…and offers strong privacy and security guarantees
Token Characteristics :
Token Characteristics :
High security:
High ratio Cost/Benefit of an attack;
Secure against its owner;
Modest computing resources (~10Kb of RAM, 50MHz CPU);
Low availability: physically controlled by its owner; connects and disconnects at it will
How to perform global queries on the asymmetric architecture? (i.e. using data from many/all cells)
Several approaches are possible to securely perform global computations:
Several approaches are possible to securely perform global computations:
Use only an untrusted server/cloud/P2P and use generic (and costly) algorithms. (e.g. Secure Multi-Party Computing [Yao82, GMW87, CKL06], fully homomorphic encryption [Gent09]) Problem = COST
Use only an untrusted server/cloud/P2P and develop a specific algorithm for each specific class of queries or applications. (e.g. DataMining Toolkit [CKV+02]) Problem = GENERICITY
Introduce a tangible element of trust, through the use of a trusted component and develop a generic methodology to execute any centralized algorithm in this context. ([Katz07, GIS+10, AAB+10]) Problem = TRUST
Shares the secret key with TDSs (for encrypt the query & decrypt result).
Classical Access control policy (e.g. RBAC):
Cannot get the raw data stored in TDSs (get only the final result)
Can obtain only authorized views of the dataset ( do not care about inferential attacks)
Supporting Server Infrastructure:
Doesn’t know query (so, attributes in GROUP BY clause) b/c query is encrypted by Querier before sending to SSI.
Usage control & enforcement, data sharing schemes, complex computation (sandboxes), other data types (eg, time series), global computing models (eg, Map Reduce), etc.
Integrated into a platform for education (PlugDB)
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Beyond Tamper Resistant HW
Results are useable even with lower trust elements.