Publication List on Indigenous Vegetables and Urban/Periurban Agriculture

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Publication List on Indigenous Vegetables and Urban/Periurban Agriculture

(IndigenoVeg partners’ work and other useful references)

Journal articles

  1. Pasquini, MW (2006). The use of town refuse ash in urban agriculture around Jos, Nigeria: health and environmental risks. Science of the Total Environment 354(1): 43-59.

  1. Pasquini, MW and Harris, F. (2005). Efficient use of resources: urban waste ash and soil fertility use on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. Area 37(1): 17-29.

  1. Pasquini, MW and Alexander, MJ. (2005). Soil fertility management strategies on the Jos Plateau: the need for integrating ‘empirical’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge in agricultural development. The Geographical Journal 171(2): 112-124.

  1. Pasquini, MW and Alexander, MJ. (2004). Chemical properties of urban waste ash produced by open burning on the Jos Plateau: implications for agriculture. The Science of the Total Environment, 319 (1-3): 225-240.

  1. Pasquini, MW, Harris, F, Dung, J and Adepetu, A. (2004). The evolution of dry-season irrigated vegetable production between 1982 and 2000 on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. ‘Outlook on Agriculture’, 33(2): 201-208.

Book chapters

  1. Harris, F., Pasquini, M., Dung, J. and Adepetu, A. (2006) The environmental and social impacts of peri-urban irrigated vegetable production around Jos, Nigeria. In McGregor, D., Simon D., Thompson, D (Eds). The peri-urban interface – Approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use. Earthscan: London, pp. 59-73.


  1. Pasquini, MW and Maconachie R. Peri-urban systems under stress in Jos and Kano, Nigeria? New perspectives on resource management and degradation. Conference proceedings for Agricultures et développement urbain en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre  29 October – 3 November, Yaoundé, Cameroon 2005.

  1. Dereje Ashebir, Margaret Pasquini and Wubetu Bihon. A review of urban agriculture in Mekelle, Tigray region, Ethiopia. Report arising from the British Council link visit between CAZS and Mekelle University.

APT (1988-2006)
Monographs and Articles in Books:

  1. Drescher, A.W. & Bos, F. (1994): Report on the Zambian Homegarden Project and the Rural Household Food Security Survey, Agricultural University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, University of Freiburg i. Br. in Cooperation with the FAO-Project GCPS/ZAM/039/NET „Household Food Security, Nutrition and Health Monitoring System (Zambia). FAO, Rome.

  2. Drescher, A.W. (1996): Management Strategies in African Homegardens and the Need for new Extension Approaches. In: Heidhues, F. & A. Fadani: Food Security and Innovations - Successes and Lessons learned. Peter Lang, Frankfurt: 231-246.

  3. - (1998) Hausgärten in Afrikanischen Räumen - Bewirtschaftung nachhaltiger Produktionssysteme und Strategien der Ernährungssicherung in Sambia und Simbabwe = Sozioökonomische Prozesse in Asien und Afrika, 4. Centaurus, Pfaffenweiler. Habilschrift, Geowissenschaften Uni Freiburg, 290 S., 120 Abb., 40 Tabellen.

  4. - (1999): Urban Agriculture in the Seasonal Tropics of Central Southern Africa - A Case Study of Lusaka/Zambia. In: Koc, M.; MacRae, R.; Mougeot, L.J.A.; Welsh, J., (eds.): For hunger-proof cities: Sustainable urban food systems IDRC 1999:67-76

  5. Drescher, A.W. (2000) : Agriculture Urbaine dans les Tropiques: l’Exemple de Lusaka, Zambie. In: Koc, M.; MacRae, R.; Mougeot, L.J.A.; Welsh, J., (eds.): Armer les Villes contre la faim – systèmes alimentaires urbain durables IDRC 2000, ISBN 0-88936-913-5, 252: 71-80.

  6. Millstone, Eric; Lang, Tim; Consultant : Drescher, Axel - The Penguin Atlas of Food. Toronto: Penguin Books, c2003. - 1 atlas (128 p) : ill. en coul., cartes ; 25 cm. - 0000093942. - ISBN 0142002240.

Expert Contributions in Scientific Papers and Conferences

  1. - (1994): Gardening on Garbage - Opportunity or Threat?. In: „Farming at Close Quarters„, ILEIA-Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 4: 20-21.

  2. - (1995): Traditionelle und rezente Landnutzungsstrukturen und Nahrungssicherungssysteme im unteren Sambesital (Südsambia). In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 139, Heft 5 & 6: 305-322.

  3. - Mäckel, R., A.W. Drescher, J.B. Ries (Hrsg.) (1995): Angewandte Physiogeographie der Tropen und Subtropen. Mit Beiträgen von A. W. Drescher, V. Guthörl, R. Mäckel und J. B. Ries. Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen„, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br.: 15 - 26.

  4. Drescher, A.W. (1995): Afrikanische Hausgärten als Gegenstand angewandter physisch - geographischer Entwicklungsforschung. In: Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen„, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br.: 15 – 26.

  5. - (1996): Die Hausgärten der wechselfeuchten Tropen des Südlichen Afrika - ihre ökologische Funktion und ihr Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung (Fallstudien aus Sambia). Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen„, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br, März 1996.

  6. - (1997): The Role of Extension Services in Urban Food Production - New Approaches Needed. Contribution to the International Conference on Sustainable Urban Food Systems, 22. - 25. Mai 1997, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Kanada.

  7. Drescher, A.W. (1998): Urban Agriculture and Vegetable Marketing in Central Southern Africa (A Case Study of Lusaka/Zambia). In: Mougeot, L. (ed.) African Urban Quarterly, Special Issue Urban Agriculture in Africa, Vol. 11, No. 2 & 3: 229-248.

  8. - (1998): Environmental Problems and Gardening in Urban and Periurban Areas of Lusaka/Zambia. Paper presented to the Alliance For Global Sustainability (AGS) Meeting (ETH-MIT-UT), January 21-24, 1998, ETH-Zurich.

  9. - (1998): Meeting Peoples Needs: Urban Agriculture in Lusaka/Zambia, Paper presented to the SAAFSRE Symposium, March 2-5, 1998, Lusaka.

  10. - (1998): Urban Agriculture in Southern Africa - Opportunities and Constraints. Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Agriculture in Southern Africa, March 2-6, 1998, Pretoria.

  11. Drescher, A.W., J. Hagmann & E. Chuma (1999): Home gardens - a neglected Potential for Food Security and Sustainable Land Management in the Communal Lands of Zimbabwe. In: Der Tropenlandwirt, 2/1999: 163-180. Kassel-Witzenhausen.

  12. Drescher, A.W. & R. Mäckel (2000): Urban and Periurban Food Security - the Example of Lusaka/Zambia In: APT-Report 11, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen“, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br, March 2000.

  13. Drescher, A.W., Ch. Dittrich & F. Krüger (Hrsg.) (2000): Urbanisation, Vulnerability and Resource Management in Developing Countries. APT Reports 11, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen“, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br, März 2000.

  14. Jacobi, P., A.W. Drescher & J. Amend (2000): Urban Agriculture: Justification and Planning Guidelines. GTZ, Eschborn.

  15. Drescher, A.W. (2000): Verstädterung und Ernährungssicherung im Südlichen
    Afrika - eine neue Herausforderung für Entwicklungsstrategien. In:  Bähr, J.& U. Jürgens (Hrsg): Transformationsprozesse im Südlichen Afrika - Konsequenzen für Gesellschaft und Natur. Kieler Geographische Schriften. Bd. 104: 99 - 114.

  16. Dongus, S. & A.W. Drescher (2000): La Aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográficos (GIS) y Sistemas de Posición Global/Global Positioning Systems (SPG/GPS) para trazar un Mapa de Actividades agrícolas urbanas y el Espacio abierto en Ciudades Presentación al Taller “La Agricultura Urbana en las Ciudades del Siglo XXI”, Hotel Hilton Cólon en Quito, Ecuador, 16 al 21 de abril de 2000.

  17. Dongus, S. & A.W. Drescher (2000): Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for mapping agricultural activities and open space in Cities. Background Paper to the poster presentation at the International Symposium “Urban Agriculture and Horticulture – the linkage with Urban Planning, Berlin 7-9 July, 2000.

  18. Jacobi, P., A.W. Drescher & J. Amend (2000): Urban Agriculture – a Response to Crisis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban agriculture and Horticulture, Berlin, July 2000.

  19. Mäckel, R. & A.W. Drescher (2001): Resource Niches in Rural and Urban Areas of Africa and their Value for Improved Food Security. In: Drescher, A.W. & R. Mäckel (Hrsg.): Use of Resource Niches in African Ecosystems. New Research Results from Tanzania, Chad and Namibia. APT Report No. 12, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs „Angewandte Physische Geographie der Tropen und Subtropen“, Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Br, August 2001.

  20. Iaquinta, D.L & A.W. Drescher (2001): More than the spatial Fringe: An Application of the Periurban Typology to Planning and Management of Natural Resources. Presentation to the Conference 'Rural-urban Encounters: Managing the Environment of the Periurban Interface', Development Planning Unit, University College London, 9-10 November 2001.

  21. Drescher, A.W. (2001): The integration of Urban Agriculture into urban planning – An analysis of the current status and constraints. In: Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. ETC Urban Agriculture Programme & Swedish International development Agency (SIDA), Leusden, The Netherlands: 343-357. Auch online:

  22. - (2001): The German Allotment System - a Model for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation for the Southern African Situation? In: FAO (2001) Proceedings of the Expert Meeting on Urban and Periurban Horticulture in Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, January 2001: 159-167. Auch online:

  23. Holmer Robert J., Roscoe A. Masiba, Stefan Dongus, Axel Drescher (2002): Allotment Gardens for the Philippines: A Contribution to Urban Food Security, Paper presented at the Urban Vegetable Gardening Seminar, Sundayag Sa Amihanang Mindanao Trade Expo, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, August 30, 2002.

  24. Iaquinta, D.L & A.W. Drescher (2002): Food Security in Cities – A New Challenge to Development. In: Brebbia, C.A., J.F. Matrin-Duque & L.C. Wadhwa: The Sustainable City II – Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, Wessex Institute of Technology: 983- 994.

  25. Drescher, A.W. (2003): Urban and peri-urban agriculture and Extension Services. In: Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. ETC Urban Agriculture Programme & Swedish International development Agency (SIDA), Leusden, The Netherlands: 343-357. Online:

  26. Holmer, R.J., Clavejo, M.T., Dongus, S. & A.W. Drescher (2003): Allotment Gardens for Philippine Cities. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine 11: 29-31. RUAF, Leusden.

  27. Drescher, A.W. (2004): Food for the Cities: Urban Agriculture in Developing Countries. In: Junge-Berberovic, R., J.B. Bächtiger & W.J. Simpson: Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Horticulture, Acta Horticulae Number 63, ISHS: 227-231.

  28. Drescher, A.W., D.K. Iaquinta & R.J. Holmer (2006): Urban Homegardens and Allotmen Gardens for Sustainable Livelihoods: Management Strategies and Institutional Environments In: Nair, P.K & B. Kumar (Hrsg.) TROPICAL HOMEGARDENS: A Time tested Example of Sustainnability. Series: Advances in Agroforestry 3, Springer, Dordrecht, New York, Tokyo.

Others (Technical Bulletins, Newsletters, Internet-Publications):

  1. - (1997): Management Strategies in African Home Gardens and the Need for new Extension Approaches.

  2. - (1997): Urban Agriculture in The Seasonal Tropics of Central Southern Africa.

  3. Drescher, A.W. & P. Muwowo (1999): Urban Agriculture in Southern Africa: A Case Study of Lusaka/Zambia. Internal Paper, GTZ, Eschborn.

  4. Drescher, A.W. & D. Iaquinta (1999): Urban and Periurban Agriculture: A new challenge for the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). FAO - Internal report. Rome.

  5. Nugent, R. & A.W. Drescher (2000): “Electronic Conference on Urban and Periurban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda” SD-Dimensions, October Update, Sustainable Development Department, FAO, Rome.

  6. Jacobi, P., A.W. Drescher & J. Amend (2000): Urban Agriculture – a Response to Crisis? RUAF – NEWSLETTER 0 – Issue. Research Centre for Urban Agriculture and Forestry, Leusden, Netherlands. (auch in Spanisch u. Französisch, Chinesisch and Arabisch).

  7. Jacobi, P., A.W. Drescher & J. Amend (2000): Urban Agriculture: Justification and Planning Guidelines. GTZ, Eschborn

  8. - (2000): Urban and Periurban Agriculture and Urban Planning. Discussion Paper for the “Electronic Conference on Urban and Periurban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda” FAO/ETC (14. August – 30. September 2000).

  9. FAO (2001): Technical Report: Sub-Regional Expert Consultation on “The Use of Low Cost and Simple Technologies for Crop Diversification by Small-scale Farmers in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas in Southern African Countries”, Stellenbosch, 15 - 18 January 2001 (Berichterstatter: A.W. Drescher).

  10. Drescher, A.W., Nugent & H. De Zeeuw (2001): Informe Final - Agricultura Urbana y Peri-urbana en la Agenda Política Conferencia Electrónica Conjunta FAO/ETC, 21 de agosto - 30 de septiembre, 2000 (auch in Spanisch u. Französisch).

  11. FAO (2001): SPFS Guidelines for the Implementation of Urban and Periurban Agricultural Projects in Developing Countries and Countries of Transition. Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), FAO, Rome (compiled by A.W. Drescher).

  12. Drescher, A.W. (2001): Urban and peri-urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine, “The Integration of Urban and peri-urban Agriculture into Urban Planning”. The Urban Agriculture Magazine, No. 4, July 2001, ETC, The Netherlands: 6-7. (also in Spanish and French).

  13. - (2003): Improving child nutrition and education through the promotion of School Garden Programs - Concepts and Strategies, FAO-TCOS, Rome.

  14. Drescher, A.W. & D. Iaquinta (2003): Urbanization – Linking Development Across the Changing Landscape. Economic and Social Department Publication (ESAC), FAO, Rome. (02.pdf – 03.pdf)

  15. Drescher, A.W. (2003): Perspectives of the Urbanizations Process. Discussion Paper, Food Africa Internet Conference, NRI (2003).

  16. - (2003): What is Urban Agriculture?, Discussion Paper, Food Africa Internet Conference, NRI (2003).

Expert Contributions in Scientific Papers

Dongus, S. (2001): Urban Vegetable Production in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) - GIS-supported Analysis of Spatial Changes from 1992 to 1999 -- APT-Reports 12, S. 100-144, Freiburg.

Poster (without abstract)

Dongus, S. (2000): Vegetable Production on Open Spaces in Dar es Salaam - Spatial Changes from 1992 to 1999. -- International Syposium: "Urban Agriculture and Horticulture - The Linkage with Urban Planning", Berlin, July 7-9, 2000.


  1. Nuppenau, E.-A.: Nature and Human Interactions in Nutrient Recycling: On Getting an Equilibrium through Material-Balance and Principal-Agent Analyses. Accepted: Nova Science Publisher for a Chapter in "Focus on Ecology Research" (2006)

  2. Buß, H-J.: Land Use Options of Namibian Farms, Optimal Management Strategies preoposed by Bioeconomic Models. Agrarökonomische Studien Bd.26. Vauk Verlag. (2006)

  3. Brockhaus, M.:Potentials and Obstacles in the Arena of Conflict and Natural Resource Management. A Case Study on Conflicts, Institutions and Policy Networks in Burkina Faso. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen (2005)

  4. Nuppenau, E.-A., Nature and Human Interest in Ecosystems: On farmers and species inter­action, nutrient recycling and scarities in agricultural landscapes. In: Tiezzi E., Brebba, C.A. and Uso, J.L., Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. WIT Press, Southhampton, 2003, pp. 1079-1090

  5. Nuppenau, E.-A., Agroecologically Oriented Land Use and the Creation of Viable Rural-Urban Interfaces. Editorial, RUAF "UA-Magazine", March 2002;

  6. Nuppenau, E.-A., Promoting Environmentally Friendly Agriculture through Technological Innovation and Non-Profit Organizations. A progessive Conference on "Designing Agricultural Systems and Food Supply in a crowed world". Wageningen 27-29, 2000.

  7. Nuppenau, E.-A., Sain, G. and M. Zurek, Analysing the adoption of productivity enhancing, resource conserving (PERC) technologies in Central America using Logit and Stru­c­tural Equation Models. XXIV International Conference of Agricultural Economist. IAAE 2000, Berlin, August, 13-18, 2000.

  8. Nuppenau, E.-A. and Hedden-Dunkhorst, B., Critical Links between Food Security, Sustainable Practices and Institutions: A Causality Analysis on Smallholder Agriculture in South Africa. Paper at the “Tropentage Göttingen”, 1999

  9. Nuppenau, E.-A., The Role of Public Policy for Sustaining Soil Productivity and Modernization of Farms in Tropical Agriculture. Contributed Paper to “3rd. Seminar on Environmental and Resource Economics”, Univerity of Girona, Spain, May, 24th and 26th, 1999. [http:\]


  1. Færge, J., Magid, J. and Penning de Vries, F. W. T. (2001) Urban nutrient balance for Bangkok. Ecological Modelling 139, 63-74

  2. Færge J. and Magid J. (2004) Evaluating NUTMON nutrient balancing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 69 (2): 101-110,

  3. P.M. Smith, M.J. Yusuf, U. Bob & A. de Neergaard. 2005. Urban farming in the South Durban basin. Urban Agriculture, 15: 16-18.

  4. Magid J., Eilersen A. M., Wrisberg S.  and Henze M. (2006) Possibilities and barriers for recirculation of nutrients and organic matter from urban to rural areas: a technical theoretical framework applied to the medium sized town Hillerød. Ecological Engineering, In Press

Book chapters

  1. Refsgaard K., Jenssen P. D. and Magid J. (2006) Possibilities for closing the urban-rural nutrient cycles. In: Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Promises, eds. Halberg N., Alrøe H. F., Knudsen M.T., and Kristensen E.S. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, In Press

  2. Magid J. (2002) Hard and Soft Science Issues to be Negotiated to Improve Urban Metabolism. In: ‘Urban areas – Rural areas, and recycling – the organic way forward?’ Eds. Jakob Magid, A. Granstedt, Ó Dýrmundsson, H Kahiluoto, T Ruissen, Darcof report no. 3 pp.189,

  3. Magid J. (2004) Urban Ecology, Metabolism and Health – Recycling and agriculture: waste or resource? In: Design and Appraisal of Capacity Development Activities in Urban Environmental Management, Danida, pp. 49-53.

  4. Magid J., Dalsgaard A., and Henze M. (2001) Optimizing Nutrient Recycling and Urban Waste Management – New Concepts from Northern Europe. Chapter 3.6, In: ‘Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle in Subsaharan Africa’. Eds. P. Drechsel and D. Kunze, CABI Publishing, Wallington UK, 137-139


  1. A. de Neergaard, A. M. Bolliger, T. B. Thomsen, C. J. Cudmore, K. Damgaard, M. Oelofse and P. A. M. Smith. 2005. Constraints for agricultural productivity along a rural-urban transect in South Africa. Abstracts for SACUDE conference, Durban, November 2005.

  2. A. de Neergaard, J. Cudmore, M. Oelofse and P. A. M. Smith. 2006. Organic vegetable production among urban and periurban smallholders in Durban, South Africa. Abstracts for FAU conference, Copenhagen, May 2006.

Masters’ thesis

  1. Jeanine Cudmore. Potentials and constraints of agricultural production for small-scale organic farmers in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. (2006) Master thesis, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  2. Myles Oelofse. Community gardening in KwaZulu Natal: Livelihoods, food security and sustainability. (2005) Master thesis, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  3. Paris Alexandra Smith. The diverse roles of urban agriculture – case study of South Durban basin, KwaZulu Natal. (2006) Master thesis, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.


  1. ANDRES MF, MELILLO MT, DELIBES A, ROMERO M. D. AND BLEVE-ZACHEO T. 2001. Changes in wheat root enzymes correlated with resistance to cereal cyst nematodes New Phytologist 152 (2): 343-354

  2. ANDRES MF, ROMERO MD, MONTES MJ, AND DELIBES A. 2001. Genetic relationships and isozyme variability in the Heterodera avenae complex determined by isoelectrofocusing Plant Pathology 50 (2): 270-279

  3. ARIAS M, ESCUER M, ARCOS SC AND BELLO A 2005. Distribution of Xiphinema pyrenaicum Dalmasso, 1969 with notes on X-aceri Chizhov, Tiev & Turkina, 1986 (Nematoda : Longidoridae) Nematology 7: 45-51 Part 1

  4. AVILLA, C., COLLAR, J. L., DUQUE, M. & A. FERERES. 1997. Yield of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) inoculated with CMV and/or PVY at different time intervals. Z. Pflanzenk. Pflanzen. (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 104 (1): 1-8.

  5. BALAGUER, L, PUGNAIRE, FI, MARTINEZ-FERRI, E, ARMAS, C, VALLADARES, F, MANRIQUE, E. 2002. Ecophysiological significance of chlorophyll loss and reduced photochemical efficiency under extreme aridity in Stipa tenacissima L. Plant and Soil 240: 343-352.

  6. BALAGUER, L, PUGNAIRE, FI, MARTINEZ-FERRI, E, ARMAS, C, VALLADARES, F, MANRIQUE, E. 2002. Ecophysiological significance of chlorophyll loss and reduced photochemical efficiency under extreme aridity in Stipa tenacissima L. Plant and Soil 240: 343- 352.

  7. BARAJAS, M. J.,M. A. MANCHÓN, G. NOMBELA, F. BEITIA y M. MUÑIZ. 2002. Capacidad de infestación en invernadero de los biotipos B y Q de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) en plantas de tomate con y sin el gen Mi. Phytoma-España, 137: 33-39.

  8. BARROSO J, FERNÁNDEZ-QUINTANILLA C, MAXWELL BD, & REW LJ (2004) Simulating the effects of weed spatial pattern and resolution of mapping and spraying on economics of site specific management. Weed Research, 44 461-468.

  9. BARROSO J, FERNÁNDEZ-QUINTANILLA C, RUIZ D, HERNAIZ P, & REW LJ (2004) Spatial stability of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana populations under annual applications of low rates of imazamethabenz. Weed Research. 44 178-186

  10. BARROSO J, RUIZ D, FERNÁNDEZ-QUINTANILLA C, LEGUIZAMON ES, HERNAIZ P, RIBEIRO A, DIAZ B, MAXWELL BD AND REW LJ. (2004) Comparison of sampling methodolgies for site-specific management of Avena sterilis. Weed Research 45 165-174.

  11. BELLO A, ARIAS M, LOPEZ-PEREZ JA, GARCIA-ALVAREZ A, FRESNO J, ESCUER M, ARCOS SC, LACASA A, SANZ R, GOMEZ P, DIEZ-ROJO MA, BUENA AP, GOITIA C, DE LA HORRA JL, MARTINEZ C 2004. Biofumigation, fallow, and nematode management in vineyard replant. Nematropica 34 (1): 53-64

  12. BRITES, D., & F. VALLADARES. 2005. Implications of opposite phyllotaxis for light interception efficiency of Mediterranean woody plants. Trees Structure and Function (in press)

  13. CABRERA Y POCH, H., PONZ, F. & A. FERERES. 1998. Searching for resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana to the green peach aphid Myzus persicae. Plant Science 138: 209-216.

  14. CAMARGO, J., NOMBELA, G., MUÑIZ, M. & NAVAS, A. 1998. Age specific sensitivity of the nematode Aphelenchus avenae to mercury toxicity. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 61: 149-153.

  15. CHEN, J.Q., B. MARTIN, Y. RAHBÉ & A. FERERES. 1997. Early intracellular punctures of two aphids on near-isogenic melon lines with and without the virus aphid transmission (Vat) resistance gene. European Journal of Plant Pathology 103(6):521-536

  16. COLLAR, J.L, AVILLA, C. & A. FERERES. 1997. New correlations between aphid stylet paths and non-persistent virus transmission. Environmental Entomology 26(3): 537:544

  17. COLLAR, J.L, AVILLA, C., DUQUE, M. & A. FERERES. 1997. Behavioral response and virus vector ability of Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) probing on pepper plants treated with aphicides. Journal of Economic Entomology 90(6): 1628-1634.

  18. COLLAR, J.L. & A. FERERES. 1998. Nonpersistent virus transmission efficiency is determined by aphid probing behavior during intracellular punctures. Environmental Entomology 27(3): 583-591.

  19. COLLAR., J. L., B. MARTIN, A. FERERES. 1998. Nonpersistent transmission of plant viruses determined by aphid probing behaviour, pp. 161-165. En: Aphids in natural an managed ecosystems. Ed.: Nieto Nafria, J. M. y A. F. G. Dixon. Universidad de Leon (Secretariado de Publicaciones). Leon (Spain). 688 pp.

  20. DE LEON L, LOPEZ-PEREZ JA, RODRIGUEZ A, CASANOVA D, ARIAS M, BELLO A. 2001. Management of Meloidogyne arenaria in protected crops of Swiss chard in Uruguay. Nematropica 31 (1): 103-108

  21. DEL MONTE, J.P. Y DORADO, J. (1997). Las malas hierbas y su control. Laboreo 327:107-109.

  22. DEL MONTE, J.P., DORADO, J. Y LÓPEZ-FANDO, C. (1998). Inversión de flora como consecuencia del cambio del régimen de laboreo. Phytoma España 96:32-38.

  23. DIAZ B, RIBEIRO A, GONZALEZ-BUENO R, GUINEA D, BARROSO J, RUIZ D & FERNÁNDEZ-QUINTANILLA C. 2005. Modelling wild oat density in terms of soil factors: A machine learning approach. Precision Agricultura 6: 213-228

  24. DIAZ, B., GARZO, E., DUQUE, M., GONZALEZ, P., A. FERERES. 2002. Partículas de caolín: efecto sobre la mortalidad y desarrollo de Trichoplusia ni Hubner. Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal. Plagas 28: 179-185

  25. DIAZ, B.M., FERERES, A. 2005.. Life Table and Population Parameters of Nasonovia ribisnigri (Homoptera: Aphididae) at different Constant Temperatures. Environmental Entomology 34 (3) 527-53

  26. DIAZ. J.A., C. MALLOR, C. SORIA, R. CAMERO, E. GARZO, A. FERERES, J.M. ALVAREZ, M.L. GÓMEZ-GUILLAMÓN, M. LUIS-ARTEAGA, E. MORIONES. 2003. Potential sources of resistance for melon to non-persistently aphid-borne viruses. Plant Disease 87: 960-964.

  27. DIAZ. J.A., C. MALLOR, C. SORIA, R. CAMERO, E. GARZO, A. FERERES, J.M. ALVAREZ, M.L. GÓMEZ-GUILLAMÓN, M. LUIS-ARTEAGA, E. MORIONES. 2003. Potential sources of resistance for melon to non-persistently aphid-borne Viruses. Plant Disease 87: 960-964.

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  35. DORADO, J., ALMENDROS, G., FIELD, J.A. Y SIERRA-ALVAREZ, R. (2001). Infrared spectroscopy analysis of C/N-dependent degradation patterns after selective delignification of hemp (Cannabis sativa) by the white-rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 28: 550-559.

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  41. DORADO, J., LÓPEZ-FANDO, C., ZANCADA, M.C. Y ALMENDROS, G. (2005) Sorption-desorption of alachlor and linuron in a semiarid soil as influenced by organic matter properties after 16 years of periodic inputs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (13): 5359-5365

  42. DORADO, J., MARTÍNEZ-ÍÑIGO, M.J., VAN BEEK, T.A., CLAASSEN, F.W., WIJNBERG. J.B.P.A. Y SIERRA-ALVAREZ, R. (1998). Screening of fungal strains for wood extractives degradation. IRG Doc. no IRG/WP/98-10254.

  43. DORADO, J., SIERRA-ALVAREZ, R., CLAASSEN, F.W. Y VAN BEEK, T.A. (2001). Utilización de hongos ligninolíticos para el control del pitch en la industria papelera. Afinidad LVIII (493): 175-180.

  44. DORADO, J., TINOCO, P. Y ALMENDROS, G. (2003). Soil parameters related with the sorption of 2,4-D and atrazine. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34 (7&8): 1119-1133.

  45. DORADO, J., VAN BEEK T.A., CLAASSEN F.W. Y SIERRA-ALVAREZ R. (1999). Degradation of pitch constituents in various wood species by the white rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55. IRG Doc. no IRG/WP/99-10301.

  46. DORADO, J., VAN BEEK, T.A., CLAASSEN, F.W. Y SIERRA-ALVAREZ, R. (2001). Degradation of lipophilic wood extractive constituents in Pinus sylvestris by the white-rot fungi Bjerkandera sp. and Trametes versicolor. Wood Science and Technology 35(1/2): 117-125.

  47. EINA, M.; NOLD; M. ORIHUELA, J.C.; SANTANA, O.; GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A*.(2002). C-5 Substituted antiffedant siphinene sesquiterpenes. J. Nat. Prod. 65:448-453

  48. ERERES, A., BIURRÚN, R., MORENO, A. DÍAZ, B., NEBREDA, M. 2003. Impact of ultraviolet-absorbing plastic films on insect vectors of virus diseases infecting crisp lettuce. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(10): 95-99.

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  50. FERERES, A. 1997. Control de Insectos-Plaga en el Laboreo de Conservación, pp. 143-156. En: Laboreo de Conservación, una agricultura mejor para el medio ambiente. Ed.: L. García-Torres y P. González-Fernández. Sociedad Española de Laboreo de Conservación. 372 pp.

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  52. FERERES, A. 1998. Manejo de insectos, En: Guía de Agricultura de conservación en cultivos anuales. Ed. Asociación española laboreo de conservación/suelos vivos. pp 23-25.

  53. FERERES, A. 1998. Manejo integrado de plagas, pp 22. En: Guía de Agricultura de conservación en cultivos  anuales. Ed. Asociación española laboreo de conservación/suelos vivos. 35 pp.

  54. FERERES, A. 2000. Barrier crops as a cultural control measure of non-persistently transmitted viruses. Virus  Research 71: 221-231.

  55. FERERES, A., AVILLA, C., COLLAR, J.L., DUQUE, M. & C. FERNÁNDEZ-QUINTANILLA. 1996. Impact of various yield-reducing agents on open-field bell peppers. Environmental Entomology 25(5): 983-986.

  56. FERERES, A., COLLAR, J.L. 2001. Analysis of noncirculative transmission by electrical penetration graphs, pp. 87-109. En: "Virus-Insect-Plant Interactions," edited by Kerry F. Harris, Oney P. Smith and James E. Duffus. Academic Press, San Diego, Ca., USA. 376 pp. ISBN: 0-12-327681-0.

  57. FERERES, A., G.E. KAMPMEIER & M.E. IRWIN. 1999. Aphid attraction and preference for plants infected with  Potyvirae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 92(4): 542-548.

  58. FERERES, A., J.L. SANCHEZ-PONZ. 2002. SIDIPVY: una aplicación informática que permite la simulación de una pidemia y las pérdidas de cosecha producidas por el virus PVY en cultivo de pimiento al aire libre. Phytoma España 138: 67-71.

  59. FERERES, A., THRESH, M., M. E. IRWIN (eds.). 2000. Plant Virus Epidemiology: Challenges for the twenty-first century. Virus Research 71 (1 y 2). Elsevier Press.

  60. FERNANDEZ-QUINTANILLA, C. y BARROSO, J. 2001. La evaluación de malezas dentro de la agricultura de precisión. Revista de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias -UNR 1: 49-62

  61. FERNANDEZ-QUINTANILLA, C., A. FERERES, L. GODFREY AND R. F. NORRIS. 2002. Development and reproduction of Myzus persicae and Aphis fabae (Hom., Aphididae) on selected weed species surrounding sugar beet fields. Journal of Applied Entomology 126: 198-202.

  62. FERNANDEZ-QUINTANILLA, C., RECASENS, J., SANS, X., TORNER, C. Y SANCHEZ DEL ARCO, M.J. 2000. Demography of Lolium rigidum in winter barley crops: analysis of recruitment, mortality and reproduction. Weed Research 40: 281-291

  63. FRAGA, B. M., TERRERO, D., GUTIERREZ, C. and GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A.2001. A. Minor diterpenes from Persea indica. Their antifeedant activity. Phytochemistry, 57: 761-770.

  64. FUENTES, A., LLANES, V., MENDEZ, F.; GONZALEZ, R. 1998 El control biológico en agricultura sostenible y su importancia en la protección de la caña de azúcar en Cuba. Phytoma 95, 24 – 26.

  65. GALLARDO-LARA, F., AZCON, M., QUESADA, J.L. AND POLO, A. (1999) Phytoavailability and extractability of copper and zinc in calcareous soils amended  with composted  urban wastes. J. Environ. Sci. Health, B34(6):1049-1064 .

  66. GARCÍA C., GARCIA L., VALLEJO A., CARTAGENA M.C., DÍEZ J.A. (1998) Forecasting by laboratory tests of nitrogen leached and absorbed in soil-plant system with urea-based controlled-release fertilizers coated with lignin. Com. Soil Sci Plant Anal. 29, 2479-2491.

  67. GARCÍA M.C., DÍEZ J.A., VALLEJO A., GARCÍA L., CARTAGENA M.C. (1997) Effect  of applying soluble and coated phosphate availability in calcareous soils and on P absorption by a ryegrass crop. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45, 1931-1936.

  68. GARCIA-ALVAREZ A, GUTIERREZ C, ESCUER M, BELLO A. 2005. Nematodes and management of diversity in potato crops in La Ripja (Spain). Russian Journal of Nematology 13 (1): 1-12

  69. GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ A., ARIAS M., DÍEZ-ROJO M. A. AND BELLO A. 2004. Effect of agricultural management on soil nematode trophic structure in a Mediterranean cereal system. Applied Soil Ecology 27 (3): 197-210

  70. GARZO, E, DUQUE M. AND FERERES A.. 2004. Transmission efficiency of different non-persistent viruses infecting melon by four aphid species. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2(3): 369-376

  71. GARZO, E., DÍAZ, B., FERERES, A. 2001. Evaluation of fipronil for controlling the transmission of tomato spotted wilt Tospovirus (TSWV). Z. Pflanzenk. Pflanzen. (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 108 (1): 62-65.

  72. GARZO, E., B. DÍAZ, M. DUQUE, A. FERERES. 2003. Settlement rate of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera, Aphididae) and transmission efficiency of Cucumber mosaic virus in melons protected with kaolin-particle films. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 1(4): 65-71.

  73. GARZO, E., C. SORIA, M.L. GOMEZ-GUILLAMON, A. FERERES. 2002. Feeding behavior of Aphis gossypii on resistant accessions of different melon genotypes (Cucumis melo). Phytoparasitica 30(2): 129-140.

  74. GARZO, E., DIAZ, B., FERERES, A. 2001. Evaluation of fipronil for controlling the transmission of tomato spotted  wilt Tospovirus (TSWV). Z. Pflanzenk. Pflanzen. (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 108 (1): 62-65.

  75. GARZO, E., PALACIOS, I. & FERERES, A. 2004. Characterization of melon germplasm resistant to Aphis gossypii (Glover). En: Aphids in a new millennium, pp. 441-447. En: Aphids in a new millenium (eds Simon J.-C., Dedryver C.-A., Rispe C., Hullé M.). INRA Editions, Paris. ISBN : 2-7380-1113-6.

  76. GARZO, E., PALACIOS, I., MARTIN, B. FERERES, A. 2001. The virus aphid transmission resistance (Vat) gene in melon (Cucumis melo) germplasm: Properties and proposed mode of action, pp. 71-81. En: Developments in Plant Biology. Part I. Ed: Research Signpost, India. ISBN: 81-7736-078-7.

  77. GARZO, E.I., J.L. COLLAR, M. MUÑIZ y A. FERERES. 2000. Eficacia del fipronil (EXP 60720A) en el control poblacional de Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en condiciones de laboratorio. Inv.  Agr. Prod. Prot. Veg. 15: 57-65.

  78. GÓMEZ JM, VALLADARES F, PUERTA-PIÑERO C. 2004. Differences between structural and functional heterogeneity caused by seed dispersal. Functional Ecology 18: 787-792.

  79. GÓMEZ-APARICIO, L, VALLADARES, F, ZAMORA, R. 2006. Differential light responses of Mediterranean tree saplings: linking ecophysiology with regeneration niche in four co-occurring species. Tree Physiology (in press)

  80. GÓMEZ-APARICIO, L., F. VALLADARES, R. ZAMORA, & J. L. QUERO. 2005. Response of tree seedlings to the abiotic heterogeneity generated by nurse shrubs: an experimental approach at different scales. Ecography 28: 757-768.

  81. GONZÁLEZ DEL VAL, A., PLATAS, G., ARENAL, F., ORIHUELA, J.C., GARCÍA, M., HERNANDEZ, P., ROYO, I., DE PEDRO, N., SILVER, L.L., YOUNG, K., VICENTE, M.F., PELÁEZ, F. 2003. Novel illudins from Coprinopsis episcopalis (syn. Coprinus episcopalis), and the distribution of illudin-like compounds among filamentous fungi. Mycological Research 107: 1201-1209

  82. GONZÁLEZ PONCE, R. & SANTIN, I. 2003. Losses in nitrogen uptake by tomato and pepper due to infestation by the weed barnyardgrass. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26 (12): 2403- 2411.

  83. GONZÁLEZ PONCE, R. & SANTIN, I. 2004. Effects of early weed infestatio0n on growth, yield and nitrogen nutrition of pepper. J. Plant Nutrition 27(4): 649- 659.

  84. GONZALEZ PONCE, R. , SALAS, M. , SANTIN MONTANYA, I. 1998 Evolución de la absorción y redu cción de nitratos por dos especies de malas hierbas. Publicaciones Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 1, 417- 422 (ISBN 84- 8497- 927 – X).

  85. GONZALEZ PONCE, R. , SANTIN, I. 1999. Effect of N fertilization on wheat with wild oats. 11th European Weed Res. Symp. Basilea (Suiza).

  86. GONZALEZ PONCE, R. , SANTIN, I. 2001 Competitive ability of wheat cultivars with wild oats depending on nitrogen fertilization. Agronomie (Agriculture & Environment), 21 (2) 119 – 125.

  87. GONZÁLEZ PONCE, R. , SANTIN, I. 2003. Control de malas hioerbas en plantaciones con pino carrasco sobre terrenos agrícolas abandonados. Boletin Agrario CAM, 38: 44- 49.

  88. GONZALEZ PONCE, R. 1998. Competition between barley and Lolium rigidum for nitrate. Weed Res. 38: 453-460.

  89. GONZALEZ PONCE, R.& SALAS, L. 1999. Differential utilization of nitrates by solanaceous species, crop (tomato   and pepper) and weeds (black nightshade and thorn apple): The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biothechnology, 74(2): 254-258.

  90. GONZÁLEZ, V., M.A. PORTAL y V. RUBIO. 2001. Biocontrol de patógenos de patata con aislados protectores de Ceratobasidium spp. (BNR). pp 525-536. Pascualena J., Ritter, E. (Eds) En "Patata 2000", Diputación Foral de Alava, Vitoria-Gasteiz (España)

  91. GONZÁLEZ, V., M.A. PORTAL, J. SÁNCHEZ-BALLESTEROS, F. ARENAL, M. VILLARREAL, C. DEL MORAL, H. LÓPEZ-CÓRCOLES, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER y V. RUBIO. 2001. Control biológico de patógenos de pino (pinus spp.) Con una nueva especie de hongo, Ceratobasidium albasitensis (Rhizoctonia binucleada) procedente de Albacete. Publicación de los trabajos presentados al III Congreso Forestal Español, Mesa VI "Protección y restauración del medio natural" p 677-683, Granada (España).

  92. GONZÁLEZ, V., O. SALAZAR, M.C. JULIÁN, J. ACERO, M.A. PORTAL, R. MUÑOZ, H. LÓPEZ-CÓRCOLES, E. GÓMEZ-ACEBO, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER and V. RUBIO. 2002. Ceratobasidium albasitensis, a new Rhizoctonia-like fungus isolated in Spain. Persoonia, 17: 601-615.

  93. GONZALEZ-ANDUJAR JL & FERNANDEZ-QUINTANILLA C. 2004. Modelling the population dynamics of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) under various weed management systems. Crop Protection, 23: 723-729

  94. GONZALEZ-ANDUJAR,J.L., PLANT, R.E. y FERNANDEZ-QUINTANILLA,C. 2001. Modeling the effect of farmers` control decisions on the population dynamics of winter wild oat (Avena sterilis  ssp. Ludoviciana) in an agricultural landscape. Weed Science 49: 414-422

  95. GONZÁLEZ-COLOMA A., F. VALENCIA, N. MARTÍN, J.J. HOFFMANN, L. HUTTER, J.A. MARCO  and M. REINA.(2002). Silohene sesquiterpenes as model insect antifeedants. J. Chem. Ecol. 28:117-129.

  96. GONZÁLEZ-COLOMA A., GUADAÑO, A., DE INES, C., MARTINEZ-DIAZ, R and CORTES, D.(2002). Selective action of acetogenin mitichondrial complex inhiobitors. Z. Naturforsch  57C, 1028-1034.

  97. GONZALEZ-COLOMA A., GUTIERREZ, C., CABRERA R., REINA M., C.E. Díez y FRAGA B.M (2001). Agroquímicos Naturales de Endemismos Canarios. Un valor añadido a la Biodiversidad. En: Interacciones Químicas entre Organismos: Aspectos Básicos y Perspectivas de Aplicación. A. L.Anaya, R. Cruz-Ortega y F.J. Espinosa-García (Eds.). UNAM  Plaza y Valdés, México. Pp. 581-605.

  98. GONZALEZ-COLOMA A., REINA M., GUTIERREZ, C., FRAGA B.M. (2002). Natural Insecticides: Structure Diversity, Effects and Structure-Activity Relationships. A Case Study. En: Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Bioactive Natural products. Vol. 26, Atta-Ur-Rahman (Ed). Elsevier, Amsterdam. Pp.849-879.

  99. GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A., GUADAÑO, A.,GUTIERREZ, C., CABRERA, R., DE LA PEÑA, E.,DE LA FUENTE, G. and REINA M. 1998. A.   Antifeedant Delphinium diterpene alkaloids. Structure-activity relationships. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: : 286-290.

  100. GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A., GUTIERREZ, C, DEL CORRAL, J.M., GORDALIZA, M., DE LA PUENTE, M.L. and SAN FELICIANO, A. 2000. Structure- and species-dependent insecticidal effects of neo-clerodane diterpenes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 3677-3681.

  101. GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A., GUTIERREZ, C, HÜBNER,  H., ACHENBACH, H., TERRERO, D. and FRAGA, B. M. 1999.  A. Selective insect antifeedant and toxic action of ryanoid diterpenes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47: 4419-4424.

  102. GONZÁLEZ-PONCE,R. & SANTIN, I. 2001. Resultados preliminares sobre uso de herbicidas en forestación de terrenos agricolas con Pinus halepensis. Boletin Agrario CAM 29: 32- 34.

  103. GUADAÑO A., DE LA PEÑA, E., GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A. and ALVAREZ, J. A.1999. Development of a new bioluminescent mutagenicity assay based on the Ames test. Mutagenesis 14: 411-415.

  104. GUADAÑO A., GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A. and DE LA PEÑA, E. 1998. A. Genotoxicity of the insecticide rotenone in cultured human lymphocytes. Mutat. Res. 414: 1-7.

  105. GUADAÑO, A., GUTIERREZ, C., DE LA PEÑA, E., CORTES, D. and GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A. 2000.  A. Insecticidal and mutagenic evaluation of two annonaceous acetogenins. J. Nat. Prod 63: 773-776.

  106. GUTIERREZ, C., A. FERERES, M. REINA, R. CABRERA & A. GONZÁLEZ-COLOMA. 1997. Behavioral and sub-lethal effects of structurally-related lower terpenes on Myzus persicae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23(6): 1641-1650.

  107. GUTIERREZ, C., GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A. and HOFFMANN, J.J. 1999. A. Antifeedant properties of natural products from Parthenium argentatum, P argentatum x P. Tomentosa (Asteraceae) and Castela emoryi (Simaroubaceae) against Reticulitermes flavipes. Industrial Crops and Products 10: 35-40.

  108. JIANG, Y. X. , H. LEI, J.L. COLLAR, B. MARTIN, M. MUÑIZ & A. FERERES 1999. Probing and feeding behavior of two distinct biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on tomato plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 92(2): 357-366

  109. JIANG, Y.X, G. NOMBELA & M. MUÑIZ. 2001. Analysis by DC –EPG of the resistance to Bemisia tabaci  on a Mi-tomato line. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 99(3): 295-302..

  110. JIANG, Y.X., C. DE BLAS , L. BARRIOS, A. FERERES, 2000. Correlation between whitefly feeding behavior and TYLCV transmission. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 93(3): 573-579

  111. LISTER, R.M., A. FERERES, J.E. FOSTER & P. CASTAÑERA. 1990. Occurrence of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in three major cereal-growing regions of Spain, pp. 49-54. En: Burnett, P.A. (ed.). World Perspectives on Barley Yellow Dwarf. CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. 511 pp.

  112. LOPEZ-PEREZ JA, ARIAS M, SANZ R, ESCUER M. 2003. Evaluation of alternative to methyl bromideto control meloidogyne incognita in cucumber - Abstracts Nematropica 33 (2): 189-196

  113. MAESTRE, F. T., F. VALLADARES, & J. F. REYNOLDS. 2005. Is the change of plant-plant interactions with abiotic stress predictable? A meta-analysis of field results in arid environments. Journal of Ecology 93: 748–757

  114. MAESTRE, F. T., F. VALLADARES, AND J. F. REYNOLDS. 2006. The stress-gradient hypothesis does not fit all relationships between plant–plant interactions and abiotic stress: further insights from arid environments. Journal of Ecology 94: 17-22.

  115. MARTÍN B., A. FERERES. 2003. Evaluation of a choice-test method to assess resistance of melon to Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) by comparison with conventional antibiosis and antixenosis trials. Applied Entomology and Zoology 38(3): 405-411.

  116. MARTIN B., COLLAR, J.L., TJALLINGII, W.F., FERERES, A. 1997. Intracellular salivation and ingestion by aphids may cause inoculation and acquisition of nonpersistently trasmitted plant viruses. Journal of General Virology 78: 2701-2705.

  117. MARTIN SANCHEZ, J.A., MONTES, M.J., LOPEZ BRAÑA,I., ROMERO,M.D., ANDRES, M.F., COLMENAREJO, M, GONZALEZ BELINCHON, C. AND   DELIBES, A. 2003. Differential induction of defence-enzymes and chromosomal location in wheat Aegilops ventricosa introgression lines of Cre2 and Cre5 Heterodera avenae resistance genes . In: Breeding Strategies for Small Grain cereals in the  Third Millennium. (editores: C. Maré, P. Faccioli and A..M. Stanca). Eucarp.

  118. MARTIN, B. & FERERES, A. 1998. Behavior of Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae on resistant and susceptible Cucumis melo L. lines, pp. 97-103. En: Aphids in natural and managed ecosystems. Ed. Nieto Nafria, J.M. y A.F.G. Dixon. Universidad de León (Secretariado de Publicaciones). León (Spain). 688 pp.

  119. MARTIN, B., RAHBÉ, Y. & FERERES, A. 1998. Evaluación de una hipótesis sobre el mecanismo de resistencia a la transmisión (gen VAT) de virus por Aphis gossypii Glover en el melón. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas 24(4).

  120. MARTÍN, B., Y. RAHBE, FERERES, A. 2003. Blockage of stylet tips as the mechanism of resistance to virus transmission by Aphis gossypii Glover in melon lines bearing the Vat gene. Annals of Applied Biology, 142. Annals of Applied Biology 142: 245-250

  121. MARTÍNEZ-FERRI, E., F. VALLADARES, E. MANRIQUE & L. BALAGUER. 2004. Winter photoinhibition in the field involves different processes in four co-occurring Mediterranean tree species. Tree Physiology 24: 981–990.

  122. MARTINEZ-TORRES, D., SIMON, J. C., FERERES, A. & A. MOYA. 1996. Genetic variation in natural populations of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi as revealed by maternally inherited markers. Molecular Ecology 5: 659-670 (A)

  123. MATESANZ, S., F. VALLADARES, D. TENA, M. COSTA-TENORIO Y D. BOTE. 2006. Early dynamics of plant communities in revegetated motorway slopes from southern Spain: is hydroseeding always needed? Restoration Ecology (in press)

  124. MONTES J., I. LÓPEZ BRAÑA, M. D. ROMERO, E. SIN, M. F. ANDRÉS, J.A. MARTÍN-SÁNCHEZ, A. DELIBES. 2003.  Biochemical and genetic studies of two Heteroedra avenae resistance genes transferred from Aegilops ventricosa to wheat. Theoretical and Appl. Genetic 1107,611-618.

  125. MORAGUES, E., A. TRAVESET, & F. VALLADARES. 2006. Good performance in both sun and shade habitats leads to the spreading of invasive Carpobrotus spp. on Mediterranean ecosystems. Plant Biology (submitted)

  126. MORENO, A. C. DE BLAS, R. BIURRUN, M. NEBREDA, I. PALACIOS, M. DUQUE, A. FERERES. 2004. The incidence and distribution of viruses infecting lettuce, cultivated Brassica and associated natural vegetation in Spain. Annals of Applied Biology 144: 339-346

  127. MORENO, A. HEBRARD,E.,  UZEST, M., BLANC, S. AND FERERES A. 2005. A Single Amino Acid Position in the Helper Component of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Can Change the Spectrum of Transmitting Vector Species. Journal of Virology 79 (21): 13587–13593.

  128. MORENO, A., PALACIOS, I., BLANC, S., FERERES, A. 2005. Intracellular salivation is the mechanism involved in the inoculation of Cauliflower mosaic virus by its major vectors, Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 98(6): 763-769.

  129. MUÑIZ, M. & G. NOMBELA, 1998. Host preference, pupal production and sex ratio of Bemisia tabaci on three varieties of Capsicum annuum. p: 473-479. En: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Production and Protection in Horticultural Crops (Ed. A. Hanafi), 518 pp.

  130. MUÑIZ, M. & G. NOMBELA. 1997. Development, oviposition and female longevity of two biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on three varieties of Capsicum annuum L.". IOBC/ WPRS Bulletin. 20(4): 143-146.

  131. MUÑIZ, M. & G. NOMBELA. 2001. Bemisia tabaci: A new clip-cage for biological studies. European Whiteflies Studies Network Part A5 (2001): 1-2.

  132. MUÑIZ, M. & G. NOMBELA. 2001. Differential variation in development of the B- and Q-biotypes of Bemisia  tabaci on sweet pepper Capsicum annnuum L. at constant temperatures. Environ. Entomol. 30: 720-727.

  133. MUÑIZ, M. & ZALOM, F. G. 1997. Developmental rate and number of generation estimates for Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in fruit growing. regions of California. IOBC/ WPRS Bulletin. 20(8): 55-66.

  134. MUÑIZ, M. 1995. Medfly research needed in relation to pesticides. In: J.G. Morse, R.L. Metcalf, J.R. Carey & , R.V. Dowell (eds.): The Mediterranean fruit fly in California. Defining critical research. pp: 261-264.

  135. MUÑIZ, M. 1995. Research needed on medfly ecology and foraging behavior to improve monitoring. In: J.G. Morse, R.L. Metcalf, J.R. Carey,& R.V. Dowell (eds.): The Mediterranean fruit fly in California. Defining critical research. pp: 264-266.

  136. MUÑIZ, M. 1997. Preferencia y reproducción de Bemisia tabaci en malas hierbas de invierno y en cultivos hortícolas de interés. En: El virus del rizado amarillo (hoja en cuchara) del tomate (TYLCV) y su vector Bemisia tabaci. Publicaciones de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia. Serie Jornadas, nº 8. 55-59. Murcia.

  137. MUÑIZ, M. 2000. Bemisia tabaci-Research in Madrid (Spain). European Whiteflies Studies Network Newsletter. Issue Nº 6: 2.

  138. MUÑIZ, M. 2000. Desarrollo del biotipo B de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) en tres variedades de pimiento a temperaturas constantes. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas. 26 (Adenda al nº 4, 4º trimestre): 605-617.

  139. MUÑIZ, M. 2000. Host suitability of of two biotypes of Bemisia tabaci on some common weeds. Ent. Exp. Appl. 95: 63-7.

  140. MUÑIZ, M. 2000. Influencia de la temperatura y el fotoperiodo en la germinación de semillas de cuatro malas hierbas comunes en España. Inv. Agraria Ser. Prot. Veg. 15(3): 253-258.

  141. MUÑIZ, M. 2002. Control Integrado de plagas, enfermedades y malas hierbas. Introducción. En: Ciencia y Medio Ambiente. Segundas Jornadas Científicas sobre medio ambiente del CCMA-CSIC. (Ed. F. Valladares). pp.: 214-215.

  142. MUÑIZ, M. 2003. Variación en las tasas de infestación de Aleyrodes proletella (Linnaeus, 1758) en tres cultivares de col repollo. Granja, 10: 7-10.

  143. MUÑIZ, M. y NEBREDA, M. 2003. Differential variation in host preference of Aleyrodes proletella (L.) on some cauliflower cultivars. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(10): 49-52.

  144. MUÑIZ, M. y NEBREDA, M. 2004. Preferencia de Aleyrodes proletella (Linnaeus, 1758) en diferentes cultivos del género brassica. Phytoma-España 163: 52-55.

  145. MUÑIZ, M.  & G. NOMBELA. 2001. Differential variation in development of the B- and Q-biotypes of Bemisia tabaci on sweet pepper Capsicum annnuum L. at constant temperatures. Environ. Entomol. 30: 720-727.

  146. MUÑIZ, M., G. NOMBELA & L. BARRIOS. 2002. Within-plant Distribution and Infestation pattern of the B- and Q-Biotypes of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Tomato and Pepper Plants. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 104: 369-373.

  147. MUÑIZ, M., G. NOMBELA, C.C. CHU & T.J. HENNEBERRY. 2005. Compatibility of traps equiped with light-emitting diode with a parasitoid (Eretmocerus mundus) for biological control of Bemisia tabaci  in greenhouse tomatoes. J. Agric. Assoc. China. 16(1): 92-102.

  148. MUÑIZ, M., G. NOMBELA, C.C. CHU & T.J. HENNEBERRY. 2005. Compatibility of traps  equiped with light-emitting diode with a parasitoid (Eretmocerus mundus) for biological control of Bemisia tabaci  in greenhouse tomatoes. J. Agric. Assoc. China. 16(1): 92-102.

  149. MUÑIZ, M.1995. Desirable scenarios for future medfly research and eradication. Research needed on medfly ecology and foraging behavior to improve monitoring. In: J.G. Morse, R.L. Metcalf, J.R. Carey & , R.V. Dowell (eds.): The Mediterranean fruit fly in California. Defining critical research. pp: 284-288.

  150. MUÑIZ, M.2000. Desarrollo del biotipo B de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) en tres variedades de pimiento a temperaturas constantes. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas. 26 (Adenda al nº 4, 4º trimestre): 605-617.

  151. NEBREDA, M. J. M. MICHELENA, A. FERERES. 2005. Seasonal abundance of aphid species on lettuce crops in Central Spain and identification of their main parasitoids. Z. Pflanzenk. Pflanzen. (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 112(4): 405-415.

  152. NEBREDA, M., A. MORENO, N. PÉREZ, I. PALACIOS, V. SECO-FERNÁNDEZ, A. FERERES. 2004. Activity of aphids associated with lettuce and broccoli in Spain and their efficiency as vectors of Lettuce mosaic virus. Virus Research 100: 83–88

  153. NEBREDA, M., G. NOMBELA & M. MUÑIZ. 2005. Comparative host suitability of some Brassica cultivars for the whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Environ. Entomol. 34(1): 205-209.

  154. NIINEMETS, U, VALLADARES, F, CEULEMANS, R. 2003. Leaf-level phenotypic variability and plasticity of invasive Rhododendron ponticum and non-invasive Ilex aquifolium co-occurring at two contrasting European sites. Plant Cell and Environment 26: 941-956

  155. NIINEMETS, U. & VALLADARES F. 2004. Photosynthetic acclimation to simultaneous and interacting environmental stresses along natural light gradients: optimality and constraints. Plant Biology 6: 254-268.

  156. NOMBELA G, NAVAS A, BELLO A 1998. Effects of crop rotations of cereals with vetch and fallow on soil nematofauna in Central Spain Nematologica 44 (1): 63-80

  157. NOMBELA G, NAVAS A, BELLO A 1999. Nematodes as bioindicators of dry pasture recovery after temporary rye cultivation Soil Biology & Biochemistry 31 (4): 535-541

  158. NOMBELA G. and ROMERO M. D.1999. Host response to Pratylenchus thornei of a wheat line carrying the Cre2 gene for resistance to Heterodera avenae. Nematology (antes Nematologica). 1: 381-388.

  159. NOMBELA, G. & ROMERO, M. D. 2001. Field response to Pratylenchus thornei of a wheat line with the CreAet gene for resistance to Heterodera avenae. Eur. J. Plant Pathol.107: 749-755.

  160. NOMBELA, G., CHU, CC, HENNEBERRY, T.J. & MUÑIZ, M. 2003. Comparison of three trap types for adult catching of whitefly Bemisia tabaci and its parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus in tomato greenhouse. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(10): 53-56.

  161. NOMBELA, G., F. BEITIA & M. MUÑIZ. 2000. Variation in tomato host response to Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in relation to acyl sugar content and presence of the nematode and potato aphid resistance gene Mi. Bull. Entomol. Res. 90: 161-167.

  162. NOMBELA, G., F. BEITIA & M. MUÑIZ. 2001. A differential interaction study of Bemisia tabaci Q-biotype on commercial tomato varieties bearing or not bearing the Mi resistance gene, and comparative host responses with the B-biotype. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 98(3): 339-344.

  163. NOMBELA, G., MUÑIZ, M. & KALOSHIAN, I. 2003. A mutation in the tomato Rme1 locus decreases the Mi-1.2-mediated resistance against whitefly Bemisia tabaci. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(10): 57-59..

  164. NOMBELA, G., S. PASCUAL, M. AVILES, E. GUILLARD & M. MUÑIZ. 2005. Benzothiadiazole (BTH) induces local resistance to Bemisia tabaci in tomato plants. J. Econ. Entomol. 98(6): 2266-2271 ( ).

  165. NOMBELA, G., WILLIAMSON, V.M & MUÑIZ, M. 2003. The root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi-1.2 of tomato is responsible for resistance against the whitefly Bemisia tabaci.Mol. Plant Microbe In. 16(7): 645-649.

  166. PALACIOS, I., BLANC, S., LEITE, S. & FERERES, A.2004. Studies of feeding behaviour related to the transmission of cauliflower mosaic virus by aphids, pp. 471- 477. En: Aphids in a new millenium (eds Simon J.-C., Dedryver C.-A., Rispe C., Hullé M.). INRA Editions, Paris. ISBN : 2-7380-1113-6.

  167. PALACIOS, I., DRUCKER, M., BLANC, S., LEITE, S., MORENO, A. FERERES, A. 2002. Cauliflower mosaic virus is preferentially acquired from the phloem by its aphid vectors. Journal of General Virology 83: 3163-3171.

  168. PALMQVIST, K., VALLADARES, F. SANCHO. L.G. 2002. CO2 exchange and thallus nitrogen across 75 contrasting lichen associations from different climate zones. Oecologia 133:295-306

  169. PALMQVIST, K., VALLADARES, F. SANCHO. L.G. 2002. CO2 exchange and thallus nitrogen across 75 contrasting lichen associations from different climate zones. Oecologia 133:295-306

  170. PASCUAL, S, M. AVILES, G. NOMBELA, M. MUÑIZ & F. BEITIA. 2000. Development of Bemisia tabaci (biotype Q) on tomato cultivars with/without the Mi gene. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent. 65/2a, 291-292.

  171. PASCUAL, S, M. AVILES, G. NOMBELA, M.MUÑIZ &  F. BEITIA. 2000. Development of Bemisia tabaci (biotype Q) on tomato cultivars with/without the Mi gene. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent. 65/2a, 291-292

  172. PASCUAL, S., NOMBELA, G., AVILES, M. & MUÑIZ, M. 2003. Induced resistance in tomato to whitefly Bemisia tabaci by Bion. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(10): 61-64.

  173. PEARCY, R. W., H. MURAOKA, & F. VALLADARES. 2005. Crown architecture in sun and shade environments: assessing function and tradeoffs with a 3-D simulation model. New Phytologist 166: 791–800

  174. PEARCY, R.W. F. VALLADARES, WRIGHT, S.J. & LASSO DE PAULIS, E. 2004. A functional analysis of the crown architecture of tropical forest Psychotria species: do species vary in light capture efficiency and consequently in carbon gain and growth? Oecologia 139: 163–177

  175. PELÁEZ, F., R.F. CASTAÑEDA RUIZ and F. ARENAL. 1998. Titaea formosa anam. sp. nov., a new fungicolous hyphomycete from Spain. Mycotaxon 70: 55-62.

  176. PEREZ, P., COLLAR, J.L., AVILLA, C., DUQUE, M. AND A. FERERES. 1995. Estimation of vector propensity of Potato Virus Y (PVY) in open-feld pepper crops of Central Spain. Journal of Economic Entomology 88: 986-991.

  177. PEREZ, P., M. DUQUE, J.L. COLLAR, C. AVILLA, A. FERERES. 2003. Activity of alatae aphids landing on open-field pepper crops in Spain. Z. Pflanzenk. Pflanzen (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 110: (2): 195-202.

  178. PEREZ, P., TJALLINGII, W.F., A. FERERES. 1996. Probing behaviour of Myzus persicae during transmission of Potato virus Y to pepper and tobacco plants. J. of Plant Diseases and Protection 103(3): 246-254.

  179. PLATAS, G., J. ACERO, J. A. BORKOWSKI , V. GONZALEZ , M. A. PORTAL, V. RUBIO, J. SANCHEZ, O. SALAZAR AND F. PELÁEZ.2001. Presence of a simple tandem repeat DNA sequence in the ITS1 region of the Xylariales. Current Microbiol. 43: 43-50.

  180. PUGNAIRE, F. I., C. ARMAS, & F. VALLADARES. 2004. Soil as a mediator in plant-plant interactions in a semi-arid community. Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 85-92

  181. REINA M., GONZALEZ-COLOMA A., GUTIERREZ C., CABRERA R., J. HENRIQUEZ and VILLARROEL L. A.1998.Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Heliotropium megalanthum. J. Nat. Prod. 61:1418-1420.

  182. REINA, M., GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A., GUTIERREZ, C., CABRERA, R., RODRIGUEZ, M.L., VILLAROEL, L.  and FAJARDO, V. 2001. A. Defensive chemistry of Senecio miser Hook. J. Nat. Prod. 64: 6-11.

  183. REINA, M., MERICLI, A. H. and GONZALEZ-COLOMA, A.1998. A. A minor pyrrolizidine alkaloid from Heliotropium bovei. Nat. Prod. Lett. 11: 291-296.

  184. RIAÑO, D., VALLADARES, F., CONDES, S. & CHUVIECO, E. 2004. Estimation of effective leaf area index, tree height, and covered ground from airborne laser scanner (Lidar) in two contrasting forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 124: 269–275.


  186. ROMERO, A., B. BLANCO-URGOITI, M.J. SOTO, A. FERERES, F. PONZ. 2000. Characterization of typical pepper-isolates of PVY reveals multiple pathotypes within a single genetic strain. Virus Research 79: 71-80.

  187. ROMERO, M.D., MONTES, M.J., SIN, E., LOPEZ-BRAÑA, I., DUCE.A., MARTIN SANCHEZ, J.A., ANDRES, M.F. & DELIBES, A. 1998. A cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae WOLL.) resistance gene transferred from Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 96: 1135-1140.

  188. RUBIO, V., V. GONZÁLEZ, MARÍA DE LOS ANGELES PORTAL, MARÍA JULIÁN, OSCAR SALAZAR, HORACIO LÓPEZ-CÓRCOLES and PRUDENCIO LÓPEZ-FUSTER. 2001. Biological control of damping-off on pine (Pinus spp.) with a new fungal species, Ceratobasidium albasitensis isolated in Albacete (Spain). IOBC/WPRS Bulletin and Bulletin OILB SROP, Vol. 24 (3): "Biocontrol Agents: Mode of action and interaction with other means of control. Yigal Elad, Stanley Freeman and Enrique Monte (Eds.) p 75-78, Sevilla (España).

  189. SADRAS V. O, FERERES A, RATCLIFFE, R. H. 1999. Wheat growth, yield and quality as affected by insect herbivores, pp. 183-227. En: Wheat: Ecology and Physiology of yield determination. Ed.: Satorre EH, Slafer GA. New York: Food Product Press.

  190. SADRAS, V.O, A. FERERES & R.H. RATCLIFFE. 2000. Wheat growth, yield and quality as affected by insect  herbivores. En: WHEAT: A phisiological-ecological approach to understand yield and its determining processes at the crop level organization. Ed. Satorre E., Slafer G. food Preoduct Press (New York, USA), an imprint of the Haworth Press, Inc.

  191. SALAZAR, O., M.C. JULIÁN, M. HYAKUMACHI and V. RUBIO. 2000. Phylogenetic grouping of cultural types of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 based on ribosomal ITS sequences. Mycologia, 92: 505-509.

  192. SÁNCHEZ-BALLESTEROS, J., E. YOSSIF, C. DEL MORAL, V., RUBIO y S. TAVANTZIS.2001. Regulación de la virulencia de Rhizoctonia solani en patata por dsRNA. pp 537-543. Pascualena J., Ritter, E. (Eds) En "Patata 2000", Diputación Foral de Alava, Vitoria-Gasteiz (España).

  193. SÁNCHEZ-BALLESTEROS, J., V. GONZÁLEZ, O. SALAZAR, J. ACERO, M.A. PORTAL, M.C. JULIÁN, V. RUBIO, G.F. BILLS, J.D. POLISHOOK, G. PLATAS, S. MOCHALES and F. PELÁEZ. 2000. Phylogenetic study of Hypoxylon and related genera based on ribosomal ITS sequences. Mycologia 92: 964-977.

  194. SANTIN, I. & GONZÁLEZ-PONCE, R. 2003. Competition and damage caused by weeds growing with tomatoes and peppers. In: Recent Res. in Dev. Plant Sciences, 1: 133- 145. Edit. Research Signpost 37/61, Kerala, India.

  195. SANTIN,I., PLAZA,C., POLO,A. , GONZALEZ PONCE,R. (2000) Effects of pig slurry on a population of barley and Lolium rigidum Gaud. Third Int. Weed Sci. Congress. Foz do Iguassú (Brasil).

  196. SORIA, C., MORIONES, E., FERERES, A., GARZO E. & M.L. GÓMEZ-GUILLAMÓN.2003. New source of resistance to mosaic virus transmission by Aphis gossypii in melon. Euphytica 133: 313-318

  197. SUAY, I., F. ARENAL, F.J. ASENSIO, A. BASILIO, M.A. CABELLO, M.T. DIEZ, J.B. GARCIA, A. GONZÁLEZ DEL VAL, J. GORROCHATEGUI, P. HERNANDEZ, F. PELÁEZ, and M.F. VICENTE. 2000. Screening of Basidiomycetes for antimicrobial activities. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, J. Microbiol. 78: 129-139.

  198. VALLADARES, F, CHICO, JM, ARANDA, I, BALAGUER, L, DIZENGREMEL, P, MANRIQUE, E, DREYER, E. 2002. Greater high light seedling tolerance of Quercus robur over Fagus sylvatica is linked to a greater physiological plasticity. Trees, structure and function 16: 395-403.

  199. VALLADARES, F, PEARCY, RW. 2002. Drought can be more critical in the shade than in the sun: a field study of carbon gain and photoinhibition in a Californian shrub during a dry El Niño year. Plant Cell and Environment 25: 749-759.

  200. VALLADARES, F, SKILLMAN, J, PEARCY, RW. 2002. Convergence in light capture efficiencies among tropical forest understory plants with contrasting crown architectures: a case of morphological compensation. American Journal of Botany 89: 1275-1284.

  201. VALLADARES, F. (Editor). 2004. Ecology of Mediterranean forests in a changing world. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Egraf, Madrid. 587 pages (Spanish, abstracts in English).

  202. VALLADARES, F. 2003. Light heterogeneity and plants: from ecophysiology to species coexistence and biodiversity. Pages 439-471 in: W. Beyschlag edit. Progress in Botany 64. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

  203. VALLADARES, F. LIBERTAD G. HERNÁNDEZ, IKER DOBARRO, CRISTINA GARCÍA-PÉREZ, RUBÉN SANZ AND FRANCISCO I. PUGNAIRE. 2003. The ratio of leaf to total photosynthetic area influences shade survival and plastic response to light of green-stem leguminous shrubs seedlings. Annals of Botany 91:1-8

  204. VALLADARES, F., & B. GUZMÁN-ASENJO. 2006. Canopy structure and spatial heterogeneity of light in two understory layers of an abandoned Holm oak forest. Annals of Forest Science (in press)

  205. VALLADARES, F., AND D. BRITTES. 2004. Leaf phyllotaxis: does it really affect light capture? Plant Ecology 174 (1): 11-17

  206. VALLADARES, F., E. MARTINEZ-FERRI, L. BALAGUER, E. PEREZ-CORONA, & E. MANRIQUE. 2002. Plasticity, instability and canalization: is the phenotypic variation in seedlings of sclerophyll oaks consistent with the environmental unpredictability of Mediterranean ecosystems?. New Phytologist 156: 457-467.

  207. VALLADARES, F., P. VILLAR, M. FERNÁNDEZ-PASCUAL, S. DOMÍNGUEZ, J. L. PEÑUELAS, AND F. I. PUGNAIRE. 2002. Early performance of the leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa: effect of fertilization versus Rhizobium inoculation. Plant and Soil 240: 253-262.

  208. VALLADARES, F., P. VILLAR, M. FERNÁNDEZ-PASCUAL, S. DOMÍNGUEZ, J. L. PEÑUELAS, AND F. I. PUGNAIRE. 2002. Early performance of the leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa: effect of fertilization versus Rhizobium inoculation. Plant and Soil 240: 253-262.

  209. VALLADARES, F., S. ARRIETA, I. ARANDA, D. LORENZO, D. TENA, D. SÁNCHEZ, F. SUAREZ, AND J. A. PARDOS. 2005. Shade tolerance, photoinhibition sensitivity and phenotypic plasticity of Ilex aquifolium in continental-Mediterranean sites. Tree Physiology 25, 1041–1052.

  210. Y. X. JIANG, C. DE BLAS, I. D. BEDFORD, G. NOMBELA &  M. MUÑIZ. 2004. Effect of Bemisia tabaci biotype in the transmission of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Sardinia Virus between tomato and common weeds. SJAR. 2(1):115-119.

  211. ZOTZ, G, P REICHLING, F VALLADARES 2002 A simulation study on the importance of size-related changes in leaf morphology and physiology for carbon gain in an epiphytic bromeliad. Annals of Botany 90: 437-443.

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