4 Analysing and assessing accountability
In Europe, there has long been a concern that the trend toward European policymaking is not being matched by an equally forceful creation of appropriate accountability regimes (Schmitter, 2000). Accountability deficits are said to exist and even grow, compromising the legitimacy of the European polity (Curtin, 2004; Bergman and Damgaard, 2000). But how can we make a more systematic assessment of the various public accountabilities regarding, in this case, the exercise of European governance, and establish whether and where accountability deficits do exist?
This paper has tried to get to grips with the appealing but elusive concept of accountability by asking three types of questions, thus providing three types of building blocks for such an evaluation. First a conceptual one: what exactly is meant by accountability? Accountability is often used in a very broad sense, as a synonym for a variety of evaluative, but essentially contested concepts, such as responsiveness, responsibility and effectiveness. In this paper the concept of accountability is taken in a much more narrow sense: a relationship between an actor and a forum, in which the actor has an obligation to explain and to justify his or her conduct, the forum can pose questions and pass judgment, and the actor can be sanctioned. This implies that the focus of accountability research should be on ex post facto processes in governance and not on ex ante inputs. The ex ante inputs in governance are very important for the legitimacy of the European Union, but they should be studied separately for what they are: forms of deliberation, participation, and control. Box 1 has identified seven elements that should be present to qualify a social relation or an institutional arrangement as a form of accountability.
The second question is an analytical one: what types of accountability are involved? On the basis of the narrow definition of accountability, a series of dimensions of accountability have been discerned, that can be used in the description of the various accountability relations and arrangements that can be found in the different domains of European governance. Taken together, these two building blocks provide a descriptive framework for more systematic mapping exercises: are the various institutions of the European Union subjected to accountability relations at all, and, if so, how can we classify these accountability relations?
The third question is an altogether different, evaluative question: how should we assess these accountability relations, arrangements and regimes? Three perspectives have been provided for the assessment of accountability relations: a democratic, a constitutional, and a cybernetic perspective. Each of these three perspectives may render different types of accountability deficits.
These building blocks cannot in themselves provide us with definite answers to the question whether there exist accountability deficits in European governance, because, ultimately, the evaluation of accountability arrangements in the European Union, to cite Elisabeth Fisher (2004: 511), ‘cannot be disentangled from discussion about what is and should be the role and nature of European institutions’. In the end, the assessment of accountability cannot be separated from the vision one has about what constitutes adequate democratic control, sufficient checks and balances, or good enough governance. These, often implicit, standards ultimately determine whether one judges the glass of European accountability to be half full or half empty. However, these building blocks can structure the debates about accountability and ground them in empirical research – at the very least they can help to determine whether there is anything in the glass at all.
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