Prerequisites Install Solr using Docker:
Java version 8+
Java IDE
Task 1 - Indexing (2 Points) Find collection of the books in English language. It is better to use epub format.
Implement indexing process of these books.
Document should have the following fields: - Id - Title (book title, string) - Authors (collection of strings) - Content - Language
The process of indexing could be described as following: - Read all books from local folder - Use epubreader library (ex. com.positiondev.epublib) for transforming from File to EbubBook object - Then transform EpubBook to Book model which represent Solr document - Save Books to Solr
GET /api/v1/book/{id}
Task 2 - Search book by query (2 points) Implement API endpoint with following request:
"field": "string", // field for filtering
"value": "string", // value of the field for filtering
"facetField": "string", // field for facet
"fulltext": true, // is full text search
"q": "string" // query for full text search
The response structure is:
"books": [
"id": "string",
"authors": [
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"content": "string",
"facets": [
"valueCount": 0,
"value": "string",
"field": {
"name": "string"
"key": {
"name": "string"
"numFound": 0
Using * * implement search request to Solr using parameters from response
Task 3 - Implement autosuggestions (1 Point) Implement API endpoint which is returning array of suggestions:
GET api/v1/book/suggest?query=
Create suggest field in scheme using which is filled from Book.title & Book.authors
Add required searchComponent and requestHandler for suggestions to solrconfig.xml
Using org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient execute suggest query