Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Cancer: Claret cured of, 59, 224. Cañedo

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Cancer: Claret cured of, 59, 224.

Cañedo, Gen. Valentín, 170n.

Care of souls: Claret involved in, 21.

Carlos V, 98.

Casanovas, Ignacio: 22-23.

Casasayas, Denis: 124.

Casoni, Antonio: 82n.

Cassock: a clerical ‘Guardian Angel,’ 74, 98, 99.

Castelvetere, B. de: 116, 341.

Castro, Abp. Pedro de: 191n, 214, 217.

Catalán, Mateo: 174.

Catalonia: 8, 19, 24, 25n, 42, 51, 118, 156, 202, 229, 238, 309n.

Catechism, uniform: 120-121.

Cerdagne, 155.

Childhood, spiritual, 267-68.

Christ: titles of, 251; imitating His inner life, 260; acts of the Heart of Christ, 289; Christ speaks to him, 305, 314 (cf. 314n).

Ciáurriz, Ildefonso de: 34n.

Cilice: three days a week, 162, 194, 221; days on which he wears it, 147n, 207, 209, 213, 216, 221, 229 see Mortification.

Ciller, José María: 62n.

Cincinnati (Ohio): 107

Civitavecchia: 59.

Clará, Josepha (the Saint’s mother): 19.

Claret, John (the Saint’s father): 19.

Claret y Clará, Anthony: see St. Anthony Mary Claret.

Claret y Clará, Bartholomew (brother): 19n.

Claret y Clará, Frances (sister): 19n.

Claret y Clará, John (brother): 19n.

Claret y Clará, Joseph (brother): 19n.

Claret y Clará, Manuel (brother): 17, 19n.

Claret y Clará, Marian (sister): 19n.

Claret y Clará, Mary (sister): 17, 19n.

Claret y Clará, Peter (brother): 19n.

Claret y Clará, Rose (sister, married Jos.Muntanyola): 19n

Claretian Misionaries: Claret attends their 2nd Gen. Chapter, where they may oath of permanence, consecration to Heart of Mary and private vows, 302; makes retreat with them, 212-13, 220; Jesus and Mary recommend that Claret teach them mortification, 314; they are “the arms of Mary,” 340.

Clément, Abp. Auguste: 66n, 114, 115.

Clement V: 95.

Clement VIII, 123.

Clergy, see Priests.

Clerical dress: all clergy should wear it, 74. See Cassock.

Clifford, Bp. Wiliam: 97n.

Clifton (England), 97n.

Clotet, Ven. Jaume: 38n, 50, 267n, 286n, 291n, 323n, 334n.

Codina, Bp. Bonaventure: 156.

Colegial Instruido, see Well-Instructed Seminarian.

Coma, Pablo: 298n.

Compass: symbol of active-contemplative life, 210, 214.

Communion: Claret’s First, 28.

Communism: evil of in Spain, 323.

Confession: weekly, resolution of, 147, 162, 194, 199, 203, 206, 209, 213, 216, 220, 225; resolves to teach and exhort others to confess frequently, 231.

Confessor Royal: appointment, 35, 43, repugnance for position, 50, obligations and sacrifices, 51-54, uncertainties concerning, 55-57, abandons it when Queen recognizes K. of Italy, 51.

Confidence in the grace of his state: 240.

Confraternities he enrolled in: 4, 16-17.

Connolly, Abp. Thomas: 107.

Consolation, the Lord grants him spiritual consolation: 305.

Constantinople: 175.

Constantinople, John of: 240.

Constitutions: Claret resolves to keep CMF Constitutions, 190; works in Rome for their definitive approval, 229.

Contempt: following Jesus amidst, 150; delighting in, 150; accepting gladly, 192; states that he deserves contempt, 192.

Contradictions: don’t give up because of them, 173; the more there are, the holier we can be, 178.

Contucci, P., S.J.: 48n.

Corcuera, Bp. Pablo de Jesús: 9, 41.

Costa, Fermín: 76n, 123n.

Council, Vatican I, see Vatican I.

Counsel: a bishop needs to take counsel, 244.

Creatures: a mirror of God’s perfections, 198.

Crespo, Bp. F. de Sales: 121n.

Criticism: accepting it in silence and offering it to God, 179.

Croisset, Jean: 279.

Cuba: 27, 30n, 43, 47, 51, 59, 62n, 82n, 91, 107, 133, 139, 158, 170n, 172, 177, 186, 190, 213, 237, 294, 296n, 297n, 299, 309n, 310, 316, 319.

Curríus, Palladio: 27, 38n, 63, 106, 159n, 288, 291.


Daries, Rev. Joseph C.: ix

David, King: 240, 242.

Day of Recollection: resolves to make one every month, 147, 162, 190, 194, 199, 203, 206, 209, 213, 216, 220; specifies that it be on the 25th of each month, 220, 220n, 225, 229.

Death: think of it upon retiring at night, 226, art of dying well, 286; frequent and devout recitation of the Rosary as a preparation for, 288; foreknowledge of the time of his own death, 226, 230.

Dechamps, Bp.: 89n

Dehon, Fr. Leo: 107.

Delpuig, M. Paula: 296n.

Desires: to love God, 233; to work for the salvation of souls, 28; for humiliations and sufferings, 37, 39, 196; to suffer for Jesus, 196; to prevent all offenses against God, 196.

Detachment from honors of Royal Court: 35.

Devil: vision of, 10, devil’s way of deceiving us, 219.

Devotions, particular: necessary to advance in perfection,195; distributed by days of the week, 195, 201.

Diakovar: 89n.

Diertins, Ignatius, S.J.: 158n.

Díez, Rev. Ireneo: ix.

Dinkel, Bp. Pancratius: 95n.

Discipline (instrument of penance): takes it three times a week, 162, 194, 199; day on which he takes it, 203, 206, 209, 213, 216, 220, 225.

Distractions: avoiding them in prayer, 194, 200.

Disturbed: becoming so displeases Jesus and Mary, and is a gain for the devil, 176.

Donoso Cortés, Juan: 198.

Drawing (designing, sketching): his liking for, 41.

Dressing: while clothing himself in the morning, he thinks of Jesus clothing Himself in our nature in the Incarnation, 225.

Dupanloup, Bp. Felix: 64, 283n.

Drink see Mortification

Dying: Art of d. well, 286-88. See Death.


Earth: a symbol of his soul, 312.

Eating: God wills it that we may see our want, 226; only in order to serve God better, 202, 204, 208, 211, 215. See Fasting, Mortification.

Ecclesiasticus: see Sirach.

Ego sum” passages: great insights given on these, 313.

Egypt: 224, 313, 317.

Ejaculatory prayers: a means of perfection, 180; he resolves to exercise himself in them, 185; answering God by means of them, 191; frequently, 218.

El Escorial: 7, 52, 56, 91, 201, 203, 219, 222n, 224, 318, 320, 320n, 328n, 330, 333.

Eliashib (high priest)

Enemies: love of, 284-85; instruments of God, 284; means of purification, 284; benefits they afford us, 284, we should be thankful to them, 201; infused gift of love of enemies, 338.

England: 175.

Epictetus: “Sustine et abstine,” 142, 178.

Equanimity: in sadness or in joy, 163; control over senses and passions, 174; Mary’s teaching on how to obtain it, 176; amidst sufferings, labors, slanders, 194.

Escorial, see El Escorial.

Espartero, Gen. Baldomero: 177.

Espino, Genaro (Sp. transl. of Faber): 222n.

Eternity: he thinks of it, 28; standing between two eternities, 288.

Eucharist: remedy for the evils of Spain, 323; 325n; “great grace” of preserving Eucharist within him, 323-24.

Europe: 101.

Eusebius, Bp. of Barcelona: 174.

Examen, particular: time for, 147; on humility, for fifteen years, 148, 151, 152; on meekness, 199, 200, 207; on the love of God, 208, 210, 214, 217, 221, 227; teaching others how to make their particular examen, 231; in any work at any time, 196, 231, 232.

Exercises, Spiritual, see Retreat.

Ezekiel: 14, 27, 30.


Faber, Frederick William: 222.

Faber, Peter, Bl.: 70, 114.

Fabriano, Bp. of: 86.

Fasting: in honor of Mary, 4; on Vigils of Jesus and Mary, 162; three times a week, 199, 203, 206, 209, 213, 216, 220, 225, 229. See Mortification.

Fatebenefratelli (Brothers of St. John of God) hospital: Claret visits in Rome, 232n.

Faults: God allows them in ourselves to exercise us in humility, in others, to exercise us in zeal, 552.

Fayal, El (Azores): 59n.

Fear of God: exercising himself much in it, 234.

Ferdinand the Catholic: 98.

Fernández, Cristóbal, passim.

Ferrer, Magín: 148n.

Feu, Oratorian Father: 21.

Fleix y Solans, Abp. Francisco: 84n.

Fontfroide (French Cistercian monastery where the Saint died): 62, 141, 362n.

Forsaken, Chapel of: experience in, 336.

France, passim.

Frascolla, Bp. Bernardino: 85n.

Friendship: Jesus and Mary, his only friends during seminary days, 4.

Fuente, Vicente de la: 48n, 297n, 379n.

Furnishings, Sacred: 75.


Gabrielli, Palazzo: 61, 82, 82n, 112, 118, 119n.

Gallucci, Bp. Thomas: 96n.

Gandolfi, Bp. Francis: 97n.

García Gil, Abp. Manuel: 84n.

Garde, Rev. Manuel: xvi

Gasol, Josep M.: 152n.

Gastaldi, Bp. Lorenzo: 103n.

Generosity: advantages of, 170n; generous with friends, lavish with the poor, 185.

Gethsemani: 135, 191, 229.

Gideon: 315.

Gil, Rev. José María: xv

Gil Bueno, Bp. Basilio: 85n, 87n.

Girgenti, Count of: 53n.

Gisbert, Lorenzo (Life of St. Catherine of Siena): 182, 195n, 200n, 203n, 207n, 257n.

Glory of God: everything for God’s glory, 160, 163, 178, 191, 194, 201, 234; saved from the sea in order to strive for the glory of God, 197; what Jesus did for God’s glory, 197.

Gobinet, C.: 73, 115, 115n.

God, dependence on: 254. See Humility.

Gombreny: 145.

González de Mendoza, Don Dionisio: 47n, 52, 54n, 198, 224, 320, 322n.

Goñi, J.M.: 55.

Gorricho, Julio: 51n, 66n.

Granada: Diocese of, 48n, 113n, 114, 170n, 216.

Granada, Fray Luis de: 71, 114, 170, 181, 248, 288.

Gravez, Bp. Theodore: 103n.

Guevara, Andrés de: 20.

Guibert, J. de: 300n.

Gutiérrez de la Concha, Gen. José: 167n, 177.

Gutiérrez, Lucas: 299n.


Habit, see Clerical dress.

Halifax (Nova Scotia): 107.

Havana: 306.

Haynald, Abp. Louis: 99n.

Health, Claret’s good: 21.

Heart: he resolves to have the heart of a son and a spouse toward God, 213, 262; of a mother toward neighbor and judge toward self, 210, 214, 219, 261.

Hefele, Bp. Joseph: 109n.

Hentrich, G.: 62n, 66n.

Heredia Barnuevo, D.N.: 214n.

Herod: 201.

Hildi, Bp. Paul: 100n.

Holguín, Cuba: 59, 161, 168n, 180, 303, 305, 310, 338n.

Holy Cards: distributes in Rome, 232. See Prints, religious.

Honorius, Emperor: 198.

Hoz, Pedro de la: director of La Esperanza, 40.

Huesca: 85.

Humility: definition of, 192, 192n; motives for, 270-72; aware that his supernatural being depends totally on God’s mercy, 38-39, 192, 196; it is necessary in order to persevere and advance in perfection, 207, 227; he will strive for it until death, 234; resolves to pursue the third degree of humility, 140, 158, 158n, 159, 192; resolves never to speak of himself or his accomplishments, especially after preaching, 152, 167, 173, 179, 187, 192, 198, 200, 207, 214, 217n, 221, 230; resolves to regard others as superior to himself, 200; resolves to choose the most abject for himself, 170, 185, 196; the humility of a bishop, 241.


Ill, see Sick.

Indifference: in honor and dishonor, health and sickness, 170-71.

Infallibility, Papal, discourse on, 108-12.

Ingratitude: he feels he is the most ungrateful of men, 332.

Insults: he loves them because Jesus Christ loved them, 135, 178.

Isabella I, the Catholic: 98.

Isabella II of Spain: 42, 51n, 53, 55, 66n, 134, 138, 182, 288n, 298n, 299, 307.

Isaiah: 14, 29-30, 109, 165, 317.

Italian (language): he resolves to speak it while in Rome, 233.

Italy: 50, 56, 322n, 331; recognition of new Kingdom of Italy, reason for leaving the Queen’s service, 56; he is told he will preach in Italy and does so, 322.

Iter, Miguel (Claret’s helper in itinerant missions): 26n.


Jacob (OT Patriarch): 14, 29, 174.

Jaén: 83n.

Javierre, José María: 85n.

Jekelfalusy, Bp. Vincent: 98n.

Jeremiah: 316.

Jerusalem: 120, 249.

Jesus Christ (Messiah, Savior): 2, 8, 9, 12, 17, 36-37, 40, 45, 46, 57, 75, 93-94, 99-100, 105, 110, 134-136, 139-40, 146, 150-51, 158, 160-64, 173, 175, 178, 183, 184-85, 188, 193-94, 198, 200-01, 204-05, 206-07, 208-09, 213, 214, 216-17, 220, 224, 225-226, 230, 233, 234-35, 238, 242, 241-43, 244, 249-51, 252, 253, 258, 259, 260, 260-61, 264n, 265, 266-68, 269, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277-78, 280, 282, 283-84, 284, 285, 288, 289, 291-98, 305, 309, 310-15, 319-20, 322-23, 324, 327-28, 330, 331, 332, 334, 338, 340-42; Jesus, model of all the virtues, 184-85, 206; imitating Jesus, 150-151, 137, 161, 163, 188, 193-94, 260; devotion to Jesus in order to advance in perfection, 195; union with Jesus, 185, 198, 200; the presence of Jesus in the heart, 218, 259; Jesus expresses His approval of the Well-Instructed Seminarian, 319, 322, and of the Clock of the Passion, 322.

Job: 178, 193.

Jordá y Soler, Bp. Antonio Luis: 87n, 95n, 113n.

Joseph, Saint: patron of the universal Church, 62, 63, 66; Claret arrives in Civitavecchia on Feast od St. Joseph, 59; model of equanimity amidst sufferings, 161, 163; model of meekness, 201; frees him of an attempt on his life, 317. See St. Joseph.

Joseph, son of Jacob: 5, 105.

Joy: in the midst of rejection, 37, 39.

Juberías, Francisco: 299n.

Judas Iscariot: 202, 242, 313.


Kingdom of Italy: 56, see Italy.


Labastida y Dávalos, Abp. Antonio: 83n.

La Coruña: 187.

Lacunza, Manuel, S.J.: millenarist ranter, read by Curíus, but eventually condemned by the Church, 643.

La Granja, Royal Estate of: 51, 238, 323, 327.

Languages: Claret resolves to study, 166.

Lanzarote: Claret’s voyage to L. and its lessons for mortification, 314.

Lárraga, Francisco: 20.

Las Palmas, Grand Canary Island: 156.

Lastra y Cuesta, Card. Luis de la: 92n.

Laurence, Abp., see St. Laurence of Canterbury.

Lemann, J. and A.: 62n.

León (Spain): 87.

Lérida (Lleida): 85, 154.

Letters: resolves not to complain about the number of them, 329.

Library, Religious, see Religious Library.

Lluch i Garriga, Bp. Joachim, 86n, 102n.

Lobo, Juan Nepomuceno, S.J.: 59n, 184, 193.

Locutions, spiritual: Blessed Virgin Mary, (11 locutions) approves Claret’s Pastoral on the Imm. Conception, 301-02, tells him to leave Cuba, 303-04, admonishes him to repent and be vigilant, 307, tells him he would be the Dominic of his times, 308, confirms that he must teach his Missionaries mortification, so as to bear more fruit, 314, to put certain Counsels in order regarding seminarians, 318, confirms statement of Jesus that Claret should prepare for possible martyer-dom, 319, approves leaflet on Carnival abuses, 325-26, tells him he must spread Rosary devotion like Alan of Rupe, 325-26, tells him she loves him, 326, tells him she wishes to make use of him, 326; Jesus (14 locutions) reassures him he will be working soon, 305, tell him to teach his Missionaries mortification, 314, confirms statement of Bl. Virgin regarding seminarians, 319, tells him to prepare for possible martyrdom, 319, approves “The Clock of the Passion,” 321, approves the draft of vol. 2 of WIS, 322, tells him to be patient, 333, confirms B.V.M.’s statement he must spread Rosary devotion, 326, tells him to have courage, 326, tells him to do ordinary things well, to gain divine love, 328, adds “Yes,” 328, three locutions noted in Autobiography, 331, assures, yet corrects him, 332, tells him to do whatever Mary tells him, 334; Mary or Jesus (one locution) 314; the Lord (five locution) makes him understand certain scriptural passages, 316-17, approves vol. I of WIS, 319, encourages him amidst burdens of El Escorial, 320, tells him he is too pampered, 328, tells him to write, 334; St. Anthony of Padua (one locution) predicts that Claret will preach in Italy, 322; St. Michael Archangel (one locutions) tells him not to fear, 332; a voice (one locution) tells him to do several things, 337n.

Lohner, T.: 160n, 243n.

López de Ayala, I.: 64n.

López de San Román, Santiago: Libelous book against Claret, 313n.

Love: object of: God, Jesus, Mary, neighbor, 195-96, 227.; acts of 228, 234; hunger and thirst for, 252; filial spirit of, for God, 210, 214, 266; desires to love God as Mary, as Jesus the Son of God, loved Him, 327; for Jesus Christ, 198, 199, 200; desires that no one offend God and all should love Him, 198; particular examen on. 209, 212, 217, 221, 227, 231; the Lord promises Claret divine love, 313; effectiveness of love, 264, 265; love of neighbor, 210, 283; asking for and practicing love of neighbor, 231; loving the neighbor with a mother’s love, 214, 219; love of enemies, 284, 338.

Lozano, Juan Manuel: ix, 149n, 157, 212, 340n.

Luna, Diego: 232n.

Lyonnet, Abp. Jean: 101n.


Macedo Costa, Bp. Antonio de: 100n.

Madrid, passim.

Magdalene, 158, 242, 341.

Mainka, Rudolf: xvi, 111n.

Málaga: 296n.

Manastyrski, Bp. Anton: 85n.

Manning, Card. H. E., 62n.

Manresa: 152n.

Mansi, Msgr. Ferdinando, transl. of Selfishness Overcome: 230n.

Mansions, Fifth of St. Teresa’s Interior Castle: receives great insights while reading, 338.

Martha and Mary of Bethany: 137, 142, 183-84, 210, 214, 217, 235n, 321n.

Martín, Plaza of Antón, barricades set up in, 219.

Martin, Bp. Konrad: 89n, 93n.

Martis, Bp. Salvador A. de: 96n.

Martyrdom: longings for, 168, 336, sufferings as preparation for, 168, 319.

Martyrs, B. de, see Bartholomew of the Martyrs.

Mary, the Blessed Virgin: Retreat Resolutions: 3, 11, 15, 17, 28, 32, 37, 38, 46, 58, 105, 116, 121n, 127, 132, 136, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148-49, 153n, 157, 161, 176, 177, 187, 188n, 195, 199, 202, 202, 205, 207, 213n, 214, 218, 227, 231, 233, 234; Spiritual Notes: 239, 243, 251, 252, 262, 267, 269, 270, 273, 277-78, 279, 251, 281, 287, 288; Lights and Graces: 295, 299, 301, 303, 305, 310, 314, 316, 318-19, 325, 327, 328n, 334n, 334, 337, 340.

Specific Instances: initiatory vision of Our Lady of the Rosary at the Casa Tortadés in Vic, 3, 6, 28, 58, 136, 142; devotion to Mary, 32, 33, 35, 148, 195, 227, 231, 316; consecrates himself to Mary as her son, priest and apostle, 136, 146, 148-49, 277; devotes Saturdays to her, 195, 201, 205; resolves to imitate her, 234; in her meekness, 201, 205, 207; in her humility, 157; she freed him from death in his childhood, 33; saved him from drowning, 4, 28, 33, 58, 136; freed him of temptations, 4, 11, 25n; protected him during the attempt on his life at Holguín, 32, 58, 110; speaks to him, counsels and inspires him, 32, 301, 310, 314, 318-19, she is his strength and guide, 176, 310; one trait of her sons, delight in praying to her, 28.

Mary of Bethany, see Martha.

Marx, Karl: Communist Manifesto, 315n.

Masonic Plot against Vatican I: 131.

Mass: celebrates his First Mass in Sallent, 42; followed by half an hour of thanksgiving and intercession, 162; his profound sstate of soul after celebrating Mass, 197; means to persevere and advance in perfection, 227; in exhorting others he will stress devout and frequent attendance at Mass, 231.

Mastai Ferretti, Giovanni Maria (Pius IX): 89n.

Mataró: 25n, 153, 153n.

Meditation: Claret’s med. as a seminarian, 4. See Mental prayer.

Meekness: importance, 140, 174, 177, 205, 206, recommended to him, 322, he asks God for it, 178, he resolves to practice it, 167, 195, 199, 206; perfection of a bishop is based on meekness, 241, particular examen on, 199, 203, 206.

Meer, Baron de: 42.

Melchers, Abp. Paulus: 94n.

Memory: Claret’s very good, but he uderestimates it, 21.

Menghi-D’Arville, L.: 148n.

Mental Prayer : Resolutions, passim.

Merlo, Don Juan de, 248.

Mesa, José María: 299n.

Mexico: 83n.

Ministry, pastoral: in Sallent, 40, Claret tireless in, 21.

Mirosa, Rev. Francisco: 172.

Missionaries, see Claretian.

Missionary longings: Claret’s desire to preach to non-Christians, desire to be off and preaching, 35; spiritual reading, especially of the Bible, as means of and incentive to the apostolate, 29.

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