O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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Love Song

I can see you everywhere;

In every road and every street;

I can hear you everywhere, Yes, I can;

I can see you in the city;

I can see you in the town;

I can see you everywhere Yes, I can;

I can see your face in the moonlight;

I can touch your skin in the rain;

I can feel your pulses pounding;

And it's driving me insane ..,;

Because I can't live without you anymore;

Because I can't stand the pain anymore;

Because I can't go on forever;

Because I can't get things together;

Because I can't live without you anymore.
X. Quyqdagi so’zlarni o’qing va esda saqlang.


kompyuter, elektron

hisoblash mashinasi






paydo bo’lmoq


yo’nalish, jarayon, kurs


riyoziyotchi, matematik






laboratoriya, tajribaxona




bo’shatmoq, bo’sh bo’lmoq


astronomiya, falakkiet


sir, yashirin narsa


yaqinlashuv, yondoshish








atokli, mashhur



Text A

XI. Matnni o’qing, kompyuter (hisoblash mashinasiga) bag’ishlangan gaplarni toping:


One hundred and fifty years ago there were, naturally, no electronic computers. There was only a dream of creating a mechanism that could do the work usually done by human brain. Sometimes this dream produced some interesting results.

There is a story which tells us that once Napoleon played chess with a partner — a mechanical chess-player. In spite of all efforts of the great general the machine defeated him on the chess-board. Soon the secret of the mechanical chessplayer was out. A man who operated the machine was a brilliant chess-player.

In our days chess-playing machines really exist. The first electronic machines appeared in 1945 in America. In the course of 20 years mathematicians learned to solve problems of great complexity with the help of these machines. If you enter the Institute of Cybernetics you will be able to see a laboratory for the development of computers.

You can also find there some computers which can solve equations with many unknowns. Every schooldoy should know that it takes two or three minutes to solve an equation with two unknowns but to solve a system of 200 unknowns must take a million times as long. This means that a person who is to do it will have to spend 12 years working at this problem. A machine can solve such a system in less than an hour.

Working faster than a human thought, these machines must help to release the human mind from mechanical functions and make possible a new approach to physics, mechanics, astronomy and other sciences.
XII. Quyidagi so’zlar ishlatilgan gaplarni matndan toping va

esda saqlang:

kashf qilmoq

to create


in spite of

paydo bo’lmoq

to appear


to solve thought

o’y, fikr

to approach



fan, ilm

XIII. Savollarga javob bering:

1. Was there a dream of creating a thinking mechanism many years ago?

2. Who played chess with a mechanical chess-player according to the story?

3. Whom did the machine defeat on the chess-board?

4. When and where did the first electronic machines appear?

5. What will you be able to see if you enter the Institute of Cybernetics?

6. How much time does it take you to solve an equation with two unknowns?

7. How many years must a person spend in order to solve a system of 200 unknowns?

8. How much time does a computing machine spend to solve such a system?

XIV Quytsdagi gaplarni avval Past, keyin Future Indefinite Tensega qo’ying:

1. The students of our Institute can solve these problems of physics.

2. We must not do this work alone.

3. The workers of that physical laboratory must not take the instruments to some other building.

4. You can see a very interesting machine in our laboratory,

5. The visitors may visit the museum in the evening.

6. Pupils must know the history of our country.
XV Quyidagi gaplarni suroq va bo’lishsiz shaklga aylantiring:
1. Our friend can show you some old monuments in our capital.

2. The children may spend their holidays together.

3. You should ask your brother about his studies.

4. Our new assistant will have to help me in my research work. 5. This engineer ought to know chemistry for his research work.

XVI. Ingliz tilidagi so’z tartibiga amal qilib quyidagi so’zlardan gaplar tuzing:
1. well, speak, French, can, my friend.

2. to your lesson, who, come, must?

3. cannot, speak English, I, but, easily, translate, can, I, text.

4. to solve, unknowns, will, problems, this, be able, machine, With many

XVII. Nuqtalar o’rniga Moyal Verbs (can may must yoki ularning ekvivalentlaridan mosini qo’yib gaplarni to’ldiring.

1. When ... you come to your lessons? 1... come to my lessons at nine o'clock.

2. You ... not go away, you ... stay here till twelve o'clock.

3.... I take your pen? Yes, you ... Here it is.

4. My brother knows English well. He ... translate these articles.

5.1... translate these texts, they are too difficut. I... to go to the library tomorrow. I shall be very busy.

7.1... come to see you yesterday, I... to prepare for my report.

8. You ... come to your lessons in time.

9.... I come in? Yes, you ....

10.... I read this text? No, you ....

XVIII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:
1. Kirsam mumkinmi? 2. Ertaga siz menikiga kela olasizmi? 3. Cheksam maylimi? 4. Men darazani yopsam maylimi? 5. Men derazani yopa olmayman. 6. Siz bilan gaplashib olsam bo’ladimi? 7. Mening do’stim ingliz tilida gapira oladi. 8. Mening singlim uchta tilda gaplasha oladi.
XIX. Quyidagi so’zlardagi so’z yasovchi suffikslarni toping va tarjima qiling:
wonderful, beautiful, practical, hysterical, powerful, natural,

nameless, useless.

Quyidagi bog’lovchilarni tarjima qiling:
when, where, if, as soon as, who, which, that, as... as, not so ... as, than, because, as, but, and, until.
XX. Namunaga binoan so’roq gaplar tuzing:
1. It takes me ten minutes to get to the University.

Does it take you ten minutes to get to the University?

... to get to your country house?

...to read his report?

... to write a letter?

2. ft took him two hours to prepare for his lesson. Did it take him two hours to prepare for his lesson? ... to get to Tashkent? ... to read this book? ... to write a new article?

3. It will take us some days to be ready for our examination.

Will it take us several days to be ready for our examination?

... to learn English words?

...to make a report?

... to get to the place of our destination?

XXL Matnni diqqat bilan o’qing va do’stingizga xat yozing:


Mr. J. Grimman68,

Highway St.,New

York, USA

Dear John,

1 meant to write you at once, but it took me rather long to get used to College life. Things are much easier now, but the trouble with my life in the College is that they expect you to know such a lot of things you've never learnt. To be quite honest, I never knew I was so much behind the others. It'll take me months of real hard work to catch up with the fellows.

Now, more news coming, if you're still interested. They arranged a Frenchman basketball team and I'm joining it. There'll be a sports competition at the end of the term. I hope I'll be good enough to take part in it.

That was good news. Now for the bad ones. You know what happened? I failed in math. It wasn't really my fault, it was just bad luck. I'll take another exam next month and I'll do my best to pass it.

That's all now. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours, sincerely


XXII. Quyidagi savollarga javob bering:

1. Where was Dan studying? 2. Why didn't he keep his promise to write to his brother as soon as he arrived at College? 3. What troubles had Dan at the College? 4. What sport team did he want to join? 5. When will Dan take his next exam in math? 6. He is going to.take another exam in mathematics, isn't he?
XXIII. Dialogni rollar bo’yicha o’qing va yodlang:
A. — Hello Bob, how are you? A. — Where were you yester¬day?

A. — Are you going to enter the University?

B. Fine, thank you. B. — I was at the reading hall of the library.

B. — Yes,I am. I am going to enter National University of Uz¬bekistan.I'll take my entrance exams for the biological depa¬rtment..

A. — Oh, I see, I wish you B. —Thank you good luck.
XXIV. Quyidagi so’z va iboralarni ishlatnb qisqacha hikoya tu zing:
Mavzular: 1. Entering the University.

2. My work at the laboratory.

3. My future plans.

to be going to enter the University

universitetga kirishga harakat qilmoq

to prepare for entrance exams

kirish imtihonlariga tayyorlanmoq

to be busy with

band bo’lmoq

to take exams

imtihon topshirmoq

to pass exams successtully

imtihonlardan muvaffaqiyatli

to produce


to develop

ishlab chiqarmoq

to work at some problems


to conduct an experiment

biror masala ustida ishlamoq


tajriba o’tkazmoq

up to date equipment

apparat, asbob

to work hard

zamonaviy jihoz

to graduate from

qattiq ishlamoq

to become an engineer

muhandis bo’lmoq,

my aim

mening maqsadim



to take part in


in the field of science

fan sohasida

my speciality

mening kasbim

on my speciality

kasbim ustida

Mustaqil ish uchun vazifalar

XXV. Quyidagi gaplarni namunaga binoan bajaring:
Namuna: Kirsam maylimi?

May I come in?

1. Soat 7 da kelishim mumkinmi? 2. Bir stakan kofe ichsam maylimi? 3. Shu kitobni olsam maylimi? 4. Shuni bir o’zim tarjima qilsam mumkinmi? 5. Sizga o’z shahrim haqida gapirib bersam maylimi?
Namuna: Siz 7 minutda pochtagacha bora olasizmi? Can you get to the post-office in seven minutes?

1. Siz menga yordam bera olasizmi? 2. Siz Petya bilan institutda uchrasha olasizmi? 3. Siz u bilan gaplasha olasizmi? 4. Siz shu vaqtda dorilfununga kela olasizmi?

Namuna: Siz ozgina uxlab olishingiz kerak.. You must sleep a little.

1. U ozgina ovqatlanib olishi kerak. 2. Siz bir piyola choy ichib olishingiz kerak. 3. U magazinga borib kelishi kerak. 4. Men soat 7 da turishim lozim. 5. Biz ularni ko’rib kelishimiz kerak.

XXVI. Sanoq va tartib sonlarni ishlatib, inglizcha o’qing:

Model: 10- 6et — page ten yoki the tenth page

5- dars; 2- bet; 4- qism; 5- mashq; 9- paragraf; 7- bo’lim.
XXVII. Faqat tartib sonlarni ishlatib inglizcha o’qing:

23- avtobus; 3- tramvay; 10- uy; 5- xona; 305- xona; 40- o’lcham;

26- guruh.
XXVIII.O’nli kasrlarni inglizcha o’qing:

Model:0.25 – nought point two five point two five 0.5; 12.103;

23.76; 14.105;15.105.

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