Blue = Input from PPG Team requested
United Nations Development Programme
Government of South Africa
Project title: Development of Value Chains for Products derived from Genetic Resources in Compliance with the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing and the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy
Country: South Africa
Implementing Partner: Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
Responsible Parties: Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Management Arrangements: National Implementation Modality (NIM)
UNDAF/Country Program Outcome: Increase in the number of sustainable ‘green jobs’ created in the economy; Stabilisation and reduction of carbon emissions and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies fully operational.
Programme Component II: Climate Change and Greening South Africa’s Economy
UNDP Strategic Plan Output:
Output 2.5: Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions enabled to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and access and benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, in line with international conventions and national legislation
UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Category:
Medium risk
UNDP Gender Marker: GEN2
(It is designed to contribute significantly to gender equality. The different needs of women/girls and men/boys have been analysed and integrated well in the activities and outcomes.
Atlas Project ID/Award ID number: xxx
Atlas Output ID/Project ID number: xxx
UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number: 5686
GEF ID number: 9255
Planned start date: XXX
Planned end date: December 2018 to December 2024
LPAC date: Validation meeting, [UNDP TO ENTER DATE]
Brief project description: South Africa is a megadiverse country and this diversity is expressed in terms of both species richness and endemism. The conservation and sustainable use of South Africa’s biological diversity is of strategic importance for the country. So is the maintenance of ecosystem services – now and in the future. This species richness and associated genetic diversity provides an important basis for economic growth and development which underpins the well-being of society.
Under leadership of the Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa launched in 2015 its National Biodiversity Economy Strategy (NBES). The Strategy is concerned with supporting the development of businesses and economic activities that are either directly dependent on biodiversity for their core business or that contribute to conserving biodiversity through their activities. An important segment of the NBES is ‘bioprospecting’, and under it ‘biotrade’.
The project will specifically support the implementation of the NBES by focusing on the use of indigenous plants' genetic resourcesand their current and potential applications, either in pharmaceuticals, personal care products, cosmetics, enzymes or similar non-food uses. It will address both conservation and Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) issues linked to the development of different bioprospecting value chains, while also helping key players overcome related barriers and challenges.
The project will approach its core problem both throughABSpilots and ABS systemic measures that are relevant forthe ABS-conservation nexus of the bioprospecting segment. More specifically, the project will focus on bioprocessing and product development, and on removing barriers through R&D and stakeholder collaboration. Overall, the project will foster innovation, equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources, while contributing to both species and habitat conservation. Furthermore, the project will enhance South Africa’s systemic capacity development for Nagoya Protocol compliance through gender-sensitive approaches The proposed project Objective is to strengthen the value chains for products derived from indigenous plants’ genetic resources in view of contributing to the equitable sharing of benefits and conservation of biodiversity.
The realization of the project Objective will eventually lead to the following changes (project’s mid-term impact): (i) bioprospecting R&D focused on indigenous plants will make a more significant contribution to the national bioeconomy owing to at least 1 (one) new patent being registered and at least 4 (four) new market niches explored through sustainable and ABS-compliant value chains in the Northern Cape’s bioeconomy; (ii) the approach to working, management conditions and techniques will change within 5 (five) strategic value chains, to the extent that they become examples of how conservation and ABS-compliance can simultaneously be achieved through cooperation among bioeconomic players; and (iii) national capacity for the protection of traditional knowledge within the bioprospecting segment, as well as the general mainstreaming of both conservation and ABS compliance, will be gradually improved (as independently assessed). The project Objective will be achieved via three technical project Outcomes:
Outcome 1: ‘Research and development of products in line with the definition of utilization of genetic resources of the Nagoya Protocol’ aimsat supporting the completion of critical steps in many R&D processes and overcoming context-specific barriers. One important output under the first Outcome will focus on the Northern Cape Province, where support hub will be established. It will accelerate the registration – and transition to cultivation -- of the critically endangered Siphonochilus aethiopicus (African Ginger) as a medicinal product for asthma and allergies, whilst considering what would be needed for conserving the diversity of the plant’s gene pool in the wild.
Outcome 2: ‘Cooperation models support the conservation of, and commercial trade in, indigenous bioproducts’ focused on value-chain development. Both biotrade and landscape-level management are prominently featured among key activities under this outcome, where the goal is to ensure ABS compliance and sustainability. Targeted species include Pelargonium sidoides, Aloe ferox, Honeybush (including at least three species of Cyclopia spp. used in the industry) and Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis).
Outcome 3: ‘Knowledge transfer in bioprospecting and value addition is enhanced for an equitable benefit sharing’ is aimed at building the national stakeholders’ capacity for understanding ABS issues, compliance with national and international legislation and for better handling the complex inherent relationships between providers and users of genetic resources, as well as the implications of their economic activity for conservation. More specifically, the national recordal system for protecting traditional knowledge will be strengthened. Additionally, a biotrade certification system will be developed, safeguarding the biodiversity within bioprospecting value chains.
In addition to the three technical outcomes, the dissemination of project lessons – along with the application of appropriate M&E framework – will contribute to institutional, community and corporate learning through the active participation of all stakeholder groups in project implementation (Outcome 4).
Financing Plan
GEF Trust Fund
USD 6,210,046
UNDP TRAC resources
Government cost-sharing
Total Budget administered by UNDP
USD 6,210,046
Partner Managed co-financing
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
USD 30,000,000
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
USD 714,286
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)