The “xin (heartmind) governs and unifies that nature and the feelings”
The “xin (heartmind) governs and unifies that nature and the feelings”
Which “nature (xing)”?
Metaphysical nature (= li)
Qi-nature (can be obscured)
How do we know what our true, metaphysical nature is?
Our deepest, unchanging and automatic reactions (“Four beginnings”)
“Nature is the state before activity begins, the feelings are the state when activity has started, and the mind includes both these states. For nature is the mind before activity has begun, while feelings are the mind after activity has started.… Desire emanates from feelings. The mind is comparable to water, nature is comparable to the tranquility of still water, feeling is comparable to the flow of the water, and desire is comparable to its waves. Just as there are good and bad waves, so there are good desires, such as when “I desire humaneness,” and bad desires which rush out like wild and violent waves.”
Lesser Learning and Greater Learning (§§1.5 - 1.7)
Lesser Learning and Greater Learning (§§1.5 - 1.7)