Overview of ece theory : the collapse of the standard model

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Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Gov. Argentina, EQ Australia, Queensland, UFPR Brazil, UNICAMP, Canadian ECE engineering network, Gov. Quebec*, Alberta, UV Chile, Tsinghua China, RCIL India, Saitama Japan, Victoria Univ Wellington NZ, NU Singapore, CCU, NCU Taiwan.

15 - 30 January 2009

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

SUNY Buffalo, Brigham Young, Colorado State, Case Western Reserve*, Embry Riddle, Evergreen, Georgia Tech., GMU, GPC*, Harvard*, Indiana, Lousiana State*, Colorado School of Mines, NAU, Mew Mexico State, ODU, Rowan, Sabanci, Stanford*, Toronto (on edu), Arkansas, Central Florida, Chicago, UC Irvine, UCLA, U Connecticut, UC Santa Barbara, U Mass Dartmouth, Chapel Hill, New Hampshire, Yale, Argonne, Fermilab, USAAF Robins*, US Army Amrdec, US Army ARO, US Army Cecer, Southwestern Labs, Adobe, Boeing*, Bose, Botevgrad*, Honeywell, Microsoft*, Mobile Gas, UPS.
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Graz, JKU Austria, Liege, VKI Belgium, IMEC Belgium, EPF Lausanne, ETH Zurich, Belfort, Charles Univ Prague*, Palacky, Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Heidelberg, Siemens, TU Freiburg, Bremen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Karlsuhe*, Kassel*, Leipzig, Munich, Osnabrueck, Saarland, Unity Media Group, Danish Tech., Gov. Andalucia, MDE Spain, UB, UCM, UPM, UPV*, USC, UVA* Spain, HTV Finland*, HUT, UTU Finland, INSA Lyon, Univ-Ag France, Poitiers, AUTH, OTE Greece, Thessalonika, ISKON Croatia, NYME Sopron Hungary, HUJI Israel, INFN Florence, INFN Milan, INFN Rome 2, SISSA Italy, AREA Trieste, Unimo Italy, Sannio, Turin, European Parliament, IAE Netherlands, TU Delft, Free Univ. Amsterdam, UIO Norway, AP Krakow, IFMPAN Poznan, TU Szczecin, Lisbon Tech., ATRAL Romania, IGCTI Romania, Joint Institutes for Nuclear Research Russia, NRSL Russia, LTH Sweden, Physto, SU Sweden, Uni-Mb Slovenia, Ege, Gyte, Metu Turkey, MK Ukraine, Towy Aberystwyth, Jesus College Cambridge, physics Cambridge, Queens= College Cambridge, Prifysgol Cymru, Edinburgh, Glasgow, King=s College London, Leeds*, Meirion Dwyfor, chemistry Oxford, Magdalen Oxford, offices Oxford, phys Oxford, University College Oxford, Queen Mary College, SEDC Sheffield, Southampton*, TVU, Univ. College London, ULL, Univ. Wales, Warwick, British Gov. GSI, AUB Lebanon.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Sherjah, United Arab Emirates, CNEA Argentina, Monash, Gov. Brazil, UFF Brazil, UNB, UNICAMP, Sao Paolo Brazil, Canadian ECE Net, Gov. Quebec, McGill, McMaster, NS Canada, Perimeter Institute, Davison College, British Columbia, Toronto, Victoria, UV Chile, ITP China, City Univ. Hong Kong, DNS India, Amrita, BHU, DU, NITRKL India, Gov India RCIL, Osaka, Tokyo, Sony Company, Itchihuahua Univ. Mexico, IPN, UASLP, UNAM, USON Mexico, UTHM Malaysia, ADDU Philipines, NUS Singapore, NCTU, NCU, NSYSU, Academica Sinica Taiwan.

Summary for January 2009

Number of Documents downloaded from site: 1187.

Lead countries: USA, Canada, Germany, France, Britain, Japan, Mexico, Australia, ... (80 countries).

Lead papers: 126, 125, 94, 110, 41,43, 116, 99, 103, 76, 112, 115, 88, 123, 124, 108, 91, 47, 74, 122, 98, 1, 77, 111, 81, 100a, 104, 105, 109, 37, 82, 95, 102, 10, 114, 90, 71, 93, 113, 92, 18, 84,117, 30, 56 107, 34, 86, 106, 11, 12, 21, 2, 38, ....... all papers read

Lead articles: AThe Life of Myron Evans@ by Kerry Pendergast, Douglas Lindstrom paper 2, Space Energy (Spanish), ECE (Spanish), Workshop history, ACrystal Spheres@ by Kerry Pendergast, Galaxies (Spanish), ..... all articles read.

Complete Paper Survey carried out on 23rd January 2009 (in order of most read).

94, 41, 110, 43, 125, 103, 99, 88, 115, 116, 124, 112, 76, 123, 47, 122, 77, 91, 1, 111, 98, 122 (Spanish), 114, 105, 37, 81, 82, 95, 104, 107, 109, 10, 18, 30, 102, 113, 90, 92, 93, 106, 56, 15, 34, 74, 75, 11, 21, 40, 60, 61, 84, 96, 120, 117, 38, 71, 7, 12, 45, 89, 108, 16, 54, 20, 27, 59, 79, 9, 14, 28, 32, 3, 63, 78, 121, 17, 2, 39, 65, 6, 86, 101, 13, 23, 49, 53, 80, 97, 119, 29, 33, 57, 62, 70, 73, 8, 100a, 118, 26, 46, 50, 51, 5, 67, 35, 55, 100d, 19, 22, 25, 31, 36, 4, 52, 58, 87, 100c, 100b, 44, 69, 85, 24, 42, 48, 66, 100e, 64, 72, 68, 126. All papers read.

1 - 15 February 2009

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona*, Arizona State, Athens, Brigham Young, Caltech, Colorado State, Columbia, Cornell, CSU Fresno, Case Western Reserve, Duke*, Evangel, Evergreen, Florida Atlantic, Georgia Tech., Harvard, Illinois Tech., Louisiana State*, Maricopa, Colorado School of Mines, MIT*, MS State, Michigan State*, North Dakota, Old Dominion*, Ohio State*, Oregon State, Oklahoma, PDX, Penn State, Purdue, Radford, Trinity College, Californian system of universities, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara*, UC San Diego, Delaware*, Urbana Champaign, U Mass Dartmouth, Maryland*, Minnesota, US Naval Academy, Texas*, Washington, Fermilab, NASA (LARC), Santa Barbara, St. Lucie County, USAAF Robins, US Army APGEA, US Army ARC, Berkeley Library, Algonquin College, Botevgrad*, IBM (Britain), Microsoft*, Motorola*, Philips.
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Antwerp, KU Leuvan, Sofia Bulgaria, ETH Zurich, CERN, VSB Czechia, KFA Juelich, Siemens, TU Berlin, Erlangen, Karlsruhe, Cologne*, Leipzig*, Unity Media Group, UGR, UV Spain, JYU Finland, CEA France, Strasbourg, Brest, Poitiers*, Rennes 1, Demokritos Greece, Patras, Sopron Hungary, ENEA Italy, INFN Florence*, IRES Piemonte, SISSA Italy, Pisa, Pavia, Twente Netherlands, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Kluwer, NTNU Norway, UIB Norway, UMK Poland, UTCCLUJ Romania, Physto Sweden, SU Sweden, Joseph Stefan Slovenia, Ljubjliana, TUKE Slovakia, Metu, SDU Turkey, MK Ukraine, Brunel, BSFC, Astronomy Cambridge, Magdalen Cambridge, Queens= Cambridge, Glamorgan, Imperial*, Manchester, Meirion Dwyfor, Nottingham, Open, Merton Oxford, Robots Oxford, Plumpton, UMIST, Wolverhampton.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

CSIRO Australia, Gov. British Columbia, Canadian ECE Network, Lakehead Univ., IAW Ontario, Queen=s, British Columbia*, Toronto, Engineering Univ. Colombia, TUE Colombia, RCIL Gov. India, IUAC India, Kitami Univ. Japan, Osakafu Univ. Japan, Univ. Tokyo, KAIST Korea, IACH Mexico, USON Mexico, UTHM and USPI Malysia, NU Singapore, Chula Thailand, PSU Thailand, CCU, NCU Taiwan, LUZ Venezuela, SUN South Africa, Witwatersrand South Africa.

15 - 27 February 2009

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Alaska*, American Physical Society, Arizona, Berkeley*, Boston Univ., CHOP, Cornell, Case Western Reserve, Duke, Green River, Harvard* Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, Iowa State, Kent State, Lehigh, Maricopa, MIT, MNSCU, MTU, NEBO, Oakton, ODU, Ohio, Penn State*, SDSU, SEMO. SIU, SJSU, St Cloud State, SUAGM, TCU, Toronto (on edu), UALR, Californian system*, UCLA*, U Conn., Florida, Houston, Urbana Champaign*, UMBC, Maryland*, UMSL, New Mexico, UPRM, Utah, Texas*, Kentucky*, Washington, Wisconsin, US Gov. DHS, IRS, St Lucie County, USAAF Robins, US Army Red River, AERO Organization, Southwestern Labs., Adobe, Boeing, Botevgrad, Honeywell, Hewlett Packard, Mobile Gas, Motorola.
Europe and Asia Minor: US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UIBK Austria, Gov. Geneva, Charles Univ. Prague, BSH Germany, Jacobs Univ., KFA Juelich, Siemens*, SLUB Dresden, Cologne*, Leipzig*, Ulm, EHU, UPCT, UPM, UVA Spain, OBSPM France, Paris South*, Strasbourg, Poitiers*, Demokritos Greece* NTUA Greece, Trinity College Dublin, Tel Aviv, CNR IFAC Italy, ELSAG Italy, Modena, Pavia, MPE Latvia, Twente*, VU Netherlands, Kluwer, Lodz, Warsaw, Wroclaw, UC Portugal, Kaliningrad Russia, SU Sweden*, UU Sweden, KI Slovenia, Hacettepe Turkey, Aberystwyth, PWF Cambridge, Wolfson Cambridge, Trinity Cambridge, particle Cambridge, Durham*, Imperial*, Kent*, Lancaster, Student Halls London, Manchester, Meirion Dwyfor, Balliol Oxford, Mansfield Oxford, Merton Oxford, physics Oxford, QAA, Queen Mary College London, Southampton, Strathclyde, Swansea, ULST, Ceredigion, Met. Office, National Health Service*, Belgrade.

Rest of the World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Reed Elsevier Australia, CSIRO, Defence Australia, Melbourne, Gov Brazil, UNICAMP, Sao Paolo, Canadian ECE Network, Gov. Quebec, McGill, IAW Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia*, Western Ontario, UTC Ecuador, CET, IITM, Gov. India, IMSC India, Daika Univ Japan, Hokudai, Ibaraki, JEC, Kyoto, Nihon, KAIST Korea, UNAM Mexico, UPM Malaysia, Chula Thailand, Capetown South Africa.

Summary of February 2008
Number of documents downloaded from site: 1184.

Lead Countries: USA, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, ... (77 countries).

Lead Papers: 94, 110, 103, 14, 41, 126, 99, 17, 74, 112, 2, 43, 114, 104, 109, 88, 15, 122, 102, 113, 115, 76, 32, 63, 111, 45, 47, 98, 107, 67, 56, 89, 125, 21, 86, 1, 7, 12,82, 28, 37, 61, 71, 105, 120, 81, 116, 124, 59, 122, 57, 108, 85, 10, 121, 23, 24, 25, 54, 55, 6, 8, 92, 93, 117, 100a, 123, 16, ......... all papers read.

Lead articles: AThe Life of Myron Evans@ by Kerry Pendergast, ECE (Spanish), Space Energy (Spanish), ASpecial Relativity@ (Horst Eckardt), Galaxies, Workshop History, Galaxies (Spanish), Spacetime Devices (Spanish), ECE Second Current (Douglas Lindstrom), ECE and Spacetime, Douglas Lindstrom 2nd Numerical Paper, Felker4 (Spanish), Space Energy, ECE Engineering Model slides, Douglas Lindstrom 3, ..... All articles read.

1 - 15 March 2009
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona, Bard, Brigham Young, CSU Pomona, Georgia Tech., Harding, Haverford, Iowa State, IPFW, Lafayette, Louisana State, Maine, MIT*, Northwestern, Princeton*, Stanford, St Lawrence, Texas A and M, Texas A and M K, Californian university system, UCLA, UGA, Kentucky, U Mass*, Minnesota, US Naval Academy, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Western Kentucky, Xavier, Brookhaven, US Gov. Dept. of Health, FEMA, NASA, NOAA, St Lucie County California, Adobe, Boeing, Botevgrad, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, Varian, USAAF Edwards, USAAF Robins, US Military DISA, US Naval Research Laboratory.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UTBK Austria*, KU Leuven, Palacky, RWTH Aachen*, Siemens*, TUBS, Cologne, SDU Denmark, IAC, UCM, UPCO, UPV Spain, OBSPM France, Strasbourg*, Poitiers, Savoie, TEE Greece, KBD Croatia, SYSQ Hungary, Tel Aviv, ICTP Trieste, Bologna, Unimib, Naples, Pavia, IT Lithuania, KUN Netherlands, Leiden, Twente, Amsterdam, Kluwer*, FUW Poland, US, TU Szczecin, UMK Poland, Argoncilhe Portugal, Nite Romania, Kursk Russia, MTU, Rostov, TSCU tech Russia, Gazi, ITU, Metu Turkey, MK Ukraine, Odessa Ukraine, Anglia, Bangor, Churchill Cambridge, Girton Cambridge, Cardiff*, Prifysgol Cymru, Glamorgan, Heriot Watt, Imperial*, King=s College London, Kent*, Nottingham, CCC Oxford, Queens= College Oxford, SJC Oxford, Portsmouth, Rutherford Appleton, Sheffield, Swansea, Univ. College London*, East Anglia*, UMIC, University of Wales, Ceredigion, British Gov. GSI, Hampshire County Council, Trafford Council.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNICAMP, Sao Paolo, Brazil, UNSL Argentina, National Research Council of Canada, Perimeter Institute Canada, Canadian ECE Network, Simon Fraser, British Columbia, Bishops, Regina, Toronto, Waterloo, UO Cuba, DHU, IITM, CAT Gov. India, NARL India, Tohoku, Tsukuba, Tokyo, Yamaguta Japan, KAIST Korea, Open University Sri Lanka, IPN Mexico, UPM Malaysia, Victoria Univ. Wellington NZ, MSUIT Philipines, PIE Pakistan, NU Singapore*, TKU Taiwan, LUZ Venezuela.

15 - 30 March 2009
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Brandeis*, Brigham Young, City Univ New York, Drexel*, Evergreen, ISI, Lehigh, MIT*, North Dakota, NIU, Northwestern, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, Penn State, Rochester, SIU, SMU, Stonybrook, SUNY Stonybrook, Texas A and M K, Toronto (on edu), Tulane*, California system, Chicago, UCSC, Delaware, U Mass., U Mass. Dartmouth, Maryland, Michigan*, UNCW, Nevada Reno, Texas, UWM, Virginia*, Vermont, Wisconsin, Yale, NASA JPL, NOAA, St Lucie County, USAAF Robins*, US Central Command, US Military HPC, Boeing*, Botevgrad*, CIA, Ford, Microsoft*, Motorola, Panasonic, Varian*.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

STL Austria, Charles Univ. Prague, Palacky, German Synchrotron Facility, Jacobs Univ.*, Max Planck MIS, QSC, RWTH Aachen, Siemens*, TU Darmstadt, Freiburg, Jena*, Konstanz, Marburg, Potsdam, Wuerzburg*, KU Denmark, UPV Spain, Helsinki Finland, HUT, TUT Finland, CEA France, Institut Laue Langevin, INSA Lyon, OSPM France, Polytechnique System, Marseilles 3, Poitiers*, Savoie, Sopron Hungary, Jerusalem, Technion, SISSA, ICTP Trieste, Turin, Free Univ Amsterdam, UIO Norway, TKE, UMK, Wroclaw Poland, Astral, NIPNE Romania, ETK Russia, UU Sweden, RZS-HM Slovenia, Ankara, Bilkent, Gyte, Hacettepe, KU Turkey, Gov Ukraine, Kiev, Aberystwyth, Birmingham, Bristol. BSFC, PWF Cambridge*, particle Cambridge, Edinburgh, Essex, Imperial, King=s College London, Lancaster, Liverpool, Luton, Meirion Dwyfor, NERC Swindon, QMW, Roehampton, St Andrews, Swansea*, Univ. College London, East Anglia, York*, York City Council, NHS, Belgrade, SQU Oman*.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UAEU Argentina, ANU Australia, Sidney*, Presidency Univ. Bangla Desh, UFMG, UFPB, UFRJ, UNICAMP Brazil, Carleton Univ. Canada, McGill, Mount Royal, Gov. Nova Scotia, Canadian ECE Network, ACI Ontario, Perimeter Institute*, SLC Quebec, Simon Fraser, Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Laval, Institute of High Energy Physics China, UDEA Colombia, Univ. Andes Colombia, City Univ Hong Kong, IITM India, RCIL Gov. India, IMSC India, Hokudai, Osaka, Tohoku*, Tsukuba, Hitachi Company Japan, KIAST Korea, Jfn Sri Lanka, UCTO Mexico, UTM Mexico, UITM Malaysia, UPM Malaysia, Auckland NZ, Victoria Univ. Wellington New Zealand, PIE Pakistan, NU Singapore, NTHU, NTU Taiwan*, Academica Sinica Taiwan, Witwatersrand South Africa.

Summary of April 2009
Number of documents downloaded from site: 1506.

Lead Countries: USA, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Australia, Italy, .... (85 countries).

Lead papers; 121, 94, 122, 116, 54, 88, 113, 43, 99, 67, 115, 55, 76,103, 114, 91, 112, 41, 32, 126, 127, 122 (Spanish), 104, 23, 56, 63,105, 125, 15, 45, 61, 20, 109, 17, 111, 102, 107, 21, 65, 22, 74, 106, 110, 39, 81, 13, 82, 119, 14, 120, 118, 124, 93, 47, 49, 11, 19, 8, 98, 123, 24, 37, 53, 40, 70, 95, 12, 34, .... (All papers read).

Lead Articles: ECE, AThe Life of Myron Evans@, ECE and Spacetime, Space Energy, Galaxies, Space Energy (Spanish), Proof One, Special Relativity, Galaxies (Spanish), ECE Second Current (Lindstrom), Felker4 (Spanish), ECE (Spanish), Crothers IJTP1960, Workshop Overview, Felker5, ............. all articles read.

1 - 15 April 2009
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona State, Brown, Brigham Young, Caltech, Colorado, Columbia, Duke, Elmira, Florida International, Georgia Tech., Harvard, Indiana, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics, Karunya, Kent State*, Los Rios, Louisiana, MIT*, MS State, MTU, North Dakota, Northwestern*, New York Univ., Oakton, Missisippi, Penn State, Stanford, Tabor, Texas A and M, Toronto (on edu), California system, UC Santa Barbara, IC Santa Cruz*, UGA, Houston, Illinois Chicago, Urbana Champaign, U Mass Dartmouth, Maryland*, Minnesota, Nevada Reno, U Penn, UPRM, Washington, WSU, Gov Alaska, Argonne, Brookhaven, Dept Health, UPTO, USAAF Hill*, USAAF Robins, US Army AMRDEC, US Army ACE, US Military HPC, US Navy NAVO, Jefferson Particle Lab., Botevgrad, Microsoft, Motorola, Raytheon.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Linz, Siemens Austria, Lausanne, SLU Czechia, Antenne Thueringen, FU Berlin, LRZ Munich, Siemens, TU Dresden, Jena*, Karlsruhe, Kaiserslautern, Leipzig, Muenster*, UAB, Jaen Spain, Helsinki, HUT Finland, CIUP, ENSTA, Schneider Electric France, Strasbourg, Poitiers*, Patras, Trinity College Dublin*, Tel Aviv, ISC Italy, ENEA, Trieste, CSS Latvia, AUB Lebanon, RU Netherlands, Utecht, NTNU Norway, SQU Oman, Wroclaw, Porto*, Lisbon Tech., NI Russia, Joint Institutes for Nuclear Research Russia, Siberian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Chalmers Univ. Sweden, HIK Sweden, Institute of High Energy Physics Russia, Birkenhead*, BCU, Hull, King=s College London, Liverpool, Meirion Dwyfor, Open, Oxford, Queen=s Univ. Belfast, SHU, York, York City Council.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNS Argentina, Sydney, Western Australia, Gov. South Australia, UFG Brazil, McGill Canada, Memorial Univ. Newfoundland, Alberta, British Columbia, IMSC India, Yamaguchi, KAIST Korea*, SNU Korea, UITM Malaysia, NU Singapore.

15 - 29 April 2009
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Brandeis, California Polytech., Clemson, Colorado, Colorado State, ECU, Emory, Florida Atlantic, Hawaii, IUPUI, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics*, KCTCS, Louisiana, Louisiana State*, Miami, MIT*, Michigan State, New Jersey Institute of Technology, NMT, North Dakota, New York Univ., Ocean, Mississippi, Oregon State, PBA, Penn State, Purdue, Rochester Tech., Rutgers, Stanford, Stonehill, Stonybrook*, SUNY Stonybrook, Texas A and M, UCAR, UC Irvine, UCLA*, U Conn*, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Urbana Champaign, U Mass Dartmouth*, Maryland*, Michigan*, Minnesota, Chapel Hill, UPRM, Texas Arlington, Utah, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Washington State*, Gov. Alaska, Gov. California, Dept. Health, Dept of Energy, Federal Aviation Authority, NASA, St Lucie Co., California, USAAF Hill*, US Army Medical Division, US Navy Fleet Command, US Navy NMCI, US Military NGA, Honda (US), Botevgrad, CIA, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Motorola*.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Vienna, Siemens Austria, Ghent, Digital Systems Bulgaria, Freiburg, FW Bonn, German Government, FU Berlin*, IPHT Jena, Siemens*, Bonn, Goettingen, Heidelberg, Jena, Konstanz, Muenster*, Stuttgart*, CSIC, Jaen, Avarra, UPV, Valencia, UVA* Spain, HTV, JSP, JYU, Finland, CIUP France, Grenoble, ECP, Bordeaux 1, Poitiers, Patras, AMIS Croatia, ISKON Hungary, INFN Bari, INFN Bologna, Calabria, Padua, Turin, INIT Lithuania, RU Netherlands*, Wartburg, AUB Lebanon, FFI Norway, Students PW Poland, Nasza Klasa Poland, Wroclaw, RACAI Romania, Lipetsk, SGS Network Sweden, Autocentre Ukraine, Kharkov Ukraine, East Anglia, BSFC, CAI Cambridge, Churchill College Cambridge, PWF Cambridge, Cardiff, Hull, Imperial, Meirion Dwyfor, Southampton*, St. Andrews, Univ College London, Hampshire County Council, NHS.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNSJ-CUIM Argentina, Gov. Argentina*, MQ Australia, QUT Australia, Brandon Univ. Canada, Canadian ECE Network, Humber, McGill, Alberta, British Columbia, Montreal, Waterloo, Polytechnic Colombia, IITM India, ITAP, IIAP India, Tohoku Japan, Yonsei Korea, UITM Malaysia, UPM Malaysia, Christchurch Polytech, NZ, PUCP Peru, UMAC Peru, PERN Pakistan, NU Singapore, NTU Taiwan, Capetown South Africa.

Summary of May 2009
Number of Documents Downloaded from Site: 1638

Lead Countries: USA, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Bulgaria, Mexico, Netherlands, Australia, .... (83 countries).

Lead Papers: 41, 116, 94, 17, 99, 104, 20, 103, 78, 43, 27, 113,102, 128, 59, 67, 107, 110, 112, 98, 95, 101, 122, 75, 114, 1, 109, 127, 129, 21, 76, 91, 81, 88, 2, 40, 47, 111, 123, 130, 63, 120, 10, 56, 61, 37, 45, 4, 54, 7, ........ all papers read.

Lead Articles: AThe Life of Myron Evans@ (Pendergast), Felker4 (Spanish), Space Energy (Spanish), Galaxies (Spanish), Workshop History, ECE, Indices (Spanish), Felker5 (Spanish), Spacetime Devices (Eckardt), ECE and Spacetime, 122 (Spanish), Lindstrom 1, Felker2 (Spanish), Space Energy, Second Current (Lindstrom), Workshop Details, Notes 107 (1 and 2), Felker7 (Spanish), ECE (Italian), Proof 1, Cold Current Wave Equations (Lindstrom), Felker13 (Spanish), Black Hole refutation by Crothers, 120 Metrics, Basic Hypotheses (Spanish), ECE Engineering Model Linear Version, ...... all articles read.


1 - 15 May 2009
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Berkeley, Boston Univ*, Butte, Calvin, Columbia, FHSU, Indian River State College, Macomb, MIT*, MS State, Mount Holyoke, Notre Dame, New Mexico Tech., New York Univ., Ohio, PDX, Princeton, Rose Hulman, Rowan, Renselaer, Rutgers, SMCM, Stanford, Stonybrook, Temple*, UC Irvine, U Conn., UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, Urbana Champaign, U Mass Dartmouth, UMBC, Maryland*, Michigan, North Texas, US Naval Academy, Texas Arlington*, Texas, Texas PB, Washington State*, NASA (gsfc), NASA (jpl)*, NIH, Oak Ridge, Gov. Santa Barbara, St Lucie County, USAAF Robins, US Navy NAVO, US Navy NMCI*, AERO, Hopkintown Library, Boeing, Botevgrad, CIA, Lockheed Martin, Mobile Gas, Motorola, Wells Fargo.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Graz, Vienna, Liege, Leuven, Lausanne, Charles Univ. Prague, Palacky, Bremen, Niederrhein, Jacobs Univ., LRZ Munich, MH Hannover, Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Stuttgart, Max Planck MPL*, Siemens, Students Bonn, TUM, Bremen, Duisberg, Heidelberg*, Karlsruhe, Munich, Wuerzburg, Birke Gymnasium Denmark, TTU Estonia, UT Estonia, Aragon, TSAI, UCM, UPV Spain, Helsinki, HTV, JYU* Finland, ECP France, ENSTA France, OBSPM France, Marseilles, Poitiers, Sopron Hungary, T UMTS Hungary, NUIM Ireland, INFN Naples*, ICTP Trieste, Pisa, YU Jordan, INIT Lithuania, Laisvas Latvia, AUB Lebanon, SQU Oman, Institute of Mathematics Macedonia, Leiden, Twente, Wroclaw, RACAI Romania, Sun NSK Russia, Umea, ITU Turkey, Aberystwyth, Bath, Newton Institute Cambridge, particle Cambridge, Durham, Heriot Watt, King=s College London, Liverpool, Luton, NCL, Nottingham, Churchill College Oxford, Portsmouth, Rutherford Appleton, Southampton, St Andrews, Sunderland, Sussex, Swansea, Union, BBC*, NHS.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNS Argentina, Reed Elsevier Australia, Monash*, MQ, Western Australia, UFPA Brazil, UNICAMP, Shell Canada, British Columbia, Regina, Toronto, Waterloo, Central Chile, UNAL Colombia, Andes, IITM India, MNIT, IMSC India, Hokkaido, Osaka, Tokyo, KAIST Korea, NUL Lisotho, Otago NZ, UNAC Peru, PERN Pakistan, UJ South Africa.

15 - 30 May 2009

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Buffalo, Brigham Young, California Polytechnic, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Depaul, Georgia Tech., Harvard, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics, Lake View College, MIT, Notre Dame, New Mexico Tech., North Western*, Nova, Stanford, Syracuse*, California System, Chicago*, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego*, Illinois Chicago, Michigan, Minnesota, U Penn, US Naval Academy, Texas, Vanderbilt, Washington, US Dept of Health, NASA (JPL), Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., Santa Barbara, Virginia, USAAF Robins, US Navy NMCI, Adobe, AOL, Botevgrad, Duke Energy, Harris, Honeywell, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft*, Motorola, Scana.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Vienna, Liege, EKK Bulgaria, CERN, Charles Univ. Prague, FU Berlin, KFA Juelich, Albert Einstein Institute, Siemens*, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Magdeburg, Regensburg, Unity Media Group, KOU Estonia, IFAE, Ovi Spain, Helsinki, ENS Lyon, French national particle physics lab., INIST, Poitiers, Rennes 1, AMIS Croatia, Magnet Ireland, Weizmann, ENEA, INFN Rome 1, INFN Turin, Milan Polytech*, ICTP Trieste, Bari, Calabria*, Catania, Unimb, Pisa*, Perugia, Rome 1, Turin, YU Jordan, VU Lithuania, NGN Latvia, NTNU Norway, Torun* Poland, Warsaw, Lisbon, Lisbon Tech, Moscow, SU Sweden, ITU, Iyte, Metu Turkey, BPC, Newhall Cambridge, Durham, Essex, Leeds, Manchester, physics Oxford, SAC, Univ, College London, BBC, British Aerospace Engineering, Unilever.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNS Argentina, EQ Australia, Monash, Newcastle, Gov. South Australia, Gov. Brazil*, PUC-RIO Brazil, UFMG, UNICAMP Brazil, AEI Canada, British Columbia, EICAT Canada, HDSB Canada, Canadian ECE Network, McMaster, Queen=s, Alberta, ENAP chile, UNAL Colombia, Shiraz Iran, Kumamoto Univ. Japan, Tohoku, UNAM Mexico*, UPM Malaysia, Victoria Univ. Wellington NZ, PUCP, UNAC Peru, PERN Pakistan, CHULA Thailand, NTU Taiwan.

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