MUHAMMAD’S (PBUH) MARRIAGE WITH HAZRAT KHADIJAH Muhammad’s (PBUH) honesty as a merchant made him popular in the Makkhan society and there was no one who honoured
W.M. Watt, Muhammad at Makkah, P 33 Ibid.
60 Pdittcal^ Cultural H.stonj of Islam
him and loved him more on that
Abu Talib. A strange Srgab2CMU’1ltthanhisUncleand ventures was that” ^ were ^Ummad>s ^H) mercantile’ Encyclopedia of Seerah, ”He was r~L P/°?erous- According to known in Makkah as an honest nTn^T years °ld and ^11 the poor and the widows andlS * T”8 traden He helP*d wealthy and respectable widowTh Hu°lP a”d the weak A much impressed by the h^ ”nT ? KhaWa’id was ^ (PBUH). She was forty years old a ?, § ”^ °f Mu”ammad sons and a daughter and qu e a fort”n T* dowed’ She had ^ offered herself in marriage and M?h T her tWO husband^- She They were married andTnj^Th (PBUH) 3CCePted her’’ married life for years and had tin m’ ccessf”] and peaceful childhood and four daughters KhT f*’ b°th °f whom died in wife as long as she Irted Th^ waf” T ^ H°’y Pr°Phet’s °”’” Khadijah fully appreciated the nohl PP>/ Md f°rtunate u»’’°» personality of Muhammad (PBUH)”° gen’US and commanding
free f~^ $££^° «”*,urbed and never-failing source of solace to Mm M, Sa<1”ess’she Proved a in his life that when no bod^ b «e”d^^(PBUH) said ’«« believed in Mm, when ,e ^ ^^l^Z *£<£ Muhammad
when he was help^ ^S^^ (PBUH) was about fifty one yeaSTold w 1 lost a faithful friend aS a sta^^1* PROPHETHOOD g As usual, one day ^~ --
angel Gabriel came to him wia asked ni
and unexpected and he was startled by the
quiet atmosphere, but, finally/ h<
angel repeated his request and’he
time the angel said, ”Read! In the
who created man from a clot!
taught by means of the pen,
was the first revelation and
Muhammad (PBUH). He was UICI1 Iorry years .
astomshed at the appearance of the an^l and h , -
great and noble mission, and a bit shafceV^S f ^°n f°r this
such a huge burden and the .^J^^S %£&« of the Life and Teachings of
«’»• ^ the WM Very Sudden ’” that C3’m 3”d th ^ read’” The
of Same,a”SWer- The third d Md Cherisher’
* beaUtifu1’ who
not This
°f h°me
Muhammad (PBUH) 61
the whole story to his wife. She comforted him and assured him that no harm could come to a man of his nature and that Allah would protect him from all evils. She took him to her cousin Warqa bin Naufal, who was a scholarly person and had embraced Christianity. After hearing from Muhammad (PBUH) what had happened on the mountain of Hira, he said that was the angel Gabriel, who had always brought revelation to the messengers from God before him. He also said that the Prophet would be turned out of his city by his enemies. He further added that he would certainly support him.
After an interval, the revelations continued and he quietly, but steadfastly, began to preach doctrine of monotheism (Oneness of God) and good ways of living to his relatives, friends and close associates. His wife ”Khadijah” was first to embrace Islam. Then his close associates, one by one began to come into the fold of Islam. His very close friend Abu Bakr, his slave Zaid, his cousin AH, and then Usman-bin-Uffan, Talha, Zubair and Abdur Rahman bin Auf became Muslims. This great and noble preaching continued in secret for three years. Then God commanded him to preach the religion of Islam openly to his kinsmen. ”Therefore expound openly what you are commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with God”. And in Surat al-Shu’ara, we read so call not on any other god with Allah, or you will be among those under the penalty. And admonish your nearest kinsmen.
hi obedience to the command of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) gathered his kinsmen from the family of Quraysh and invited them to the religion of Islam. He preached to them of the oneness of God and warned them of the consequences of following their evil ways. The people of the Quraysh were infuriated by his teaching and ridiculed him. He continued his preaching in spite of hostility and abuses from the Makkhan leaders, especially from his uncles, Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. But the sincere, righteous and God loving individuals slowly continued to come into the fold of Islam, inspite of increasing hostility from the pagans of Makkah. The poor and week convert of Islam, like Bilal, Ammar bin Yasir, Khabab, and others like them suffered torture and severe persecution at the hands of the Makkhans chiefs. The opposition to the mission of Muhammad (PBUH) gradually increased but it did not deter him or slow down his enthusiasm for it. Rubbish and thorny bushes were thrown on him and filthy abuses were shouted at him, but he continued his work with increasing vigour and determination.