Organisation internationale de normalisation

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Study Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/PDAM5 Simple Studio Profile Levels 5 and 6




Study Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/DCOR3




Study Text of ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/PDAM35 Simple Studio Profile Levels 5 and 6 Conformance Testing




Disposition of Comments on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd.1:2002/DCOR 1




Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd.1:2002/COR 1



3Development of AVC

The video subgroup jointly approved the ISO standard related output documents that were produced during the 26th JVT meeting which was held in parallel. Important work items in this context were as follows

  • SVC verification tests

  • Approval of MVC PDAM

  • Preparation of software and conformance FPDAM for Scalable Video Coding

The report of the SVC verification tests was finalized, using conditions suitable for a range of possible application scenarios for progressive video, including

  • Video-conferencing with quality scalability for the Common Intermediate Format (CIF, 352x288 pixels) at 30 frames per second (fps) video, and spatial scalability for 640x352 pixels at 60 fps video with an enhancement substream for 1280x704 pixels at 60 fps;

  • Mobile TV with quality scalability for the Quarter Video Graphics Array (QVGA, 320x240 pixels) format at 25 fps video, and spatial scalability for QVGA at 12.5 fps with an enhancement substream for VGA (640x480 pixels) at 25 fps enhancement;

  • HD TV with spatial scalability for 720p (1280x720 pixels) at 50 fps with 1080p (1280x1080 pixels) at 50 fps enhancement; and

  • Movie production with spatial scalability for 1080p at 25 fps being the highest resolution, with two lower resolutions provided for scalability.

For the performance evaluations, SVC was compared against AVC single layer coding by means of subjective testing. Subjective tests were performed following relevant international recommendations using a controlled environment and a high number of test subjects.

The results of these tests indicate that these various types of scalability for these applications can be achieved with a bit rate overhead typically equal to or less than 10% when compared to AVC single layer coding using only the highest resolution in the test case. In the HDTV and movie cases, comparable quality was achieved with no apparent need to increase bit rate at all. The bit rate savings obtained by SVC compared to AVC simulcast transmission depend on the particular test case, and were found to be between 17% and 40% of the simulcast bit rate. These bit rate savings relative to simulcast are particularly important for applications in which video must be provided with different spatial resolutions, for which simulcast would previously have been the only available AVC-based standardized solution.
All results and more detailed description of the test setup are included in the public test report (N9577).
MVC has reached the level of FPDAM as amendment 1 of the new edition of AVC. The specification does not include any new coding tools at the macroblock level or below (see JVT report).
A first contribution related to MVC profiling was discussed jointly with JVT and MPEG Requirements SG. The current idea is defining only on “multiview high profile”, no interlaced coding, constraint set flag could be used to perform switching between main and high. Level definitions are preliminary and will need more careful investigation about buffer sizes, restrictions in inter-view prediction etc. In general, it should be avoided to define an entirely new set of levels beyond the existing ones. One solution could be made e.g. by starting from maximum number of macroblocks per second, and derive therefrom useful values e.g. for maximum number of views etc. within a given level.
Further study will be necessary taking into account requirements of certain applications (such as stereo, n-view), and investigate for specific levels, whether e.g. the numbers of possible reference pictures are sufficient for the multiview application. Ways to enable parallel processing should also be considered.
Documents reviewed:


Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/PDAM 31

SC 29 Secretariat


Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/PDAM 19

SC 29 Secretariat


Subjective results for the SVC Verification Test

Tobias Oelbaum (


Verification of new SVC Verification Test Streams

Mathias Wien


Proposal on Profiles for MVC (Multi-view Video Coding)

Hideaki Kimata, Hiroya Nakamura, Takashi Itoh

Documents approved:

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