Pr. WYBO Jean-Luc was born on June 14, 1950; he is married with 2 sons.
Pr. Wybo received a Master of engineering from INSA Lyon, a Master of sciences and a Ph.D. from university of Nice. He was given the Professor Grade (HDR) by University of Compiegne.
Pr. Wybo was Professor of risk management at MINES ParisTech and did a number of research studies for private companies and public bodies. He is president of the consultancy company JLW Conseil S.A.S. and member of the SNCF international safety committee.
Pr. Wybo is Guest Professor at the European University of Cyprus where he supervises 3 PhD students. He is Editor of a special issue of “Safety Science” (Elsevier) dedicated to Railway Safety.
Pr. Wybo research activities concern the management of risky situations, from routine work to crisis situations. List of publications: