yen, yendënoun "daughter" (YŌ/YON). This word replaced another form, but this form may have been restored; see yeldë. In VT45:16, yendë is said to refer to a female "agent", a word changed by Tolkien from yendi, but Tolkien deleted all of this.
[yendi] noun "agent" (fem.; masc. [hendo]). The word yendi Tolkien changed to yendë before deleting all of this (VT45:16)
yenyanoun (or adv.?) "last year" (YA)
yëorelative pronoun in genitive "from whom" (could also mean *"of whom"); see ye # 1.
yérënoun *"sexual desire" (VT46:23; the word is not really glossed, but looks like an abstract formation from the stem YER "feel sexual desire")
yernaadj. "old, worn" (GYER)
yerya- vb. "to wear (out)", also intr. "get old" (GYER)
yesta- (1) vb. "desire" (YES, VT46:23; the latter source indicates that Tolkien did write yesta- with a final hyphen, indicating that this is "desire" as a verbal stem, not as a noun).
yesta (2) noun “beginning” (PE17:120). Also attested in the compound yestarë (see below), but cf. esta #2.
yestarënoun *"beginning-day", the first day of the year (loa), immediately before the season of tuilë(Appendix D, PE17:120)
Yésus masc. name "Jesus" (Tolkien's Quenya spelling would seem to be based on the Latin pronunciation of the name) (VT43:31)
yéta- vb. "look at" (LT1:262) Compare yé #1.
yévavb. "will be" (also "there will be"), apparently the future tense of ye (#2). Once translated "is" (írë ilqua yéva nótina, "when all is counted"), but this event belongs to the future; hence literally *"when all will be counted" (FS; VT46:22). In Tolkien's later Quenya, yéva was apparently replaced by nauva.
yoconj. “and”, “often used between two items (of any part of speech) that were by nature or custom clearly associated, like the names of spouses (Manwë yo Varda), or “sword and sheath” (*macil yo vainë), “bow and arrows” (*quinga yo pilindi), or groups like “Elves and Men” (Eldar yo Fírimor – but contrast eldain a fírimoin [dative forms] in FS, where Tolkien joins the words with a, seemingly simply a variant of the common conjunction ar). – In one source, yo is apparently a preposition "with" (yo hildinyar = *"with my heirs", SD:56).
yó("yô"), yond- see yondo. The genitive form of the relative pronoun ya “which” would likely also appear as yó “of which, from which” (for ya-o, cf. tó “thence” from ta-o).
yomeniënoun "meeting, gathering" (of three or more coming from different directions) (WJ:407)
Yón (1) noun "Son" (VT44:12, 17, referring to Jesus. Tolkien rewrote the text in question. Normally the Quenya word for "son" appears as yondo, which also refers to Jesus in one text.)
yón (2), variant of yondë, q.v. Defined as “a region, any (fairly extensive) region between obstacles such as rivers or mountains” (PE17:43)
yondaadj. “wide, roomy, extensive” (PE17:43), also (as alternative form of yonna) glossed “enclosed”, with the latter meaning perhaps intended as the passive participle of the verb yor-
yondënoun “any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bonds (as mountains or rivers)”, occurring as a suffix -yondë, -yon/-iondë, -ion in regional names. (PE17:43). Note: †yondë may also be an (archaic/poetic) past tense of the verb yor-, q.v.
yondonoun "son" (YŌ/YON, VT43:37); cf. yonya and the patronymic ending -ion. Early "Qenya" has yô, yond-, yondo "son" (LT2:342). According to LT2:344, these are poetic words, but yondo seems to be the normal word for "son" in LotR-style Quenya. Yón appears in VT44, 17, but Tolkien rewrote the text in question. In LT2:344, yondo is said to mean "male descendant, usually (great) grandson", but in Tolkien's later Quenya, yondo means "son", and the word is so glossed in LT2:342. Dative yondon in VT43:36 (here the "son" in question is Jesus). See also yonya. – At one point, Tolkien rejected the word yondo as “very unsuitable” (for the intended meaning?), but no obvious replacement appeared in his writings (PE17:43), unless the (ephemeral?) form anon (q.v.) is regarded as such. In one source, yondo is also defined as “boy” (PE17:190).
yonnaadj. (or passive participle) “enclosed”, see yor-. (PE17:43)
yonwanoun “fence, border, boundary” (PE17:43)
yonyanoun with pronominal ending "my son" (evidently short for *yondonya; the form yonya may be used as a form of address only) (LR:61)
yonyonoun "son, big boy". In one version, yonyo was also a term used in children's play for "middle finger" or "middle toe", but Tolkien may have dropped this notion, deciding to use hanno "brother" as the alternative play-name (VT47:10, 15, VT48:4)
yor- vb. “enclose, set bounds to/about” (PE17:43). Past tense yórë, †yondë, perfect oiórië(PE17:43). The forms yonda, yonna “enclosed” may be regarded as the passive participle of this verb.
yórnoun "blood"; see yár(VT46:22)
yu- or yú- prefix "twi-" or "both" (VT45:13, VT46:23, VT48:20; see yualë, yúcalë, yurasta below). According to PE14:84, yú can function independently as the adverb “twice”.
yualënoun "twilight" (KAL). Also yúcalë. Cf. yúyal.
yúcalë("k")noun "twilight" (KAL, VT45:13). Also yualë.
yúlanoun "ember, smouldering wood" (YUL)
yuldanoun "draught, something drunk, a drink, the amount drunk", pl. yuldar(Nam, PE17:63, 68, RGEO:66). See -da regarding etymology.
yulma (1) noun "cup" (Nam, RGEO:67), "drinking-vessel" (WJ:416, PE17:180). The plural form yulmar is attested (VT48:11). Yulmaya(“k”) colloquial Quenya for “his cup” (the formally correct form being *yulmarya) (VT49:17)
yulma (2) noun "brand" (YUL). May have been obsoleted by # 1 above.
yulmë (1) noun "drinking, carousal" (WJ:416)
yulmë (2) noun "red [?heat]" (the gloss was illegible)(YUL)
yulu- vb. "carry" (GL:38; rather #col- in LotR-style Quenya)
yuncë("k") cardinal "twelve", before it was altered to yunquë under the influence of minquë "eleven" (according to VT48:7, 8). The form yuncë is asterisked by Tolkien. Compare encë under enquë.
yunquë("q") cardinal "twelve" (VT47:41, VT48:4, 6, 9; VT49:57; also compare the stem yunuk(w)- cited in VT42:24, 31). This word appears already in an early source (PE14:82). Some sources point to #rasta, q.v., as another word for "twelve". However, available post-LotR sources indicate that Tolkien intended yunquë as the regular Quenya word for "twelve".
yunquenta cardinal "thirteen" (12 and one more) (VT47:15), variant yunquentë(VT47:40), compare entë #1.
yunquestafraction "one twelfth" (1/12) (VT48:11)
yur- vb. "run" (quoted in form yurin, translated "runs", but within Tolkien's later framework it looks like a 1st person aorist "I run")-QL:106 (cf. entry YUR in Etym)
yurasta cardinal "24" (two times #rasta "twelve") (PE14:17)
yúyonoun? adv.? "both" (YŪ, VT48:10). Used adjectivally in yúyo má “both hands”; notice that the noun following yúyo receives no plural or dual marker.
-zya, archaic form of the pronominal ending -rya “his, her, its”, q.v. (VT49:17)