IV = MQ + MO
We conclude from this. It is necessary to have manpower and means
of production to organize
the production process. The process of production takes place only when the human labor force
the means of production, and the factors of production constitute the material form of the
production process. This factor, which is necessary for production, is constantly improving under the
influence of advances in science and technology. The human factor is the most important of these
factors. It is impossible to organize production without this factor. That is why we must always use
the human factor wisely and carefully. The demand for the human factor depends on the size of the
production process and the technologies used in it. Changes
in production technologies, that is,
improvements, determine the human factor - the demand for labor. The production process is divided
into two types: material production process and intangible production process.
The process of material production consists of industries that produce raw materials and
products necessary for the development of society:
industry, construction,
transport, agriculture,
communal services, consumer services and others. Intangible production consists of intangible goods,
spiritual values, intangible services: health, education and other similar sectors.
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