Putting Clips in Motion
Move the current-time indicator to the third keyframe, and click the Rotation
Add/Remove Keyframe button. That adds a keyframe with the same value as the
preceding keyframe.
Move the current-time indicator to the end of the clip.
Click the Rotation disclosure triangle to expand the Rotation parameter, and
drag the Rotation circle counterclockwise twice. Note that you can’t use the
Program Monitor bounding box to adjust Rotation because the clip has been
shrunk to a point.
That returns Rotation to its default setting of 0.0°. If you can’t see the keyframe
graphs, expand the Scale and Rotation parameters. Play this clip. It will rotate
clockwise twice, hold, and then rotate counterclockwise.
Play this effect. It should look similar to the effect in the Finished sequence. A
difference between this effect and what you see in the Finished sequence is that
the rotation suddenly stops and starts. You’ll fix that next.
If you like the effect, you can save it as a preset. Right-click (Windows) or
Control-click (Mac OS) the Motion effect, and choose Save Preset.
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