Planning scheme ordinance for area 02/1 commercial-industrial zone komenda ozka dela – stage II

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Under Articles 14, 15, and 98 of the Spatial Planning Act (OG RS No. 33/07), Article 31 of Statut Občine Komenda [the Statute of the Community of Komenda] (OG RS Nos. 37/99, 83/99, Uradna objava in Glasilo Občine Komenda [Official Notices in the Gazette of the Community of Komenda] Nos. 01/01, 10/05), and Program priprave lokacijskega načrta območja 02/1 Poslovno proizvodne cone Ozka dela – II. faza [the Schedule for the Development of the Planning Scheme for Area 02/1 Commercial-Industrial Zone Ozka dela – Stage II] (Uradna objava in Glasilo Občine Komenda [Official Notice in the Gazette of the Community of Komenda] No. 09/05), the Council of the Community of Komenda at its 14th Session held on 21 February 2008 adopted the following





Article 1

(The subject and basis of the Planning Scheme)
This Ordinance, subject to Spremembe in dopolnitve prostorskih sestavin dolgoročnega plana občine Kamnik [Amendments to Spatial Content of the Long-term Plan of the Municipality of Kamnik], 1986 –2000 and the medium-term plan of the Municipality of Kamnik for the period 1986 – 1990, applicable to the Community of Komenda (relating to Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda, Stage II) – hereinafter: Spatial Content of the Long-term Development Plan of the Community of Komenda (Prostorske sestavine dolgoročnega in družbenega plana občine Komenda, Uradna objava Glasila Občine Komenda [Official Notice in the Gazette of the Community of Komenda] No. 06/04), shall be accepted as the adoption of the Planning Scheme for Area 02/1 Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda – Ozka dela – Stage II (hereinafter: the Planning Scheme). The Planning Scheme has been drawn up by UB, Urbanistični biro, družba za urejanje okolja, d. o. o., Kamnik, Project Reference No. 05/2006, in June 2006 and amended in October 2007. In accordance with Decision 35409-103/2005-JL of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia (MOP RS) of 5 January 2006, for the purpose of developing the Planning Scheme a comprehensive Environmental Impact Analysis had to be carried out. The document is consistent with the revised version of the environmental report for Area OLN 02/1 Commercial-Industrial Zone Ozka dela – Stage II (IPSUM, Okoljske investicije, d.o.o., 2006); as part of the comprehensive Environmental Impact Analysis, MOP RS also approved the proposed Planning Scheme for Area 02/1 Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda – Ozka dela – Stage II (Approval No. 35409-103/2005 dated 28. 11. 2007).

Article 2

(The content and purpose of the Planning Scheme)
The Planning Scheme stipulates urban and landscape design solutions in relation to the proposed spatial design of Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda – Stage II, planning and technical conditions, guidelines for the design and construction of buildings and structures, as well as other terms and conditions, requirements and measures for the implementation of proposed solutions.

Article 3

(Elements of the Planning Scheme)
The Planning Scheme includes textual information and cartographic information.
(A) Textual information includes the following:
I. General provisions

II. Description of Area 02/1 – Stage II:

  1. Spatial design

  2. Proposed development

III. Integration into the environment:

  1. Impacts and interfaces with adjoining properties

  2. Proposed use of the area covered by the Planning Scheme

  3. Proposed design solutions applicable to buildings, structures and land

IV. Planning conditions and guidelines for design and construction:

  1. Urban design guidelines

  2. Architectural design guidelines

  3. Landscape design guidelines

V. Infrastructure design:

  1. Access points (connection to Stage I 02)

  2. Traffic arrangements inside the Zone

  3. General standards and conditions applicable to the design of public utility infrastructure

  4. Discharge and treatment of wastewater and stormwater drainage

  5. Drinking water supply and hydrant network

  6. Gas supply

  7. Electricity supply

  8. Telecommunications infrastructure

  9. Waste management and disposal

  10. Infrastructure implementation schedule

VI. Solutions and measures in relation to the protection of the environment, nature preservation, protection of cultural heritage and sustainable use of natural resources.

  1. Protection of the environment – general requirements

  2. Soil

  3. Forest protection measures

  4. Water protection measures

  5. Protection of natural features

  6. Protection of cultural heritage

  7. Noise protection

  8. Air protection

VII. Solutions and measures for the prevention and protection from natural and other disasters:

  1. Protection from natural and other disasters; fire protection.

VIII. Implementation stages and other conditions for the implementation of the Planning Scheme:

  1. Implementation stages

  2. General obligations during construction, monitoring and construction site management

  3. Financing of the proposed development

  4. Acceptable derogations

IX. Proposed development outside the area covered by the Planning Scheme:

  1. Traffic

  2. Public utility infrastructure, energy infrastructure

X. Index of Annexes to the Planning Scheme

XI. Guidelines on establishing standards and conditions after the expiry of the Planning Scheme

XII. Final provisions

(B) Cartographic information includes design drawings for the designated use of the area, maps of the proposed development including subdivision maps, and integration of the proposed development into the environment indicating impacts and interfaces with adjoining properties, as follows:

1. Drawings for the designated use of the area:


Detail from the cartographic part of the Long-term Plan

Scale 1:5000


Conceptual design of Area 02/1 – Stage II

Scale 1:2000


Subdivision layout

Scale 1:2000


Geodesic map

Scale 1:2000


Zone placement in the broader area (ortophoto)

Scale 1:2000

2. Map of the proposed development including subdivision map:


Planning zone with the layout of proposed permanent and temporary buildings/structures

Scale 1:2000


Graphic representation of the impact area in relation to individual lots

Scale 1:2000


External boundaries and location of the proposed development in the boarder area (intelligible topographic map)

Scale 1:2000


Subdivision map

Scale 1:2000

3. Integration of the proposed development in the environment including impacts and interfaces with adjoining properties


Layout of public spaces and common areas including functional and aesthetic design

Scale 1:2000


Layout of buildings and structures on individual lots

Scale 1:2000


Technical conditions and engineering design guidelines

Scale 1:2000


Regulations and layouts of buildings and structures

Scale 1:2000


Impact of the proposed development on urban and landscape features and interfaces with adjoining properties

Scale 1:2000


Conceptual design of road infrastructure

Scale 1:2000


Water and sewerage infrastructure layout

Scale 1:2000


Solutions and measures in relation to the protection of the environment, nature preservation, protection of cultural heritage and sustainable use of natural resources

Scale 1:2000


Implementation stages

Scale 1:2000

Article 4

(Spatial design)

The Planning Scheme stipulates applicable standards and solutions in relation to the proposed development i.e. the construction of administrative and office buildings; industrial facilities and warehouses with associated service facilities; retail and other service-oriented businesses; buildings for culture and entertainment; and hotels.

The Zone is situated south of the existing Commercial-Industrial Zone 02 Ozka dela along the regional road Moste – Vodice. It features a functional division into sectors, which are interconnected by a system of internal roads.

Article 5

(Proposed development)

The proposed development covered by the Planning Scheme with its twenty-two functional sectors and proposed green area and traffic design includes lot numbers or parts of lot numbers, all of which are located in Land Register District Moste and Land Register District Suhadole, as evident from the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme, Map nos. 1/4 (Geodesic map – Geodetski biro Apolonij d.o.o., January 2006), 2/1 (Planning zone with the layout of proposed permanent and temporary buildings/structures) and 2/3 (External boundaries and location of the proposed development in the boarder area).

The total surface area of the proposed development 02/1 Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda – Ozka dela, Stage II is 75.22 hectares.

To the west, the proposed development extends all the way to the shire boundary of the Community of Vodice (Land Register District Bukovica); in the north it borders on (and in places intersects with) the existing commercial-industrial zone; in the south the boundaries constitute the gas transmission corridor M2, MMRP Rogatec Vodice, and certain natural features of the terrain, while in the east the Zone stretches all the way to the existing woodland.

Article 6

(Impacts and interfaces with adjoining properties)

The proposed development features transport-, energy-, utility- and other interfaces with the infrastructure on adjoining properties; while the operation of the Zone has a certain impact on its immediate environment, it does not significantly interfere with living and working conditions on adjoining properties. Zone’s placement in the broader area dictates a development concept that enables the Zone to progressively blend in, via a multipurpose green belt, with the existing woodland along the perimeter of the proposed development.
Outside the proposed development covered by the Planning Scheme as outlined in the preceding article of this Ordinance, the Ordinance also stipulates the layout of newly constructed utility-, energy- and telecommunications infrastructure, and the access road to the existing roundabout in the already developed part of the Zone. To ensure the deployment of public utility infrastructure inside the commercial-industrial zone, the proposed development needs to be connected to the existing public utility and energy infrastructure outside the proposed development. The layout of the aforementioned infrastructure connections is provided in the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme.
In addition to the abovementioned lot numbers, lot numbers may be added to or excluded from the scope of development activities outside the proposed development covered by the Planning Scheme, should the necessity of such a measure become apparent in the course of drafting the public utility infrastructure design documentation. Outside the proposed development covered by the Planning Scheme there shall be no interventions in the Natura 2002 reserve and its 100-metre direct impact area.

Article 7

(Proposed use of the area covered by the Planning Scheme)
The proposed use of the area covered by the Planning Scheme is the development of a commercial-industrial zone, which features, given the extent and location in the boarder area, a wide range of compatible activities which complement the existing industrial complex along the regional road. The Zone is divided into designated functional sectors, which gradually intensify from business and retail activities along the primary collector road (A) leading to the existing roundabout in a south-easterly direction and extending across the entire area, to manufacturing, warehousing and service activities along secondary (B1, B2) and tertiary (C1, C2) collector roads. The intersection of the two major traffic routes, the primary collector road (A) and the primary connector road (3), defines a focal point i.e. the hub of business-, retail-, cultural and entertainment activities. The central green belt of the Zone, which accounts for 9.13 % of the total surface area, has been designated for hospitality, catering, socialising and entertainment; these activities, interspersed by quieter, office-type businesses, continue along the Zone perimeter. The green perimeter performs the function of a park covering 5.0 hectares or 6.64 % of the Zone, and provides the means of a gradual transition into the wooded area or agricultural land. Transport routes and the immediately adjacent energy-, public utility- and telecommunications infrastructure corridor account for a comparatively minor part (14.81 %) of the Zone. Some building land has been allocated for off-street parking facilities and gas- and power supply infrastructure.

Functional units FeP 20/5, FeP 22/2 and FeP22/3 may not be used for manufacturing purposes.

Article 8

(Proposed design solutions applicable to buildings, structures and land)

The proposed expansion of the existing Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda follows the previously adopted guidelines and development concept introduced by the implementation of Stage I of the Zone. It is determined by the main purpose of the development and features a functional division of the Zone into twenty-two sectors achieved by a system of longitudinal and transversal transport routes.

Six sectors (FC2, FC3, FC7, FC8, FC14 and FC15) located along the primary collector road (A) constitute the business-retail core of the Zone. Sectors FC2 and FC3 in conjunction with peripheral sector FC1 also provide a functional transition and demarcation of the existing commercial-industrial zone.

The remaining sectors that make up the central part of the Zone are situated along secondary collector roads B1 and B2 (FC4, FC9, FC6 and FC13), and at the extreme south-eastern and north-eastern ends of the central part of the Zone along two tertiary collector roads C1 and C2 (FC5, FC10, FC11, FC12, FC16 and FC17).

South-east of the primary connector road (3), which is perpendicular to the abovementioned collector roads and represents the main transversal route through the Zone (providing an opportunity for a connection to the business terminal in case of a future eastern railway line connecting the country capital with the national airport at Brnik; the connection to the business terminal, which will take place outside the proposed development covered by the Planning Scheme, shall not interfere with the Natura 2000 reserve and its 100-metre direct impact area), we find the remaining sectors (FC18 to FC22) which, speckled with low rise buildings, constitute a transition into the green area at the southern end of the Zone.

Detailed layouts are included in the relevant parts of the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme.

Article 9

(Urban design guidelines)

(I.) Given the proposed scope of business activities and the layout of individual buildings/structures in the broader area of the Zone (functional sector) or on individual building lots (functional units), buildings/structures and their maximum dimensions permitted on individual building lots have been identified as follows:

  1. Type I (28 buildings/structures in total): maximum dimensions 17 m x 34 m (width x length or length x width), height (K) + P + 4 (16.5 m above the developed terrain). Type I buildings/structures are proposed mainly along the primary collector road of the Zone;

  2. Type II (54 buildings/structures in total): maximum dimensions 17 m x 34 m (width x length or length x width) (same as Type I), height (K) + P + 3 (14.0 m above the developed terrain);

  3. Type III (8 buildings/structures in total): maximum dimensions 17 m x 17 m (width x length or length x width), height (K) + P + 3 (14.0 m above the developed terrain).

  4. Type IV (38 buildings/structures in total including a parking facility): maximum dimensions 34 m x 34 m (width x length or length x width), height (K) + P + 3 (14.0 m above the developed terrain);

  5. Type V (39 buildings/structures in total, including several parking facilities): maximum dimensions 34 m x 84 m (width x length or length x width), height (K) + P + 3 (14.0 m above the developed terrain);

  6. Type VI: a building/structure whose form and function represent the primary focus of the Zone; situated in the vicinity of the intersection of primary collector road A (cardo maximus) and primary connector road 3 (cardo decumanus); maximum dimensions of the basement and lower storeys 84 m x 84 m (width x length or length x width), may be reduced with increasing height; height = (K) + P + 7 (25.0 m above the surrounding terrain) or more but not exceeding the parameters imposed by the competent spatial planning authority (the approach plane of the Ljubljana airport – control zone CTR, restricted airspace);

  7. Type VII: 2 buildings/structures in total representing the secondary focus of the Zone; adjacent to the existing roundabout in the axis of the main collector road of Stage I of the Commercial-Industrial Zone; maximum dimensions 17 m x 34 m (width x length or length x width), height (K) + P + 3 (24.0 m above the surrounding terrain).

(II.) Floor dimensions of buildings/structures in the Planning Scheme may not exceed maximum floor dimensions of buildings/structures as defined in the preceding paragraph (I.) of this Article and indicated in the cartographic part of the Scheme. The sizes of buildings/structures are determined by lot size and layout (designed so as to fit into the available space) on one side and the functional division of the Zone into twenty-two sectors on the other. They are determined by the sizes of individual building lots (functional units), which shall feature a minimum 8.00-metre distance between the fence boundary and any building/structure on all sides; the exception to this rule are certain building lots situated on the perimeter of the proposed development (FeP 1/3, FeP 2/8, FeP 3/4, FeP 3/5, FeP 3/6, FeP 10/1, FeP 11/4, FeP 15/10, FeP 17/8, FeP 18/1 and FeP 18/3) where the applicable minimum distance from the boundary shall be the distance indicated in the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme. The remainder of the land, subject to certain restrictions (e.g. provision of adequate space for stationary traffic, manoeuvring of freight and personal vehicles, pedestrian access etc.), may be taken up by buildings/structures. Building height (vertical dimensions) except for Type VI and Type VII buildings/structures is restricted to 16.5 m (Type I) and 14.00 m (all other Types), respectively, above the level of the developed terrain, where the ground floor level has to correspond to the proposed design solutions for the discharge of runoff water. This type of building/structure design may feature several storeys where however the gross size of the premises and business activity are directly related to the provision of adequate space for stationary traffic for employees as well as visitors/customers. The lack of adequate parking on own land shall be compensated by designated parking facilities as provided by the Rules and Regulations on the Operation of Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda, which shall be attached to the adopted Planning Scheme and to each individual contract between the investor and the entity managing the Zone, in the form of an annex. Maximum building lot utilisation factor (FI), maximum building lot capacity (FP), maximum percentage of lot built-up area (FZ), maximum building/structure height determined by building/structure Type, maximum building/structure volume (P) and maximum functional unit i.e. building lot size (GP) have been assigned to all functional units in each sector. Rules also apply to building lines and boundaries i.e. regulation lines, and to the amalgamation of individual building lots (which may be permitted under certain conditions).

(III.) The entire Area 02/1 – Stage II has been divided into functional sectors as follows: buildings and structures (FCP), green barrier zones (FZ1 and FZ3), green buffer zones (FZ2, FZ4 and FZ5), and transport infrastructure zones (FCI).
(III./I.) Functional sectors designated for buildings and structures (twenty-two sectors) have been subdivided as follows:

  1. Functional sector FC P1, situated in the northern part of the proposed development, shall feature three Type II buildings/structures; it also provides for the completion of the building/structure proposed under Stage I of the Zone development; FC P1 total surface area: 0.70 hectares;

  2. Functional sector FC P2, situated northeast of the existing roundabout, shall feature three Type II buildings/structures and one Type III building/structure; it also provides for the completion of two buildings/structures proposed under Stage I of the Zone development; FC P2 total surface area: 1.30 hectares;

  3. Functional sector FC P3, situated south of the existing roundabout, shall feature two Type VII buildings/structures and four Type IV buildings/structures; it also provides for the completion of the building/structure proposed under Stage I of the Zone development; FC P3 total surface area: 1.59 hectares;

  4. Functional sector FC P4, adjacent to the existing retarding basin, shall feature two Type II buildings/structures; FC P4 total surface area: 0.55 hectares;

  5. Functional sector FC P5, situated next to roundabout 1/C1 and adjoining the green buffer zone, shall feature one Type II building/structure and one Type IV structure; FC P5 total surface area: 0.36 hectares;

  6. Functional sector FC P6, bordering on secondary collector road B1 on the south and primary connector road 1 on the west, shall feature five Type II buildings/structures, two Type IV buildings/structures and three Type V buildings/structures; furthermore, it includes land designated for the construction of gas supply infrastructure (EP) and provides for the construction of a Type V parking facility; FC P6 total surface area: 3.64 hectares;

  7. Functional sector FC P7, situated in the northern part of the proposed development along primary collector road A and bordering on primary connector road 2 on the east and secondary connector road 1 on the west, shall feature six Type I buildings/structures, four Type II buildings/structures and four Type V buildings/structures (including the provision for a Type V parking facility); FC P7 total surface area: 4.47 hectares;

  8. Functional sector FC P8, extending along primary collector road A, shall feature six Type I buildings/structures, two Type II buildings/structures, two Type IV buildings/structures and four Type V buildings/structures including one Type V parking facility adjacent to the land designated for the construction of gas supply infrastructure (EP); FC P8 total surface area: 4.46 hectares;

  9. Functional sector FC P9, nestled between secondary collector road B2 and tertiary collector road C2 in the south-western part of the proposed development, shall feature four Type II buildings/structures and four Type V buildings/structures; FC P9 total surface area: 2.96 hectares;

  10. Functional sector FC P10, situated along the south-western perimeter of the commercial-industrial zone adjacent to the wooded area of the neighbouring Community of Vodice, shall feature six Type II buildings/structures; FC P10 total surface area: 1.26 hectares;

  11. Functional sector FC P11, situated at the far end of the south-eastern part of the Commercial-Industrial Zone accessible via tertiary collector road 3, has been designated for two Type IV buildings/structures, one Type II building/structure and, given the suitability of the location, a Type V parking facility; FC P11 total surface area: 1.23 hectares;

  12. Functional sector FC P12, nestled between tertiary roads C1 and C3 and primary connector road 3 on the eastern side, and primary connector road 2 on the western side, shall feature thirteen Type IV buildings/structures; FC P12 total surface area: 3.23 hectares;

  13. Functional sector FC P13, nestled between secondary collector road B1, tertiary collector road C1 and primary connector roads 2 and 3, shall feature two Type II buildings/structures, seven Type V buildings/structures and eight Type IV buildings/structures including the provision for the construction of a parking facility and gas supply infrastructure (EP); FC P13 total surface area: 5.97 hectares;

  14. Functional sector FC P14, situated at the intersection of primary collector road A and primary connector road 3, represents a focal point of the proposed development, which is also reflected in the proposed types of buildings/structures; it shall feature one Type VI structure, three Type V buildings/structures, two parking facilities (also Type V), eight Type I buildings/structures and two Type II buildings/structures; FC P14 total surface area: 5.976 hectares;

  15. Functional sector FC P15 shall feature seven Type I buildings/structures, one Type III building/structure and two Type II buildings/structures; the building lots of the latter may also be used for the construction of pumping stations for runoff water; FC P15 total surface area: 2.42 hectares;

  16. Functional sector FC P16, which given the layout of primary collector road A mirrors FC P13, is nestled between tertiary collector road C2 and primary connector roads 2 and 3; it will feature two Type II buildings/structures and seven Type V buildings/structures (the building lots of the latter may also be used for the construction of gas supply infrastructure (EP)); FC P16 total surface area: 3.97 hectares;

  17. Functional sector FC P17, situated at the far end of the south-western part of the proposed development and adjacent to the internal green buffer zone (FZ2), shall feature two Type II buildings/structures and six Type IV buildings/structures; some buildings/structures on lots FeP 17/7 and FeP 17/8 have been designated as warehouses and garages; the size of the premises designated for this purpose inside the maximum building/structure size (L x W) on lot FeP 17/7 FC P17 shall be 14 m x 8 m, while on lot FeP 17/8 the premises designated for this purpose inside the maximum building/structure size (L x W) shall take up the majority of the building/structure except for an area of 14 m x 8 m, which shall be exempt from this designated purpose; the size and layout of the parts of buildings/structures outlined above are shown in the cartographic information on the proposed development; FC P17 total surface area: 1.93 hectares;

  18. Functional sector FC P18, a minor sector in the eastern part of the proposed development, shall feature three Type II buildings/structures; FC P18 total surface area: 0.80 hectares;

  19. Functional sector FC P19, nestled between primary connector road 3 and secondary connector road 4, shall feature six Type II buildings/structures, one Type III building/structure and one Type V structure; FC P19 total surface area: 2.23 hectares;

  20. Functional sector FC P20, adjacent to FC P19, shall feature two Type V buildings/structures, one Type II building/structure and two Type III buildings/structures; building lot FeP 20/2 may also be used for the construction of a pumping station for runoff water; FC P20 total surface area: 1.67 hectares;

  21. Functional sector FC P21, situated at the far end of the green barrier zone adjoining the natural habitat at the southern end of the proposed development, shall feature two Type II buildings/structures and one Type III building/structure; FC P21 total surface area: 0.68 hectares;

  22. Functional sector FC P22, situated in the far south-eastern part of the proposed development, shall feature two Type II buildings/structures and two Type III buildings/structures; FC P22 total surface area: 0.79 hectares.

(III./II.) Sectors FZ1 and FZ3 have been designated as green barrier zones, and are subject to the construction of retarding basins.

(III./III.) Sectors FZ2, FZ4 and FZ5 comprising five hectares in total constitute parks and parking surfaces interspersed with greenery, and provide a soft transition between the built-up area on one side, and forests and agricultural land adjacent to the Commercial-Industrial Zone on the other.
(IV.) Boundary fences between individual functional sectors erected on lot boundaries feature a standard, wire mesh design; acceptable fence types are listed in the Rules and Regulations on the Operation of Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda; maximum fence height: 2.00 metres. On the inside of the fences between individual building lots, pruned hedges featuring indigenous plant species may be maintained except where a green barrier comprising a combination of indigenous plants species and park trees has been stipulated; the location of the green barrier is specified in Article 11 of the Ordinance and indicated in the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme (FZ1 and FZ3).
Article 10

(Architectural design guidelines)

In addition to urban design guidelines the Ordinance also stipulates architectural design guidelines applicable to buildings and structures in the Zone. The following common design guidelines shall apply to buildings and structures:
(1) Buildings and structures in individual functional units inside the same sector (in particular, this shall apply to the buildings and structures erected along primary collector road A) shall feature a uniform design applicable to the selection of façade material as well as window and door openings, subject to the technological characteristics of individual business activities; departures from the applicable design guidelines in terms of quality solutions may be permitted in relation to the design of buildings on lots FeP 3/1, FeP 3/4 and FeP 14/12;
(2) Roofs shall be technically flat, subject to the minimum pitch required for the drainage of stormwater off the roof; technically, roofs shall be uniform in terms of material and colour selection;
(3) Roof overhangs are not permitted; technically, the roof shall be concealed behind building façade;
(4) Buildings/structures may be site-built or prefabricated;
(5) Ancillary structures may be constructed and erected inside functional unites, in line with the applicable rules and regulations on the types of complex, less complex and simple structures, applicable rules and regulations on the terms and conditions for the construction of simple structures without a building permit, and applicable rules and regulations on the types of works involving buildings/structures and the land on which they stand, provided that the total premises of the main building for the construction of which a building permit has been issued and the premises of the ancillary structure (a) do not exceed the maximum lot built-up area as provided in the Planning Scheme and (b) remain inside applicable building lines.
(6) All vacant land inside the proposed development shall be planted with thick, tall trees in order to soften the starkness of the façades as well as provide refuge to certain fauna species.
(7) Trees shall be planted along collector and connector roads inside the Zone; these tree lines shall continue into the existing Stage I of the Commercial-Industrial Zone in the north;
(8) On developing the Commercial-Industrial Zone, part of the wooded area, which has been cut down along the western and partly eastern boundary, shall be replanted with interspersed tall trees and shrubs to an average depth of 10 metres, as evident from the cartographic part of the Planning Scheme;

Article 11

(Landscape design guidelines)
The proposed development is situated in the wooded area of the Community territory. Forests are found in sectors 31V01, 31V02, 31V03 and 31W05. All forests in the area under consideration perform a level 2 environmental hygiene & health function; the forests in the southern part of the area in sector 31W05 (Land Register District Suhadole) perform a level 1 biotope and climate function; the forests in sector 31V01 (Land Register District Moste) have a level 1 natural heritage protection function; for these reasons, wherever possible, trees shall be preserved or replaced in the extensive green belt along the watercourse (FZ 1 and FZ 3).
Along all key traffic routes tall trees shall be planted on both sides of the road, and in particular as focal points at entry points into individual functional sectors.
In the parts where the proposed development extends all the way to the adjoining farmland, peripheral areas shall be planted with tall, indigenous vegetation.
The entrance into the Zone and sides of roads and lot boundaries shall be landscaped i.e. planted with shrubs or turned into lawns, and groomed on an ongoing basis;
The green barrier sectors FZ3 and FZ1 shall feature co-natural retarding basins with an underlined biotope function. The design and construction of the retarding basin in FZ3 shall follow the implementation stages of the proposed development, in accordance with the Planning Scheme Ordinance – Commercial-Industrial Zone Komenda – Ozka dela (Ur. objave Glasila Občine Komenda [Official Notice in the Gazette of the Community of Komenda] Nos. 7/2004, 4/2006).

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