Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 54. Al-Qamar – The Full Moon

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Surah 54. Al-Qamar – The Full Moon

[Author’s Note] This is the 54th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 55 verses. Historically, the strong opponents of the Prophet, the Quraish Tribe of Makkah, had full moon on their banner as the logo. This Surah predicts their defeat at the hands of a few ill-equipped believers, while recapping some history as a forewarning. God reiterates that He is always with His messengers as they are with Him. Unjust system in any society heralds its demise.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

54:1 The Hour of Revolution is fast approaching. And the moon bearing banner is torn asunder.

[The use of the past participle here and at many other points in the Qur’an reflects the certainty of things to happen.

As-Saa'ah = The Hour = The Last Hour = The Revolution = The decisive moment = Resurrection. Shaqqal Qamar is usually given the literal translation = The moon is split. Then there are fabricated Ahadith which go on to say that the exalted Prophet split the moon into two halves pointing a finger at it! Additional reports want us to believe that one half of the moon then came down, entered the collar of the Prophet and exited through his sleeve. Not only all this is contrary to the Qur’an and to reason, the whole story defeats its own validity. It fails to name a single person who was awestruck by this 'miracle' and embraced the Message as a result.

The Qur’an is a Book consistent with itself and vehemently rejects any notions contrary to reason and to the changeless Universal Laws. Moreover, attainment of belief is a matter of choice. God does not will to compel or coerce anyone into believing. Stunning the human intellect by means of 'miracles' would counter this Divine Law]

54:2 But if they see a sign of the oncoming Change, they turn away and say, “A persistent bewilderment.” [46:11]

54:3 For they adamantly deny the Truth and follow their desires. Yet, everything moves to its destination in stages.

54:4 And indeed, there has come unto them news sufficient to deter them from arrogance.

54:5 And profound wisdom! But all the warnings have been of no avail.

54:6 Therefore, (O Messenger) ignore them for a while. The Day is coming when the caller will call them to a thing they have not conceived. [Utter humiliation when they come to attack the believers]

54:7 They will come forth from their places of rest like a swarm of locusts, but will be thoroughly dispersed with their eyes downcast.

54:8 Running in bewilderment toward the caller, the same deniers will then exclaim, “This is an awful day!”

54:9 Long before them, Noah’s people had belied the Message, and belied Our servant and said, “Madman”, and he was rebuked. [11:25-48]

54:10 Thereupon he cried unto his Lord, “I am suppressed. Do help me, then.”

54:11 And so, We opened the gates of the heaven pouring down torrents of water.

54:12 And caused the earth to gush forth springs so that the waters met together in due measure as decreed.

54:13 And We carried him on a watercraft made of mere planks and nails.

54:14 And it floated before Our eyes, a reward for him who had been denied with ingratitude.

54:15 And certainly, We left this event as a lesson. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:16 Then see how was My Requital after My warnings!

54:17 And indeed, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:18 The tribe of ‘Aad had also belied the Message. Then see how was My retribution after My warnings! [7:65]

54:19 Indeed, We sent raging winds upon them on a day of relentless misery. [69:6-8]

54:20 Tossing people around like empty, uprooted palm-trunks.

54:21 Then see how was My retribution after My warnings!

54:22 And indeed, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:23 Thamud also rejected the warnings. [Prophet Saaleh was sent to Thamud. 7:73-79, 11:61-68, 26:141:158]

54:24 And they said, “What! Shall we follow a solitary mortal among us? Then we would certainly fall into error and folly.

54:25 Why! Has the Message been given to him alone among us? Nay, but he is a flagrant liar.”

54:26 Ah! They would come to know on the morrow who the flagrant liar is.

54:27 We are sending the she-camel as a test for them. So watch them (O Saaleh) and hold yourself in patience.

54:28 And let them know that the water must be shared by all. Every drinking will be witnessed. [The she-camel was a symbol for them from God for obedience or transgression]

54:29 But they called their (most forward) comrade and he took charge and killed her.

54:30 Then see how was My retribution after My warnings!

54:31 Indeed, We sent upon them a single mighty Blast whereupon they crumbled to chaff.

54:32 And indeed, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:33 The people of Lot rejected his warning. [11:69-83]

54:34 Indeed, We sent a storm of fiery stones on them, except the family of Lot whom We saved at dawn. [51:32-34]

54:35 As a Bliss from Us. Thus it is, We reward the grateful.

54:36 For he had truly warned them of Our Grasp, but they contended about the warning.

54:37 And demanded that he give up his guests. Whereupon We sealed their vision. Taste now My punishment after the warnings.

54:38 And indeed, the inevitable punishment befell them early in the morning.

54:39 Now taste My retribution after My warnings.

54:40 And behold, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:41 And warnings did come to Pharaoh’s people.

54:42 They, too, denied Our messages, every one. Thereupon We grasped them with the grasp of the Mighty, the Powerful.

54:43 Are your deniers better than those others, or do you have some amnesty in the Scriptures?

54:44 Or do they say, "We are a united group bound to be victorious?”

54:45 Yet, all these troops will be routed and will turn back and flee.

54:46 Nay, the Hour is the time promised them, and that Hour will be most grievous with a most bitter defeat.

54:47 The violators of human rights are in grave error and loss.

54:48 On the Day when they shall be dragged through the Fire on their faces, “Taste the touch of Blaze!” [Wajh = Face = Countenance = Whole being = Whole person]

54:49 Indeed, We have created all things in due measure and proportion. [And appointed Laws for all things to become what they are meant to be]

54:50 And Our Command is but a single Word, like the twinkling of an eye.

54:51 And in the past We have annihilated gangs like you. Then, is there any who will learn?

54:52 And everything they did is in the Scriptures.

54:53 And everything, be it small or great, is recorded.

54:54 Indeed, those who are cautious against erring will be in the midst of gardens and rivers.

54:55 Seated honorably in the Presence of a Mighty King.

Surah 55. Ar-Rahman – The Beneficent

[Author’s Note] This is the 55th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 78 brief, flowing and beautiful verses. Sublime Arabic eloquence!

Very diverse concepts in this Surah are repeatedly punctuated by a verse that has often been mistranslated. “Fabi ayyi aalaai Rabbikumaa tukazzibaan?”

The addressees of that verse are ‘you both’. So, many commentators, always fond of degrading women, render it as, “O Jinns and men!” But, keeping in mind the Big Picture of the Qur’an, the correct rendition is, "O Men and women!" Another frequent error is translating ‘Aala’ as blessing, Bounty or favor. That meaning falls completely and repeatedly out of line in the Surah. How can the Hell be a Bounty? Another meaning of ‘Aala’ is Authority, Power and Control, and that is what goes consistent throughout the Surah.

Hence, the correct rendition of the verse will be: Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny? [Instead of: Then, O Jinn and men! Which Bounty of your Lord will you deny?] The point will become more clear as we proceed.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

55:1 Ar-Rahman, the Beneficent, the Instant Source of all Mercy and Kindness

55:2 He it is Who has made known and taught the Qur’an.

55:3 He has created the human being (and taken care of his mental and physical needs).

55:4 He has distinguished him with the ability to clearly express his feelings and thoughts .

[Bayaan = Statement = Intelligent speech = Utterance = Clear expression of feelings and thoughts by signs, speech or writing. 2:256, 3:137, 16:89, 75:19. Bayaan is more versatile than Nutq = Expression in human speech or signs 21:63, 27:16, 41:21, 45:29. Saut = Voice or sound: human, animal or inanimate. 17:64, 31:19, 49:2]

55:5 The sun and the moon run by a mathematical design. [Such are the changeless Divine Laws]

55:6 The stars and the trees all adore Him (and follow His Laws).

55:7 And the sky (atmosphere) He has raised high, and He has kept perfect balance in the Universe.

55:8 So that you, too, never violate balance in your lives.

55:9 Therefore, establish Balance in the society in absolute justice. And never belittle the Scale of Justice in the community and in all your transactions with your own ‘self’ and with others.

55:10 And (know that) He has spread out the earth for all His creatures. [Anaam = All living beings]

55:11 Wherein are fruit and palms with clusters protected in sheaths.

55:12 And grain, corn, leaves, stalks, colorful herbs, vegetables, spices, sweet-smelling plants and fragrant flowers. [The three Arabic terms used in this verse include all the meanings rendered]

55:13 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:14 He created the human (initially) out of sounding inorganic matter, like pottery. [Human evolution: 2:30, 6:2, 7:189, 15:26-27, 22:5, 23:12-13, 25:54, 32:7-9, 35:11, 37:11, 71:17]

55:15 And the Jinns: He has created out of a confusing flame of fire (with a confused fiery disposition).

[Jinns: 2:102,6:76, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128 -130, 7:12, 7:38, 8:27, 11:119, 15:17, 15:27, 21:82, 32:13, 34:12-14, 37:158, 38:76, 46:29-32, 72:1-15, 75:2-6, 114:6. Jinn pertains to something hidden, rarely seen, hence, after using Tasreef, Al-Jinn = The nomads. Jannah from the same root word means a garden hidden in foliage. When the Jinns or the nomads move to dwell in towns and become civilized, they are referred to as Ins = Urbanites. Among the verses referred to above, Jinn, at times, denotes the hidden evil prompting that goes on in the human mind. In the sense of flashes of evil prompting, Jinn can be understood as Satan in minor forms. Satan = Selfish or rebellious desire works in concert with destructive emotions which have been described as being fiery in the Jahiliyah poetry. 'Emotions being fiery' stands up to reason. Verse 21:37 convincingly shows what the ‘creation of Jinn out of fire’ actually means. Using exactly the same terms khuliq and min it states Khuliq-al-insaanu min ‘ajal. Literally that would translate as: He created man out of haste. Whereas the clear understanding is: Man has been created with a tendency to be hasty and looking for instant gains or results. Such is the case in 21:37 with Khulaq-al-jaanna mim-maarij-im-min naar - Breaking the sentence for clarity: Khulaq-al-jaanna min marijin min naar. He has given a fiery, emotional disposition to uncivilized human beings]

55:16 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:17 Lord of the two Easts and the two Wests. [The East and West of the summer, and the East and West of the winter. The science of Astronomy will almost certainly learn more about the two Easts and Wests. 37:5, 70:40]

55:18 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:19 He has let free the two seas. They meet. [25:53]

55:20 Yet, there is a Barrier between them that they cannot exceed.

[The great bodies of salt water and fresh water do not mix. In addition to the physical observation in numerous parts of the world where the two waters meet and yet do not mix, let us recall 18:60-70. The meeting of the two seas and yet, not meeting may allude to a marvelous phenomenon: The waves of human intellect meet with the Ocean of Divine Revelation only in case of prophets. Hence, for them they meet and for the rest they never meet!]

55:21 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:22 From both of them come forth pearl and coral.

55:23 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:24 And His are the bannered ships sailing through the sea, lofty as mountains.

[‘His ships’ needs a comment. All creativity of human beings issues forth from the gifts of mind and body bestowed by God. Hence, God rightfully declares His Ownership of all things in the Universe, including those manufactured by people. In fact, I could only discern one Right that God assigns to Himself: Ownership of all things. But, unfortunately, the Muslim clergy has confused the masses into thinking that people owe two kinds of rights on themselves: Huqooqullah (God’s rights) such as worshiping Him, praying five times a day and other rituals. And Huqooqul ‘Ibaad (People’s rights) such as treating them nicely, helping them in need, honoring elders etc. But this dichotomy, the so-called Huqooqullah and Huqooqul ‘Ibaad are nowhere found in the Qur’an. The Book is replete with human rights all through. This huge blunder is not without consequence. A ‘practicing Muslim’ is thought to be the one who wears a particular style of garment, holds a rosary bead in hands, grows a beard, uses miswaak for cleaning the teeth, prays five times a day and so on. If it happens to be a female, a ‘practicing Muslimah’, in addition, uses veil, niqaab and, for perfection, dons a burka! All this happens while these ‘practicing Muslims’ keep violating human rights]

55:25 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:26 All things thereon (in the Universe) are ever changing. [Faani = Ever-changing = Mortal]

55:27 But forever will abide the changeless ‘Self’ of your Lord, the Lord of Majesty and Honor. [Baaqi = Remaining = Eternal = Survivor = Changeless. Baqa = To stay, remain. Wajh = Face = Countenance = Self = Whole being = Whole person. 28:88]

55:28 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:29 All creatures in the heavens and the earth seek their needs from Him. And every day is He in a Marvelous Splendor.

55:30 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:31 Soon shall We free you, O Burdened men and women!

[Thaql = Ghalal = Load, weight, burden = Shackles. Through His messages revealed to His Messenger, God will break all shackles men and women are carrying 7:157]

55:32 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:33 O Communities of the nomads and the urban! If you can break through the outer limits of the heavens and the earth, then, break through. Never can you break through without an Authority. Can you bring any evidence?

[Sultan = Evidence = Proof = Authority = Power 4:153, 14:11, 15:42, 17:80, 37:156, 69:29. Using Tasreef the simple understanding is this: You can only continue your evolution beyond the temporal and spatial bounds you now see, if you have primed your ‘self’ for immortality, instead of mere survival of the unfit]

55:34 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:35 A blaze will be unleashed upon you, and thick smoke, and you will not be able to defend yourselves. [If you think that you can escape Divine Laws, you will never find your way in the thick smoke of conjecture]

55:36 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:37 And when the power of the high elite will shatter and they will burn in anguish. [Samaa allegorically rendered as the high elite]

55:38 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:39 In that Era neither the civilized nor the uncivilized will be asked why they trailed behind.

55:40 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:41 The violators of human rights will be clearly identified, firmly seized and held accountable. [Mujrim = Guilty = One who steals the fruit of others’ labor = Violator of human rights]

55:42 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:43 This is Hell which the guilty deny.

55:44 They wander between it and their smoldering anguish.

55:45 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:46 And for him who stands in fear of his Lord’s Presence, are two Paradises - one here one there.

55:47 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:48 Abounding in two facets, art and science. [Afnan = Creative works, art and science]

55:49 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:50 Wherein flow two springs, creativity and aesthetics.

55:51 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:52 Wherein are two kinds of fruit, of their own labor and of the added reward. [50:35]

55:53 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:54 Reclining on luxurious carpets lined with rich brocade, the fruit of both Gardens at hand.

55:55 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:56 Therein women have a modest gaze, never touched by human vices or evil prompting.

[37:48, 38:52, 44:54, 52:20, 55:15, 55:72, 56:22 … Jinn, Jann, Jaann, evil prompting… Ins = Human, is often incorrectly translated in this verse as 'man'. The mistranslation then goes on to state that there are women whom no Jinn or man has ever touched. Women (and men) who qualify for Paradise have had all their faults remitted and absolved, hence, untouched by vice]

55:57 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:58 Like unto rubies and pearls.

55:59 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:60 Is the reward of benevolence anything but benevolence itself? [10:26, 16:30, 39:10, 74:6, 76:9]

55:61 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:62 And other than these two, shall be two more Gardens. [The human ‘self’ and the new Universe will keep evolving 69:17]

55:63 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:64 Both ever-fresh, lush green, pleasing.

55:65 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:66 Therein are two springs gushing forth. [Personal delight and shared joy 52:25]

55:67 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:68 Therein are fruit, and palms and pomegranate. [Fruit within the fruit of reward]

55:69 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:70 Therein are all things most excellent, symmetrical, beautiful.

[Khair = Good thing = Beneficial = Excellent. Hisaan = Nicely balanced = Beautifully symmetrical = Symmetrically beautiful]

55:71 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:72 Modest, intelligent companions in blessed shades.

[Hoor = Houri = Modest, intelligent companions, male or female. Unfortunately, this word has been almost invariably translated as ‘gorgeous women with big eyes’. Hoor applies to men and women both. The male gender is Ahwar and the female is Hawra. Again, Hoor = Men and women of vision who are modest and delightful companions. Khiyaam = Blessed shady environment, instead of the literal 'tents or pavilions']

55:73 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:74 Companions never touched by human vices or evil prompting. [55:15, 55:56]

55:75 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:76 Relaxing on ever-fresh meadows and splendid carpets.

55:77 Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny?

55:78 Ever Blissful is the Name of your Lord, the Lord of Majesty and Honor!

Surah 56. Al-Waaqi’ah – The Inevitable Episode

[Author’s Note] This is the 56th Surah of the Qur’an with 96 brief, forceful, yet elegant verses.

Along with reiteration of many glorious concepts in diverse ways, herein we find a powerful emphasis on the Law of Requital = The Law of Recompense = All actions have consequences = “As you sow, so shall you reap” = The Law of Cause and Effect.

The Qur’an strongly negates the erroneous belief of Paradise located ‘up there’ in the skies, and Hell existing in the deepest core of the earth. These fallacious dogmas which have kept countless people confused over the last ten centuries, find their source in the tragic ‘Imamist’ blunders and fabrications. As expounded in the Qur’an repeatedly, men and women build their Hell or Paradise with their own hands, and therefore, the process begins right here in this life. Paradise encompasses the whole Universe as the following verses in Tasreef indicate.

The description of Hell and Paradise is not to be taken literally since God Himself calls such verses allegorical. He explains them by examples because of our limited intellect in this life. 3:7, 3:132, 13:35, 32:17, 47:15, 57:21.

In the life to come humans will be recreated in exponentially advanced forms, and in an entirely new Cosmic Order as we learn in 56:61 and elsewhere.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

56:1 When the Inevitable Episode unfolds.

56:2 None could, then, deny its unfolding.

56:3 Lowering some, raising others, the Great Equalizer!

56:4 When the land is shaken with a shaking (popular uprising).

56:5 And the tyrannical powers crumble,

56:6 Such that they scatter like sand in a sandstorm. [20:105, 28:20, 77:10, 81:3]

56:7 Then, you shall be three kinds.

56:8 So, (firstly) the blessed ones. Oh, how wonderful are the blessed ones!

[Yumn = Blessing = Bliss = Grace = On the right side = Consequence of right actions. 19:52, 28:30, 56:27]

56:9 And (secondly) the unblessed ones. Ah, how unfortunate are the unblessed ones!

[Mash’amah and Ash-Shimaal = Unblessed = On the left side = Consequence of wrong actions 18:17, 56:41, 69:25]

56:10 And (thirdly) the foremost are the foremost in doing good. [55:63, 57:10]

56:11 They are the ones near (to their Lord), in both lives.

56:12 In Gardens of Delight.

56:13 A good many of those who led in goodness.

56:14 And some of those who followed them.

[verses 13 and 14 are usually rendered, under the influence of fabricated tradition, to mean that most of the dwellers of Paradise will come from generations of the old (before the advent of the exalted Prophet Muhammad) and a few from the later generations. That is evidently contrary to the Qur’an and to Divine Justice. And it certainly belittles the Perfected Final Revelation of God]

56:15 On decorated thrones.

56:16 Reclining thereon, socializing.

56:17 Their children immortal, playful around them. [13:23, 52:21-24, 76:19]

56:18 With goblets, glistening beakers, and sparkling drinks.

56:19 Wherefrom they get no headache nor beclouding of mind. [37:47]

56:20 And fruit of their choice.

56:21 The supreme delicacies of life.

56:22 And lovely, intelligent spouses of vision. [55:72]

[Hoorun ‘Een = Lovely, modest companions of vision, male and female. This term carries special significance for the abuse it has been made to go through. Almost invariably translated as ‘gorgeous women with big black eyes’, that translation is neither linguistically correct nor does it fit into the Big Picture. Een and derivatives literally refer to eyes and as an allegory for vision and insight 23:27, 25:74, 33:51, 40:19, 52:48, 54:14]

56:23 Like pearls well guarded, far from vice.

56:24 A reward for what they used to do.

[The Qur’an is replete with the instruction that Paradise cannot be achieved through rites and rituals, any dogmas, prayers and lip-service, rather only by actions that benefit others and help improve the society]

56:25 No vain talk will they hear therein, nor any call restraining from further development. [Ithm = Word or action that restrains, drags down or hurts human potential]

56:26 Nothing but the greeting and tiding of Peace! [And on earthly Paradise individuals contribute toward peace and security of the society]

56:27 And the blessed ones. Oh, how wonderful are the blessed ones!

56:28 Among orchards without thorns.

56:29 And trees laden with fruit and flower.

56:30 And cool expanded shades of abundant delight.

56:31 And water falls.

56:32 And fruit abounding.

56:33 Never interrupted, never too far.

56:34 And on thrones, raised in honor.

56:35 We have given these women a new being (wholly different from the Age of Ignorance 56:37.)

56:36 And made them of unparalleled virtue.

[Abkara = Of matchless virtue = Untouched by vice = Pure. The word Abkara has been restricted to virginity except by Allama G. A. Parwez. Qamoos and Raghib among the ancient experts of the Quraish dialect give it the correct meaning rendered here, as they cite several examples from ancient Arabic poetry. Interestingly, this is very similar to the wrong translation of ‘a maiden’ to ‘a virgin’ from Greek to English relating to Mary]

56:37 Eloquent, made of the same mettle, harmonious, blending well in the society. [‘Urub from ‘Arabi = Eloquent. Turaab = Dust = Harmonious = Of the same mettle = Well-blended. 43:18, 78:33]

56:38 For the companions of the right hand (the most blessed ones) -

56:39 A good many of those who led in goodness,

56:40 And a good many of those who followed after them. [56:13-14]

56:41 Then, the unblessed ones. Ah, how unfortunate are the unblessed ones! [56:9]

56:42 In scorching wind, smoldering anguish!

56:43 Enshrouded in smoke, opaque.

56:44 Neither coolness of contentment nor honor of accomplishment.

56:45 Indeed, before this, they were sunk in luxury, exploiting the poor.

56:46 And stubbornly persisted in their violations.

56:47 And they used to say, “What! When we die and become dust and bones, shall we possibly be raised?

56:48 And also our forefathers?”

56:49 Tell them, “Surely, those of old, and those of later generations.

56:50 All will be brought together on a Day assigned at an appointed time.”

56:51 Then, behold, O You the straying deniers!

56:52 You will eat the bitter fruit of the tree of your deeds. [37:62, 44:43, 56:52]

56:53 And fill your bellies with it.

56:54 And drink of burning anguish (that you gave to others).

56:55 And indeed drink as the camel with false thirst drinks.” [Greed could never give you inner contentment. 26:225, 102:1-2]

56:56 Such will be their welcome on the Day of Judgment.

56:57 It is We Who have created you. Will you not, then, admit the Truth?

56:58 Have you ever considered the male and female seed?

56:59 Is it you who create it or are We the Creator?

56:60 We have designed the Laws of death among you. Nothing can stop Us -

56:61 From changing your forms and bringing you into being in a manner, and in an environ you do not (yet) know.

56:62 And, of course, you know the first coming into being. Why, then, do you not reflect?

56:63 Have you thought of the crops that you cultivate?

56:64 Is it you who grow it or are We the Grower?

56:65 If We willed, We surely could turn it into chaff, then you would be left to exclaim,

56:66 “Indeed, we are now under debt.

56:67 Nay, but we are deprived!”

56:68 Have you thought of the water you drink?

56:69 Do you bring it down from the rain-cloud or do We?

56:70 If We willed, We surely could make it salty. Why, then, do you not show gratitude? [By setting up an equitable system of provision for all]

56:71 Did you consider the fire you strike out?

56:72 Is it you who grow its tree, or do We grow it? [41:10. ‘Its tree’ points to the plant origin of almost all the known fuels: mineral, petrified, the liquefied residue left by plant-nourished organisms]

56:73 We, yes, We have made this (fire) a Reminder, and a gift for all of you who surely need it. [The use of fire is one of the Divine gifts that distinguishes mankind from the Animal Kingdom]

56:74 Work hard, then, to establish the Glory of your Lord’s Supreme Name.

56:75 Nay, I present the stellar orbits as witness. [Mawaqi = Different locations in the orbits]

56:76 And behold! This, indeed, is a great witness if your knowledge can encompass it.

56:77 That this Qur’an is, indeed, a Noble Monograph.

56:78 In a well-guarded Book. [As conveyed to you]

56:79 This is a Book that none but the pure of mind can touch.

[Those who approach the Qur’an with minds contaminated with preconceived notions and extrinsic material, will never understand it. Mutahharoon = Those who rid their minds of blind following and false dogmas. (2:222). It is a common insult to say that men cannot touch it without wudhu (ablution) and women cannot touch it during menstruation. Why would God place hurdles in the way of approaching His Guidance?]

56:80 A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

56:81 Now, is it this Hadith that you would hold in low esteem? [And uphold manmade hadith]

56:82 And make its denial your daily bread? [Making money by peddling conjecture, such as frightening people with the spurious dogmas of ‘evil eye’ or ‘demon-possession’ and claiming to cure them by blowing into knots or water to drink!]

56:83 Why, then, as the last breath comes up to the throat,

56:84 And at that moment you are looking.

56:85 And We are closer unto him (the dying person) than you are, although you see not.

56:86 Why not then, if you are not fully dependent (on Us),

56:87 Make the departing life return, if you are indeed truthful? [God alone is the Giver of life and death, and man owes all his abilities to Him]

56:88 If he is of those drawn near (for having lived a life upright),

56:89 (For him are) jubilation, inner fulfillment, and a Garden of Bliss!

56:90 And thus he is of the blessed ones,

56:91 So, “Salutation of Peace be upon you!" - from the blessed ones. [56:38]

56:92 But if he is of the rejecters, the straying,

56:93 Then the welcome will be a smoldering anguish.

56:94 And scorching heat before the Insurmountable Barrier.

56:95 Verily, this a Truth of Certainty.

56:96 Strive, then, to glorify the Name of your Lord Supreme. [Follow His Commands to manifest His Glory on earth as it is in the heavens]

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