He has co guided nine Ph.D (Engineering) candidates.
He had visited Aston University, UK and Warrick University during 2005 – 2006 and 2006 – 2007 as visiting research fellow.
He has been nominated by the Director, ISM Dhanbad as an external member to the BOS of Mechanical and Mining Engineering Department.
8. Area of specialization and contribution made therein:
Area of specialization: Tribology, Production Management, Optimization, Reliability Engineering, Soft – Computing.
Contribution made:
i) Carried out Industrial Consultancy works.
ii) In-house training program for different Organizations.
iii) Ph.D and M.E. / M.Tech guidance.
iv) Publication of Book and Papers in various National and International referred Journals / Proceedings.
v) Organized Short-term and Refresher courses.
vi) Curriculum Development.
vii) Tribology Laboratory Development, Production Engineering
Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
9. Any other relevant information :
46) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited
to deliver expert lectures at a Faculty Development Programme on “Engineering Optimization, Innovation and Applications” organized by Mechanical Engineering Department ,National Institute of Technology (NIT), Patna during June 18-19 ,2013
45) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited
to deliver lecture at a workshop organised by St.Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology ,Kolkata on 11th June 2013.
44) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited
to deliver lecture on “Relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts in India today” organised by Prafulla Chandra College, 23/49, Gariahat Road ,Kolkata-700 029 on 9th March 2013
43) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited by I.I.T. KGP (IE & M Department ) in order to conduct M.Tech Viva-voce examination on 3
rd May 2013.
Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to visit Gujarat on 1
st April 2013.
41) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited by Asansol Engineering College, Asansol to deliver a talk on “Frontier Areas in Manufacturing” on 4
th May 2013
40) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has been invited to deliver lecture at a workshop on “ VALUE EDUCATION” organised by MCKV Institute of Engineering, Lilulah, Howrah-711 204 0n 21st November 2012
39) Prof.Bijan Sarka has been invited by the department of Philosophy ,JU,to deliver speech in inaugural function of two-day State Level Seminar on “ Swami Vivekananda and the Modern World ” held during October 12-13,2012.
38) Prof.Bijan Sarka has been invited
to deliver lectures for MBA 2nd year 1st semester students in the area of Production and Operations Management including Materials Management( Paper- XI) during June – August , 2012.
37) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has been invited to conduct the viva- voce examination of Ph.D degree of West Bengal University of Technology on September 19, 2012.
36)Prof.Bijan Sarkar has been invited
to Chair a technical Session and deliver an invited talk at National Conference on “Recent Trends in Communication, Measurement,& Control” , organized by Asansol Engineering College, Asansol, on 14th August 2012
35) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has been invited
to deliver lecture at a workshop organised by MCKV Institute of Engineering, Lilulah, Howrah-711 204 0n 21st July 2012.
34) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has been invited
to deliver lecture at a workshop organised by St.Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology ,Kolkata on 19th June 2012.
5) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has organized 3-week Refresher Course on “Inner Engineering: Opportunities & Challenges ” during 18th June 2012 – 7th July,2012.
Prof.AChakraborty,Vice-Chancellor,JU, presided over the inaugural function. Prof.Subir Choudhury, Former Director,IIM,Kolkata, delivered address as the Chief Guest.
Total twenty eight participants from different parts of India attended the course. Resource persons from IIT, Kharagpur, NITIE, Mumbai, TELCO, Jamshedpur,as well as , from our university addressed the gathering.
33) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited
to conduct the viva- voce examination of M.Tech Dissertation at NITTTR, Salt Lake on 11th June 201
32) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited to conduct the viva- voce examination of Dual- Degree M.Tech (final year students) of Industrial Engineering & Management Department at I.I.T., Kharagpur, on 4
th May 2012.
31) Prof.Bijan Sarkar was invited by All India Council for Technical Education to act as one of the Expert Committee Members for surprise visit in AICTE approved Institutions in Bangalore during March 27 – 28, 2012.
30) Prof. Bijan Sarkar was invited by West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),Salt lake, to conduct the viva- voce examination of Ph.D degree on 11
th April 2012 .
29) ) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, Nadia -741235 to deliver lectures in the AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Program on Optimization of Decision Tools using Soft Computing and Matlab” during February 1-2,2012
28) Prof.Bijan Sarkar has delivered a lecture on “ Relevance of Swami Vivekananda in the 21
st Century,” organized by the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society, Department of Sociology, Jadavpur University on 11
th January 2012.
27) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), Mumbai -400101 to act as an expert in the interview for the recruitment of Trainee Officers in West Bengal on 24
th December 2011.
26) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has delivered a lecture on “World Philosophy Day” organized by Philosophy Department , Jadavpur University in collaboration with Indian Council of Philosophical Research , New Delhi on 20
th December 2011.
25) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by Bengal Engineering & Science University (BESU), Sibpur, West Bengal to act as an expert in the Ph.D registration committee meeting on 20th December 2011.
24) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by Government College of Engineering , Pune to deliver talk on “ Cutting Edge Tools in Decision technology “ during July 11-12 ,2011
23) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by University of Pune for conducting Ph.D viva-voce examination 2011.
22) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),Kharagpur for conducting M.tech viva-voce examination 2011.
21) Prof. Bijan Sarkar has been invited by National Institute of Technology Rourkella for conducting M.tech viva-voce examination 2011.
20) Invited by “All India Council for Technical Education” (AICTE), New Delhi, to act as a Member of Expert Committee during the year 2004-2011.
19) Invited to act as an Assessor of the papers for “International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)”.
18) Attended and Presented a paper entitled, “A Holistic Multicriteria Approach for Selecting Machining Processes” at the International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering, Tinos Island, GREECE during June 28 – July 02, 2002.
17) Elected as Honorary Treasurer of Operational Research Society of India (ORSI) for the year 2003 – 2004 and 2005 – 2006.
16) Chosen for Rashtriya Gourav Award by India International Friendship Society (IIFS), New Delhi for the year 2004.
15) Invited as an Expert by Educational Consultant India Limited (EdCIL) for conducting a preliminary survey – Procurement of Equipment for Polytechnics of NAGALAND during second week of July, 2001.
14) Invited to act as Reviewer for the Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) during 1999 – 2004.
13) Co authored the Book entitled, “Advanced Quantitative Techniques for Production Management” funded by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) during May 2000.
12) Invited as Paper Setter and Examiner of Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra, Ranchi, Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta University (CU), Kalyani University, Indian Institute of Welding (IIW), Institute of Business Management (IBM), Kolkata, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR) and West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT) for different subjects.
11) Attended and Presented papers in 16 different conferences at National / International level.
10) Attended and Participated in 10 different Refresher / Orientation courses funded by UGC, ISTE and DST, India.
9) Conducted three short-term courses during 1996 – 2001 under the Department of Adult Continuing Education and Extension, Jadavpur University as Course Coordinator (one course in each year).
8) Worked as Joint Convener of Production Engineering Division of The Institution of Engineers (India) during 1998 – 2000.
7) Invited by Birla Industrial and Technological Museum (BITM), Kolkata to act as one of the Judges for the West Bengal State Level Science Fair during 1999 – 2001.
6) Invited as a Resource Person for UGC sponsored Refresher Course organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University on “Recent Advances in Tribology” during June, 2004.
5) Invited as a Resource Person for M.Phil Course in Cognitive Science under Philosophy Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata during 1999 – 2004.
4) Invited by Kolkata Doordarshan for the Live program on “Ki Hote Chai (What I would like to be)” for “Career Counseling” on July 12, 2004.
3) HE has been cited in the Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD in the 24th edition, 2007.
2) Organized in house training programmes for M/s Alstom India Ltd., Indian Oil, Gun & Shell factory and M/s Stewerds & Loydds, Kolkata during 2004-2008.
1) Carried out consultancy work for M/s Usha Telehoist and M/s Balmer Lawrie Company, Kolkata during 2008.
10. Publications:
List of Publications
Two book chapters authored:
Chapter’s Name
Year of Publication
Fuzzy Decision Making and Its Applications in Cotton Fibre Grading.
Wood Head Publishing House
(U. K.)
Technology Level in the Industrial Supply Chain: Thermodynamic Concept
B.) One Monogram :
Advanced Quantitative Techniques for Production Management” , Funded by All India Council for Technical education (AICTE) under Continuing Education Programme (CEP) in the year 2000.
107) Krishendu Mukherjee, Bijan Sarkar, Ardhendu Bhattacharyya (2013), “ Supplier Selection by F – compromise method : a case study of cement industry of NE India” , International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering ,Volume 1.Number 3 ,pp– 162 – 174.
106 ) Prabir Kumar Choudhuri, Prabal Kumar Majumdar, Bijan Sarkar (2013) – Studies
on tensile properties of eri/acrylic blended yarn, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile
Research, Volume 38, March 2013,pp: 66-73.
105 ) Das, M.C. , Sarkar, B.
, Ray, S. (2012), “On the performance of Indian technical institutions: a combined SOWIA-MOORA approach ,” OPSEARCH
DOI 10.1007/s12597-012-0116-z
104) Tuli Bakshi, S.K. Sanyal, Bijan Sarkar (2012)—An Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-criteria Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Based on PSO,Procedia Technology 6 (2012) 231-238
103. Tuli Bakshi, S.K. Sanyal, Bijan Sarkar (2012)—A Novel Integrated AHP-QFD Model for Software Project Selection Under Fuzziness, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975—8887), Volume- 54- No. September 2012
102. Uttam Kumar Mandal, Bijan Sarkar (2012) – Selection of Best Intelligent Manufacturing System ( IMS) Under Fuzzy Moora Conflicting MCDM Environment , International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250 -2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012.
101. Uttam Kumar Mandal, Bijan Sarkar (2012) – An Explanatory Analysis of Intelligent Manufacturing System (Ims) Under Fuzzy Utopian Environment, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN : 2250 -3021 Volume 2, Issue 8 ( August 2012), PP 129-140.
100. Bimal Samanta,Bijan Sarkar ( 2012) – Application of Petri nets for systems modeling and Analysis, SPRINGER - OPSEARCH, Volume 49, No. 4, Oct-Dec, 2012,Pges : 334-347.
99. E. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Bijan Sarkar (2012) - Improvement of Life Time and Reliability of Battery, International Journal of Engineering Science and Advanced Technology, ISSN 2250 -3676, Volume 2, Issue 5.
Das, M.C. , Sarkar, B.
, Ray, S. (2012), “A framework to measure relative performance of Indian technical institutions using integrated fuzzy AHP and COPRAS methodology”,
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46 (3) , pp. 230-241
97 Asis Sarkar, Bijan Sarkar, E. Suresh Kumar (2012) - Optimum Maintenance Strategy with Fuzzy TOPSIS for Reliable Power Generation from Gas Turbine Plant,
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems (IJFSRS),5(1), June, 2012, pp: 73-82, Serial Publications, ISSN : 0974 – 858X.
96. E. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Bijan Sarkar (2012) – Field loss accounted design and simulation of a stand alone photovoltaic system, International Journal of Computer Science and Management studies (IJCSMS), Volume 12, Issue 01, January 2012, Pages : 18-23.
95. Tuli Bakshi, S.K. Sanyal, Bijan Sarkar, A. Sinharay (2012) – A project selection framework by Dempster-Shafer Theory under Fuzziness, 1
st International conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology RAIT-2012, 978-1-4577-0697-4/12/$26.00 @2012 IEEE.
94. Tuli Bakshi, Bijan Sarkar, S.K. Sanyal (2012) – An optimal soft computing based AHP-QFD model using goal programming for decision support system, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages : 1-5.
93. Surojit Ghosh, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal, and Jyotirmoy Saha,(2011) , “Health Diagnosis of Industrial Equipment through Used Lubricant Analysis Process: A Rule Based Inference Approach”, K. Deep et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on SocProS 2011, AISC 131, pp. 177–188. springerlink.com © Springer India 2012
Ghosh, S.
Sarkar, B. (2011), “Cost optimization by genetic algorithm technique for Y-Oscillatory plant layout”,
African Journal of Business Management, Volume 5, Issue 11, 11 June 2011, Pages 4078-4086
Bakshi, T.
Sinharay, A.
Sarkar, B.
Sanyal, S.K. (2011),
“MCDM based project selection by F-AHP & VIKOR”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7076 LNCS (PART 1) , pp. 381-388
90. Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, and Subir Sanyal, (2011) “AN EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF OPTIMIZING PRODUCT MIX THROUGH HEURISTIC: AN ECLECTIC DECISION” International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 18(9), 462-472
89. Krishnendu Mukherjee , Bijan Sarkar, Ardhendu Bhattacharya (2011), “Comments on the erratum to ‘‘Supply planning model for remanufacturing system in reverse logistics environment’’ [Comput. Ind. Eng. 51 (2006) 279–287]” , Computers & Industrial Engineering , 61(4) , pp 1349 – 1350.
88. 88. P.J. Nikumbh,S.K. Mukhopadhya, Bijan Sarkar & Ajoy Kumar Dutta, (2011), “ Rough Sets Based Product Mix Analysis ”, Int. journal of Advancements in Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3 ,pp. 382-399
87. Asis Sarkar,Dhiren Kumar Bhera & Bijan Sarkar,(2011) “ Survey of Reliability Theories of the Last 50 Years.” , Journal of Information & Communication Technology (JICT),Vol. 2, Issue 2.
86 Saroj Mukhopadhyya, Arnav Banerjee, Bijan Sarkar,(2011) “ Multiple decoupling point paradigms in a global supply chain syndrome : A Relational Analysis", International Journal
of Production Engineering ,
50 (11) , pp. 3051-3065
85 P.S. Chakrabarty, G. Mazumder & B.Sarkar, (2011) “ Performance Measurement
of Distribution Centre Combining Data Envelopment Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process ,” Advances in Production Engineering & Management 6 (2011) 2, 117 – 128
84 Manic Das, Bijan Sarkar and Siddhartha Roy, (2011) “ Relative Performance of Indian Technical Institutions Using AHP and MOORA under Fuzzy Environment,” Int. J. of Multicriteria Decision Making (IJMCDM) (Accepted)
83 Pijush Kanti Bhattacharya, Tirtharaj Sen, Debamalya Banerjee and Bijan Sarkar, (2011)“ Minimize Noise Dose Exposure Bt Karnaugh Map Technique For a small Scale Manufacturing Industry in west Bengal of India,” Int. J. of Environmental Science & Development, Vol. 2 .No. 2 .April
82 Tuli Bakshi and Bijan Sarkar (2011), “ MCA based performance evaluation of project selection”, Int. J. of Software Engineering and applications,Vol.2,No.2,pp.14-22
81. Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, and Subir Sanyal, (2011), “Revisiting of theory of constraints, Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering”, (Accepted)
80. Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal,(2011), “Integrating TOC and AHP for better outsourcing decisions”, Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering, (Accepted)
79. T.K. Jana and G.K. Bose,B. Sarkar and J. Saha,(2011), “Multi-objective decision- making in single-pass turning using response surface methodology” , Int. J. Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP .87 – 108
78. Krishendu Mukherjee,Bijan Sarkar, and Ardhendu Bhattacharyya (2010), “ Comparative Analysis of Supplier Selection Methods in Fuzzy Environment ”,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 5, No. 9,PP.3171 – 3184.
77. Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, and Subir Sanyal,(2010) , “The TOC based algorithm for optimizing multiple constraint resources”., IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.57, No.2, pp 301-309.
76. Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, and Subir Sanyal,(2010), “Process cost prediction:a soft computing approach”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics Vol. 3 No. 3, pp. 431-448
75. Tirtharaj Sen, Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee, Member,IACSIT, Debamalya Banerjee and Bijan Sarkar,(2010), “Study and Comparison of the Noise Dose onWorkers in a Small Scale Industry in West Bengal, India”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 364 – 367 , ISSN: 2010-0264 -364
74. Tirtharaj Sen, Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee, Member,IACSIT, Debamalya Banerjee, Bijan Sarkar,(2010),” Running Condition Noise Dose to Auto drivers in Kolkata Metropolitan City of India in Different Seasons”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp : 278 – 281, ISSN: 2010-0264 -278
73 Manik C.Das, B.Sarkar, S.Ray(2010), “Performance evaluation of Indian Technical Institutions using fuzzy – AHP technique”,The Indian journal of Technical Education ,Vol.33,No.3,PP-86-94
72 Partha Sarathi Chakraborty,Gautam Majumder,Bijan Sarkar (2010),”Analytic Network process for manufacturing supplier selection”, International journal of cost Management,PP-18-23.
71 Surojit Ghosh., Bijan SarkarSubir Kumar Sanyal, Jyotirmoy Saha (2009), “Automated Maintenance Approach For Industrial Machineries by Soft computing Techniques at Offline monitoring Process”, Jordon Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,Vol.3, No.1, pp. 59 – 68.
70 Jisnu Basu, Bijan Sarkar and Ardhendu Bhattacharyya ,(2009),”Cluster approach in transfer of technology to rural smes in India: baruipur surgical instruments cluster, a test case (West Bengal)” Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 503 – 514,NIRD, Hyderabad.
69 Mukherjee,K.,Sarkar,B.,Bhattacharjya,A.,(2009),”Supplier’s selection strategy for mass customization”, International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009,art.no.5223861,pp.892-895.
68 Bhattacharya .A, Vasanta. P, Sarkar .B, & Mukherjee. S.K.(2008), “A Fully Fuzzified Intelligent Theory of Constraints product – Mix Decision ,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46, No. 3 , February 2008, 787 – 815.
67 Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal, (2008), “ A holistic approach for production outsourcing:”, Strategic outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol 1 Issue 2, pp.142-153.
66 Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal,(2008), “An improved theory of constraints”, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management”, vol.16.No.2,pp.155-165..
65 Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal,(2008),“Outsourcing decision under utopian environment”, Journal of applied accounting research, vol.9, issue.3.
64 Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal, (2008),“Optimizing the product mix: An eclectic decision”, International Journal of Manufacturing System and Production, Vol.9,No.3-4,pp. 183-191
63 Amitava Ray, Bijan Sarkar, Subir Sanyal,(2008), “An improved TOC for outsourcing”, International Journal of Manangement science and Engineering management, Vol.3, No.4, pp.303-311.
Pandian Vasant,
Arijit Bhattacharya, Bijan Sarkar,
Sanat Kumar Mukherjee,(2007), “Detection of level of satisfaction and fuzziness patterns for MCDM model with modified flexible S-curve MF”.
Applied Soft Computing . 7(3): 1044-1054
61 Ray, A.,Sarkar,B.,Sanyal, S.(2007), “An integrated Theory-Of-Constraints “,IEEM 2007: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management , art. no. 4419144, pp. 25-29.
60 hattacharya,A.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K.,(2007),.”Distance-based Consensus Method for ABC Analysis”, International Journal of Production Research, 45 (15), pp.3405-3420.
59 Abhijit Majumdar, Bijan Sarkar & Prabal Kr. Majumdar, (2006),”An Investigation on Yarn Engineering Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of the Textile Institute”, No 5, Pages 429-434.
58 Abhijit Majumdar, Bijan Sarkar & Prabal Kr. Majumdar,(2006), “Raw Material Selection and Control in Textile Spinning Industry Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Special Issue, Pages 30-36.
57 Abhijit Majumdar, Bijan Sarkar & Prabal Kr. Majumdar,(2006), “A new algorithm of cotton fibre selection and laydown using TOPSIS method of multi-criteria decision making”, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, Vol. 31, Pages 248-244.
56 Abhijit Majumdar, Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar, (2005), “Application
of linear regression, artificial neural network and neuro-fuzzy algorithms to predict the breaking elongation of rotor-spun yarns”, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 30, Pages 19-25.
55Abhijit Majumdar, Bijan Sarkar & Prabal Kr. Majumdar,(2005), “Determination of quality value of cotton fibre using hybrid AHP-TOPSIS method of multi-criteria decision-making”, Journal of the Textile Institute, No 5, Pages 303-309.
54 Abhijit Majumdar, Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar,(2005), “Determination of Technological Value of Cotton Fibre: A comparative study between traditional and multiple criteria decision making approach”, Autex Research Journal, Pages 71-80.
53 Abhijit Majumdar, Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar , (2005),”Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System for the Prediction of Cotton Yarn Strength from HVI fibre properties”, Journal of the Textile Institute, No 1, Pages 55-60.
52 S.Ghosh.,Prof. B.Sarkar, Prof.J.saha (2005),”Wear Characterization by Fractal Mathematics for Quality Improvement of Machine”, International Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Emerald (UK), 11(4), 318 – 332.
51Bhattacharya, A.,Sarkar, B.,Mukherjee, S.K,(2005), “Integrating AHP with QFD for Robot Selection under Requirement Perspective”, International Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis, 43(17/1), 3671 – 3685.
50J. Pal Choudhury, Prof. B.Sarkar, Prof.S.K.Mukherjee (2005), “Forecasting of Engineering Manpower on the basis of ANOVA Analysis”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India)-ID, vol.86, pp.43-48.
49 P.S.Chakraborty,Prof. B.Mazumder, Prof. B.Sarkar (2005) ,”Performance Evaluation of Existing Vendors using Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Indian Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 64, 648 – 652.
48 B.samanta, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K. Mukherjeeet (2005) ,”Modeling and Analysis of HEMM Engine Failure with Petrinet”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 34(4), 9 – 20.
47 Majumder,A.Sarkar,B.,Majumder,P.K.,(2004), “Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process for selection of Cotton Fibres”, International Journal of Fibres and Polymers, 5(4), 297 – 302.
46 A. Bhattacharya, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K.Mukherjee ,(2004), “A New Method for Plant Location Selection: A Holistic Approach”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering (IJIE), 11(4), 330 – 338.
45 B.samanta, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K. Mukherjeeet ,(2004), “Reliability Modeling and Performance Analysis of a LHD System in Mining”, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), 104(1), 1 – 8.
44 Abhijit Majumdar ,Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar (2004) ,”Selecting Cotton Bales by Spinning Consistency Index and Microware using Artificial Neural Network”, AUTEX Research Journal, 4(1),1 – 8.
43 Abhijit Majumdar Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar,(2004), “Selection of cotton bales by spinning consistency index and micronaire using artificial neural networks”, Autex Research Journal, Vol 4, No 1, Pages 1-8.
42 Abhijit Majumdar , Prabal Kr. Majumdar & Bijan Sarkar,(2004), “Prediction of single yarn tenacity of ring and rotor spun yarns from the HVI results using artificial neural networks, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research”, Vol. 29, Pages 157-162.
41 A. Bhattacharya, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K.Mukherjee(2004)., “A Holistic Methodology Combining AHP with QFD for Industrial Robot Selection”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 34(1), 6 – 11.
40 Prof. B.Sarkar et al,(2004), “Evaluation of a Conveyor Belt Material based on Multi Criteria Decision Making”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences (IJEMS), 11(5), 1 – 5.
39 A. Bhattacharya, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K.Mukherjee 2004), “Use of De Novo Programming in Theory of Constraints (TOC)”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 33(7), 6 – 11.
38 Majumder,A.., Majumder,P.K Sarkar,B,(2004),”Prediction of Single Yarn Tenacity of Ring-and Rotor-spun Yarns from HVI results using Artificial Neural Networks”, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 29, 157 – 162.
37 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2003), “Reliability Evaluation of a Complex System Based on Full Factorial Design”, The Journal of Safety and Reliability Societies, UK, 23(4), 26 – 35.
36 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2003), “Selection of Appropriate Maintenance Strategy – A Holistic Approach”, Maintenance Journal, Australia, 16(3), 62 – 71.
35 Prof. B.Sarkar et al,(2003), “Selection of Membership Functions in the Prediction of Engineering Manpower”, PRANJANA, Indian Journal of Management Awareness, 6(2), 35 – 48.
34 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2003), “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, MINETECH, 24(5), 57 – 65.
33 A. Bhattacharya, Prof. B.Sarkar , Prof. S. K.Mukherjee ,(2003), “Selection of Camera for Computer Vision Systems using ELECTRE”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 32(7), 27 – 33.
32 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2003),”V-A-T Analysis as a Cutting Edge Tool for JIT Implementation”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 32(5), 2 – 7.
31. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2003), “Reliability Assessment of Shovel Machine using Monte Carlo Simulation”, Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 1 – 7.
30 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2003), “TPM and Assessment of Overall Effectiveness for Mining Equipments”, Coal Mining Technology and Management Journal (India), 8(2), 10 – 21.
29 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K (2003), “Selection of Plant Location through a MCDM Methodology”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 32(1).
28 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K(2002), “Performance Evaluation of a Dragline Machine in a Surface Mine”, Journal of Safety and Reliability Society (UK), 22(3), 57 – 72.
27 Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K., (2002),”Forecasting of Engineering Manpower through Fuzzy Associative Memory Neural Network with ARIMA: A Comparative Study”, Neuro Computing, ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 47, 241 – 257.
26 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K (2002), Assessment of Hydraulic Shovel System using Fault Tree”, Transaction of Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (UK), 111, A129 – A135.
25 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K (2002), “Design of an Optical Maintenance Strategy for Mining Machinery through AHP”, Maintenance Journal, Australia, 15(2), 14 – 23.
24. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2002), “Reliability Analysis of a Dragline Machines in Mine”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 31(12), 18 – 22.
23. Prof. B.Sarkar , S. Bgchi,(2002), “Selection of Hostel Boarders in an Engineering Institution under Conflicting Environment”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 83,48 – 51.
22. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2002), “Maintenance Strategy of Mining Machinery and – A Management Approach”, Mining Engineering Journal (India), 4(4), 1 – 16.
21. Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2002), “Prediction of Engineering Manpower using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm”, IETE Journal of Research, 48(5), 377 – 384.
20. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2002), “Availability Modeling of a Dragline System: A Case Study”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 83, 20 – 26.
19. Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2002), “A Comparison between Fuzzy Time Series and Genetic Algorithm in Prediction of Engineering”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 83, 6 – 11.
18. Prof. B.Sarkar et al,(2002), “Material Handling Equipment Selection under Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)”, Environment Industrial Engineering Journal (India), 31(6), 17 – 25.
17. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2002), “Machine Maintenance of Mining Environment”, Mining Engineers (India), 3(11), 10 – 16.
Shree J. Paul Choudhury, Bijan Sarkar,
S. K. Mukherjee,(2002), “Forecasting of engineering manpower through fuzzy associative memory neural network with ARIMA: a comparative study”,
Neurocomputing 47(1-4): 241-257
15. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K.,( 2001), “Reliability Analysis of Shovel Machines used in an Open Cast Coal Mine”, Mineral Resource Engineering (Imperial College Press, UK), 10(2), 219 – 231.
14 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) for Heavy Earth Moving Machinery in an Open Cast Coal Mine”, CIM Bulletin (CANADA), 94, 1056, 104 – 108.
13. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001),”Operational Behavior of a Heavy Earth Moving Machine in Mines”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 30(12), 26 – 30.
12. Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Assessment of Engineering Manpower: A Comparative Study of Direct Approach against Simulated Approach”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Production Engineering Division, 81(1), 24 – 28.
11. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Operational Behaviour Study of a
Dragline Machine in a Mine based on Markov Model”, Journal of Institution of
Engineers (India), Mining Engineering Division, 82(1), 1 – 5
10. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Improvement in Utilization of a Dragline in a Mine using Idle – State Analysis”, Coal Mining Technology and Management Journal (India), 6(7), 14 – 21.
09. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001),”Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Strategy for Heavy Earth Moving Machinery in Coal Mines”, Indian Industrial Engineering Journal, 30(5), 15 – 21.
08. Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2001), “Prediction of Engineering Manpower using Fuzzy Feed forward Back Propagation Neural Network Model”, IETE Journal of Research, 47(1 & 2), 79 – 83.
07 Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2000-2001), “An Application of Weibull Distribution for Reliability Study of Shovel Machine used in a Coal Mine”, MGMI Transaction (India), 97(1 & 2), 77 – 86.
06. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Maintenance Management – A Key Factor to Succeed in Mechanized Coal Mines”, Coal Mining Technology and Management Journal (India), 6(2), 11 – 16.
05. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K,(2001), “Maintenance Planning of a Mining Equipment based on Valuation of Machine Health for New Millennium”, Indian Journal of Mine, Metal and Fuel, 41(1 & 2), 26 – 31.
04. Samanta,B.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2001), “Improvement in Maintenance Process of HEMM by Pareto Analysis”, The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 40(1 & 2), 38 – 44.
03. Samanta, B., Sarkar, B., Mukherjee, S.K, (2000), “Reliability, Availability and Maintainability of Heavy Earth Moving Machinery in an Open Cast Coal Mine”, MINETECH, 21(5 & 6), 15 – 19.
02. Samanta, B., Sarkar, B., Mukherjee, S.K, (2000), “Some Aspects of Failure Analysis of Mining Machinery”, The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 39(8), 34 – 36.
01. Choudhury,J.P.,Sarkar,B.,Mukherjee,S.K ,(2000), “Selection of Professional using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 81(1), 16 – 18.
11. Research Guidance
Joint Research Guidance of Prof. Bijan Sarkar
Name of the candidate
Title of Ph.D Thesis
Year of receiving Ph.D Award
Tirtharaj Sen
Study of Noise Level On The Safety Of Auto Rickshaw Drivers In Kolkata And On The Workers In Different S.S.I Units Located In West Bengal.
Arnab Banerjee
Leagile Supply and Demand Chain in An It Enabling Scenario.
Prabir Kumar Choudhury
Detailed Studies on Spinning of 100% ERI Silk & Its Blends for Making Yarns and their Suitability for Apparels
To be awarded in the Convocation.
Nikumbh Pravin Jagannath
Some Aspects on the Factory of the Future Using Soft Computing
Amitava Ray
Some aspects of flexible cost analysis for manufacturing system
G. Shashi Kumar
Eclectic Design for Plant Layouts of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
S. Nallusamy
Study of Vehicle Maintenance system in Passenger Transport of Public Sector Undertaking Chennai - Tamilnadu
Surojit Ghosh
Soft Computing Based Machine Conditioning : A Holistic Approach
Jisnu Basu
Some Analysis On the Technological Practices Adopted in the Rural Industrial Clusters, Private and Public Organizations in Eastern India to Find Appropriate Options for Higher Productivity and Minimized Exploration
Name of the candidate
Title of Ph.D Thesis
Year of receiving Ph.D Award
Partha sarathi Chakraborty
Improving Productivity and Effectiveness Using Supply Chain and Demand Chain Management
Abhijit Mazumdar
Quality Characterization of Cotton Fibres for Yarn Engineering Using artificial Intelligence and Multi Criteria Decision making Process
Arijit Bhattacharya
Information Technology (I.T.) Applications In Manufacturing Decision Making Processes
Somnath Bhattacharya
De Novo approach for Design Optimization
Bimal Samanta
Some Aspects of Optimizing Maintenance Strategies for Heavy Earth Moving and Underground Mechanized Face Loading Machinery in Mines
J. Paul Choudhury
Assessment of Engineering Manpower Requirement In Certain Selected Industry Groups in The State of West Bengal for The Next Five Years.
12. Courses Organised in the campus:
Sl. No.
Title of the Course
Funded by
Inner Engineering : Opportunities & Challenges
18th June – 7th July 2012
University Grants Commission , New Delhi
Cutting Edge tools in Decision Technology
9th July 2011
Production Engineering Department, J.U.
Constraints Management
11th June 2011
Production Engineering Department, J.U.
Soft Computing Applications in Decision technology
20th June 2010 - 17th July 2010
(3 – Week Refresher Course)
University Grants Commission , New Delhi
Reliability,Availability and Maintainability ( RAM ) Engineering in Industries
22nd June 2009 – 11th July 2009
(3 – Week Refresher Course)
University Grants Commission , New Delhi
Advances in Engineering Management
26th June 2008 - 16th July 2008
(3 – Week Refresher Course)
University Grants Commission , New Delhi
Advances in Technology Management
15th January 2007
UGC sponsored University with Potential for Excellence
Current Advances in Productivity Management
25th July 2005
(World Bank Project)
Advanced Quantitative Techniques for Production Management
May 6 – 25 , 2002
(3 – Week Refresher Course)
University Grants Commission , New Delhi
13. Courses conducted for Faculty & Student Development Programme:
Title of the Course
Attended by
Multi Criteria decision Making (MCDM) Process
Faculties, UG & PG Students
Electronics & Communication Engineering Department,
Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Faculties, UG & PG Students
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia
Robust Design & Optimization
Faculties, UG & PG Students
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Kalyani Government Engineerind College, Kalyani
Class Room Management
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Agartala
Self-Management Skill
UG & PG Students
Asansol Engineering College, Asansol
UG & PG Students
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Agartala
Leadership Management
Kalyani Government Engineerind College, Kalyani
Tool Engineering
M.Tech Students
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
Decision Science
Reliability Engineering
M.Tech Students
National Institute of Technical Teacher’s Training Institute & Research (NITTTR), Kolkata
10 .
Operations Management
P.G. Students
GLOBSYN, Kolkata
P.G. Students
Central Tool Room & training Centre( CTTC), Kolkata
Management of System
Institution of Engineers ( India)
Learning and Teaching Process
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Agartala
14. Corporate Training Programme conducted for Industries:
Title of the Course
Attended by
Project Management
Senior Managers
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Limited
Project Management
Senior Managers
Stwerds & Loydes, Kolkata
Productivity Management
Indian oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Kolkata
Reliability Engineering
Design engineers
Alstrom, Kolkata
Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM)
Maintenance Engineers
Indian oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Haldia
Quality Management
Gun & Shell Factory, Ichapur, 24 Parganas (N),W.B.