Local tax tables To select or add a new locality and update information for local
withholding, choose Setup / PayCheck Tax Information / Local. The
program maintains a separate set of tables for each locality. Please note
that all tables should reflect annual (not monthly) amounts.
PayCheck items This section applies only to clients using CBS PayCheck. To add, edit, or
delete PayCheck item information, choose Setup / PayCheck Tax Information and then choose Pay Items, Deduction Items, or
Withholding Items.
Important! CBS PayCheck items are the same as CSA payroll items.
Each time you choose Setup / PayCheck Tax Information / Pay Items,
Deduction Items, or Withholding Items, the program automatically
displays PayCheck items that are based on your current CSA payroll
items. Write-Up CS users who are not licensed users of Payroll CS
find additional information for PayCheck items available within
Accountant’s Assistant that are not available from the CSA main
Client Setup in Accountant’s Assistant 88 Accountant’s Assistant Handbook