To consider how you might create new opportunities for students to work in small collaborative groups within the classroom setting, try answering the following questions. 1. Make a list of all the ways you have already used collaborative group-work in your teaching.
2. Brainstorm at least three new ways you can integrate small collaborative group-work into your
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Teaching and learning approaches
67 Select at least one of the ideas from question #2 to expand in the following questions. 3. What resources and materials might you need to make that change? How can you capture
4. What new knowledge and skills do you need to facilitate that change?
5. Where can you find resources to help you gain the knowledge and skills you might need?
6. What are two things you can do to prepare students for the potential discomforts of working
actively in groups or pairs during class, when they might be accustomed to receiving information
from the instructor?
Road to Global Citizenship: An Educator’s Toolbook