Q. & A. 711 to 1707 with solved Papers css 1971 to date

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(7S4-775 A.D./136-158 A.H.)
Mansur’s accession is an important land mark in the history of Caliphate. His reign introduced an era of exceptional splendour and glory in the history of the Arab rule. Himself a gifted ruler, Mansur was followed jn the Caliphate by some generations of exceptionally bril!iiant rulers who built the greatness of the Abbasids in the field of cu iture and civilization. By his remarkable skill and dexterity, _Mansur- consolidated the Abbasid Caliphate and prepared the way for the greatness his successors. Although Saffah was the first Caliph of his, family, he had a short reign and did not get time to consolidate the A^bbasid Caliphate. This work of consolidation was done by Mansur ^d hence he is regarded as the real founder of the Abbasid Caliphat«e. Succession
Abu Ja’f%r was at Makkah when his younger brother alSaffah died and tithe oath of allegiance was taken on his behalf by his cousin ’Isa. On Ihis return he celebrated his accession by leading prayers in the oorngregatiOnal Mosque at al-Mada’in. He assumed the title Mansur Bi’llJah1 whom God has made victorious.” Though was elder to al-Saffahi he was superseded by his brother because he was born of a Berber : siave gjri Salmah while al-Saffah of a Yamani lady He firmly consolidated the dynasty and never shrank from any act of cruelty if the inteerest of the dynasty was involved. Like his brother he was equally c^ruel but his measures sprang from calculation. He would not spare anyone whom he thought in the least dangerous to his dynasty.1
William Muir, 1 he . Caliphate, P 446
Abu ]afar Al-Mansur
Mansur feared rebellion from his uncle Abdullah ibn Ali who was in command in northern Syria and at the head of an army set up against the Byzantines and who in recognition of his service of defeating Marwan II had been promised succession after al-Saffah. On hearing the tidings of the death of al-Saffah Abdullah besieged Harran with a large force including 17,000 Khurasani soldiers. Mansur wrote to Abu Muslim to proceed from Makkah against Abdullah. The latter raised the siege and marched on Nasibin where he entrenched himself strongly and apprehending treachery from his Khurasani troops put them all to death Abu Muslim decoyed him from his trench tactfully by declaring that he was preparing to attack Syria. The Syrian soldiers, therefore, came out of the stronghold to save their families in Syria and the trench was occupied by Abu Muslim easily. The war continued for five months and Abdullah, was defeated and was placed under the custody of Sulayman, the governor of Basrah. Mistrusting his nephew Abdullah retired into hiding from Basrah for safety. Mansur ordered his uncles Sulayman and Ali to produce him before him. He was brought by them to the court and, to” their utter surprise, they were all put to prison towards the end of 139/757. After seven years of imprisonment Abdullah was ceremoniously led to a house which collapsed and buried the victim.

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