Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

Inventory means the method-

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Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

Inventory means the method- of verifying that the actual cash flows correspond to the accounting records and that the liabilities are accurately reflected in the account. It provides the reliability of the accounting records and the integrity of the enterprise property. Inventory is made with the participation of persons who are financially responsible.

Investitsiya – milliy iqtisodiyotning sanoat, qishloq xo‘jalik, transport va boshqa tarmoqlariga uzoq muddatli kapital qo‘yilmalar. Investitsiya asosan aksionerlik jamiyatining aksiyalari va obligatsiyalarini sotib olish tarzida amalga oshiriladi. Investitsiya bu biron-bir tadbirga, ishga oddiy kapital qo‘yish emas, balki uzoq muddatli mablag
‘ qo‘yishdir.

Investitsii - dolgosrochnыe kapitalnыe vlojeniya v promыshlennыy, selskoxozyaystvennыy, transportnыy i drugie sektora narodnogo xozyaystva. Investitsii v osnovnom osuщestvlyayutsya v forme priobreteniya aksiy i obligatsiy aksionernogo obщestva. Investirovanie - eto ne obыchnыe investitsii, a dolgosrochnыe investitsii.

Investment - long-term capital investments in industrial, agricultural, transport and other sectors of the national economy. Investments are mainly made in the form of acquisition of shares and bonds of the joint-stock company. Investing is not an ordinary investment but a long-term investment.

Infratuzilma – sanoat, qurilish va qishloq xo‘jalik ishlab chiqarishiga xizmat qiluvchi yordamchi xo‘jalik tarmoqlari kompleksi. Bunga transport, aloqa, avtomobil yo‘llari, kanallar, suv omborlari, ko‘priklar dengiz, daryo va havo portlari, energiya xo‘jaligi, moliya-bank xizmatlari, kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlik tuzilmalari, suv o‘tkazgichlar, umumiy va kasb-hunar ta’limi, fan, xizmat ko‘rsatish, soqliqni saqlash va shu kabilar kiradi.

Infrastruktura -predstavlyaet soboy kompleks vspomogatelnыx xozyaystv, obslujivayuщix promыshlennoe, stroitelnoe i selskoxozyaystvennoe proizvodstvo. K nim otnosyatsya transport, svyaz, avtomagistrali, kanalы, vodoxraniliщa, mostы, morskie, rechnыe i aeroportы, energeticheskie, finansovыe i bankovskie uslugi, strukturы malogo biznesa i chastnogo predprinimatelstva, vodoprovodы, obrazovanie, zdravooxranenie i t. d.

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