Philosophy It would hardly be wrong to say that Islam might easily have dispensed with philosophy. A religion as uncompromisingly monotheistic, as realistic and all-embracing as Islam, seemed to provide answers to most spiritual and secular questions and should have offered no excuses for philosophical speculation. It explained the mysteries of life in comparatively simple and concrete terms far more concrete, in fact, than were those of Christianity, and infinitely less ambiguous than those of the great Asian creeds. Indeed, during the first century following upon the Holy Prophet’s death, the Muslims felt little need for rational explanations of Qur’an tenants. Once, however, the early religious enthusiasm had abated and the
7 Hitti, P 406.
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Muslims were becoming more sophisticated, an intellectual interpretation of truths that hitherto had been accepted on faith became imperative.
Within the world of Islam that need was felt even more strongly. Soon after the Arab empire had come into being, the Muslims were forced to defend their creed against vehement attack by Christians Not unjustifiably, Christendom regarded Islam is its only dangerous competitor. Judaism had become the religion of insignificant minorities, and represented no threat. Paganism had been conquered, and the religions of Asia, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, were unknown in Europe. But the whole of North Africa had become Muslim; so had Spain and, for a shorter time, Sicily; the lands in which Judaism and Christianity had seen their birth were in Muslim hands; and Constantinople, the cnetre of eastern Christendom, was being threatened by the forces of Islam; forces which, on a number of occasions, battered at its very gates. In first century of Islamic history had many theological problems such as the existence of God, his Unity, Power, Justice, and other divine attributes. Qur’an is the complete code of life. Philosophic basis of Islam are found,in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Rationalism was the product of other neighbouring civilizations of the time. Holy Prophet had given the true philosophy of Islam through Sunnah. Now we study the cross cultural impact on Muslim philosophy.