1. D e c e n t ships never stay in the harbour
3. Ships are not built in harbour
2. Being safe doesn’t mean being satisfied.
10 Read the text and complete the blanks with appropriate endings below.
a. I wish I had...
b. you’ll never be a winner.
c. navigate to the port of your dreams
d. hold on tight to the wheel
That is a powerful quote and it can also be used for
how we live our lives in general. Do we want to play it
safe or do we want to discover our purpose?
If you don’t go for it; if you don’t reach for the
stars; if you don’t take chances you’ll____ (
As Wayne Gretzky put it: “
You’ll always miss 100 percent o f the shots you don’t take.” No-one in their senior years looks back and regrets
things that they tried to do— but they do regret things
that they did not try to do. Don’t be afraid to take
chances. Don’t end up reviewing your life saying *___
(2)” or
“I f only I had When I talk about taking chances and taking
risks I don’t mean___ (3). I ’m talking about taking
calculated risks where you have done your research
and assessed an opportunity
Mark Twain, encouraging adventurism, said,
“Sail away from the safe h a r b o r But you wouldn’t want to
sail away without making sure that all of the rigging
was secure and your boat was loaded with provisions;
that you had an experienced and trusted crew at your
side; and you had a clear idea how to ___ (4).
So here are some actions you should take.
e. a leap forwards
f. years of hard experience
g. rolling the dice and putting everything on number
Take calculated risks, i Always weigh up the costs and I
benefits and work out the worst •
case scenario of failure. I ’m a I
firm believer in listening to my I
gut, going with my intuition. But i
the “gut feeling” is not irrational I
because it is based on___ (5).