Qalam va sichqoncha

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Bir bor ekan, bir yo‘q ekan. Oddiygina bir qalam bo‘lgan ekan. Bir kuni uning egasi Valijon qalamini stol ustida unitib qoldiribdi. Paytdan foydalangan sichqoncha inidan chiqib qalamni tishlab olib qochmoqchi bo‘libdi.

— Iltimos, meni qo‘yib yubor — deb yalinibdi Qalam. — Meni nima qilmoqchisan? Yog‘ochdan yasalgan bo‘lsam, meni yeb bo‘lmaydi.

— Tishlarim qichishayapti, shuning uchun seni g‘ajimoqchiman, — debdi Sichqoncha va qalamni qattiq tishlab olibdi.

— O‘g‘riyapti, — deb baqiribdi Qalam. Men chizishni juda yaxshi ko‘raman. Maylimi so‘nggi bor rasm chizsam? — debdi Qalam.

Sichqon rozi bo‘libdi. Qalam zo‘rg‘a nafasini rostlab oppoq varaqqa kattagina aylana chizibdi.

— Bu nima? Pishloqmi? — deb so‘rabdi Sichqoncha.

— Bo‘lishi mumkin, — debdi bosiqlik bilan Qalam va chizishda davom etibdi.Avval yuzini keyin esa quloqlari va katta-katta ko‘zlarini chizibdi.

— Axir, bu mushuk-ku! Yo‘q bo‘ldi, chizma, iltimos, — deb Sichqon yugurgancha iniga qochib ketibdi.

— Ha, bu haqiqiy mushuk, — deb baqairibdi Qalam.

Shundan buyon Sichqoncha inidan tashqariga chiqmaydigan bo‘libdi. Valijonning qalami esa hali sog‘-omon, faqat ozgina kichraygan, xolos.


Once upon a time there was a simple pencil. One day his owner, Valijon, left his pencil forgotten on the table. The mouse that took advantage of the time came out of his nest and bit the pen and tried to take and flee.

'Please let me go,' Pencil licks. ' What are you going to do with me? I can't be eaten, I'm made of wood.”

'My teeth are itching, so I want to gnaw you,' the mouse says and bites the pencil hard.

‘it hurts,' Pencil shouts.” I really like to draw. May I draw a picture the last time? "Pencil says.

The mouse agreed. The pen barely breathes and draws a large circle on a white paper.

" What is this? " “Cheese?” Mouse asks.

'Maybe,' Pencil says calmly and continues to draw.

First the pencil draws its face and then its ears and big eyes.

'But, but, this is a cat! No, not to draw, please,' Mouse says and runs away to its nest.

'Yes, this is a real cat,' Pencil shouts.

Since then, the mouse has never gone outside its nest. On the other hand, The Valijon's pen is still alive, only slightly smaller at all.

Kunlardan bir kun Xorazm yurtining podshohi mamlakatda eng chiroyli so‘z aytish bahsini o‘tkazmoqchi bo‘libdi. O‘sha kundan boshlab chiroyli so‘z, go‘zal so‘z degan gaplar odamlarning og‘zidan tushmay qolibdi. Ana shu gaplar bahsga aylanib, katta bir kengash o‘tkazilibdi. Kengash butun mamlakatga e’lon qilingan ekan. Bir dehqon yigit men ham qatnashay, sovringa ega bo‘lsam, bir qo‘shho‘kiz olardim, deya niyat qilibdi. Shohona darvoza oldiga kelib, qo‘lidagi o‘roq, yelkasidagi ketmonni yerga qo‘yib, „Bismilloh“, deb ichkari kirib, safga qo‘shilibdi. Bahs avjiga chiqqan ekan.
O‘z taxtida bahslarni kuzatib, tantana bilan o‘tirgan shohga qo‘lini ko‘ksiga qo‘yib, ta’zim qilib salom yo‘llabdi. Bahsni saroy a’yonlari baholab o‘tirishar ekan. Shunda bahsda qatnashayotgan bir kishi o‘rnidan turib:
– Yomonlik qilma! Yomonlik ketidan yomonlik keladi, – degan gaplarni aytibdi. Qilni qirq yoradigan hakamlar qarsak chalib olqishlashibdi. Shoh ham qarsak chalibdi.
Navbat dehqon yigitga kelibdi

.– Yaxshilik qil! Yaxshilik ketidan yaxshilik keladi, – deb qo‘lini ko‘ksiga qo‘yibdi. Atrofdagilar qarsak chalishibdi. Shoh esa o‘rnidan turib qarsak chalibdi.

– Shohanshohim, – deb so‘rabdi hakamlardan biri. – Birinchi ishtirokchi o‘z so‘zini aytganida yengilgina qarsak chaldingiz, ikkinchi qatnashchi so‘zini aytganida esa o‘rningizdan turib ketdingiz. Sabab ne? Buni biz – ha-kamlarga ayting, – debdi.
– Aslida ikkovlari ham foydali so‘zni aytishdi, lekin birinchisi „yomonlik“ deyishi bilan negadir qalbim muzlab ketgandek bo‘ldi. Ikkinchisi yaxshilik degan so‘zni aytishi bilan qalbimdagi muz erib ketgandek bo‘ldi. Shuning uchun o‘rnimdan turib qarsak chaldim. To‘g‘ri so‘zni, chiroyli so‘zni yoqimli qilib aytgani uchun birinchi sovrin shu dehqon yigitga berilsin, –deb farmon beribdi.
Xudoyberdi To‘xtaboyev ( 1932 — 2021)
One day, the king of Khorasm wanted to hold the most beautiful vocabulary debate in the country. From that day forward, people's mouths have not been swaltered by what is said to be a beautiful word and a beautiful word. These remarks became a controversy, and a large meeting was held. The meeting was announced throughout the country. A farmer intended that I would also attend and get two cows if I had the prize. The farmer came to the gate and put the mow in his hand and the kettle on his shoulder on the ground and walked in and joined the ranks, saying, "Bismillah." The debate had escalated.

He put his hand on his chest and bowed down and greeted the king, who sat on his throne with a tantrum watching the controversy. The debate was argued by the palace ministers. Then a man who was participating in the debate stood up and said:

Do not do evil. Evil will follow evil.' Forty-four-year-old judges clapped and applauded. The king also slightly applauded
The queue came to the young farmer.

“Do good! 'Goodness will follow goodness,' he said, 'and he put his hand on his chest.

Those around him clapped. The king stood up and applauded.
'My king,' one of the judges asked. "When the first participant said his word, you applauded lightly, and when the second participant said the word, you got up and walked away. What's the reason? He said, "Tell us this, to the judges."
'In fact,' said the king, 'both of them said a useful word, but when the first said "evil," it was as if my heart had frozen. When the second said goodness, it was as if the ice in my heart had melted. So I got up and applauded. The first prize should be given to this farmer because he says the right word and the beautiful word pleasantly.

Xudoyberdi To‘xtaboyev ( 1932 — 2021)

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