(required) This is the name for the RPC Broker Delphi-based application that requires remote user/visitor access. The name must be from 3 to 30 characters, not numeric or starting with punctuation.
(required) This is the name of the context option (i.e., client/server or "B"-type option) that the application users need. The name must be from 3 to 45 characters. The user is signed on as a visitor and given this context option as a secondary menu option.
(required) This is the hashed value for an application's Security Phrase.
REF: For more information on the Security Phrase, see the "Security Phrase" section.
(required) This is a Multiple field. It can contain multiple values describing the mechanisms by which the Remote VistA M Server can contact the application's Authenticating VistA M Server to obtain the demographic information. It consists of the subfields described below.
(required) This field indicates the mechanisms by which the server should contact the Authenticating VistA M Server to obtain information necessary to sign the current user onto the current server. The values for this field are:
R—RPC Broker TCP/IP connection
M—M-to-M Broker connection
H—HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) connection
S—Station-number callback
(required) This is the port number (3 – 5 characters) to be used for the callback connection to the Authenticating VistA M Server for the CALLBACKTYPE (#.01) specified.
(required) This is the server designation (address) to be used for the callback to the Authenticating VistA M Server for the CALLBACKTYPE (#.01) specified. This should be a Domain Name Service (DNS) name-based address rather than an Internet Protocol (IP) address, because IP addresses can change. It should be a server name ending in MED.VA.GOV or MED.VHA.VA.GOV. The DNS servers resolve the name, and thus, ensure that the site is a valid VistA M Server.
(optional) This field holds the text that should follow the SERVER ADDRESS (#.03) field for HTTP connections to obtain the information for the Kernel Authentication Token passed in for a REMOTE APPLICATION connection.
If the complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to be used for the callback is:
The CALLBACKSERVER (#.03) field could be:
and the URLSTRING would be:
This field is only used if the CALLBACKTYPE filed (#.01) value is H for HTTP.