O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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Conjunctions (Bog’lovchilar)

Bog’lovchilar predmet va hodisalar o’rtasidagi bog’liklikni ko’rsatadigan so’z turkumi bo’lib, ergash gap yoki oddiy gaplarni bir-biri bilan bog’lash uchun ishlatiladi.

M a s a l a n :

I could neither read nor write English last year.

Utgan yili men inglizcha na o’qiyolardim, na yozaolardim. O’tgan yili men inglizcha o’qiyolmasdim va yozaolmasdim.

L neither... nor ['naiSa'no:] inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi. O’zbek tilida bitta gap ichida bir nechta inkor so’z bo’lishi mumkin, lekin ingliz tilida inkor so’z faqat bir marta ishlatiladi.

2. either ... or ['aiOa 'a:] yo,…., yoki ma’nosida, bo’lishli gaplarda ishlatiladi.
Either you or your Musobaqaga yo siz, yoki sizning singlingiz sister will go to the compitition. boradi.
3. . both... and ham,... ham ma’nosida bo’lishli gaplarda ishlatiladi.
Both my friend and I go in for students' scientific conference.
Do’stim ham, men ham talabalarning

ilmiy njumaniga boramiz.

IX. Bog’lovchilarga ahamiyat berib gaplarni tarjima qiling:
1. We either go to the library or to the cinema.

2. Neither my friend nor I could solve the-problems.

3. Both the students and the teachers have gathered in the reading-room.

4. You can change trains either at this station or at the next one.

5. Both the children and the parents liked the performance...

6. I'll take either this book or that one.

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