8. Diwan’u-Nafaqat This Board was concerned with the requirements of the court, it dealt with the salaries of court officials, provisions (bread, meat, sweets, eggs, fruits, ftiel, etc), constructions and repairs of the royal buildings, and care of the stables (horses, mules, camels, other animals, and their fodder) and met all contingent expenses connected with the requirements of the court
9. Diwanu’s-SawafTand Diwanu’d-Biya1 As-Sawafi means crown-lands and ad-Diya’ means estates. Both these Boards are mentioned by ai-jahshiyari. But the passage dealing with ad-Diya’ reads: ”And (al-Mansur) placed Sa’id, his Maw la, in charge of his estates.” Therefore, it appears that the
586 Political and Cultural History of Islam crown-lands were under Diwanu’s Sawafi and the personal estates of the Caliph under Diwanu’d-Diya\