Public Auction 323 Thursday, May 12, 2016

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466 Papua New Guinea: Postmark collection with pre-decimal Registered covers (21) 1946-66 inc Rabaul Airport, Malahang (provisional label) with Postal Dept cds, Rabaraba (provisional label) with Relief No 1 cds, Minj, Talasea with Relief No 4 cds, Ukarumpa, Wapennamanda, Namatanai with Relief No 5 cds, Toboi with Relief No 3 cds, Tufi & Cape Rodney. Other covers (22) inc 1959 to Argentina "Newspaper Postage Paid 18 JUL 1956" double ring oval on wrapper fragment, "Postage paid Port Moresby 1957" (2) on wrapper fronts, 1958 Pic set of 5 inc 1/7 on 1958 FDC & 1964 Kandrian cds to England, plus 1987 PSE (7) up-rated to USA. Also lightly duplicated stamp collection (470) inc pre-war New Guinea & Papua, 1952 £1 Fisherman opt SPECIMEN, Birds set to 10/-, decimal pic sets to early 1970s & mixed Postal Charges (15) to 3/-. Most F-VFU. (50 covers, 470 stamps). $200 $300

467 Peru-Pacific Steam Navigation Co: 1857 Ships forgery collection. Useful coverage of colours, shades & pmks. 1R blue inc concentric ring & dot pmks, 1R orange shades & pmks. 1R brown, red & red-brown, 1R green with concentric ring & bar pmks. Berlin print 1R in brown & purple, 2R blue inc shades & pmks. 2R green with bar, dot & concentric ring pmks. 2R orange again with shades & pmks, 2R red, brown & red-brown -also Berlin printing in brown & purple. Very interesting & unusual reference study of a classic issue. (50). $250 $400

468 Peru-Pacific Steam Navigation Co: 1857 Ships forgery collection. Useful coverage of colours, shades & pmks. 1R blue inc concentric ring & dotted pmks. 1R orange with shades & pmks. 1R brown, red & red-brown. 1R green with concentric ring & bar pmks. Also Berlin print 1R in purple. 2R blue with concentric ring & bar pmks. 2R green inc pmk & shades. 2R orange with bar, dot & concentric ring pmks. 2R red, brown & red-brown. Interesting & unusual reference study of a classic issue. (45). $200 $400

469 Pitcairn Islands: Comp collection to late 1985 inc 1940 pics to 2/6, 1948 KGVI SW 10/- FM, 1949 UPU set VFU, 1957 QEII to 2/6, 1964 Pics to 8/- & 1967 opt sets all MUH. Then decimal pics & commems (42 sets) & 9 diff M/Sheets. Mostly fresh MUH, retail $600+. (270). $150 $200

470 Poland: 1914-18 Austrian Occupation range of KuK Feldpost issues used in Poland inc 1915 KuK opts to 5K, then range of 1915 issue on pieces showing superb range of full pmks from 23 small towns. Also 3 stamps with pmk dates after independence of Poland, being scarce provisional usages. SG cat £254++ as loose stamps, plus premium for the Polish pmks. $200 $400

471 Poland: 1916 Sosnowice Local Post comp. Arms set 3k blue & 10k lilac. Vertical band opt set 3k & 10k.Triangle Arms (3k) carmine on piece. All diff. VFU. Mi 1-5 cat €570. All exp Mikstein, Jungjohann BPP & Ceremuga AIEP. (5). $250 $350

472 Poland: 1918 Luboml Jewish Local Post specialised collection on pgs. Town View set 5h-50h perf, plus 5h & 10h error numerals INVERTED. Views set 5h-50h imperf, plus set in prs with 1 stamp numerals INVERTED. 20h imperf tete-beche gutter sheet of 22 of 2 panes with 2 stamps having inverted numeral, plus gutter strip of 4 tete-beche. Also 50h imperf U & 20h, 25h & 50h U on piece. F-VF M/MUH/U. Mi 1-5A & B, & Mi1-5Bk & F est cat €1500+. All genuine & very interesting issue with stamps inscribed in German, Polish, Ukrainian & Hebrew. (52). $600 $1000

473 Poland: 1918 Zarki Local Post specialist collection on 4 exhibition pages, inc 1st "church" set 3h-12h, 2nd h/s opt set 6h/3h-24h/12h, with both left & right opt types on 10h/5h & pair of 24/12h showing full opt, 3rd set 6h-24h with sets both M & U on pieces, plus set U blks of 4. All these genuine & properly expertized by Mikstein, Schmutz, Ceremuga etc. Then study of forgeries with detailed descriptions, with all 3 sets both perf & imperf. Superb condition, fresh MUH/MLH/U. Mi est cat €3170 for the originals, while forgeries section would cat €1815 & is included for free. Very interesting lot. (48) $800 $1200

474 Poland: 1919 Checiny Local Post specialist collection nicely written up on pgs. 1st Castle set to 12h perf 10, plus 2h variety flawed "2". Also creased transfer varieties & imperfs to 8h. 2nd Castle set to 12h, plus imperfs & varieties. VF M/UN/U. Interesting issue. (39). $200 $400

475 Poland: 1919 Northern Poland 3f-5Mk specialised collection. Arms Pictorial set 3f-5Mk, imperf. Each value with selection items showing shades, types, papers & postmarks. Also noted 1Mk, 2Mk & 5Mk error printed double. Almost all F-VF M/U & almost all with 4 margins. (180). $200 $400

476 Poland:1919 Southern Poland 3h-5Kr specialised collection of Arms Pictorial issues in imperf set 3h-5Kr & perf set 3h-5Kr. Each value has an array of shades, pmks & perfs. Almost all F-VF M/U, imperfs almost all 4 margins. (520). $150 $250

477 Poland: 1920-22 Central Lithuania Polish Occup Mint collection with 1920-21 Arms set. 1920 General Pictorial set. 1921 Polish Fund opt set. 1921 Red Cross surch set. 1921 White Cross set. 1921 Pic set. 1921 1st Anniv set. 1922 Parliament set. 1921 Postage due set -all these sets both perf & imperf. VFM/MLH. All diff. Interesting area. (88). $120 $180

478 Poland: 1921-22 Sower set 10Mk-20Mk specialised collection inc both sizes. Each value well annotated covering all compound perf varieties. Also plenty of shades & pmks. Also noted 1923 Copernicus set 1000Mk-5000Mk with 1000Mk type I & type II, 3000Mk (4 each with a diff perf), 5000Mk perf 10½, 11¾ & 12½, plus shades (3). Most F-VF M/U. Plenty of study material. (1250). $150 $250

479 Poland: 1924 Eagle New Currency set 1gr-50gr specialist collection on pgs & with ea value carefully checked for perf varieties & combinations. Perfs range from 10 through to 13. Also noted thin & thick papers. Well annotated with perf noted for all 4 sides. Most F-VF U. (390). $150 $250

480 Poland: 1939 Gordon Bennett Balloon Flight set 25gr-1zl imperf, semi-officials unissued as cancelled due to WWII. VF fresh MLH. Sanabria 506-8. Very scarce. (3). $50 $100

481 Revenues - France: 1920-34 Alsace-Lorraine Social Security Insurance Cards (24), most filled each with 52 revenues. Noticed wide range diff values, types & surchs, very often on same card, also variation in the cards themselves, all date cancels. Mostly VF. Rare archival find. (24 cards = est 1200 stamps) $200 $400

482 Revenues - Germany: 1903-17 Alsace-Lorraine Social Security Insurance cards (24), most filled with 52 revenues ea, a range of types & values seen, often on the same card, all with Imperial Eagle & with "Elsass-Lothringen", cancelled m/s or h/s date. Rare archival find. (24 cards, est 1250 stamps) $200 $400

483 Romania: 1865 Cuza 1p yellow, 2p orange, 5p pale blue & 20p rose-red, plus 1866 Carol set 2p, 5p, 20p & 1868-70 Carol set 2p-18p. All in sheets of 25 of 1880-1890s Spiro forgeries with various diff "pmks". VF "U". SG ex 45-72(var) cat £21,000+, Mi ex 11-20(var) cat €20,000+ for genuine. Rare specialist items. (11 sheets = 275). $450 $700

484 Russian POs in Levant: 1865-1920 Collection inc 1865 Ropit Steamship (2pi) blue & red (SG cat £1000). 1865-67 New Design Steamship set (10pa) & (2Pi), horiz network plus (10pa) blk of 4. 1868-90 Numeral range to 10k inc papers & perfs. 1876 Surch 8/10k black & blue opts. 1879 Surch 7/10k black & blue opts. 1879 Numeral set to 7k plus papers. 1884 New Colours set to 7k. 1900-10 opt Russian Arms set to 70Pi plus papers. 1909 50th Anniv set to 70Pi plus 5pa & 10pa blks. 1909-10 Constantinople opt set to 70Pi, Jerusalem set to 70Pi Kerasund set to 70Pi plus 5pa cnr blk of 25. Mount Athos set to 70Pi plus Cyrillic opt set 5Pi & 7Pi blks. Salonika set to 70Pi, Smyrna set to 70Pi, Rizeh set to 70Pi, Beirut set to 70Pi, Trebizond set to 70Pi & Metellin set to 70Pi. 1912-14 Russian Arms opt set to 100Pi. 1913 Romanov opt set to 50Pi. Russian Civil War 1920 Refugees Post opt Levant Arms vals to 2½Pi. Extras inc pmks, M&U, shades, papers etc. Mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £8300+= A$18,000+. Rarely offered area. (490). (P) $1800 $2800

485 Ryukyu Islands: 1948-72 collection almost comp inc 1948 & 1950 Def sets (SG cat £108), 1950 Air set (2, £400), 1951 Commems & Air set (£172), 1952 10Y/50s (2 diff), 1952 New Govt 3Y (£170), Def set (£60) & all others inc Theatre M/S set & Special Delivery. VF fresh M/MUH, all MUH from 1954. SG cat £1550, Sc cat US$1450 (265, 5 M/S) $450 $600

486 San Marino: 1877-99 Arms inc 1877 2c, 5c, 10c pr, 20c blk of 4, 25c & 30c strip of 5, 1892 15c, 30c, 40c, 45c, 65c perf, 1L, 2L perf & 5L perf, 1894 5c, 10c, 20c, 25c (damaged) & 1L all perf, plus 1892 surch 5c/30 perf & 10c/20c pr perf at top & right only. All Fournier forgeries on Fournier pages, also with 4 fake pmks. 5L & 25c blue "VFU", others VF fresh M, SG 2-6, 14, 17, 21-8 & 33-7 cat £11,350, Sass cat €8250. Great for specialist. (29, +4 pmks). $50 $100

487 Stanley Gibbons 2015 British Commonwealth catalogue 1840-1970 inc perfs, specimens, wmks & varieties. 638pgs. As new. New retail is $220. $100 $120

488 Spain: 1875 Carlist issue 50c green & 1R brown in sheets of 25 early 1890s Spiro forgeries. Stamps "VFU" with dotted "pmks". SG 5&6 would cat £4750 if genuine. (2 sheets, 50 stamps). $50 $80

489 Spain: 1880s Printer's trials/proofs in blks of 4, all printed double or double one inverted! Some with 2 diff stamps, revenues & Philippines. VF fresh UN/MUH. SG cat £1000+ as normals alone! Spectacular! (12 blks) $120 $200

490 Spain: 1907 Madrid Exhibition set 10c-4Pta comp sheets of 32 with margins, the perf 10¾ recess reprints. VF MUH & generally fresh. SG footnote cat £1600, Mi cat €1600 -both for M perf 11½ originals, plus premium for sheets. (6 sheets = 192 stamps). $150 $300

491 Sudan: 1961-66 Commem sets (15 diff) in sheets of 50 or large blks inc 1961 Nubian Monuments (100 sets cat £260), Female Education (240 sets, £528). 1962 Malaria (200 sets, £280). 1963 Red Cross (100 sets, £210), 1964 Roosevelt (200 sets, £360), World Fair (200 sets, £320), Arab Postal Union (200 sets, £360), 1965 Anniv of Revolution (250 sets, £460), plus 1958 Arab Postal Congress (450 sets, £1395). All fresh MUH, total 1940 sets, SG cat £4070 = A$8500. (6650) $350 $500

492 Super off-paper mix Part III in 5 plastic bags inc Austria bundleware, Australia pics/commems inc 1971 Christmas. 1960s-80s or later, Hong Kong QEII defs to $20. Singapore Butterflies, Flowers, Ships & other thematics. Fiji KGVI pics, then Germany, USA, GB Machins & commems, Philippines & much more. Mixed on/off paper. Not often seen in this quantity or quality. Weight 5.3kg. (50,000+) $200 $300

493 Switzerland: Collection late 1800s-late 1970s Used in 3 s/books inc 1923 Airmails (29) to 2Fr, mostly Fair-GU. SG cat £630 Pro Juventute sets near comp to 1977 (£845) inc 1916 Trio M (£115). Pro Patria 1952-76 near comp U to 1974 (£140), total SG cat £1600+. Then MUH mid 1970s-2011 (FV SFr630) inc pic/commem sets & all Pro Juventute & Patria sets. Also 2010, 2012 Swiss post year packs. Total FV MUH SFr740 = A$1050 plus earlier issues cat £1600+. (many 100s) $900 $1200

494 Switzerland: 1942 BIE covers franked Pestalozzi green stamp, & Girard blue or violet stamps of the POW mail issues of the International Bureau of Education Geneva, ea with additional Swiss stamp, the 1st tied by Geneva slogan pmk, other 2 tied by Bureau cachets. VF Mi/Zum III, V & VIII. Rare on any covers. (3). $80 $150

495 Switzerland: 1945 PAX Peace set 5c-10Fr in blks of 4, almost all cnr marginal. Stamps VF fresh MUH. Mi 447-59 cat €2000+, SG 447-59 cat £2200+ -both for singles, plus premium for nice blks. Top 2 values Bolaffi AIEP photo cert. Reserved very cheaply to clear estate consignment. (13 blks). (P) $700 $1000

496 Switzerland: 1967-83 Pro Patria sets in blks of 4 etc on extra large postcards with Bern cds, in 1967 (20 sets), 1972 (20 sets), 1973 (28 sets), 1981 (27 sets), 1982 (6 sets), 1983 (16 sets), plus other general issues (31) to 10Fr. Mostly VFU, all sent to Australia. SG cat £720++ as loose stamps alone! (117 sets). $100 $200

497 Switzerland: 2007 Year Book inc all issues plus M/Sheet. VF fresh MUH. FV SFr53, SG cat £120. (49 plus M/S). $40 $60

498 Switzerland: 2008 Year Book inc M/Sheet & all stamps. VF fresh MUH. FV SFr51, SG cat £115. (46 plus M/S). $40 $60

499 Switzerland: 2009 Year Book inc all issues plus M/Sheets. VF fresh MUH. FV SFr53, SG cat £120. (49 plus M/S) $40 $60

500 Thailand: 1937-40 airmail covers to Australia by Imperial Airways, inc 1 to NZ, various rates 45s, 60s (reg at Yala), 2B55s, 30s, 55s & 90s, last two from Bhuket. Most F-VF. (6). $150 $300

501 Thailand: 1940 (Aug-Dec) airmail to Australia (5), inc 1 to NZ, via Imperial Airways "horseshoe" route, three reg, one from Belgian Embassy, another Yala, various rates & frankings, odd fault, generally good, plus 1941 (Oct 31) registered airmail from Yala by same route, flight NE134, addressed "23rd Independent Brigade Group Ordnance Workshops Larrakeyah Barracks Darwin". Bangkok & Darwin transits, "Base PO 7MD 017 12 NO 41" (Larrakeyah) arrival. (6). $400 $800

502 Thailand: 1940 (Aug-Dec) airmail to Australia, from "Huey Mood", carried Imperial Airways via "Horseshoe" route, one registered with "Huey Moot" m/s reg details beneath square "R" h/s, pmks inc "Southern Express", "Maadyai", "Tungsong", "Huey Mood" (in black & in violet) etc. F-VF. (5). $200 $400

503 Thailand: 1941 censored airmail covers to Australia via Imperial Airways "horseshoe" route (ex flights NE63-138), 3 registered, another h/s on reverse for Krasom Tin Dredging Ltd, Takuatoong, Pangnga. Some opening flts consistent with censored mail, generally good. Outstanding lot for specialist. (9). (P) $700 $1200

504 Tonga: Collection 1887-1943 on old pages. 1886 King 1d (2 shades) & 1/-, 1891 4d/1d & stars opt 1d & 2d (SG cat £130), 1892 to 4d, 1893 surch (5, £100), 1894 surch set of 4, 1895 (3, £155), & KGII 7½d surch, plus KGII set of 5 (£170), 1897 Pictorial set (£225), 1920 Pic set, 1923 surch set (£160), 1938 Anniv set, 1942 Pic set, & 1943 Jubilee set, plus "GRB" opt Officials 2½d & 10d. Also a 1938 Tin Can Mail cover. Mostly VF fresh M, few perf tones early. SG cat £1430 = A$3000. Old time collection untouched for 70 years. (79, +1 cover). $350 $500

505 Tristan da Cunha: Postal History 1908-52 range of diff cachets inc type I on KEVII PTPO envelope doubleton 1/- + 1/- cut-out, type III on KEVII ½d wrapper cut-out, KGV PTPO envelope doubleton ½d + ½d tete-beche & 1d+1d red doubleton, then types V & VII on covers franked GB or Sthn Rhodesia, another type VII with GB Postage Dues, a type VIII on stampless cover & taxed, type IX boxed with Capetown Paquebot cds, type X oval on 3 covers inc stampless & taxed plus GB & South Africa frankings with Capetown Paquebot cds, plus 2 covers with the hooded circle Edinburgh Settlement cachet, 1952 opt ½d, 1d & 1½d on FDC plus opt set to 10/- M (SG cat £130). Mostly F-VF. SG cat £500+ for philatelic covers & stamp set, plus the 2 unlisted & the FDC, plus the pieces would be another £5500 as singles strikes on cover. (6 strikes on piece, 12 covers & stamp set). $700 $1200

506 Tristan da Cunha - Postal History: 1908-51 Collection inc cachet type I with 3 strikes tying stamps to pieces, type III with 6 strikes on GB PTPO stationery cut-outs inc KGV 2d orange quadruple impression & 1/- tete-beche pr, type V on 2 covers, type VII on 15 covers inc 1 with 5 strikes & another 11! - franking inc GB, St Helena, Sthn Rhodesia, South Africa, plus stampless & Postage Dues, type VIII on 2 covers inc taxed, type IX boxed on 2 covers with Capetown Paquebot cds, unlisted hooded circle Edinburgh Settlement type (5 strikes) inc on PTPO lettersheet with KGVI 1d red impressions tete-beche, & another taxed with GB Postage Dues, type X oval (2) inc stampless with GB dues, & finally the 9th October 1943 edition of The Tristan Times newspaper with WW2 actions & local news. Mostly VF. SG cat £600 for philatelic covers, some of these appear to be proper commercial usages & thus worth a lot more, plus another £14,000 if the cut-outs were individual strikes on cover, plus the newspaper etc. Very interesting lot. (P) $1000 $1500

507 Tuvalu: 1980s-90s MUH collection in 2 SAFE albums (retail $120+ ea) with 68 pic sets & 48 M/Sheets with a wide range of thematics inc Birds, Butterflies, Cats, Cricket, British Royalty, Flowers & Trains. All fresh MUH. Total retail $1300+. (100s) $300 $400

508 Tuvalu: Extensive collection 1976-91 in 7 albums with pic/commem sets inc blks & multiples, M/Sheets, SPECIMEN or OFFICIAL opts & booklets fresh MUH (FV A$1200), plus CTO pics/commems as well with around 2400 stamps in total. Then FDC (160) inc 1976 opt sets to $2 (10) all diff POs, & pic sets to $5. Also assorted parcel fragments with VFU (100s) inc Leaders of the World se-tenant prs & officials to $5. All fresh & clean, massive original new issue costs plus hard to find commercially used. A wonderful collection. Medium carton. $450 $600

509 United Nations - Geneva; 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Sport for Peace M/Sheet of 9 SFr1.80 stamps. Unopened pack of 100. FV SFr1620 = A$1800. Reserved to sell. (100) $500 $800

510 USA: Valuable Collection 1845-1941 in old album with 1845 New York provisional 5c official reprint, 1st issue 5c & 10c (SG cat £2050), 1851 imperf set to 12c (£820), 1857 perfs to 24c (£1130), 1861 set to 90c (£2660), 1862 set (£885), 1869 Pictorial set to 90c (£6300) -inc 1c M (£700), 1870 set to 90c (£1670), 1879 set to 90c (£640), 1887 set to 90c (£520), 1890 set to 90c (£250), 1893 Columbus set to $5 (£6680) -$1 is M, plus extra 2c, 10c & 15c M, 1894 set to $2 (£2365) inc 6c M, 1898 Trans-Mississippi set to $2 (£2000) - inc 50c fresh w/c M, 1901 Expo set, 1902 Presidents to $2, then almost comp to 1941 with 1926-41 almost all M. Also Special Delivery comp, Airmails inc 1918 "Jenny" set M (£275) & 50c Zeppelin M, & Parcel Post set U (£200), plus Confederate States (5) cat £400. Page tones, but little has transferred to the stamps, all the better M appear fresh & clean & while the Columbus $5 looks badly toned on the page, the actual stamp has only a trace of perf tones which will easily clean. All the betters have been checked & have no obvious flts other than the odd perfs, some needing a good wash. All diff, extras are shades, perfs etc. Only need 6 stamps & 1930 Zeppelin set to complete. Not often seen so comprehensive & in such good fault free condition. Generally F-VFU, some M, especially after 1925. SG cat £33,000+ = A$70,000. Assembled over 60 years ago & untouched since. (700). (P) $6000 $9000

511 USA: 1922-32 MUH selection with 1922 Pics (23) to 30c Bison inc printing variation (SG cat £85). Then Coil prs (8), Singles (12) to 10c plus 2c Washington imperf pr & blk of 4 (£70). 1925 Lexington & Norse Centenary sets (£55). 1929 Kansas opts (ex 5c blue) 1c to 9c plus extra 2c (2) & Nebraska 1c (2), 11/2c & 5c (SG cat £280). 1932 Washington Bi-Centenary (£25), 1938 Presidents 50c (2), $1 (3) & $2 (£48). 1940 Invention set (2, cat £30) & 1935 Special Delivery imperf blk of 4. All fresh MUH. SG cat £600+ as hinged & MUH should be at least double, £1200 = A$2500. (118) $300 $400

512 USA: 5 Vol MUH collection 1986-2008, inc Birds/Flowers sheets of 50, booklets, M/Sheets, sheetlets plus the usual commem/def/pic sets. Vendor says comp for period but unchecked by us. Appear all diff. VF US$2085 = A$2750. $1800 $2400

513 USA Booklet collection (120) inc United Nations 1980 Flag $5, Domestic Parcel Post Insurance (2), Canal Zone (4), then general collection 1963 5c Washington to early 2000s self-adhesives inc 1985 $1.10, vending machine test booklets (3) with blank stamp-size perforated pane, plus wide range of defs, commems & pics. All fresh MUH, FV alone US$660 = A$950. (125) $500 $750

514 USA & Hungary Collections to 1970s in 1950s springback album with USA (1350) inc 1992 defs to $5 Indian, 1920s commem sets, pre 1930s Airmails, 1938 Presidents to $5, WWII patriotic inc Famous Americans & other pics to mid 1970s. Mixed M/U. Hungary collection (860) to late 1950s inc 1888 numerals (12) to 50k (cat £55). 1913 Flood Charities (12), 1915 War Charities (15), 1919 Romanian Occup double opt errors on 50f & 1Kr defs (SG 53, 64), unlisted & very scarce. 1920 Defs to 100Kr, 1920 pics (10) to 10,000Kr, German WWII Occupation opts & Soviet era pictorial. Some sl mixed condition, M/U & with the double opts VFM. (2200) $150 $200

515 Vatican & Papal States: Complete collection 1852-1997 used in Lighthouse album. Papal States 1852-64 Arms set to 1S inc 1b (3 shades), 2b (3 shades inc white paper), 3b (3 shades), 4b (3 shades), 5b (4 shades), 6b (3 shades), 7b (2 shades), 8b (2 shades), 50b dull blue 1852 printing (with 2013 Scheller cert) & 50b deep blue 1864 worn impression (with Scheller cert), 1S top value (with Scheller cert). 1867 New Currency Arms set imperf to 80c inc 3c grey paper & lilac paper. 1868 Arms perf set to 80c inc 2c (3), 10c (3), 2c lilac & magenta, 40c (2) & 80c (2). Vatican 1929 Arms & Pope set to 10L. 1931 Postage Due set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post set to 10L, plus extras. 1933 Holy Year set. 1934 Provisional surch set to 3L70 (Sass cat €2000, Hunziker photo-cert). 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L. 1935 Congress set (€275). 1936 Expo set (€185). 1938 Congress set. 1949 Pope Pictorial set. 1948 Airmail set (€550). 1949 UPU Air set (€150). 1951 Gratian Air set (€300). 1952 Centenary M/S (€275). 1953 Lombard 100L. All later sets & M/S comp. All diff inc shades. Vatican all VFU, some mixed Papal States as expected, but most G-VFU. SG cat £28,000+, Sass cat €44,000+ = A$66,000+. Nice clean comp collection. (1250, plus M/S). (P) $2200 $3500

516 Venezuela: 1863-65 Eagle set ½c-2R in sheets of 25, all early 1890s Spiro forgeries with various dotted pmks. Stamps all "VFU". SG 16-20 cat £7450. (5 sheets) $150 $300

517 Venezuela: 1873-77 Arms basic set 1c-2R in sheets of 25 w/o opt. All early 1890s Spiro forgeries with various dotted "pmks". Stamps "VFU". SG 74-78 cat £2200 as genuine. (5 sheets) $150 $300

518 World Collections inc 1950 Schaubek loose leaves, strength in Europe then another 4 albums mainly GB from QV, Australia, NZ, British Cwlth & others, plus Seven Seas PNG album comp 1952-80 with Pic sets inc 1952 to £1, 1957 Cattle 1/7. 1963 QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all the Decimal sets inc vals to $2. G-FU retail $300. 1996 Atlanta Olympic Pics (3000). Pacific Islands FDC, philatelic or other covers (120) inc Fiji 1971 Birds to $2, NZ 1950s Exhibition pmks, 1940s-50s Healths, Decimals to $5, Australian assortment inc replica "Die Proof" cards (40, retail $320), 1980s-90s Pics on parcel wrappings, many in large blks, plus 1988 PO Year album (retail $200) & PNG 1987 PO album. Lots of diversity here. (1000s). $350 $450

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