 1.3 times.”
E14: covered in E13
E15: Figure 17.13, Under the label dbReq enter the numbers 12.4 ms.
New Fig 17.13
E16: p 329 last line:
old text: The behavior is shown i
new text: The behavior is shown in Figure 17.15.
E17: p 330, Fig 17.15, two annotations near the bottom have "$images" which should be just "images"
new Fig 17.15
E18: p 331 first sentence:
Before: This is a soft real-time embedded system with that a set of cameras that must be scanned at least once every second.
After: This is a soft real-time embedded system with a set of cameras that must be scanned at least once every second (with 95% probability).
E19: p 332 para 2 line 1:
Before: The deployed objects are all artifacts, and it is these artifacts that are referenced by the Process stereotypes in the activity diagram.
After: The deployed objects are all artifacts, and it is these artifacts that are referenced by the RunTInstance stereotypes in the activity diagram.
E20: p 332 Fig 17.17 The <> stereotype has attribute out$cycleTime95 ,
see figure below
E21: lower in Fig 17.17 the $ sign should be removed from variables acquireThreads, frameSize, blocks, storeThreads, DBThreads. (they are declared in the context, so the $ is not needed here)
see figure below
Figure 17.17
E22: p 333 Delete para 2
to delete: The cycleInit Action has a hostDemand. Since it is not shown in a swimlane, its process (SchedulableResource) is given
directly on the Step stereotype by the attribute "concur" (which determines its deployment and thus its host processor).
E23: p 335 line 2, and twice in para 2, “Figure 17.20”, becomes “Figure 17.21”.
E24: p 336 Fig 17.21,stereotypes of Orb and locationService are <
> not <
see figure below
E25: p 336 Fig 17.21, in the context at the top has
<> {contextParams=in$messageSize}
new figure 17.21:
E26: below Fig 17.21, two figure number errors: Figure 17.21 --> 17.22 and 17.22 --> 17.23
E27: p 337 Figure 17.22 lifelines webserver and app are stereotyped <>.
new figure 17.22
E28: p 337 Figure 17.22, in the attributes of webserver it is written "runTInstance = webserver". This was not adapted to a change in definitions, and should read "instance = webserver" . Similarly in App, "runTInstance = App" --> "instance = application"
see figure above
E29: below Figure 17.23, wrong figure numbers in “In both Figure 17.21 and Figure 17.22,” increase Fig numbers by 1 .
E30: p 338 last line, written Figure 17.24, should be Figure 17.25
E31: p 339 line 1 written Figure 17.24(b), should be Figure 17.25(b)
E32: line 2, incomplete sentence. Add to end of sentence "Figure 17.26."
Before: operation counts.
After: operation counts, in Figure 17.26
E33: Figure 17.26 caption refers to Figure 17.23(b) . It should end with "hierarchy of Figure 17.25"
Before: ...class invocation hierarchy of Figure 17.23(b)
after: ...class invocation hierarchy of Figure 17.25
E34: p 340 para 2, Figure number errors. Figure 17.26 --> 17.27 and 17.14 --> 17.15
E35: p 341 Figure 17.27 top: two instances of @Nusers use an inconvenient prefix. They should be $Nusers the first time, then Nusers.
New Figure 17.27:
E36: p 342 para 1, add a sentence:
para before: The analytic performance model will represent the generator as a Markov Chain governing the probabilities of making
requests for different behaviours (what is sometimes called the user profile).
para after: The analytic performance model will represent the generator as a Markov Chain governing the probabilities of making
requests for different behaviours (what is sometimes called the user profile).
The Markov Chain is solved to provide the steady state probabilities of each state, and thus of each behavior in the combined workload.
Disposition: Resolved
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