Through a U.S. Housing and Urban Development grant, WCRC purchased a 2004-model Ford E-350 extended cargo van. The cargo van will be used to deliver produce to farmer’s markets. Two personal vehicles owned by staff are currently used for the smaller markets. In 2005, we will purchase two additional vehicles using ANA funds. We use reusable plastic vegetable container totes to package produce for wholesale deliver. These are more hygienic than cartons as they can be easily sanitized. Large coolers are used to transport vegetables to farmer’s markets; space in the van is equivalent to 24 large 120-quart coolers.
7.Sales Management
Under the tutelage of Gary Maunakea-Forth, a youth co-manager, Ms. Kanoe Burgess, manages weekly sales. Kanoe has been with WCRC for 2-years and has already demonstrated sales acumen beyond her years. She is an excellent communicator, and is able to install a sense of confidence and trust in our wholesale and retail clientele. She supervises and motivates youth crews working at farmer’s markets. Development of the youth-to-customer relationship has increased return clientele, especially at farmer’s markets; therefore it is fitting to enlist a youth to manage the maturation of our sales strategies.
8.Competitive Advantage
Five-months prior to opening Town Restaurant Lesa Griffith, a food critic for the Honolulu Weekly, wrote that Chef/Owner Ed Kenney would “open what could be Honolulu’s hottest restaurant.” In the same article Kenney summarized MA`O’s relationship with Town, and in effect our competitive advantage, by stating that:
“MA`O takes it from the earth to the seed to growing the thing to picking kids out of the community who are in need of help, teaching them the Hawaiian culture, then (they) take it to their café and markets. That whole thing fires me up.”xxxvi
Town opened in March 2005, and in her culinary review, Nadine Kam of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin stated that:
Town raises the bar for Honolulu's restaurateurs. I hope that, like patrons who are flocking to the restaurant, other chefs eventually get it.
She added that:
“Their philosophy is ‘local first, organic whenever possible, with aloha always,’ and it shows in MA'O Farms greens that do taste as if they were hand-picked from the field seconds before hitting the plate.”xxxvii
Over the past 2-years, WCRC’s activities, branded as MA`O, have received widespread media attention. The convergence of social mission (youth development) and market demand (organic foods) has positioned MA`O on the verge of an incredible opportunity. Planning, hard-work and skill development have built the foundation for a superior quality product emblemized by “freshness”, “local” and now “organic.” With strategic educational materials, a grassroots approach to promotions, and word-of-mouth support, our customer base will expand and mature in quick-time.
E.MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.Organization and Board
MA`O is a pilot program of the Wai`anae Community Re-Development Corporation (WCRC), a non-profit 501(c)3 community development organization. WCRC’s mission is to plan and implement community-based economic development projects which create sustainable employment and business opportunities for Wai`anae residents, especially youth. In 1999, our community came together to develop an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Empowerment Zone—Enterprise Community status. While the application was unsuccessful, a group continued to meet to discuss five interest areas: out-of-school youth, sustainable economic development, agriculture, health and Hawaiian culture. The group decided to establish an organization with social enterprise development as a key objective. WCRC was incorporated in 2001.
WCRC has an active and committed Board of Directors, with extensive experience and a commitment to community service. The Board meets every month and they are responsible for policy making, financial oversight, adoption of annual budget, and support of grassroots fundraising efforts. All Board members are residents of the Wai`anae community and are of Native Hawaiian ancestry. The Board includes:
Kaimana Pine -- WCRC Board President and a founding member of WCRC. Mr. Pine is only 25-years old and has for the past 5-years owned and managed one of O`ahu’s last remaining locally owned and operated surf shops. In 2003, he developed a graphic design and internet marketing business that specializes in promotion of Hawai`i manufactured products.
Malia Miles -- WCRC Board Vice President and current food manager at Pu`u Kahea Christian retreat center. Ms. Miles has many years experience in culinary arts and food service and is highly active in community affairs.
Cris Akao -- WCRC Board Treasurer and Branch Manager of American Savings Bank, Wai`anae. Ms. Akao was born and raised in Wai`anae, graduated from both Wai`anae Intermediate and Wai`anae High School and has worked as Manager and Operations Director for ASB for over 12-years. She brings extensive experiences in community banking, financial oversight, small business financing, and accounting to WCRC, and is responsible for review of monthly financial statements.
Kawika Naho`opi`i -- WCRC Board Secretary and the Center Manager for `Olelo Community Television in Wai`anae. Mr. Naho`opi`i is a video production trainer and coordinates community outreach, volunteer and staff management at the Wai`anae studio, and provides technical assistance and artistic direction to Wai`anae High School’s award winning Searider Productions multi-media program.
Austin Miles -- WCRC Board Member and caretaker of Pu`u Kahea Christian retreat center. Mr. Miles is active in community organizing and until recently owned and operated a popular local eatery where he was head chef.
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