Ping Interface to the pi systemPerformance Point Configuration
RenameRight-click the line belonging to the tag and select “Rename” in order to rename the Performance Point. StatusThe Status column in the Performance Points table indicates whether the Performance Point exists for the scan class in column 2.
Scan ClassThe Scan Class column indicates which scan class the Performance Point in the Tagname column belongs to. There will be one scan class in the Scan Class column for each scan class listed in the Scan Classes combo box on the UniInt Parameters tab. TagnameThe Tagname column holds the Performance Point tag name. SnapshotThe Snapshot column holds the snapshot value of each Performance Point that exists in PI. The Snapshot column is updated when the Performance Points/Counters tab is clicked, and when the interface is first loaded. Configuring Performance Points ManuallyPerformance point configuration is the same on all operating system platforms. Performance points are configured as follows.
I/O Rate Point ConfigurationAn I/O Rate point measures the throughput of an Interface. In particular, the value of an I/O Rate point represents a 10-minute average of the total number of values per minute that the Interface sends to the PI Server. Because values are averaged over a 10-minute interval, the first value is not written to PI Server until 10 minutes after the Interface has started. The user can configure one I/O Rate point for each copy of the Interface that is in use. PI System documentation often use the terms Event Counter Tag and I/O Rate Point synonymously. Monitoring I/O Rates on the Interface NodeBecause an I/O Rate point is a PI point, the user can run standard PI client applications to monitor its value. For example, the user can use PI-ProcessBook to build and view a trend that displays the most recent 8-hour values for an I/O Rate point. Configuring I/O Rate Tags with PI ICU (Windows)The PI Interface Configuration Utility (PI ICU) provides a user interface for creating and managing I/O Rate Points. ![]() PI ICU currently allows for one I/O Rate tag to be configured for each copy of the interface that is in use. Some interfaces allow for multiple I/O Rate tags. Enable IORates for this InterfaceThe Enable IORates for this interface check box enables or disables I/O Rates for the current interface. To disable I/O Rates for the selected interface, uncheck this box. To enable I/O Rates for the selected interface, check this box. Tag StatusThe Tag Status column indicates whether the I/O Rate tag exists in PI. The possible states are:
In FileThe In File column indicates whether the I/O Rate tag listed in the tag name and the event counter is in the IORates.dat file. The possible states are:
Event CounterThe Event Counter correlates a tag specified in the iorates.dat file with this copy of the interface. The command line equivalent is /ec=x, where x is the same number that is assigned to a tag name in the iorates.dat file. TagnameThe tag name listed under the Tagname column is the name of the I/O Rate tag. SnapshotThe Snapshot column holds the snapshot value of the I/O Rate tag, if the I/O Rate tag exists in PI. The Snapshot column is updated when the IORates/Status Tags tab is clicked, and when the Interface is first loaded. Right Mouse Button Menu OptionsCreate Create the suggested I/O Rate tag with the tag name indicated in the Tagname column. DeleteDelete the I/O Rate tag listed in the Tagname column. RenameAllow the user to specify a new name for the I/O Rate tag listed in the Tagname column. Add to FileAdd the tag to the IORates.dat file with the event counter listed in the Event Counter Column. SearchAllow the user to search the PI Server for a previously defined I/O Rate tag. Yüklə 271,98 Kb. Dostları ilə paylaş: |