Relationship between prejudice and some personal variables among secondary schools students in state of kuwait

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The supplement of the present study consist of four tests as the tools of the variables of the study, these tests are as follows:

- Prejudice Test.

- Emotional intelligence Test.

- Linguistic Test.

- Creative activities Test.

Prejudice Test
Prepared by : Ibrahim . S
Number ( ) School Name:

Date of applying: / / 200
Dear student: The following are a group of some statements which students usually use to describe themselves. Please read each statement then select only one choice for each statement in each test. There is no right or wrong answer; students are different and the most important thing is what you feel, don’t take much time in every statement, give the answer that it seems to describe what you usually feel.









1- The man and his wife always discuss their negative sides during their discussions.

2- I rarely support and help woman while she is crying because she is not truly crying in most the times

3-We must be more strict during education of our daughters

4-The achievements of societies are related of the achievements by men

5- I disagree that women participate with men in various general activities

6- I don’t participate in any meeting that discusses woman rights in equality with men

7- Only my country comparison with other countries that supports our religion and its principles

8- I feel proud of belonging to my country

9- I disagree to have a more deep friendship with any foreign

10-Most of my peoples have great abilities as compared to other countries

11- The disasters comprising victims from my peoples cause pain for me too much in comparison with such disasters comprising foreign victims.

12- I would only marry from (girls / boys) from my country.

13- We can measure progress and development of any nation by how much the teachers receive care and respect therein

14- I suffer too much when I see teacher is disgraced, even if he/she is the cause behind this.

15-There must be specific seats for teachers in the transportation media and in the society activities and they must have priorities in these situations

16-The profession of education and teaching are more important and necessary in comparison with any other professions

17-The only profession that takes care and interest of moral and values is profession of education

18- I disagree that there are any defects in the profession of the education

19- I disagree that there are any defects in the profession of the education

20- I disagree that there are any defects in the profession of the education

21- I would like that my religion is the most common around the world

22- I like all religions in the world but mine is the best

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