Publications for Ben Saul 2018

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Publications for Ben Saul

Publications for Ben Saul


Saul, B. (2018). Counter-Terrorism Law and the Shrinking Legal Space for Political Resistance and Violence (Forthcoming). In Liora Lazarus, Benjamin Goold (Eds.), Security and Human Rights - 2nd Edition. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.

Saul, B. (2018). Minorities and Counter-Terrorism Law (Forthcoming). European Yearbook of Minority Issues.

Saul, B., Akande, D. (2018). Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law (Forthcoming). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Chesterman, S., Saul, B. (2018). Oxford Handbook on International Law in Asia (Forthcoming). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Saul, B. (2018). Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law (Forthcoming). In Ben Saul, Dapo Akande (Eds.), Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law (Forthcoming). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.


Saul, B. (2017). Australia and International Counter-Terrorism Law and Practice. In Donald R. Rothwell, Emily Crawford (Eds.), International Law in Australia - 3rd Edition, (pp. 261-289). Sydney: Thomson Reuters.

Saul, B. (2017). Book Review: Georgina Fitzpatrick, Tim McCormack and Narrelle Morris (eds), Australia's War Crimes Trials 1945-51 (Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, 2016), 865 pp (Forthcoming). Law & History.

Saul, B. (2017). Defining Terrorism: A Conceptual Minefield (Forthcoming). In Andreas Gofas, Richard English, Stathis N. Kalyvas, Erica Chenoweth (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Terrorism. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Saul, B. (2017). Enhancing Civilian Protection by Engaging Non-State Armed Groups under International Humanitarian Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 22(1), 39-66. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2017). Many Small Wars: The Classification of Armed Conflicts in Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara) in 1975-76 (Forthcoming). African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law.

Saul, B. (2017). Terrorism (Forthcoming). In John R.W.D. Jones QC, Misa Zgonec-Rozej (Eds.), Blackstone's International Criminal Practice. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Saul, B. (2017). The Crime of Terrorism within the Jurisdiction of the Proposed African Court of Justice and Human Rights (Forthcoming). In Charles Jalloh, Kamari Clarke, Vincent Nmehielle (Eds.), African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights in Context.

Crock, M., Smith-Khan, L., McCallum, R., Saul, B. (2017). The Legal Protection of Refugees with Disabilities: Forgotten and Invisible?. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Saul, B. (2017). The Legal Relationship between Terrorism and Transnational Crime. International Criminal Law Review, 17(3), 417-452. [More Information]


Saul, B. (2016). Improving Respect for International Humanitarian Law by Non-state Armed Groups. In Catriona Holman (Eds.), Humanitarian Engagement with Non-state Armed Groups, (pp. 39-52). London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2016). Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights: International and Regional Jurisprudence. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Saul, B. (2016). Introduction: The Drafting of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1948-1966. In Ben Saul (Eds.), The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Travaux Preparatoires, (pp. xciii-cxxvi). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Saul, B. (2016). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Travaux Preparatoires 1948-1966 - Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Boer, B., Hirsch, P., Johns, F., Saul, B., Scurrah, N. (2016). The Mekong: A Socio-legal Approach to River Basin Development. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


Smith-Khan, L., Crock, M., McCallum, R., Saul, B. (2015). 'Up to now I am suffering': justice, sexual violence and disability amongst refugees in Uganda. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 1(4), 348-371. [More Information]

Saul, B., Stephens, T. (2015). Antarctica in International Law. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.

Saul, B., Stephens, T., Horne, A. (2015). Chronology of Legally Significant Events. In Ben Saul, Tim Stephens (Eds.), Antarctica in International Law, (pp. xxvii-liv). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. [More Information]

Saul, B., Heath, K. (2015). Cyber terrorism. In Nicholas Tsagourias, Russell Buchan (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace, (pp. 147-167). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]

Saul, B., Stephens, T. (2015). Introduction: Antarctica in International Law. In Ben Saul, Tim Stephens (Eds.), Antarctica in International Law, (pp. lv-lxxii). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2015). Migrating to Australia with Disabilities: Non-Discrimination and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In Mary Crock (Eds.), Migrants and Rights, (pp. 417-447). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.

Saul, B. (2015). Old and New Terrorist Threats: What Form Will They Take and How Will States Respond? In M. Cherif Bassiouni (Eds.), Globalization and Its Impact on the Future of Human Rights and International Criminal Justice, (pp. 281-307). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.

Saul, B., Stephens, T. (2015). Responsive Antarctic Law-Making in the Asian Century. The Yearbook of Polar Law, 7, 55-82. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2015). Terrorism as a legal concept. In Genevieve Lennon, Clive Walker (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Terrorism, (pp. 19-37). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2015). Terrorism as a transnational crime. In Neil Boister, Robert Currie (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Transnational Criminal Law, (pp. 394-408). Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2015). The status of Western Sahara as occupied territory under international humanitarian law and the exploitation of natural resources. Global Change, Peace and Security, 27(3), 301-322. [More Information]

Smith-Khan, L., Crock, M., Saul, B., McCallum, R. (2015). To 'Promote, Protect and Ensure': Overcoming Obstacles to Identifying Disability in Forced Migration. Journal of Refugee Studies, 28(1), 38-68. [More Information]


Saul, B., Renshaw, C. (2014). Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific: Critical Concepts in Asian Studies Volumes I - IV. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Saul, B. (2014), International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages: New York, 17 December 1979 - Introductory Note. [More Information]

Hart, N., Crock, M., McCallum, R., Saul, B. (2014). Making Every Life Count: Ensuring Equality and Protection for Persons with Disabilities in Armed Conflicts. Monash University Law Review, 40(1), 148-174. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2014). Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Saul, B. (2014). Security and Fairness in Australian Public Law. In M Groves (Eds.), Modern Administrative Law in Australia: Concepts and Context, (pp. 93-118). Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Saul, B. (2014). Terrorism and international humanitarian law. In B Saul (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism, (pp. 208-231). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]

Saul, B., Kinley, D., Mowbray, J. (2014). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Commentary, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Saul, B., Flanagan, M. (2014). Torture and counter-terrorism. In B Saul (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism, (pp. 379-400). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]


Saul, B. (2013). China, Natural Resources, Sovereignty and International Law. Asian Studies Review, 37(2), 196-214. [More Information]

Nasu, H., Saul, B. (2013). Human Rights in the Asia Pacific Region: Towards Institution Building. Routledge. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2013). Indefinite Security Detention and Refugee Children and Families in Australia: International Human Rights Law Dimensions. Australian International Law Journal, 20, 55-75.

Saul, B. (2013). Protecting Refugees in the Global 'War on Terror'. In James C. Hathaway (Eds.), Human Rights And Refugee Law, (pp. 356-378). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Saul, B. (2013). The Special Tribunal for Lebanon and Terrorism as an International Crime: Reflections on the Judicial Function. In William A. Schabas, Yvonne McDermott, Niamh Hayes (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to International Criminal Law: Critical Perspectives, (pp. 79-99). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2013). Wikileaks: Information Messiah or Global Terrorist? In D. Baldino (Eds.), Spooked: The truth about intelligence in Australia, (pp. 207-239). Sydney, Australia: NewSouth Publishing.


Saul, B. (2012). 'Fair Shake of the Sauce Bottle': Fairer ASIO security assessments of refugees. Alternative Law Journal, 37(4), 221-227. [More Information]

Saul, B., Baghoomians, I. (2012). An Experiential International Law Field School in the Sky: Learning Human Rights and Development in the Himalayas. Legal Education Review, 22(2), 273-315.

Saul, B. (2012). Civilising the Exception: Universally Defining Terrorism. In A Masferrer (Eds.), Post 9/11 and the State of Permanent Legal Emergency: Security and Human Rights in Countering Terrorism, (pp. 79-100). Dordrecht: Springer. [More Information]

Saul, B., Sherwood, S., McAdam, J., Stephens, T., Slezak, J. (2012). Climate Change and Australia: Warming to the Global Challenge. Sydney: The Federation Press.

Saul, B. (2012). Criminality and Terrorism. In A Salinas de Frias, K Samuel and N White (Eds.), Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice, (pp. 133-170). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2012). Dark Justice: Australia's Indefinite Detention of Refugees on Security Grounds Under International Human Rights Law. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 13(2), 685-731.

Saul, B. (2012). Indigenous Peoples, Laws and Customs in the Teaching of Public and Private International Law. Ngiya: Talk the Law, 4, 63-78.

Saul, B., Stephens, T. (2012). Not Yet Out of the Woods: Australia's Attempt to Regulate Illegal Timber Imports and World Trade Organization Obligations. Australian International Law Journal, 19, 143-160.

Saul, B. (2012). Terrorism. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Saul, B. (2012). Terrorism and international criminal law: questions of (in)coherence and (il)legitimacy. In G Boas, W Schabas and M Scharf (Eds.), International Criminal Justice: Legitimacy and Coherence, (pp. 190-230). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2012). The Emerging International Law of Terrorism. In B Saul (Eds.), Terrorism, (pp. 67-87). Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Saul, B. (2012). The Security Risks of Climate Change Displacement in Bangladesh. Journal of Human Security, 8(2), 5-35.


Saul, B. (2011). '"Why do they hate us?".. They hate our freedoms': The globalisation of terrorism and counter-terrorism. In Shawkat Alam, Natalie Klein and Juliette Overland (Eds.), Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice: The Relevance of International Law in an Evolving World Order, (pp. 207-234). London & New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2011). Amicus Curiae Brief on the Notion of Terrorist Acts Submitted to the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pursuant to Rule 131 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. Criminal Law Forum, 22(3), 365-388. [More Information]

McAdam, J., Saul, B. (2011). Displacement with Dignity: International Law and Policy Responses to Climate Change, Migration and Security in Bangladesh. German Yearbook of International Law, 53, 233-287.

Saul, B. (2011). Legislating from a Radical Hague: The United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon Invents an International Crime of Transnational Terrorism. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(3), 677-700. [More Information]

Saul, B., Mowbray, J., Baghoomians, I. (2011). Resistance to Regional Human Rights Cooperation in The Asia-Pacific: Demythologizing Regional Exceptionalism by Learning from the Americas, Europe and Africa. In H Nasu and B Saul (Eds.), Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region: Towards Institution Building, (pp. 107-126). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Saul, B. (2011). Review of Human Rights Education and Training in the Criminal Justice System in Nepal. Nepal Law Review.

Saul, B., Mowbray, J., Baghoomians, I. (2011). The Last Frontier of Human Rights Protection: Interrogating Resistance to Regional Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Australian International Law Journal, 18, 23-52.

Saul, B. (2011). Throwing Stones at Streetlights or Cuckolding Dictators? Australian Foreign Policy and Human Rights in the Developing World. The Round Table, 100(415), 423-439. [More Information]


McAdam, J., Saul, B. (2010). An Insecure Climate for Human Security? Climate-Induced Displacement and International Law. In Alice Edwards and Carla Ferstman (Eds.), Human Security and Non-Citizens: Law, Policy and International Affairs, (pp. 357-403). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saul, B. (2010). Climate Change and Resource Scarcity: Towards an International Law of Distributive Justice. In Rosemary Lyster (Eds.), In the Wilds of Climate Law, (pp. 71-96). Australia: Australian Academic Press.

Saul, B. (2010). Hitoshi Nasu, International Law on Peacekeeping: A Study of Article 40 of the UN Charter (2009). Australian International Law Journal, 17, 291-292.

Saul, B. (2010). Julius Stone and the Question of Palestine in International Law. In Helen Irving, Jacqueline Mowbray and Kevin Walton (Eds.), Julius Stone: A Study in Influence, (pp. 238-261). Sydney: The Federation Press.

Johns, F., Saul, B., Hirsch, P., Stephens, T., Boer, B. (2010). Law and the Mekong River Basin: A Socio-Legal Research Agenda on the Role of Hard and Soft Law in Regulating Transboundary Water Resources. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 11(1), 154-174.

Saul, B. (2010). Migrating to Australia with Disabilities: Non-Discrimination and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 16(1), 63-104.

Saul, B. (2010). Phil Clark, The Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice Without Lawyers. Australian International Law Journal, 17, 299-302.

Saul, B. (2010). The Emerging International Law of Terrorism. Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy 2009, 1, 163-192.

Saul, B. (2010). The Kafka-esque Case of Sheikh Mansour Leghaei: The Denial of the International Human Right to a Fair Hearing in National Security Assessments and Migration Proceedings in Australia. UNSW Law Journal, 33(3), 629-661.

Saul, B. (2010). Waiting for Dignity in Australia: Migrant Rights to Social Security and Disability Support under International Human Rights Law. UCL Human Rights Review, 3(October 2010), 72-108.


Saul, B. (2009). Book Review: Human Rights and Non-Discrimination in the 'War on Terror' by Daniel Moeckli. The Modern Law Review, 72(3), 314-317.

Saul, B. (2009). Book Review: Neil Boister and Robert Cryer, The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A Reappraisal (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008), ISBN 978-0-19-927852-7, 358 pages. Australian International Law Journal, 16, 295-299.

Saul, B. (2009). Climate Change, Conflict and Security: International Law Challenges. New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review, 9, 1-20.

Saul, B. (2009). Prosecuting War Crimes at Balibo Under Australian Law: The Killing of Five Journalists in East Timor by Indonesia. Sydney Law Review, 31(1), 83-120.

Saul, B. (2009). The Equivalent Logic of Torture and Terrorism: Legal Regulation of Moral Monstrosity. In Stritzke, W; Lewandowsky, S; Denemark, D; Clare, J; Morgan (Eds.), Terrorism and Torture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, (pp. 44-62). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saul, B. (2009). The Implementation of the Genocide Convention at the National Level. In Gaeta, Paola~ (Eds.), The UN Genocide Convention: A Commentary, (pp. 58-83). New York, USA: Oxford University Press. [More Information]


Saul, B. (2008). Book Review - Law in Times of Crisis: Emergency Powers in Theory and Practice by Oren Gross & Fionnuala Ni Aolain. Irish Yearbook of International Law.

Saul, B. (2008). Branding Enemies: Regional Legal Responses to Terrorism in Asia. In HHL Roque (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, (pp. 110-134). The Philippines: Institute of International Legal Studies.

Saul, B. (2008). Foreword. In P Rainey & B Saul (Eds.), Youth Writes: An Anthology of Young Australians' Writing. The Youth Writes Committee.

Saul, B. (2008). Forgiving Terrorism: Trading Justice for Peace, or Imperiling the Peace? In Gani, M and Mathew, P (Eds.), Fresh Perspectives on the War on Terror, (pp. 189-206). Canberra: ANU E Press.

Saul, B. (2008). Protecting Refugees in the Global 'War on Terror'. Indian Juridical Review, 2008 (1), 13-35.

Saul, B. (2008). Terrorism as Crime or War: Militarising Crime and Disrupting the Constitutional Settlement? Public Law Review, 19(1), 20-31.

Saul, B. (2008). The International Protection of Journalists in Armed Conflict and Other Violent Situations. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 99-140.

Saul, B. (2008). Wearing Thin: Restrictions on Islamic Headscarves and Other Religious Symbols. In Jane McAdam (Eds.), Forced Migration, Human Rights and Security, (pp. 181-212). Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.


Saul, B. (2007). Australian Administrative Law:The Human Rights Dimension. In Matthew Groves and H. P. Lee (Eds.), Australian Administrative Law: Fundamentals, Principles and Doctrines, (pp. 50-76). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saul, B. (2007). Book Review: Stephen Grey's 'Ghost Plane: The Untold Story of the CIA's Torture Programme' Scribe: Melbourne 2007. Law Society Journal, (45) 6, 82-83.

Saul, B. (2007). Defining Terrorism to Protect Human Rights. In Deborah Staines (Eds.), Interrogating the War on Terror: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, (pp. 190-210). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Saul, B. (2007). From the Guest Editor: Building the Law on Genocide. Journal of Genocide Research, 9(2), 173-175.

Saul, B. (2007). Response to Dannielle Celemajer's "Are we entereing a post human rights era?". Human Rights Defender, 16(1), 22.

Saul, B. (2007). The Curious Element of Motive in Definitions of Terrorism: Essential Ingredient or Criminalising Thought? In A. Lynch, E. MacDonald & G. Williams (Eds.), Law and Liberty in the War on Terror, (pp. 28-38). Sydney: Federation Press.


Saul, B. (2006). Book review: Peter Reddy, Torture: What You Need to Know. Law Society Journal, 44(9), 95.

Saul, B. (2006). Censorship of Religious Texts: The Limits of Pluralism. The U T S Law Review, 8, 49-65.

Saul, B. (2006). Defending 'Terrorism': Justifications and Excuses for Terrorism in International Criminal Law. Australian Yearbook of International Law, 25, 177-226.

Saul, B. (2006). Defining Terrorism in International Law. UK: Oxford University Press.

Crock, M., Saul, B., Dastyari, A. (2006). Future Seekers II: Refugees and Irregular Migration in Australia. Sydney: Federation Press.

Saul, B. (2006). The Dangers of the United Nations' "New Security Agenda": "Human Security" in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 1(1), 1-35. [More Information]

Saul, B. (2006). The Legal Response of the League of Nations to Terrorism. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 4(1), 78-102. [More Information]


Saul, B. (2005). Attempts to Define 'Terrorism' in International Law. Netherlands International Law Review, 52(1), 57-83.

Saul, B. (2005). Crimes and Prohibitions of 'Terror' and 'Terrorism' in Armed Conflict: 1919-2005. Humanitares Volkerrecht Informationsschriften, 4, 264.

Saul, B. (2005). Defining Terrorism to Protect Human Rights. Human Rights Defender, 14(2), 2.

Saul, B. (2005). Definition of 'Terrorism' in the UN Security Council: 1985-2004. Chinese Journal of International Law, 4(1), 141-166.

Saul, B. (2005). In Fear of Freedom. Human Rights Defender, 2005, 9.

Saul, B. (2005). Preventing Communal Violence? Blurring Sedition, Vilification and Terrorism (2005 Special Issue). Human Rights Defender, 2005, 15.

Saul, B. (2005). Speaking of Terror: Criminalising Incitement to Violence. UNSW Law Journal, 28(3), 868-886.

Saul, B. (2005). Two Justifications for Terrorism: A Moral Legal Response. Alternative Law Journal, 30(5), 219-221.


Saul, B. (2004). Compensation for Unlawful Death in International Law: A Focus on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. American University International Law Review, 19(3), 523-585.

Saul, B. (2004). Torturing terrorists after September 11. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 27(6), 645-670. [More Information]


Saul, B. (2003). International Terrorism as a European Crime: The Policy Rationale for Criminalization. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 11(4), 323-349.

Saul, B. (2003). The Legality of the Use of Force Against Iraq in 2003: Did the Coalition Defend or Defy the United Nations? U C L A Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 8(2), 267-329.


Saul, B. (2002). Election Violence in Sri Lanka: Implementing the Right to a Free and Fair Election. Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 3(1), 1-39.

Crock, M., Saul, B. (2002). Future Seekers: Refugees and the Law in Australia. Australia: Federation Press.

Saul, B. (2002). Legal Professional Privilege - Balancing Law Enforcement Against Protecting the Regulated. Law Institute Journal, 76(2), 68-99.

Crock, M., Saul, B. (2002). Nation Skilling: Immigration, Labour and the Law. In Mary Crock and Kerry Lyon (Eds.), Nation Skilling: Migration, Labour and the Law in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, (pp. 1-11). Sydney Australia: Desert Pea Press.


Saul, B. (2001). Genetic Policing: Forensic DNA Testing in NSW. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13(1), 74-109.

Saul, B. (2001). In the Shadow of Human Rights: Human duties, obligations and responsibilities. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 32.3, 565-624.

Saul, B. (2001). Privilege against Self-incrimination in Federal Regulation. Reform.

Saul, B. (2001). Removing Legal Professional Privilege: A policy imperative? Law Society Journal, 39(9), 67.

Saul, B. (2001). Was the conflict in East Timor 'genocide' and why does it matter? Melbourne Journal of International Law, 2(2), 477-522
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