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Conquests in Central Asia

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Conquests in Central Asia
So for annual campaign of the Muslims in Central Asia had been of Ghazawat type conquering the lands and appointing military supervisors and leaving the civil administration in the hands of the native princes. This was not approved of by Hajjaj who appointed Qutaybah b. Muslim governor of the Eastern provinces of Khurasan

704 to carry Muslim arms in Central Asia across the Oxus, which formed the boundary line between the Turkish and Persian speaking people of Turan and Iran, and conquer it for all the time to come. Hajjaj prepared the plan, remained in constant touch with the movement of the army under Qutaybah and issued directive from time to time. Qutaybah attacked Balkh, the capital of Tukharistan in

706-9 A.D. and took the lady of a physician Barmak captive and gave her to his brother Abdullah. Soon after peace was established and the lady was restored to Barmak. Now beyond the Oxus the trade centre of Bukhara (Peikund) was attacked. But the city was defended stubbornly by the Turkomans of Sughd (Sodiana) and other places and Bukhara situated on the southern reaches of the Zarafshan fell in

88 A.H./707 A.D. after long resistance under the command of a nephew of the Chinese Emperor.

During the winter, it was lost again and in the following year Qutaybah led a campaign against Werdan, the king of Bukhara. But he failed at which he was reproached by Hajjaj, who supplied him with a plan for defence and the attack was renewed The city was finally occupied and Samarqand, the capital city of Sughd, also fell in 90 A.H./708-9 A.D. The Chinese vassal Ghurak, submitted and accepted an Arab garrison from there the Muslim force pushed forward further eastward. Farghanah and Khwarizm (modern Khive) were also reduced to submission. On the retirement of Muslim troops in the winter a rising took place in Tukharistan. Nizak, a minister of the prince of Tukharistan conspired with the chief of Juzjan, Faryab, Merv. Ispahbad and other surrounding areas against Qutaybah, enlisted the potentates from the Oxus to the Murghab and gave joint opposition to the Muslims at Khulm. Meanwhile Qutaybah received reinforcement from Persia and crossing the pass attacked the rear of
Wahd Bin Abdul Mahk ’ 397
Nizak. He was captured with 700 of his followers who were killed later on receiving an order from Hajjaj. The prince of Tukharistan was taken captive and sent to Damascus with his retinues Shuman and Faryab were stormed and the Muslim conquests were pushed to Sogdiana.
In 92 A.H/Oct. 710-11 A.D. Sijistan was attacked and its chief, the Zunbil, submitted. In the following year, Qutaybah again crossed the Oxus and fell upon Samarqand which surrounded but only after stiff resistance. The fire temples were destroyed and idols were broken., A grand daughter of Yazdagird was taken prisoner there and sent to Walid. Several Muslim families coming from Khurasan settled at Samarqand. Similarly Khwarizm and Bukhara were colonized and the Buddhist temples of Bukhara were demolished. Tyana was captured in 711 and its fall opened the gate of Asia Minor for the Umayyads. In 712 Amasia in Portus was captured and a year after Antioch in Pisidia.
By 96 A.H/715 A.D. Qutaybah raised an army of 20,000 native soldiers from Khawarizm, Bukhara, Kish and Nasaf and marched towards Khashghar and the border of China by conquering Shash, Khujand and other cities in Chinese Turkistan. While Qutaybah was still busy with the conquests in Central Asia, preparations were also made to attack Constantinople but before it could materialize Walid died and was succeeded by Sulayman who brought ruin to Qutaybah and other adherence of Hajjaj b. Yusuf, who had died a year before the Caliph in June 714 A.D. after twenty years of service to the cause of Uma»ads at an age of fiftv-two. Thus by 715 A.D. the Jaxartes provinces, the lands of the Central Asian Khanates which formed the natural boundary line between Iran and Turan were occupied and Buddhist monasteries of Bukhara, Balkh and Samarqand gave rise to Muslim prayer halls and ground was prepared for the nurseries of Muslim culture in Central Asia. Qutaybah distinguished himself more as an administrator than as a general. The civil administration was left with the existing dynastic houses to carry on while the military and revenue administrations passed on to the hands of the Arab government of Khurasan or his representative.

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