Real Estate Salespersons
Real Estate Salespersons cont..
Real Estate Salespersons cont..
Must be registered.
At least 18 years of age.
Completed 4 units of competency from the PRD01 Training package, namely :-
Employees do not have to be registered if they perform clerical duties only such as collecting and banking rent.
Must be registered:
3 specified NSW units of competency;
4 different registration categories.
Eligibility for Estate Agent’s representative.
At least 18 yrs.
Passed proscribed course of examinations.
Police check & C/T.
3 state-based competencies.
See requirements under “Suitability for all classes of licences’, and
Has not been convicted of any offence involving fraud, dishonesty, drug trafficking or violence punishable by 3 months or more imprisonment; and
Is not an insolvent under administration; and
Has not been disqualified from holding an Estate Agent’s Licence; and
Has not had a claim upheld against the Estate Agent’s Guarantee Fund; and
Is not a represented person under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986.
Not registered but must:
Hold necessary qualifications.
Not been convicted of an offence of dishonesty in the last 10 years prior to application.
Not suspended or disqualified from practising.
Sales Representatives must have completed Cert IV in Property (Real Estate) (see units identified above).
Must be registered.