Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 18. Al-Kahf – The Cave

[Author’s Note] This is the 18th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 110 verses. The Surah derives its name from the Cave in which some young men (probably seven of them) had taken shelter against persecution by the Roman Emperor Decius (who ruled between 249-251 CE).

Decius (Daqianoos) being a pagan was known for his persecution of the Unitarian Monotheistic Christians. They were true Unitarian followers of Jesus Christ, and they took refuge outside the town of Ephesus (Afsoos) in today’s Turkey. The 19th Century Archaeology has uncovered the ruins of the town just South of Izmir.

Dwellers of the Cave, known as 'The Seven Sleepers' in history, have also been referred in this Surah as the owners of Ar-Raqeem - from Raqam meaning inscribing - Inscription. I understand that they held on to the Scripture, the Gospel of Jesus. The dogmas of Trinity, Blood Atonement, Divinity and Sonship of Jesus, all were canonized about 75 years after Decius at the Conference of Nicea under Emperor Constantine in 325 CE. Hence, the Gospel that these young men held on to, was much closer to the real teachings of Jesus. They were vanguards of Truth, and not ascetics withdrawing from the responsibilities of the worldly life.

Al-Kahf is one of the most commonly misinterpreted Surahs of the Qur’an because of contradictory historical accounts, questionable Ahadith and the Biblical influence on the minds of many commentators. The Qur’an, as always, sifts out fabrications and embraces the Truth.

Tasreef (and some relevant history) help us understand this Surah.

The Surah also gives us an important lesson that true revolutions begin in the hearts and violent revolutions create only corruption, disorder and bloodshed in the land.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

18:1 All beauty and balance in the Universe is the living evidence that God is Praiseworthy. All praise is for God Who has revealed this Book to His servant, and made it flawless.

18:2 A Perfect Book, unerringly straight, meant to warn people of the destructive results of their wrongdoings. And to give good news to those who believe in the Message and make reforms in their individual and collective lives, that theirs shall be a generous reward.

18:3 A state of Bliss in which they shall dwell beyond the count of time.

18:4 Furthermore, this Divine Writ is meant to warn all those who say, “God has taken unto Himself a son.”

18:5 No knowledge whatsoever have they of Him, and neither did their forefathers. An outrageous statement it is that comes out of their mouths, and nothing but falsehood do they utter!

18:6 (O Messenger) Should you (in your compassion) grieve yourself to death if they are not willing to believe in this Message?

18:7 (God never ordained asceticism for mankind. It was something they had invented 57:27.) We have adorned what is on earth so that We may let them test themselves as to who is best in conduct, and lives a balanced life. [18:30-31, 18:46, 67:2. Ahsanu ‘amala includes ‘best in conduct’ and ‘balanced life’]

18:8 And, certainly, We shall reduce all that is on earth to barren dust!

18:9 Do you think that the Dwellers of the Cave, the Upholders of Raqeem (the Inscribed Gospel) were some supernatural beings, more wondrous than Our other signs? [Nay, strange legends became famous about them]

18:10 As they fled for refuge to the Cave (outside Ephesus), they prayed, “Our Lord! Bestow on us Grace from Your Presence, and help us conduct our affairs in the right way.

18:11 And thereupon We veiled their ears in the Cave for some years.

[They remained isolated, hiding from the soldiers of Emperor Decius during his reign, 249-251 CE]

18:12 And then We roused them (out of the Cave), in order to test for themselves which of the two parties, (the young men and their friends in town, or their opponents), had made better use of the time.

[The Dwellers of the Cave had maintained secret communication with like-minded people in Ephesus]

18:13 And now (contrary to hearsay) We shall relate to you (O Prophet) their true history. Indeed, they were young men who truly believed in their Lord and We increased them in Guidance.

18:14 We strengthened their hearts as they took a firm stand and said, “Our only Lord is the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth. Never shall we call upon any 'Authority' other than Him. If we did, we would be in enormous schism.” [Their proclamation was not mere words. They were determined to establish the Divine System in their land]

18:15 “Our nation have taken gods other than Him. Why do they not bring forward a clear and convincing evidence in support of what they do? And who does a greater wrong than the one who invents a lie against God?” [Taken gods other than Him = Obeyed false authorities]

18:16 (The young men conferred with their friends and among themselves), “Now that you have withdrawn from them and all that they submit to other than God, then seek refuge in the Cave. Your Lord will shower you with His Grace, and set your affairs towards ease.”

18:17 And you might have seen the sun rising on the right side of the Cave, and set, aside from them, on the left while they lived on in that spacious chamber. It is a sign of God that (He arranged for them excellent camouflage and) whom God guides is the rightly guided, and whom He lets go astray (for violating the Laws of Guidance) for such, you will find no ally to show the right way. [The Cave lay North South and while it was roomy from inside, its entrance was small]

18:18 You would have deemed that they were awake, even when they slept. (They remained alert round the clock.) We made them change their positions right and left, frequently. They had a faithful dog to guard the entrance, with its four paws outstretched (ready to pounce). The whole environment was awe-inspiring. Had you come upon them suddenly, you would have fled away from them in awe.

18:19 And so, when We caused them to rise (out of the Cave), they began to ask one another (about the next step). One of them asked, “How long have you been here?” “We have been here a day or part of a day!” they answered. Finally they said, “Your Lord knows best how long. (They were so committed to their mission that they hardly noticed how the days and nights went by.) Let one of you go with these silver coins to the town, and look for the best available food, and bring you some provisions. But let him exercise caution, and by no means make anyone aware of you.”

18:20 “For, behold, if they discover you, they will stone you to death or force you to revert to their religion, then you will never succeed.”

18:21 And in this way We caused them to be discovered (when their mission had succeeded), and everyone realized that God's Promise is always true. There remained no doubt about the Revolution. (The Dwellers of the Cave were revered by their nation as the Divine Order was restored. Time went by and they passed on. The reverence of the people took a turn.) Some people said, "Erect a building in their memory. God knows best their true stature.” Others, whose opinion prevailed, said, “Indeed, we must raise a house of worship in their memory.” The building in which they would submit to the One True God, a temple of submission (Masjid). [But they converted the building into a monastery and placed huge tombstones with superstitious inscriptions, and another one RAQEEM but manmade. The sanctuary became a haven for nuns and monks]

18:22 Then, some would say they were three, and their dog was the fourth, and some would say five, and their dog the sixth. They only made wild guesses, and some of them said that they were seven and their dog was the eighth. Say, "My Lord is best Aware of their number.” There are some who know* their right number but, do not argue about them except a passing comment. You need not consult anyone about them (to avoid undue controversies).

[*The last statement that they were seven and their dog was the eighth, is not denied by the Qur’an. Those who get this point probably know their number]

18:23 (This is the news of the Unseen. Like, the next day is unseen for you.) Never say about a thing, “Certainly, I will do it tomorrow.” [Something may happen beyond your control]

18:24 Add to your statement, “If my promise is not contrary to the Divine Laws” - And remember your Lord if you forget your promise, and say, "I hope my Lord will guide me even closer to the right course.”

18:25 And it is said they lived in the Cave for three hundred years. Others say, “Nay, add nine to that number.”

18:26 Say, “God knows best how long they remained there.” His alone is the knowledge of the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth. How well does He see and hear! They have no guardian apart from Him and He allots no one a share in His Rule!

18:27 (O Messenger!) Convey to them whatever of this Book is revealed to you from your Lord. 6:19.) None can alter His Words. And you will find no refuge other than Him. [His Laws in Theory (Kalimaatillah), and His Laws in Practice as implemented in the Universe (Sunnatillah), never change. 6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 40:85, 48:23]

18:28 (There is a lesson of perseverance for you in the history of the Dwellers of the Cave.) Hold fast to the company of those who remember their Lord morning and evening seeking His Approval 6:52, 8:52-54, 89:29:30.) And let not your eyes overlook them in quest for the beauties of this world. And pay no heed to any whom Our Law has made to forget Us because he only follows his desires, and abandons all that is right.

18:29 And proclaim, "This is the Truth from your Lord. Whoever accepts it let him accept it, and whoever rejects it, let him reject it.” Surely, for all those who wrong their own ‘selves’, We have readied billowing folds of fire to surround them. When they beg for water, they will be given their burning hot deeds that backfire on their faces, a drink of distress they gave others. How dreadful a drink! And how terrible a resting place! [9:34-35]

18:30 But, behold, as for those who attain belief and do works that help others, certainly, We never fail to reward such benefactors of humanity.

18:31 Theirs shall be the Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing beneath. They will be adorned with bracelets of gold, and wear green robes of finest silk, brocade and velvet, reclining upon thrones of honor. What a wonderful reward, and how goodly a place to rest!

18:32 (The real success belongs to those who work for both lives.) Cite for them the example of two men. To one of them, We had given two vineyards, and surrounded them with date palms and placed a field of grain in between.

18:33 Both gardens produced plenty of fruit on time, as We caused a stream to flow through them.

18:34 Once, after an abundant produce, he boastfully said to his friend, “I am far more prosperous than you, and I command more respect from people.”

18:35 And having thus wronged himself, he entered his garden saying, “I do not think that this will ever perish!”

18:36 He said, “I do not think that the Hour will ever come. And, if indeed I am returned to my Lord, I will surely find something even better as my resort.”

18:37 His friend differed with him, “Do you disbelieve in the One Who created you from dust, and then from gametes, and then shaped you into the current human form?”

18:38 “As for me, God is my Lord and I will never accept any other god besides my Lord.”

18:39 And he continued, “Alas, when you entered your garden, you should have said, 'This is what God has given me according to His Laws for no one has Power but God.' You see that I have less wealth and fewer children than you.” (Still I associate no one with Him.)

18:40 He said, “So my Lord may grant me something better than your garden. (The luxuries of this life are bound to vanish.) He may send a calamity from the height to wipe out this garden, leaving it a heap of barren dust.”

18:41 “Or, it may happen that the water level recedes low, out of your reach.” [Therefore, we must invest for the Eternity as well]

18:42 And thus it happened. One day, the arrogant man’s fruitful gardens were indeed wiped out. And there he was, twisting and turning his hands in sorrow. He lost his property which was now tumbled to pieces in complete ruin. And he could only say, "Oh, I wish I never worshiped anyone (even my property) other than my Lord!”

18:43 Now he had none to help him against the Divine Laws, nor could he help himself.

18:44 Thus it is. The only invincible protection comes from God alone. He is the Best to grant recompense, and the Best to determine what must be.

18:45 Cite for them the example of the materialistic life of this world. It is like the water We send down from the sky, and which is absorbed by plants of the earth. But in time they turn into dry stubble or hay which the winds blow freely about. God is Competent and all events take place according to His Laws over which He has full control. [Total preoccupation with the material delights of life deprives people from growing in humanity]

18:46 (Divine Bounties and Blessings are for you to enjoy, but they are a means to a higher end 7:32.) Wealth and children are the joys of the life of this world. But good deeds that fulfill the needs of others, their fruit endures forever. Such actions are of far greater merit in the Sight of your Lord, and the best foundation of hope. [19:76]

18:47 Hence, know the Day when the tycoons of wealth and power will be shaken by Our Law, and the poor downtrodden will come at par with them. All humanity will stand equal. No person will lag behind in his or her birth right of dignity. [20:105]

18:48 (Mankind will become one single community, as they were in the beginning 2:213, 10:19.) And they will be marshaled before your Lord in a row. Now, indeed, you have come to Us just as We created you initially. Certainly, this is what you claimed We will never cause to happen.”

18:49 The Book (Qur’an) will be laid open before all humanity and you will behold the guilty filled with fear what they see therein. Legislation at that time will be based on the Book. Those who were used to stealing the fruit of others' labor will be scared. They will say, “Oh, woe unto us! What kind of a Book is this! It leaves out nothing, be it small or great, but takes everything into account!” In the Divine System every deed, small or big will come forth 53:39-40). Universal Justice will prevail since your Lord does not wrong anyone. [This verse applies to the Hereafter as well in the form of the Divine Record Book, just as Hell and Paradise are frequently mentioned in the Qur’an applying to both lives. 9:31-33, 13:31,14:48, 18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20-21, 61:9]

18:50 Recall when We said to the angels, “Humble yourselves to Adam!” They all humbled themselves except Iblees. He was of the hidden selfish desires that drifted away from his Lord's Command. Will you still befriend him and his comrades rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Calamitous is the substitute the wrongdoers take. [2:30-38. Zurriyyah = Progeny = Party = Comrades]

18:51 I never permitted any creatures to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation. And neither do I need to take as My helpers those beings (religious leaders) who lead people astray.

18:52 Be mindful of the Day when He will say, “Call those whom you assigned as My partners.” Then they will call upon them, but they will not hear their call. We shall set a gulf of doom between them.

18:53 Those who thrived on the fruit of others’ toil will gaze at the Fire, and will realize that they are bound to fall into it, and will find no way to escape.

18:54 Indeed, for the benefit of mankind We use Tasreef to explain the Qur’an from various vantage points. However, man, above all other imperfections, is given to contention.

18:55 For, what is there to keep people from attaining belief now that Guidance has come to them, and from asking the protecting forgiveness of their Lord? Unless they choose the fate of the ancient people to befall them or that the doom reaches them even faster.

18:56 But We send the messengers only as heralds of glad tidings and as warners. Whereas the rejecters contend with false arguments, trying to refute the Truth, and to make My verses and warnings a target of their mockery.

18:57 And who does greater harm to himself than the one to whom his Lord’s messages are conveyed and he turns away from them, forgetting what he is doing and what wrong he has done before? Our Law makes their hearts and ears impermeable to reason and advice. No matter what you do to guide them, they will not allow themselves to be shown the right way.

18:58 Yet, your Lord is the Truly-Forgiving One, full of Grace. He could take the rejecters to task right away for whatever wrong they commit, and punish them then and there. But He gives them a period of respite beyond which they shall find no refuge.

18:59 Our Law of Requital annihilated many communities when they went on and on with their unjust systems. They were all given a due period of respite (in order to make amends) and We set up a time-limit for their annihilation.

18:60 And so, in the course of his quest for knowledge, Moses said to his young friend, “I shall not give up until I reach the junction of the two streams, though I march on for ages in my quest.”

[The Divine Revelation shows the Way and the outcome with conviction. When Moses was a young man, not yet commissioned as a Prophet, he was constantly in search of Truth 93:7. God chose His prophets and assigned them their mission at the appropriate time. The young Moses knew that the human intellect was the source of conceptual knowledge whereas the Divine Revelation is the extrinsic knowledge from beyond human faculties. Intellect and Revelation: The Two Streams of knowledge]

18:61 But when Moses with his young friend reached the junction of the two streams, they forgot all about the fish. And it disappeared into the sea. [Moses became more concerned about his people in bondage. Interestingly, fish is an ancient symbol of worldly life with all its glitter]

18:62 And after the two had walked some distance, Moses said to his young friend, “Bring us our lunch, the journey has been tiring.”

18:63 Said his friend, “Would you believe it? When we rested at the rock, I forgot about the fish and none but Satan, my wandering thoughts, made me forget it. And it took its way into the sea. How strange!

18:64 Moses said, “That is what we were seeking!” And the two turned back retracing their footsteps. (Moses retired to rest in deep thought.)

18:65 (Moses wondered how exciting the merging of the two streams would be! And he imagined that) he found a servant of Ours, upon whom We had bestowed Grace from Our Presence and unto whom We had imparted knowledge from Ourselves.

[A close examination of verses 60-65 is quite revealing. From this point on the young friend suddenly disappears. Also consider the way the fish disappeared, and how then, Moses remarks, "That is what we were seeking". I agree with Allama Muhammad Asad that the 'fish' here is only figurative. I also understand that the young friend of Moses is none else but his own youthful enthusiasm taking him to a great quest. Then in 18:64 Moses goes back retracing his footsteps. So, what happens next is most probably his deep contemplation at rest, the forthcoming knowledge and Guidance which you have been taught?” The mystical story is worth pondering. The enlightened man who meets Moses at this juncture, and later his weird actions, definitely grant him an allegorical and not a tangible presence. For these reasons we believe that 18: 60-82, the Qur’an is relating the intellectual search of Moses rather than his physical experience]

18:66 Moses (deep in his contemplation) said to the man, “May I follow you that you may teach me some of the knowledge and Guidance which you have been taught?”

18:67 He said, "Surely, you would not be able to have patience with me.

18:68 And how can you bear with what you cannot comprehend?"

18:69 Moses said, "God willing, you will find me patient and I will not disobey you."

18:70 The man said, "Well, if you go with me, do not ask me any questions unless I choose to tell you about it."

18:71 So they went on until they were in a boat and he made a hole in it. Moses said, "Did you make a hole to drown its people? You have done something terrible!"

18:72 The man said, "Didn't I tell you that you could not bear with me?"

18:73 Said Moses, “Do not rebuke me for forgetting. And be not hard on me for my fault.”

18:74 So they went on till, when they met a lad, he slew him. Moses said, "What! Have you slain an innocent person who had slain none? Surely, you have done a horrible thing."

18:75 The man said, “Didn’t I tell you that you could not bear with me?”

18:76 Moses said, “If I ask you after this about anything, then do not keep me with you. By then you shall have received enough excuses from me.”

18:77 So they proceeded. When they reached a township, they asked its folk for food, but they refused them hospitality. Soon they saw a wall that was about to collapse, and he fixed it. Moses said, "If you had wished, you could have taken a wage for that."

18:78 He replied, “This is the parting between you and me! But I will explain to you the real meaning of things you could not bear with patience."

18:79 "As for the boat, it belonged to poor people working on the river, and I wished to make it defective. For, behind them was a king who was taking every (good) boat by force.

18:80 And as for the lad, his parents were true believers whereas we had every reason to fear that he would bring bitter grief upon them by rebellion and disbelief.

18:81 And so we desired that their Sustainer grant them, instead of him, a child better in purity of conduct and affection.

18:82 As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town. And there was a treasure for them, beneath the wall. Their late father was a righteous man, and your Lord wanted them to grow up to full maturity and then extract their treasure as a Mercy from your Lord. I did not do it of my own accord (but by Divine Command). This is the explanation of things you could not stand.”

[As the pondering was over, Moses understood that Revelation is to the intellect what the sunlight is to the eye. Thus, was completed his intellectual journey. Later on Moses was commissioned to prophethood and experienced the Divine Revelation first hand]

18:83 (O Messenger) They ask you about Zul-Qarnain. Say, "I will convey to you something by which he is worth remembering."

18:84 We established him in power on earth and granted him the ways and means to accomplish his objectives.

18:85 Zul-Qarnain set out for an expedition. He chose the right means in whatever he did. [Zul-Qarnain = King Cyrus the Great of Persia, 590-529 BC]

18:86 (Conquering land to the west toward Lydia, he reached as far as the Black Sea.) The sun was setting and it appeared to him as if it was setting in the dark waters. (The local people, given to wrongdoing, fought against him and lost.) We said, "O Zul-Qarnain! Either punish or be kind to them."

18:87 Cyrus said to them, “As for him who does wrong from now on, we shall punish him. And then he will be brought back before his Lord Who will commit him to greater retribution.

[Note King Cyrus talking in the royal manner, “We” and reflect on the King of kings, God, using “I” and “We” for Himself]

18:88 But whoever will choose to believe and help others, he will have a goodly reward and his task will be made easy by our command.”

[‘Amal Saaleh = Act of social welfare = Helping others = Increasing the societal potential = Fulfilling needs]

18:89 (After establishing peace in the West) he once again chose the right means to achieve a right end. (He set forth to an expedition towards the East)

18:90 Then he reached (Balkh in Afghanistan) the rising place of the sun, the easternmost point of his expedition. He found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter from it. [The nomads there built no houses]

18:91 So it was, and We knew all about him and his resources. [He helped that nation with his abundant resources that We had given him]

18:92 And once again he chose the right means to achieve a right end. [North towards Caucasus]

18:93 When he reached the valley between two mountain ranges, he found people whose language was barely understandable to him.

18:94 (Through interpreters) they presented a grievance, "O Zul-Qarnain! Gog and Magog are spoiling this land. They keep attacking and commit bloody crimes. May we, then, pay to you a regular tribute that you will erect a barrier between us and them?" [21:96]

18:95 He responded, "The power in which My Lord has established me is better than tribute. Help me then with manpower; I will erect a strong barrier between you and them."

18:96 “Bring me pieces of iron.” (His engineers worked their skills using dirt and molten iron and filled the gap between the mountains.) When he had filled up the space between the two steep mountainsides, he said, “(Light a fire and) blow with your bellows!” When it was red hot, he said, “Bring me molten copper and tar to pour over it.”

18:97 Thus they (Gog and Magog) could not climb it, nor could they bore holes in it.

18:98 Said the King, "This is a Grace from my Lord. Yet when the time appointed by my Lord comes, He will make this barrier level with the ground. And my Lord’s Promise always comes true. [The barrier will stay in place and crumble according to Divine Laws]

18:99 (Zul-Qarnain was right that such obstructions would become immaterial with time.) We will let some nations to invade others on a day when the trumpets of war will be blown. Then We will gather them together in battle-fields. [Gog and Magog, the powerful imperialist nations, will attack one another and the weaker nations, and great wars will take place]

18:100 And those who had been rejecting (the Divine Writ of mankind being one single community); We will cause them to face Hell in that era.

18:101 Those whose eyes were veiled to see My Reminder, and who could not bear to hear.

18:102 Do the disbelievers in My Reminder think that they can choose My servants as allies besides Me? Certainly, We have readied Hell as a welcome for the disbelievers. [No matter what coalitions they make, if they befriend systems other than the Divine Order, they will end up in Hell]

18:103 Say, "Shall We inform you who the worst losers are in respect of their deeds?"

18:104 They are the ones whose effort in the life of the world remains misdirected. And yet they think that they are doing good work. [They work in the wrong cause, contrary to the Divine Reminder]

18:105 It is they who have chosen to deny their Sustainer’s messages and the fact that they are destined to meet Him. Their works are in vain. And on the Day of Resurrection We will give them no weight.

18:106 That is their reward, Hell! For, they rejected the Truth, and ridiculed My messages and My messengers.

18:107 But certainly, as for those who attain belief and fulfill the needs of others, the gardens of Paradise will be there to welcome them.

18:108 Therein shall they abide. They will not even desire a change!

18:109 Say, "If all the sea were ink for my Sustainer’s Words, the sea would indeed be exhausted before my Sustainer’s Words are exhausted! And thus it would be if We were to add to it sea upon sea.” [31:27]

18:110 Say (O Prophet), "I am only a human like you. It is revealed to me that your God is only One God. Hence, whoever looks forward to meeting with His Lord, let him do works that help others and ascribe no partners in the service of his Lord.”

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