Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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В.И. Каковко

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГТУ

Научный руководитель – М.В. Борушко


Our world is becoming more and more complicated every day. We do not even notice how greatly our life is changing. We use fruits of technological progress in our everyday life. They are becoming part of us, our society, and we take them for granted. We do not realize how, gradually, technological progress is making our life easier, how it helps us in achieving our aims and solving our daily problems. One of such problems is traffic: our cities grow and widen, new items of infrastructure are built, and transportation from one point to another becomes harder. Technological advances give us a solution to this problem – cars, buses, subways. All means of transport can be divided into two categories – public, such as buses, trolleybuses, trams, taxi; and private, such as cars, which is used for personal purposes whenever its owner wishes, despite the public transport schedule. As a result, the car has become the most comfortable means of transport in our life. It is now a symbol of success and freedom in our society. Since the early 1900s the amount of cars has been growing constantly because buying a car is becoming less and less expensive, and as a result, every family nowadays can afford it, and, sometimes, not a single one. It is now obvious that all the cars require a lot of space to be parked at. Huge lack of parking space is the problem that we face today, and this is the issue that must be solved the same way as the humankind has managed to solve all the previous ones.

Advances in science and technology can help us. Old methods of dealing with parking issue are not relevant in modern life: old-fashioned overground parkings no longer can provide required space. That is why we should think how to park more cars on a limited area, without causing damage to the environment. In fact, we should find a way to make parkings grow up or down without changing its size on the ground area. Just imagine a huge parking complex including underground and overground parkings, which can provide hundreds of car owners with parking space and occupies extremely small area surrounded by lawns, bushes and trees. Isn’t it a great idea for a big city!

All this is a reality with modern level of technological progress. For example, we can use multilevel parkings consisting of three or more floors, which can provide more than 50 cars with parking places. For drivers’ convenience, their cars are transported all over the parking complex by special elevators. Such parkings can be divided into two main groups: automated, where driver only puts his car on elevator’s platform and doesn’t participate in parking process; and semi-automated, where the entire parking procedure is operated by driver via control panel. Such parking complexes are ideal for enterprises with large staff or for malls.

Nevertheless, not only large enterprises have such a problem: the same parking problem occurs in streets of large cities, which are close to theatres, popular shopping areas, parks, especially at weekends. Lack of parking space makes people circle the parking and look for an unoccupied place. This angers drivers, increases traffic congestion and air pollution, and wastes gasoline and time. That is why we need a solution to this problem, which is compact enough for big city’s narrow streets. Technical advance gives an answer: compact multi-story parkings, like spinning parkings, where cars are placed on special platforms, like on a merry-go-round. Such parkings can place 8–12 cars (depending on options) and can be installed one after another. There is another solution – placing cars on special multi-story elevators. There are two kinds of elevators, that are used is such parkings: dependent and independent. To pick up your car from the upper stories of a dependent parking, you should firstly take all the lower ones away. In an independent elevator this problem is solved by making a special excavation. Dependent elevator is easier and cheaper in installation than an independent one because of additional excavation works.

Of course, like in any project, we cannot ignore the economic benefits: erecting such a high-tech construction, as a parking complex, is always costly. Moreover, the complex requires permanent maintenance and adjustment. Not all companies are ready for such investments. But I can assure you that it will be repaid with interest. How? It’s very simple! Just imagine an average morning of an average employee: when he comes to his job, especially to a large company, he often fails to find a vacant place to park his car, and as a result, he wastes a lot of time looking for it. He spends the beginning of his day under stress and, of course, it makes him feel uncomfortable and spoils his day. Consequently, his labour productivity declines and the whole enterprise suffers. The parking problem seems to be a trifle, but it influences the labour productivity very noticeably. So investing in a car parking is investing directly in your company’s success. The employees should be provided with all they need to make them focus only on achieving the company’s aims. That’s why comfortable parking is not only a company’s success indicator but also a necessity, which can’t be ignored. The same thing can be said about parking in streets: convenient parkings will help people to avoid stressful situations, connected with parking problems, and as a result, their mood and health will get better. For this reason, you will not be sorry for the money spent on parkings.

In summary, I’d like to add that we shouldn’t neglect parking problem in our modern life, because cars are part of us and our lives, and if we care about drivers’ convenience, we care about our society’s well-being and prosperity.

  1. Оборудование для парковки [Электронный ресурс] // АЛЬТАИР. – Режим доступа: http://www.apsystems.ru/. – Дата доступа: 09.03.2015.

  2. Идеи для бизнеса [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.homebusiness.ru/ideas/1750.htm. – Дата доступа: 15.03.2015.

  3. Портал для автомобилистов [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://spokoino.ru/articles/driving/ problemi_parkovki/. – Дата доступа: 10.03.2015.

В статье описываются проблемы, возникающие при эксплуатации автомобилей в крупных городах, заключающиеся в острой нехватке парковочных мест. Автор предлагает различные способы решения данной проблемы наиболее рациональным способом с использованием современных достижений в науке и технике.

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