12-module. The origin of banks and the banking system ........... 209 12.1. The historical conditions that led to the emergence of
banks. .............................................................................................. 209
12.2. Banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. ................... 212
12.3. Banking system and its elements. ......................................... 214
12.4. Reasons and conditions for the emergence of central banks 218
13-module. Central bank and its functions .................................. 222 13.1. Organizational structure of the Central Bank. ...................... 222
13.2. Objectives of the Central Bank. ............................................ 224
13.3. Functions of the central bank. ............................................... 226
14-module. Active and liability operations of the central bank . 231 14.1. Active operations of the central bank. .................................. 232
14.2. Passive operations of the Central Bank. ............................... 236
15-module. Independence of the central bank. ............................ 243 15.1. Economic independence of the central bank and the procedure
for its assessment. Political independence of the central bank and the
procedure for its assessment. .......................................................... 243
15.2. Scale of independence of central banks. The degree of
independence of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. ...................... 244
15.3. Degree of independence of the European Central Bank. Degree
of independence of the Central Bank of Japan. The degree of
independence of the Central Banks of countries with economies in
transition. ........................................................................................ 248
15.4. Degree of independence of the Central Bank of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. ..................................................................................... 255