Steps for making ethical decisions Identify the ethical problem.
List the facts that have an influence on the decision.
Identify anyone who might be affected by your
decision and how.
Explain what each affected person would want
you to do about the issue.
List three alternative actions and identify the
best and worst case scenario for each alternative,
anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and
how), any values that would be compromised
by selecting this alternative, and any automatic
reasons why this alternative should not be selected
(legal issues, rules, etc.).
Fill in the gaps with proper verb forms and
compare with vour partner's answers.
Cat saved a family from house fire Damira Nashirova
(be waken up)
at 4:45 a.m. by the cries of the family cat, Momiqoy,
owning from the garage. D am ira________ (go)
down stairs to see what the fuss______ (be) about.
What she_______ (see) was smoke and flames; she
quickly________ (grab) the cat and
back inside to wake up her husband and their children.
The f ire ________ (destroy) the garage and a
bedroom. None of the family________ (get harmed)
thanks to the cat’s cries. As an interesting side note,
none of the family_________ (be fond o f ) the cat
before this incident. Damira Nashirova _
(claim) “We love it now. This thing is getting some
tuna tonight!”
7 Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps and compare
Gorilla saved a boy from being attacked On August 16, 1996 in the
Brookfield Zoo, a 3 year old boy
________ (fall) into a Gorilla
enclosure a n d _______ (loose)
consciousness. Binti Jua a female
Lowland G o rilla,______ (guard) the
young boy from the other Gorillas in the enclosure,
she then________ (cradle) him in her arms, while
her own 17 month old baby______ (be) on her back
and_______ (carry) the boy 60 feet to an entrance
where zoo-keepers________ (can retrieve) him.
8 Read the quotes and discuss them with your