Regular city council meeting immediately following

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TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 @ 6:15 PM


(Meeting will be taped for transcribing purposes only.)


The Nowthen Economic Development Authority conducted a meeting at 6:15 PM on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the Nowthen City Hall, 19800 Nowthen Blvd. NW, Nowthen, Minnesota.

Present: Bill Schulz, Jeff Pilon, Harlan Meyer

Jim Scheffler Mary Rainville

Others: Martha Ingram, Kennedy and Graven

1). Adopt Resolution No. EDA 2014-01 – Appointment of Commissioners – Harlan Meyer made a motion to appoint Mary Rainville for President, Jim Scheffler for Vice President and Jeff Pilon as Treasurer; Jeff Pilon seconded. All in favor; motion carried. Jeff Pilon made a motion to appoint Corrie LaDoucer as Secretary; Harlan Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
2). Joint Public Hearing – Business Subsidy Policy – Public Hearing was called to order at 6:20. Debbie Mahutga questioned about the wages and how that is set? Martha Ingram explained that the EDA can use the State or Federal Minimum wage requirements. No further questions were asked. Bill Schulz closed the Public Hearing.

3). Adopt Resolution No. EDA 2014–02, Approving Business Subsidy Policy – Harlan Meyer made a motion to approve the Business Subsidy Policy using the State’s minimum wage; Mary Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
4). Approve Request for Assistance ApplicationMary Rainville made a motion to approve the Request for Assistance Application as presented with three corrections; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried. LaDoucer stated that they need to decide on the escrow and application fee.
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Scheffler said that he would recommend $10,000 for the escrow, with $500 of that as the application fee. Martha Ingram stated that there is a big range of fees in other city’s applications. Jeff Pilon suggested that we give some approximate amounts in the application process, so the applicants know what the escrow is covering. Scheffler made a motion to approve the $9,500.00 for an escrow and $500.00 for the application fee; Schulz seconded. Rainville said that she just wanted to clarify that the City just wants to cover our cost of the application process and not burden the rest of the public with a request. Pilon seconded with the addition that staff would formally request staff put together a preliminary list of the costs. All in favor; motion carried.

Jeff Pilon made a motion to have Bill Schulz as assistance Treasurer; Harlan Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

5). EDA Meeting Adjourned Bill Schulz made a motion to adjourn the EDA Meeting at 6:32PM; Harlan Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

Regular City Council Meeting
The Nowthen City Council conducted a Regular City Council Meeting immediately following the Nowthen Economic Development Authority Meeting.
Mayor Schulz called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 6:35 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Schulz.

Approve/amend the meeting agenda – Scheffler made a motion to approve the agenda as amended to include item 8.g, request for approval to hire Ehlers to prepare the Standard and Poor’s US Public Finance Questionnaire and item 6.d., staff to obtain quotes for trees; Meyer seconded. Rainville suggested moving item 4.I up for discussion after the Sheriff’s update. All in favor; motion carried.

Floor Items: Ron Henderson of 5190 149th Lane NW, Ramey, MN is here regarding the leasing of the land for the Radio Control Group. Pilon said that they need to get the property owners to work with the City first. Mr. Henderson needs to get in touch with Pilon and Liz Stockman to negotiate options.

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1). Sheriff Update: Sgt. Andy Knots provided an update of calls for Sheriff’s services for the month of February 2012.

2). Joe Green – Disputing bill for CUP process (moved up from item 4.1) – Rainville said that it was explained that there would be charges as to what was being requested by Mr. Green and unless TPC is willing to adjust their fees, it should be the responsibility of the applicant to pay.
Meyer questioned Mr. Green, that if the escrow would have been $2,000, would that have been a conflict or hardship for him. Mr. Green said that what he is disputing is that so far, including the building permit, he has already spent $4,000 just to get the blessing from the City to get a CUP. Now he has another bill for $1,340.00, which will bring his bill to a total of $5,340. He questioned why it costs so much. He doesn’t have anything against the Planner, but at $120 per hour he doesn’t understand why it is that much. To spend $5,300 to get an ok to do this, it ended up a big deal to get approval. It didn’t have to be this big of deal. A lot of this expense could have been cut out.
LaDoucer explained to the Council how this process was extensive because Mr. Green’s request didn’t meet Ordinance regulations and there was a Moratorium in place. There were also time constraints that staff had to work with on Mr. Green’s part. In respect for the Planner’s time, there was a lot of work she had to do.
Green stated that he didn’t ask for the change in the zoning. He stated that he was told that he could do what he wanted with his land for as long as he wanted under the commercial zoning.
Scheffler said that because the City contracts for the planner, there are higher costs involved. If the City had a staff person the fees would be less. Scheffler also said that in reviewing the Planners memo’s and such, he doesn’t think there is anything to dispute. Green said that $5,300 in total fees to get something passed is high.
Pilon said that the commercial expansion was done before they became a City. Unfortunately by doing that Mr. Green’s property gets affected by the Commercial Zoning and also the fact that the County is looking at impacting intersections. To clarify, the zoning was done previously by the Township. Because of the request Mr. Green did have and the ordinances in place, there were a lot of things to be investigated to make sure it was done right. There were also special meetings involved.

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It should also be noted that the contracted fee is significant and that is something that the City may want to look at with future budgets.

Scheffler wanted to clarify that the fact that the zoning was changed by the Town Board, but the restrictions that were put on the homeowners in that area were not related to the commercial zoning. They were related to the MUSA area that was proposed there and that was done by the City Council. Pilon doesn’t agree with that.
Pilon said that there was outside consultants involved with this and those consultants came up with conditions that met the ordinances that allowed Mr. Green to put the house in, which involved some costs. Those costs were within reason, under the structure we have with the planner. Schulz said that some of the costs where part of the moratorium that was set into place.
Schulz doesn’t think the Council will be able to make any changes from what the costs were. Rainville said that unless the TPC is willing to waive a portion of their bill, Mr. Green should have to pay the balance owed. Meyer doesn’t feel any of the charges are unjustified. Meyer made a motion to require Mr. Green pay the remaining balance due to the City for the CUP; Rainville seconded. Rainville said that she has never had any reason to doubt what the planner has charged and what work she has done. She feels that it should be paid. It is something the City can look into for the next budget. Having a true planner is expensive in itself and can be something else to look at in the future. It was suggested that staff improve communications with the applicants. All in favor; motion carried.

3). Lynda Kolsa Nowthen Farmers Market: (Approve 2014 Proposed Budget and request to purchase a trailer) – Kolasa said that the biggest thing with this year’s request is to purchase a trailer for the Farmers Market. The Farmers Market is looking for approval of $1,000 to purchase a tandem trailer. This trailer will save hours and hours of work and would be parked in the old city shop. Rainville asked that any items left in the trailer are to be kept secured in cases so it will make it easy to remove them out for use. Gross net profit since the market started is $2,379.76. Scheffler made a motion to approve the purchase of a trailer for $1,000 and approve the authorization of $500 for the 2014 Farmers Market budget; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

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4). Recognition of Promotion in Fire Dept. – Dean Kapler stated that there will be an annual report provided at a later date. Kapler also announced that Bart Hayft has been promoted to Assistant Fire Chief for Station #3. Kapler also stated that there are two new fire fighters hired for station 3 and they will be introduced at the next City Council Meeting.

5). Planning and Zoning

a). Adopt Ordinance 2014-03 Ordinance amending Chpt. 11 of City Code (Zoning Ordinance) – to amend the C-1, commercial and I-1, Industrial District regulation relating to structure setbacks. – Meyer made a motion to Adopt Ordinance 2014-03; Scheffler seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

b). Ordinance 2014-04 – Ordinance amending Chpt. 11 of City Code (Zoning Ordinance) Section 11-3-10 to amend the Shoreland regulations. – Rainville made a motion to Adopt Ordinance 2014-04; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
c). Larry and Jeanne Kopis – Request for Lot Line Reconfiguration (7799 223td Ave) – Meyer made a motion to approve the request by Larry and Jeanne Kopis for a Minor Subdivision/Lot Reconfiguration for land at 7799 22rd Ave NW and including the following parcels: PID# 04-33-25-31-0001, 04-33-25-31-0002, 04-33-25-32-0001, and 04-33-25-34-0002 with the following conditions:

        1. The survey is revised to show thirty-three (33) feet of right-of-way deeded to the City for Zeolite Street, 223rd Avenue and Variolite Street and lot sizes are adjusted accordingly.

        1. The setbacks for any new structures adjacent to Zeolite Street, 223rd Avenue and Variolite Street take the future ROW needs (60 feet on either side of the centerline) into consideration. Given the anticipated collector or arterial street status, it is recommended that a minimum setback of 150 feet from the centerline be utilized.

        1. A twenty (20) foot drainage and utility easement is established for the area over and adjacent to the swale which runs from the ditch near the corner of 223rd Avenue and Zeolite Street to Burns Lake.

        1. The site survey and proposed legal descriptions, including those for any required easements being established, shall be reviewed and

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approved by the City Engineer prior to being filed and recorded with the Anoka County Recorder.

        1. Delineation of all wetlands and the provision of soil borings to show lot buildability on Parcels A, B, C and D shall be required prior to further subdivision or development of such land.

        1. An access easement is provided over the existing driveway located across the northern portions of Parcels A and B to legalize usage of the Kopis property by the adjacent landowner. The title issues as mentioned within the City Engineer’s Memorandum (Exhibit L) are addressed to the satisfaction of the City.

Rainville seconded Meyer’s motion. All in favor; motion carried.
d). Ordinance 2014-02 – Discussion regarding changes to Park and Trail Fees for lot splits – Scheffler feels that the attorney’s recommendation kills the whole discussion. Pilon said that if they can define that land in lieu of cash could be requested. LaDoucer explained that it is already in our Ordinance. Rainville thinks that it would be difficult on a case by case basis. Pilon thinks that it is important that the Council discuss options. If there aren’t any options then they can deal with it. If they determine there aren’t any options then we just go back to what the Ordinances say. He feels that the Planning and Zoning could discuss options regarding this. Meyer feels the way it is written, it does allow for other options, but maybe they need further refining. He thinks that they should keep it the way it is. Pilon said that they need to set some options and guidance as to what type of things that they would consider as exemptions. Meyer made a motion to table the discussion about the Park and Trail fee until the Council can put together further definitions of options; Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
e). Wind Energy (Council direction to have Planner draft new Ordinance?) – Pilon made a motion to have office staff collect what exists in other cities in regards to Wind Energy and Solar Energy Ordinances and present it to P&Z. Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
f). Rural Clustering – (Discussion regarding previous approvals and maps generated and Council’s direction to proceed) – Consider a joint workshop with speakers – Scheffler would like to go back to the surveys that were provided. They all come to the conclusion that the citizens want 5 acres and not clustering.

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Scheffler wants it noted that the Council is spending a lot of time on something the citizens don’t want. All the surveys concur that the residents want to maintain 5 acre parcels. Pilon said that from what he can tell from the first survey from 1978, the population grew 59% from 1970 to 1977. The second survey is from 1993, the third survey is from 1997 and the last one was done in 2003. In those surveys, there was never an explanation of the potential of clustering.

Pilon said that to have options that the City could provide developers that want to come out if development started again. Since there have been flyers going around with his name of them anonymously, he is simply trying to investigate options. The City is not going to move ahead with anything without Council approval. He doesn’t think the Council would even address this without resident input. The City has already authorized money to collect data on reasonable options for developers. If the intent is to keep the City rural looking, are there options that would be attractive to developers that would help us in doing that. Pilon said that it is possible, with some investigation, that they can say what would maintain a rural appearance. They can keep the attractive amenities, without taking the rural feel.
Pilon said that the Council would not move forward with any of that until the Council approached the residents with it. He thinks that it’s unfortunate that people get frustrated with things and don’t bother to call and ask questions. He thinks that it is appropriate for the Council to investigate and get details, then make wise decisions. He doesn’t think they are trying to cram anything through or are doing anything in private. All the discussions they have had are out in the open. They do have some money that they have allocated in previous years to at least get some background information. He thinks that the Council has been very clear that before they move forward they would have to have some public hearings to change ordinances. At least it is worth a discussion.
Pilon references the surveys because they are very old. He does think the same people that filled out the surveys in years past, may have some different thoughts on it. He has heard from a lot of people who say that they would love to stay in Nowthen, but if they cannot maintain their 5 acres they don’t know that they can stay living here. If there were options for people to stay here because the City amended the Ordinances and the Comp Plan; he would at least like to have that discussion so people can weigh in differently, if they so choose now.

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Pilon said that with 4500 residents, the greatest response was 239 people in 2003. He thinks that if they do want to do a new survey, there are a number of college’s around that could be approached at no cost or low cost, to put together professional survey forms. He thinks it is reasonable to present options to the residents, and then the Council can respond accordingly. He would never want to cram something down the resident’s throats, just to cater to a developer or to prevent a developer from doing what they want to.

Pilon stated that one thing that is repeatedly on the surveys is that people are concerned about the roads. On each survey, the roads seem to be the highest things. Even the Town Board stated that we are not going to be able to maintain the roads inexpensively on the larger lots. The cost is going to go to the individuals with the larger lots. Pilon stated that he is not promoting cluster, he is not promoting lesser or greater density or lesser lot sizes. He is simply saying as a Council, looking forward, we should at least investigate those options and present them responsibly to the residents. Then they can take the survey and say we heard you and we still want this. He thinks that is the reasonable thing to do.
Schulz said that times change from when the first surveys were done. The needs change, the land use changes because people question if that is the best use of their land with the big lots. Pilon said that what happens in most cities is you get some odd carvings in the city. People don’t put their houses in the right spot and you end up with odd neighborhoods. It doesn’t look as rural. If the City can work with the developers, we can keep the rural feel and give them incentive to be creative with their development. That would then allow the City to bring in more residents without losing the country feel. Schulz said that the City did receive some examples of that.
Pilon wanted to again state that the City is not planning anything and while his name has been associated with pushing clustering, he is not pushing it. He just thinks that it would be in the Council’s best interest to investigate options for the future, do research and present it to the residents. If the Council doesn’t research this, the development pressure will eventually come in. You can try and tweak it then, but the developers will come in and shape your city.
Meyer concurs with everything that Pilon said.
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Meyer stated that at the workshop there was discussion about a joint meeting with P&Z and having a representatives who have been involved in cluster development come in and speak. Meyer thinks that a joint meeting is a good idea.

Meyer made a motion to have a joint meeting with P&Z and Council on the potential of cluster development in our community. Need to discuss reasonable septic options and density options with cluster developments. The maps that were previously presented will be available at the meeting as well. Rainville seconded the motion. Rainville said that on the survey in 2003 80% of the residents that completed it wanted to stay in the city if there was senior housing available. Her mind is focused on the seniors. In some point in their life, they cannot maintain their home or a large parcel. If they want to stay in Nowthen where they were born and raised, there are not options to stay here. She is not talking about large apartments, but what would be best for the residents that wish to stay here. All in favor; motion carried.
g). Moratorium (Ord 2013-06) to expire April 9, 2014 – Rainville made a motion to approve extending the moratorium another 6 months and have staff provide a Resolution for the April 8, 2014 City Council Meeting; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
h). Approve amending of On-site Septic System Ordinance – to comply with Chpt 7080. – Schulz made a motion to table the amendment of the On-Site Septic System Ordinance until the Building Official can provide what other jurisdictions are doing; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

6). Road and Bridge:

a). Approve 2014 Gravel PlanMeyer made a motion to approve the 2014 Gravel Plan as presented; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried

b). Approve 2014 Crack Seal Plan Meyer made a motion to approve the 2014 Crack Seal Plan as presented; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
c). Birchwood Lane – Construction of a cul-de-sac – Meyer made a motion to move forward with a request for quotes on the plan for construction

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of a cul-de-sac on Birchwood Lane, as presented; Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

7). Park and Recreation:

a). Archery Range – Rainville stated that the Park and Rec. Committee will pursue options for an Archery Range at Twin Lakes Park.

b). Haunted House – The City Council does not feel it would be feasible to host a Haunted House at the City Hall.
c). Terry Olson (Nowthen Knights), Park Maintenance in lieu of fees –Pilon made a motion to approve the Nowthen Knights the use of the Nowthen Memorial Baseball Field, with maintenance in lieu of payments and approve the use of the City’s hopper lawn mower. Also to include that if someone other than Terry is going to mow, it has to be agreed upon; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
d). Trees for Park Grant – Reighard is to measure off and check with landscaping company about what is recommended based on the spacing of the trees. Minimum amount for grant is $5000 with a 10% match from the City. Pilon would like to see the breakdown. Pilon made a motion to direct the Park and Rec. Committee to apply for the grant and get further direction from Great Northern Landscapes about the trees. He also recommends going with installed trees with mulch rings and to obtain another proposal and to obtain proposals with watering bag; Meyer seconded All in favor; motion carried.

8). Consent Agenda

1.1 Approve the February 11, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes and the

1.2 Financial Report

1.3 Approve All Audited Bills Claim #8616 through Claim #8668, plus Net Distribution reports dated February 11th, and March 5th, 2014

1.4 Adopt Resolution No. 2014–04, Approving Business Subsidy Policy

1.5 Approve Request for Assistance Application
Schulz made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
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9). Council Items:

a). Bill Weiss (Refusal to pay outstanding bill) – Both parties signed the agreement. Rainville made a motion to send a letter to both parties advising that they are both liable for the cost and if they choose not to pay, it will be assessed to Gary Schake’s property taxes; Schulz seconded. Rainville said that they need to be paid for the work and they do have the signatures from both parties and since Mr. Weiss was no longer a resident we can’t assess his property. Three in favor; Pilon and Scheffler opposed. Motion carried.

b). Use of Part Time person to clean parks on weekends – Don Warden called and said that he would be willing to keep up the park on the weekends. Saturdays and holiday weekends would require more time. Scheffler suggested presenting that schedule to Don Warden and request a response in writing. Staff to provide a list of duties he would be doing.

c). Seasonal Park MowingScheffler made a motion to put together an ad for a part time seasonal park mower at $10 per hour. Rainville seconded. All in favor; motion carried. Staff is requested to put together a work plan and the responsibilities of the seasonal park mower.

d). Adopt Footwear Policy and approve yearly allocation amount – Pilon made a motion to table this until next month; Meyer seconded. Staff to further investigate part time employees, visitors, etc. All in favor; motion carried.
e). Office HoursRainville made a motion to table until the April workshop; Pilon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
f). Adopt Resolution 2014-05 – A Resolution establishing a checking account for the Economic Development Authority. Scheffler made a motion to Adopt Resolution 2014-05; Pilon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
g). Request for approval to hire Ehlers to prepare the Standard and Poor’s US Public Finance Questionnaire. – Pilon made a motion to approve hiring Ehlers to prepare the Standard and Poor’s Questionnaire for an amount not to exceed $500. Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

10). Introduction of New Items: - No new items were introduced

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Pilon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 PM; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

Respectively Submitted by:

______________________________ ____________________________________

Corrie LaDoucer, City Clerk William Schulz, Mayor

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