Complete this section if countries in the region are not active in the development and use of OER
Please specify the main reasons why countries in the region are not active in the development and use of OER.
Please explain your answer
8.1) Language and cultural diversity
8.2) Connectivity
8.3) Quality
8.4) Copyright and publishers
8.5) Sustainability
8.6) Lack of awareness
8.7) Other, please specify
Might SADC Countries become active in developing and/or using OER in the near future?
Please explain your answer
9.1) No, but it might become active in the medium-term
9.2) No, we do not expect this to be or to become a priority
9.3) Yes, by introducing subsidy programmes or project funding
9.4) Yes, by developing a dedicated governmental action plan
9.5) Yes, other. Please specify
Learning Materials
This question refers to learning materials such as textbooks as well as other learning materials such as training material and assessments.
In SADC countries, to what extent are learning materials produced or paid for by public funds, directly or indirectly?
Please provide additional detail
10.1) Exclusively
10.2) To a large extent
10.3) To a minor extent
10.4) Not at all
10.5) Do not know
Of the learning materials partly or fully produced or paid for by public funds, what is your rough estimate of the percentage that is available in digital format?
11.3) Please add any additional comment
What is your rough estimate of the percentage of such digital learning materials in the public domain (referred to in Question 8) that is offered as OER?