All in all, you got out very well. What tipped you off that we were near a top? At that time, we had many wild markets. One of my rales was to get out when the volatility and the
momentum became absolutely insane. One way I had of measuring that was with limit days. In those days, we used
to have a lot of situations when a market would go limit-up for a number of consecutive days. On the third straight
limit-up day, I would begin to be very, very cautious. I would almost always get out on the fourth limit-up day. And, if
I had somehow survived with any part of my position that long, I had a mandatory rale to get out on the fifth limit-up
day. I just forced myself out of the market on that kind of volatility.
Your transition from being a losing trader to being very successful coincided with the big bull phase in the commodity markets during the early to mid-1970s. How much of your early success was due to your skills as a trader and how much was just the markets? Honestly, I think the markets were so good, that by buying and holding you just couldn't lose. There were a
lot of other success stories. Fortunes were being made.
But a lot of those people didn't keep their fortunes. That's true. But, I was very fortunate. By the time the markets got difficult again, I was a good trader. By
then, I had really learned my craft. Also, by that time, I had the advantage of having become very knowledgeable in
one market: cocoa. For almost two years, I traded almost nothing but cocoa, because of the information and help I
got from Helmut Weymar [the founder of Commodities Corporation]. Helmut was an incredible expert on cocoa. He
wrote a book that was so deep I couldn't understand the cover. Also, he had all kinds of friends in the business. With
the knowledge and information I got from Helmut and his friends, I felt that I knew the universe of cocoa in a way
that I had never known any market before.