O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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VI. Quyidagi so’zlarni o’qing va esda saqlang:
sea dengiz

way yo’l

to solve echmoq

scientist olim

volume hajm

water suv

to drop tommoq

per sent foiz

area maydon

depth chuqurlik

shallow mayday

crossroad chorraha

reservoir hovuz, ko’l

equilibrium mutanosiblik

to decline pasaymoq

content ma’no, mazmun

to increase ko’tarmoq

fish baliq

to change o’zgarmoq

to die o’lmoq

to dry qurimoq

island orol

peninsula yarim orol

mainland quruqlik

couple juft

to appear paydo bo’lmoq

fresh water chuchuk suv

to blame for javobgar bo’lmoq

salination sho’r bosish

dozen ko’p

to lose (lost) yo’qotmoq

fertile sarhisob

account hisob

donation pul, sadaqa

Text A

VII. Matnni o’qing va dengiz sathi haqida berilgan gaplarni toping:
(Problems and Ways of Solving them)
Scientists say that over the past 30 years volume of water in the Aral Sea has dropped by 60 per cent and its area by a third. The depth of the shallow Aral has declined by 13 meters.

Muinak and the other ports have found themselves dozens of kilometers away from the sea. The salt content has increased by 150 per cent. The fish failed to adjust to a dramatic change and died.

The sea is drying up. Many large bays are no longer there: the islands in the southern and eastern, most shallow, parts of the Aral Sea are now peninsulas or parts of mainland. It is now obvious to specialists that time is near when sea will turn into a couple of small lakes.

What is the cause of this ecological catastrophe? The Aral Sea is relatively young. It appear nearly 9.000 years ago at the crossroads of two great Asian rivers the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. Initially it was a fresh water reservoir, it grew salty over the years as the surface of the lake became a giant evaporation tank under the burning sun. it is not the natural conditions that are to blame for the present salination and drying up of the Aral Sea. If people hadn’t begun such rapid economic activity in region over the decades they wouldn’t have broken the ecological equilibrium. The thing is that the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya are mainly emptying into cotton fields nowadays.

It is obvious now that the problem of the Aral Sea is the problem of a vast area. If people don’t save the Aral Sea they will lose millions of hectares of soil as each year the wind raises hundreds tons of salt from what once was the sea bottom and carries it towards the fields.

Republican committees to save the Aral Sea are at work now. A department of the State Bank in Tashkent has opened a special account for people to send their donations to save the Aral Sea.

VIII. Matndan quyidagi savollarga javob bering:

  1. How did the volume of water and the area of the Aral Sea change over the past 30 years?

  2. Is Muinak now on the sea coast?

  3. Why is the sea drying up?

  4. How old is the Aral Sea?

  5. What two great Asian rivers fall into the Aral Sea?

  6. Was the water in the Aral Sea salty many years go? It is salty or fresh now?

  7. Who is to blame for the ecological catastrophe with the Aral Sea?

  8. Is the Aral Sea problem a local one?

  9. What will take place in the region if people don’t save the Aral Sea?

  10. What can be done for saving the Aral Sea?

IX. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qilishda to tell so’zining har xil ma’nolariga e’tibor bering:

  1. He always tells us something from his life.

  2. My clock never tells the wrong time.

  3. My little sisters look very much alike to that it is difficult to tell one from other.

  4. The wrong calculations made by him have told on the results of the experiments.

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