Potential problems
Low application directly on the resources of the Climate Fund and also in lending to financial institutions qualified as operators
Lack of agencies and lack of capillarity to meet demand in the interior
Operates with large projects, excluding access possibilities for family farmers and settlers
Interest rates of the program to Combat Desertification are not attractive to the lending banks
Mitigation strategies
Negotiations among MMA, BNDES and official banks for decentralization of resources and transfers to banks with greater capillarity and agility, automatically, in tranches, so as to encourage the dissemination and adoption of SLM as a strategy to combat desertification
Negotiations regarding interest rates charged
Technical Assistance and Rural Extension
Agricultural Development Company of Sergipe (EMDAGRO)
Contributes to strengthening family farming and agribusiness expansion of the State of Sergipe, through Technical Assistance and Rural Extension, Research, Agricultural Security and agrarian reform
Responsible for ATER in the state, serving 40,000 farmers in preparation of proposals and monitoring of projects
Diagnosis of training needs and credit for rural farmers
Support and facilitate dialogue with the grassroots stakeholders (settlers and other rural communities)
Develop a new strategy for monitoring of ATER projects
Support for the actions of training and qualification of ATER services
Collaborate in the project actions and activities, in particular at field sites
Promote synergy among ATER actions in the state
Support the adoption of the SLM strategy to promote sustainable rural development and combat desertification