Publications for David Kinley 2018

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Publications for David Kinley

Publications for David Kinley


Kinley, D. (2018). Necessary Evil: A human rights journey into the dark heart of finance (Forthcoming). United States: Oxford University Press. [More Information]


Kinley, D. (2017). How banks can win our trust back (and it's not through good deeds). ABC News. [More Information]


Kinley, D. (2016). Book Review - Diane A. Desierto, Public Policy in International Economic Law: The ICESCR in Trade, Investment and Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. 448. 70.00. ISBN: 9780198716938. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 17(5), 861-863.

Meyersfeld, B., Kinley, D. (2016), Can human rights actors speak the language of finance?. [More Information]


Meyersfeld, B., Kinley, D. (2015). Banks and Human Rights: A South African Experiment. SUR - International Journal on Human Rights, 12(22), 189-205. [More Information]

Augenstein, D., Kinley, D. (2015). Beyond the 100 Acre Wood: in which international human rights law finds new ways to tame global corporate power. The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(6), 828-848. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2015). Book Review - WALKING A TIGHTROPE: Defending Human Rights in China. Asian Insights, no. 6. By Gert Holmgaard Nielsen. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2014. xxxii, 277 pp. (B&W photos.) £18.99, paper. ISBN 978-87-7694-131-4. Pacific Affairs, 88(4), 900-902.

Kinley, D. (2015). Development, the Rule of Law and Business. In Jeffrey Jowell, Christopher Thomas, Jan van Zyl Smit (Eds.), Rule of Law Symposium 2014: The Importance of the Rule of Law in Promoting Development, (pp. 60-69). Singapore: Academy Publishing: Singapore Academy of Law.

Kinley, D. (2015). Finding and Filling the Democratic Deficit in Human Rights. In Murray Hunt, Hayley J. Hooper, Paul Yowell (Eds.), Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit, (pp. 29-37). Oxford: Hart Publishing. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2015). Foreword to The Palm Oil Industry and Human Rights: A Case Study of Palm Oil Corporations in Central Kalimantan. [More Information]


Kinley, D. (2014), A New Right to Freedom from Corruption, presented to the Australian Human Rights Commission (April 2014).

Kinley, D. (2014). Finding Freedom: Human Rights in the Political Economy. Journal of International Trade Law, 5, 329-338.

Saul, B., Kinley, D., Mowbray, J. (2014). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Commentary, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Kinley, D. (2013). Development as a Vehicle for Principled Engagement on Human Rights: The Implications of "New Aid"? In Morten B. Pedersen, David Kinley (Eds.), Principled Engagement: Negotiating Human Rights in Repressive States, (pp. 199-225). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2013). Finding Freedom in China: Human Rights in the Political Economy. SUR - International Journal on Human Rights, 10(19), 142-154. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Sadurski, W., Walton, K. (2013). Human Rights: Old Problems, New Possibilities. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Pedersen, M., Kinley, D. (2013). Introducing Principled Engagement. In Morten B. Pedersen, David Kinley (Eds.), Principled Engagement: Negotiating Human Rights in Repressive States, (pp. 1-11). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2013). Preface - Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy [Chinese edition]. Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy, (pp. 1-5). China: China University of Political Science and Law Press.

Pedersen, M., Kinley, D. (2013). Principled Engagement: Negotiating Human Rights in Repressive States. Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Kinley, D., Navidi, J. (2013). The Long Arm of Human Rights Risk: Supply Chain Management and Legal Responsibility. The Business and Human Rights Review, 2013 (3), 10-14.

Augenstein, D., Kinley, D. (2013). When human rights 'responsibilities' become 'duties': the extra-territorial obligations of states that bind corporations. In Surya Deva, David Bilchitz (Eds.), Human Rights Obligations of Business: Beyond the Corporate Responsibility to Respect, (pp. 271-294). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2013). Where hope meets expectation between human rights idealism and pragmatism. In David Kinley, Wojciech Sadurski, Kevin Walton (Eds.), Human Rights: Old Problems, New Possibilities, (pp. 236-256). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]


Kinley, D. (2012). Bendable Rules: The Development Implications of Human Rights Pluralism. In B Tamanaha, C Sage and M Woolcock (Eds.), Legal Pluralism and Development: Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue, (pp. 50-65). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Murray, O. (2012). Corporations that Kill: Prosecuting Blackwater. In Simon Bronitt, Miriam Gani and Saskia Hufnagel (Eds.), Shooting to Kill: Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Use of Lethal Force, (pp. 293-316). Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Ernst, C. (2012). Exile on Main Street: Australia's Legislative Agenda for Human Rights. European Human Rights Law Review, (1), 58-70.

Anton, D., Breau, S., Crawford, E., de Jong, A., Joseph, S., Kinley, D., Kyriakakis, J., Nolan, J., Stephens, T., Zagor, M. (2012), In the Supreme Court of the United States: Esther Kiobel, et al. v Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al. - Supplemental Brief Of Australian International Law Scholars, Amici Curiae In Support Of Petitioners.

Dowell-Jones, M., Kinley, D. (2012). The Monster Under the Bed: Financial Services and the Ruggie Framework. In R Mares (Eds.), The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Foundations and Implementation, (pp. 193-216). The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

Cunningham, F., Kinley, D. (2012). The Trinity and the Dragon: Reconciling Finance, Human Rights and the Environment in China. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 3(1), 116-140. [More Information]


Murray, O., Kinley, D., Pitts, C. (2011). Exaggerated Rumours of the Death of an Alien Tort? Corporations, Human Rights and the Remarkable case of Kiobel. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 12(1), 57-94.

Dowell-Jones, M., Kinley, D. (2011). Minding the Gap: Global Finance and Human Rights. Ethics and International Affairs, 25(2), 183-210. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Saul, B. (2011). Review of Human Rights Education and Training in the Criminal Justice System in Nepal. Nepal Law Review.


Kinley, D. (2010). After the Fall - Poverty, Politics and Human Rights, Post-GFC. In Christina Binder, Harald Eberhard, Konrad Lachmayer, Gregor Ribarov & Thallinger (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Rights: Proceedings ofthe 5th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law, (pp. 23-31). Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.


Kinley, D. (2009). 'No soul to be damned, no body to be kicked' .. but corporations have reputations to lose. Keeping Good Companies, 61(11), 654-658.

Kinley, D. (2009). Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Kinley, D. (2009), Civilising the global economy.

Kinley, D. (2009). Human Rights and Corporations. Farnham: Ashgate. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2009). Introduction. In Kinley, David (Eds.), Human Rights and Corporations, (pp. xi-xix). Farnham: Ashgate. [More Information]

Kinley, D., Joseph, S., Waincymer, J. (2009). The World Trade Organization and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kinley, D., Nugyen, H., Murray, O. (2009). Viet Nam, Human Rights and Trade: Implications of Vietnam's Accession to the WTO. In Sarah Joseph, David Kinley, Jeff Waincymer (Eds.), The World Trade Organization and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, (pp. 221-255). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Kinley, D., Nolan, J. (2008). Human Rights, Corporations and the Global Economy: An International Law Perspective. In A G Scherer and G Palazzo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship, (pp. 343-373). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kinley, D., Nguyen, T. (2008). Viet Nam, Human Rights and Trade: Implications of Viet Nam's Accession to the WTO. Dialogue on Globalization, 39(May 2008), 3-44.


Kinley, D., Nolan, J., Zerial, N. (2007). 'The Norms are Dead. Long Live the Norms!' The Politics Behind the UN Human Rights Norms for Corporations. In D. McBarnet, A. Voiculescu & T. Campbell (Eds.), The New Corporate Accountability: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law, (pp. 459-475). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kinley, D., Wilson, T. (2007). Engaging a pariah: Human rights training in Burma/Myanmar. Human Rights Quarterly, 29(2), 368-402. [More Information]

Kinley, D. (2007). Human Rights Fundamentalisms. Sydney Law Review, 29(4), 545-575.

Kinley, D., Nolan, J., Zerial, N. (2007). The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility: Reflections on the United Nations Human Rights Norms for Corporations. Company and Securities Law Journal, 25(1), 30-42.

Kinley, D., Nolan, J. (2007). Trading and Aiding Human Rights: Corporations in the Global Economy. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 25(4), 353-377.


Kinley, D. (2006). Human Rights and the World Bank: Practice, Politics and Law. In Ana Palacio, Caroline Sage & Michael Woolcock (Eds.), The World Bank Legal Review: Law, Equity, and Development Volume 2, (pp. 353-383). Washington, D.C.: Martinus Nijhoff.

Kinley, D. (2006). Human Rights and the World Bank: Practice, Politics and Law. In K C Raj, D K Srivastava (Eds.), Human Rights and Development: Challenges for Governance Reform in Asia. LexisNexis.

Kinley, D. (2006), Short review - International Trade and Human Rights: Foundations and Conceptual Issues. Edited by Frederick M. Abbott, Christine Breining-Kaufmann, and Thomas Cottier. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2006. Pp. 384. $80.00.

Kinley, D., Chambers, R. (2006). The UN Human Rights Norms for Corporations: The Private Implications of Public International Law. Human Rights Law Review, 6(3), 447-497. [More Information]


Kinley, D. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility and International Human Rights Law. In R Mullerat (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: The Corporate Governance of the 21st Century, (pp. 205-214). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kinley, D., Thai, C. (2005). Human Rights and the Global Economy. (Quyen Con Nguoi Va Nen Kinh Te Toan Cau.). In D Kinley & C Thai (Eds.), International Human Rights Law, (pp. 385-410). Hanoi, Vietnam: Publishing House of Political Theory.

Kinley, D., Thai, C. (2005). International Human Rights Law. Hanoi, Vietnam: Publishing House of Political Theory.

Kinley, D., Thai, C. (2005). The Conceptual Origins and Evolution of Human Rights. (Nguon Goc, Khai Niem Va Qua Trinh Phat Trien Cua Quyen Con Nguoi.). In D Kinley & C Thai (Eds.), International Human Rights Law, (pp. 29-66). Hanoi, Vietnam: Publishing House of Political Theory.

Kinley, D. (2005). The universalizing of human rights and economic gobalization: what roles for the rule of law? In S Zifcak (Eds.), Globalisation and the Rule of Law, (pp. 96-118). UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.


Kinley, D., Tadaki, J. (2004). From Talk to Walk: The Emergence of Human Rights Responsibilities for Corporations at International Law. Virginia Journal of International Law, 44(4), 931-1023.

Kinley, D. (2004). Lawyers, Corporations and International Human Rights Law. Company Lawyer, 25(10), 298-302.

Kinley, D., Martin, P. (2004). The Institutional Mediation of Human Rights in Australia. In Paul Boreham, Geoffrey Stokes, Richard Hall (Eds.), The Politics of Australian Society: Political Issues for the New Century (2nd edition), (pp. 180-200). Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education.


Kinley, D. (2003). Globalisation and The Law. Legaldate, 15(4), 1-3.

Kinley, D., McBeth, A. (2003). Human Rights, Trade and Multinational Corporations. In R Sullivan (Eds.), Business and Human Rights: Dilemmas and Solutions, (pp. 52-68). UK: Greenleaf Publishing Limited.

Kinley, D. (2003). The Human Rights Responsibilities of Multinational Corporations: A Legal Study. New Academy Review.


Kinley, D. (2002). After Johannesburg: Can human Rights be Privatised Too? Alternative Law Journal, 27(6), 292-293.

Kinley, D., Bottomley, S. (2002). Commercial Law and Human Rights. UK: Ashgate.

Kinley, D. (2002). Human Rights as Legally Binding or Merely Relevant? In D Kinley & S Bottomley (Eds.), Commercial Law and Human Rights, (pp. 25-45). UK: Ashgate.

Kinley, D. (2002). Human Rights, Globalization and the Rule of Law: Friends, Foes or Family? U C L A Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 7(2), 239-264.

Kinley, D., Martin, P. (2002). International Human Rights Law at Home: Addressing the Politics of Denial. Melbourne University Law Review, 26(2), 466-472.

Kinley, D., Joseph, S. (2002). Multinational Corporations and Human Rights: Questions About Their Relationship. Alternative Law Journal, 27(1), 7-11.


Kinley, D. (2001). Human Rights in International and Australian Law. Australian Yearbook of International Law
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