Second Session, 49th Legislature

HB 2012 Competitive application process. HB 2012

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HB 2012

Competitive application process. HB 2012

Generally. HB 2012

Innovative educational programs. HB 2012

Program evaluation, technical assistance and staff development. HB 2012

Programs. HB 2012

Salaries, benefits and administrative costs. HB 2012

Ambassador of Teaching. HB 2012

Arts center, non profit selected by John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center for Special Educator Professional Development Program. HB 2012

Arts-in-Education, School/Community Network. HB 2012

Budgetary limitations. HB 2012; HB 2013; SB 1080 (smde hf)

Certified Employee Health Benefit Allowance. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012

Charter Schools Incentive Fund. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Child Service Demonstration Center. HB 2012

Community Education Grants and Consortium Group. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Driver Education. HB 2012

Early Intervention. HB 2012

Education Leadership Oklahoma. HB 2012 (smad hf)

Equipment. HB 2012; HB 2013

Federal Funds Expenditure. HB 2012; HB 2013

Financial Support. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012; SB 1069

Generally. HB 1988; HB 1989; SB 1071 (smde hf)

Geography instruction. HB 2012

Great Expectations Summer Institutes, elementary level, establish. HB 2012

HB 2007, Sections 1 through 11. HB 2012 (smad hf; amending, smad cc)

Instructional, Cooperative and Technological Education:

Generally. HB 2012

Small school cooperatives. HB 2012

Telecommunications. HB 2012

Lunch Matching and Programs. HB 2012

Parent Training Program:

Child Service Demonstration Center. HB 2012

Continuation and Expansion. HB 2012

Early childhood technical assistance. HB 2012

Generally. HB 2012

Parents as Teachers. HB 2012

Public housing projects. HB 2012

Salaries, benefits, technical assistance and administrative costs. HB 2012

Payroll, Salaries or Wages. HB 2012

Professional and Personal Services Contracts. HB 2012

Public school activities. SB 1081 (smad cc)

Rainy day fund. SB 1071 (smde hf)

Reading, multiple ongoing assessments and remediation. HB 2012

SoonerStart Early Intervention Services. HB 2012

Specific subject (see generally)

Staff Development:

Generally. SB 1081 (smad cc)

Mathematics Improvement Program. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Providing. HB 2012

Summer Arts Institute (see below)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Support Personnel Health Benefit Allowance (see Schools, Support, below)

Teachers (see Teachers, below)

Textbooks. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012; SB 1069

VISION Project. HB 2012

Education, Department of:

Administrative and Support Functions. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012; SB 1069

Aid and Programs. HB 2012

Budgetary limitations. HB 2012; SB 911 (smde cc); SB 912 (smde cc)

Cost Accounting System. HB 2012

Eighth Grade Reading Test. HB 2012

Generally. SB 911 (smde cc)

Geography, Alliance for Geographic Education. HB 2012

HB 2007, amending Section 9. HB 2012 (smad cc)

National Assessment of Education Progress. HB 2012

Professional and Personal Services Contracts. HB 2012

Reimbursing counties for districts claiming revenue loss due to tax exemption granted manufacturing/research facility. SB 912 (smad cc)

SoonerStart Early Intervention Services. HB 2012

State aid (see Schools, below)

Tax Commission Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund, transferring monies to. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Teachers minimum salary schedule. SB 1458, Pruitt S

Educational Television Authority:

Administration. HB 2014 (smad cc); HB 2015; SB 913; SB 914

Budgetary limitations. HB 2014; HB 2015

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 913

HB 2007, lapse date. HB 2014 (smad cc)

Programming. HB 2014 (smad cc); HB 2015; SB 913; SB 914

Technical Services. HB 2014 (smad cc); HB 2015; SB 913; SB 914

Election Board:

Administration/Data Processing. HB 2024; HB 2025; SB 936; SB 937

Budgetary limitations. HB 2024; HB 2025; SB 936; SB 937


Expenses. HB 2009; HB 2024; HB 2025; SB 1069

Management. HB 2024; HB 2025; SB 936; SB 937

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 936

HAVA Title III. HB 2025 (smad hf)

HB 2007, nonfiscal. HB 2025 (smad sf)

Voter Outreach and Registration. HB 2024; HB 2025; SB 936; SB 937

Emergency Fund, state emergencies. SB 1069

Emergency Management Department:

Administration. HB 1917; HB 1918

Budgetary limitations. HB 1917; HB 1918

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Operations. HB 1917; HB 1918

Emergency Medical Services Authority, trauma transfer and referral center. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Emerson Teen Parent Program. HB 2042; HB 2043

Employment Security Commission:

Employment Service Program. SB 1288, Shurden S, Hamilton H

One Stop Career Center expenses attributable to Employment Service and Unemployment Insurance Programs. SB 1288, Shurden S, Hamilton H

Unemployment Insurance program. SB 1288, Shurden S, Hamilton H

Enterprise Zone Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Environment Secretary. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Environmental Quality Department:

Budgetary limitations. HB 2060; HB 2061; SB 1003; SB 1004

Divisions. HB 2060 (smad cc); HB 2061; SB 1003; SB 1004

Environmental Complaints and Local Services (ECLS). HB 2060 (smad cc); HB 2061; SB 1003; SB 1004

Eutrophication. SB 1003

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1003; SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2060 (smad cc); HB 2061 (smad hf)

Oklahoma and Tulsa City-County environmental programs, employees. HB 2060 (smad cc); HB 2061

Revolving Fund, transfer to Special Cash Fund. HB 2060 (smad cc)

Rural water system operators technical assistance. HB 2060 (smad cc); HB 2061; SB 1003

Tar Creek Superfund Project and reappropriation. HB 2060 (smad cc)

Equalization Board, removing responsibility for certain determinations. SB 1352, Rabon S, Pope H

Ethics Commission:

Administration/Policy Reviews/Investigations. HB 1919; HB 1920; SB 958; SB 959

Budgetary limitations. HB 1919; HB 1920; SB 958; SB 959 (smde sf)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069 (smde hf); SB 1070 (smad cc); SB 958

Registration Services/Hearings. HB 1919; HB 1920; SB 958; SB 959

Family Support Services. HB 2048; HB 2049

Film and Music Commission. SB 1013; SB 1014

Finance Office:

CORE systems project. HB 2026 (smad sf)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2026; HB 2027; SB 1069; SB 938; SB 939

HB 2007, reducing; fiscal procedures. HB 2026 (smad sf)

Wildlife Conservation Fund, transferring monies to. HB 2026 (smad cc)

Fire Marshal:

Administration. HB 2076 (smad hf); HB 2077; SB 1039; SB 1040

Arson Investigation. HB 2076 (smad hf); HB 2077; SB 1039; SB 1040

Budgetary limitations. HB 2076 (smad hf); HB 2077; SB 1039; SB 1040

Education. HB 2076 (smad hf); HB 2077; SB 1039; SB 1040

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1039; SB 1069

HB 2007, budget practices and lapse date. HB 2077 (smad sf)

Inspections/Code Enforcement. HB 2076 (smad hf); HB 2077; SB 1039; SB 1040

Food Stamps. HB 2048 (smad cc); HB 2049 (smad hf)

Foster care families and therapeutic foster care service providers. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Golf Courses. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071


Education Secretary. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Emergency Fund. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Generally. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2028; HB 2029; SB 1069; SB 940; SB 941

HB 2007, lapse dates, budget procedures. HB 2028 (smad sf)

Mansion. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Office Expenses. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Personal Services. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Veterans Affairs Secretary. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Grand Gateway Economic Development Association. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Great Expectations Summer Institutes. HB 2012

Greenwood Cultural Center. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Greenwood Educational and Culture Center. HB 2042; HB 2043

HAVA Title III. HB 2025 (smad hf)

Handicapped Concerns Office:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1941; HB 1942; SB 991; SB 992 (smde sf)

Client Assistance Program. HB 1941; HB 1942; SB 991; SB 992

General Operations. HB 1941; HB 1942; SB 991; SB 992

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 991 (smde hf)

Head Start Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Health Care Authority:

Naturalizations and Maintenance. SB 978 (Intended, not specified)

Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment. SB 978 (smad hf)

Budgetary limitations. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

Five FTE attorneys. SB 978 (smad hf)

Generally. HB 1987; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1070 (smde cc); SB 978

HB 2007, uses. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Indigent Health Care Grant. HB 1933; HB 1934 (smde hf); SB 978; SB 979

Limiting; exception. HB 2564, Greenwood H

Medicaid (see below)

Non-Title XIX Medical. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

OSA Non-Title XIX Medical. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

Operations. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

Rehabilitation Services. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978 (smad hf)

Specific subject (see generally)

Tobacco Settlement Fund. HB 2008; HB 2009

Health Care Project. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Health Commissioner. HB 2042; HB 2043

Health Department:

Budgetary limitations. HB 2042; HB 2043; SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Child Abuse Prevention Fund. HB 2042; HB 2043

Chronic Disease. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Communicable Disease. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Community Health Services. HB 2042; HB 2043

Construction Industries Board. HB 2042 (smde sf); HB 2043

Consumer Protection. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Disease and Prevention Services. HB 2042; HB 2043

Early Intervention Act services. HB 2042; HB 2043

Eastern Oklahoma Donated Dental Services (EODDS). SB 972 (smad cc)

Eldercare. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Family Health. HB 2042; HB 2043; SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Flu vaccinations, elderly. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2043; SB 1069; SB 972 (smde cc)

HB  2007, uses; budget procedures; lapse date. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Health Care Project. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Health Promotion and Policy Analysis. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Kidney Health Revolving Fund. HB 2042; HB 2043

Local Health. SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Local county, lease-purchase payments. SB 1069

Metropolitan Better Living Center. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Perinatal services demonstration project. HB 2042; HB 2043

Protective Health Services. HB 2042; HB 2043

Specific subject (see generally)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Support Services. HB 2042; HB 2043; SB 972 (smde cc); SB 973 (smde cc)

Tobacco Settlement Fund. HB 2008; HB 2009

Higher Education, Regents for:

Accountability Office. HB 1903; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009

Administrative Offices. HB 1903; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Community education consortium group. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Construction, renovation or repairs. HB 1903; HB 1904 (smde sf); HB 1991; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1083; SB 923; SB 924 (smde cc)

Cooperative Extension Services. SB 923 (smad cc)

Education and general operation budgets. HB 1903; HB 1904 (smde sf); HB 1991; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1083; SB 923; SB 924 (smde cc)

Endowed chairs program. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009

Fee or tuition increase, legislative intent not to affect. HB 1822 (smad hc), Sweeden H, Shurden S

Higher Learning Access Program, awards. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Specific subject (see generally)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Tuition Equalization Grant Act. SB 923 (smad cc)

Highway Construction and Maintenance Fund (see Transportation Department, below)

Highway Safety Office. HB 2089

Hissom Memorial Center, maintenance. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Historical Society:

Administration. HB 1954 (smde hf); SB 1021 (smde cc); SB 1022 (smde hf)

Budgetary limitations. HB 1954; SB 1021; SB 1022 (smde hf)

Education/Membership Services. HB 1954 (smde hf); SB 1021 (smde cc); SB 1022 (smde hf)

Emergency repairs. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Employee furloughs prevention. HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1022 (smad hf, smde cc)

General Operations. HB 1954 (smad hf); SB 1021 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 1953; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1021 (smad cc); SB 1022 (smad hf; vetoed); SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1954 (smad hf)

Museums and Sites. HB 1954; SB 1021; SB 1022 (smde hf)

Preservation. HB 1954 (smde hf); SB 1021; SB 1022 (smde hf)

Research. HB 1954 (smde hf); SB 1021; SB 1022 (smde hf)

Roofs repair. SB 1022 (smad hf; vetoed)

Specific subject (see generally)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Homeland Security. HB 2089

Horse Racing Commission:

Bred Program, Oklahoma. HB 2062 (smad sf); HB 2063; SB 1005; SB 1006

Budgetary limitations. HB 2062; HB 2063; SB 1005; SB 1006

Gaming Regulation. SB 1005 (smad cc)

General Operations. HB 2062 (smad sf); HB 2063; SB 1005; SB 1006

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1005; SB 1069

HB 2007, budget procedures; lapse date. HB 2062 (smad sf); HB 2063

Law Enforcement. HB 2062 (smad sf); HB 2063; SB 1005; SB 1006

Race Day Expenses. HB 2062 (smad sf); HB 2063; SB 1005; SB 1006

House of Representatives:

Claims and payroll, approval. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2030 (smde cc); HB 2031; SB 1069

Generally. HB 2030 (smde cc); HB 2031; SB 942; SB 943

HB 2007, nonfiscal. HB 2030 (smad cc)

Information technology security upgrades and digital conversion. HB 2030 (smad cc)

Insurance Commissioner impeachment. HB 2030 (smad cc)

Renovation and modification. HB 2007; HB 2031

Salaries, per diem and expenses. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2030 (smde cc); HB 2031; SB 1069

Statutes, Session Laws and Supplements. HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1069

Human Rights Commission:

Administration. HB 1943; HB 1944; SB 993; SB 994

Budgetary limitations. HB 1943; HB 1944; SB 993; SB 994

Community Relations. HB 1943; HB 1944; SB 993; SB 994

Enforcement and Compliance. HB 1943; HB 1944; SB 993; SB 994

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Human Services Department:

AABD State Supplemental Payments. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Administration and Data Services. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Aging Services. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Block Grant, TANF and Child Care and Development Fund. HB 2048; HB 2049

Budgetary limitations. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Child Care Office. HB 2048; HB 2049

Child Support Enforcement. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Child and Family Services. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Child care subsidy payments. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Children with behavioral disorders, Level E Group Home in Chickasha. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance Program (CENA) (see CENA, above)

Community-based positive youth development programs, legislative intent. SB 989 (smad hf, smde cc)

Day Care Payments. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Developmental Disabilities Services. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Developmentally disabled persons. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Electronic Benefits Transfer. HB 2049 (smde hf)

Family Support Services. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Field Operations. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Food Stamps. HB 2048 (smad cc); HB 2049 (smad hf)

Foster care families and therapeutic foster care service providers. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2048; SB 1069; SB 983

HB 2007:

Nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2049 (smad hf)

Uses. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Mentally retarded persons charged with dangerous crimes. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Partnership for School Readiness. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Prader-Willi syndrome. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Senior citizens (see below)

TANF (see below)

Tobacco Settlement Fund, monies. HB 2008; HB 2009

Waiver waiting list. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Work Activities. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Indian Affairs Commission:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1945; HB 1946; SB 995; SB 996 (smde sf)

General Operations. HB 1945; HB 1946; SB 995; SB 996

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Indian Nations Council of Governments. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Indigent Defense System:

Appellate Services. HB 1974; SB 1061; SB 1062

Budgetary limitations. HB 1974; SB 1061; SB 1062

Forensic Testing. HB 1974; SB 1061 (smad hf)

General Operations. HB 1974; SB 1061; SB 1062

Generally. HB 1973; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Non-Capital Contracts. HB 1974; SB 1061 (smad hf)

Regional Offices. HB 1974; SB 1061 (smad hf)

Trial Services. HB 1974; SB 1061; SB 1062

Indigent Health Care Grant. HB 1933; HB 1934 (smde hf)

Instructional, Cooperative and Technological Education. HB 2012

Insurance Commissioner impeachment. HB 2030 (smad cc); HB 2038 (smad cc)

Insurance Department:

Administration. HB 2064 (smad cc); HB 2065; SB 1007 (smde cc); SB 1008

Budgetary limitations. HB 2064; HB 2065; SB 1007 (smde cc); SB 1008

Commissioners Revolving Fund, transfer to Special Cash Fund. HB 2064 (smad cc)

Federal Programs. SB 1007 (smde cc); SB 1008

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1007 (smde cc); SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse dates. HB 2064 (smad cc); HB 2065 (smad hf)

Regulatory/Enforcement. HB 2064 (smad cc); HB 2065; SB 1007 (smde cc); SB 1008

Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program. HB 2064 (smad cc); HB 2065

Investigation Bureau:

Administration. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

Budgetary limitations. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

Criminalistic Services. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

Evidence items, informers fees, prosecution and defense expenses. HB 2079

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2078; SB 1041; SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse dates and budget practices. HB 2079 (smad sf)

Information Services. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

Investigative Services. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

Management of Information Systems. HB 2079; SB 1041; SB 1042

J.D. McCarty Center:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1935; HB 1936; SB 980

Children's Recreation Program. SB 980 (smde hf)

General Operations. HB 1935; HB 1936; SB 980

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 980

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

J.M. Davis Memorial Commission:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1956; SB 1023; SB 1024

Generally. HB 1955; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1023 (smad hf); SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1956 (smad hf)

Museum Operations. HB 1956; SB 1023; SB 1024

JAIBG. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985 (smad cc)

Jane Brooks School for the Deaf. HB 2012

Jazz Hall of Fame. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Judicial Complaints Council:

Attorney Services Contract. SB 1063 (smde hf); SB 1064

Budgetary limitations. HB 1976; SB 1063; SB 1064

General Operations. HB 1976; SB 1063; SB 1064

Generally. HB 1975; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009

Juvenile Affairs Office:

Administration. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Budgetary limitations. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985 (smde cc); SB 988 (smde cc)

CARS Program (see Community At Risk Services, above)

Community Youth Services Agencies. HB 2050; HB 2051 (Reallocated, reduced or expended, prohibiting, smad hf); SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Community-based positive youth development programs, legislative intent. SB 989 (smad hf, smde cc)

Emergency youth shelters. SB 988 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 1069; SB 985

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2051 (smad hf)

JAIBG. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985 (smad cc)

Juvenile detention centers. SB 990 (smad cc)

L. E. Rader Behavior Management Unit. HB 2051 (smad sf)

Medicaid organized health care delivery system for rehabilitation services. HB 2051 (smad hf)

OJJDP. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Residential and Nonresidential Services. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Santa Claus Commission. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Ki Bois Community Action Foundation. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Kiamichi Economic Development District. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Kidney Health Revolving Fund. HB 2042; HB 2043

L. E. Rader Behavior Management Unit. HB 2051 (smad sf)

Labor Department:

Administration. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Asbestos Abatement. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Budgetary limitations. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Generally. HB 1957; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1958 (smad hf)

Occupational Safety and Health. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Regulation & Enforcement. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Specific subject (see generally)

Statistical Research and Licensing. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Land Office Commissioners:

Administration. HB 1906; SB 925; SB 926

Budgetary limitations. HB 1905; HB 1906; SB 925; SB 926

Financial. HB 1906; SB 925; SB 926

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 925 (smde cc)

Minerals. HB 1906; SB 925; SB 926

Real Estate. HB 1906; SB 925; SB 926

Land Reimbursement Fund. SB 897, Laughlin S

Law Enforcement Education and Training Council (CLEET):

Administrative Services. HB 2080; HB 2081 (smad hf); SB 1043; SB 1044

Budgetary limitations. HB 2080; HB 2081 (smad hf); SB 1043; SB 1044

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1043; SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse dates and budget practices. HB 2081 (smad sf)

Private Security Services. HB 2080; HB 2081 (smad hf); SB 1043; SB 1044

Training Services. HB 2080; HB 2081 (smad hf); SB 1043; SB 1044

Legislative Service Bureau:

Criminal Justice Resource Center. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2032 (smde sf); HB 2033; SB 1069

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2032 (smde sf); HB 2033; SB 1069; SB 944; SB 945

School District Administrative Reorganization or Consolidation Task Force. HB 2012 (smad cc)

State Aid Formula adequacy, contract with independent consultant. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Legume Research. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto)
Libraries Department:

Administration. HB 1908; SB 927; SB 928

Budgetary limitations. HB 1907; HB 1908; SB 927; SB 928

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 927 (smde cc)

Libraries Services. HB 1908; SB 927; SB 928

State Government Services. HB 1908; SB 927; SB 928

Lieutenant Governor:

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2034; HB 2035; SB 1069; SB 946; SB 947

HB 2007, nonfiscal, lapse dates, budget procedures. HB 2034 (smad sf)

Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Statewide Youth Restitution Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Made In Oklahoma Program. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055

Manville Property Damage Settlement Trust. HB 1915; HB 1916; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 954

Margaret Hudson Program for School Age Parents. HB 2042; HB 2043

McGee Creek Fire Protection, employees. SB 997


Behavioral Health. HB 2044 (smad sf)

Contracted Services. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

Fraud Control. HB 1966 (Vetoed); SB 1053; SB 1054 (smde cc)

Juvenile Affairs Office (see above)

Payments. HB 1933; HB 1934; SB 978; SB 979

Medicolegal Investigations Board:

Administration. HB 2083; SB 1045; SB 1046

Budgetary limitations. HB 2083; SB 1045; SB 1046

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2082; SB 1045; SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse dates and budget practices. HB 2083 (smad sf)

Investigations. HB 2083; SB 1045; SB 1046

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department:

Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) teams, legislative intent. HB 2044

Behavioral Health Medicaid. HB 2044 (smad sf)

Body transport contract in Tulsa. HB 2007

Budgetary limitations. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Central Administration. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Clarifying budget limits in SB 975. SB 974 (smad cc)

Co-Occurring Programs. HB 2044; HB 2045

Community-based Programs. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Community-based positive youth development programs, legislative intent. SB 989 (smad hf, smde cc)

Domestic Violence Programs. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Fiscal year 2005, exempting. SB 974 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2045; SB 1069; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smad cc)

HB 2007, budget procedures and lapse dates. HB 2044

Inpatient Hospital. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Leave benefits for two employees. HB 2007

Medications, newer generation, legislative intent. HB 2044; HB 2045

Programs for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) teams. HB 2044; HB 2045

Real property, new construction and other improvements, sufficient monies to make rental payments to retire obligations. SB 975 (smad cc)

Residential Care Programs. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Residential care facilities, reimbursement rate. HB 2044; HB 2045

Residential rate increase. HB 2044 (smad sf)

Specific subject (see generally)

Substance Abuse Programs. HB 2044; HB 2045; SB 974 (smde cc); SB 975 (smde cc)

Tobacco Settlement Fund. HB 2008; HB 2009

Unanticipated federal funds, exempt from expenditure and budgetary limitations. HB 2044; HB 2045

Merit Protection Commission:

Administration. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Alternative Dispute Resolution. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Budgetary limitations. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069 (smde hf); SB 960

Grievance Management/Training. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Hearings and Hearing Appeals. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Investigations. HB 1921; HB 1922; SB 960; SB 961

Metropolitan Better Living Center. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Military Department:

Administration. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Armory Maintenance. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Budgetary limitations. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Federal Funds. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962 (smde cc); SB 963

Federal Programs. SB 962 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 962

Museum Management. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Support Services. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Youth Programs. HB 1923; HB 1924; SB 962; SB 963

Milk and Milk Products Program. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Mines Department:

Administration. HB 2066 (smad sf); HB 2067; SB 1009; SB 1010

Budgetary limitations. HB 2066; HB 2067; SB 1009; SB 1010

Coal Programs. HB 2066 (smad sf); HB 2067; SB 1009; SB 1010

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1009; SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2066 (smad sf); HB 2067 (smad hf)

Miner Training. HB 2066 (smad sf); HB 2067; SB 1009; SB 1010

Non-Coal Programs. HB 2066 (smad sf); HB 2067; SB 1009; SB 1010

Minority Business Development Program Revolving Fund. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Morton Comprehensive Health Services. HB 2042 (smde sf); HB 2043

Multicounty Organizations. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071 (Or said combinations, smad hf); SB 1013; SB 1014

Museums and Sites. HB 1954; SB 1021; SB 1022 (smde hf)

Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control Bureau:

Administrative Services. HB 2085; SB 1047; SB 1048

Budgetary limitations. HB 2085; SB 1047; SB 1048

Controlled dangerous substances as evidence in narcotic cases, informers fees, other expenses. HB 2085

Enforcement. HB 2085; SB 1047; SB 1048

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2084; SB 1047; SB 1069

HB  2007:

Lapse dates and budget practices. HB 2085 (smad sf)

Uses. HB 2085 (smad hf)

OSTAR (see below)

Vehicles for undercover investigations. HB 2085

National Board Certification Revolving Fund. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Native American Cultural and Educational Authority:

Administration. SB 1027; SB 1028

Budgetary limitations. SB 1027; SB 1028

Debt service on outstanding bonds, transfer from Commerce Department. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Fund. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Generally. SB 1027; SB 1069

Services. SB 1027; SB 1028

Northern Oklahoma Development Association. SB 1017 (smad cc)

OCAST (see Science and Technology, below)

OETA (see Educational Television Authority, above)

OJJDP. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

OSTAR. HB 2085; SB 1047; SB 1048

Occupational Safety and Health. HB 1958; SB 1025; SB 1026

Odd-numbered years only; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1069, Blackwell H

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic. HB 2042; HB 2043

Oklahoma Economic Development Association. HB 2042; HB 2043; SB 1017 (smad cc)

Oklahoma State University:

Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Equipment. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Bid Assistance Program/Computer-Assisted Technology Transfer. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Financial Management Assistance Program, Statewide Intensive. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Osteopathic Medicine College, for the Area Health Education Centers Campaign. HB 2042; HB 2043

Poultry Education. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055 (smad hf)

Small Rural Manufacturer Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Oklahoma Today Magazine. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Oklahoma University:

Pediatric Endocrinology Department, Health Science Center. HB 2042; HB 2043

Perinatal Continuing Education Program within College of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. HB 2042; HB 2043

Opportunities Industrialization Center. SB 921 (smad cc)

Osteopathic Internship and Residency Program. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017

Pardon and Parole Board:

Administrative Services. HB 2087; SB 1049; SB 1050

Budgetary limitations. HB 2087; SB 1049; SB 1050

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2086; SB 1049; SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse dates; budget practices. HB 2087 (smad sf)

Parent Training Program (see Education, Board of, above)

Park Ranger, salary increases. HB 2070 (smad cc)

Parks (see Tourism and Recreation Department, below)

Pay increase for state employees, intent. HB 2007 (smad sf)

Peanut Pod Rot and Field Research Demonstration. HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Pediatric Endocrinology Department Health Science Center. HB 2042; HB 2043;

Pension Commission. SB 933 (smde cc); SB 934

Perinatal, women's and children's services for low-income persons statewide. HB 2042; HB 2043

Personnel Management Office:

Administration. HB 1925; HB 1926; SB 964; SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Budgetary limitations. HB 1925; HB 1926; SB 964; SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 964

Human Resource Development. SB 964 (smde cc); SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Management Support Services. SB 964 (smde cc); SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Personnel/Payroll Information Services. SB 964 (smde cc); SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Recruitment and Selection. SB 964 (smde cc); SB 965 (smde cc), Capps S, Braddock H

Physician Manpower Training Commission:

Administration. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Budgetary limitations. HB 2016; HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Community Match Rural Scholarship Incentive Program. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 915

HB 2007, decreasing amount; lapse date. HB 2016 (smad cc)

Loan Repayment Program, State. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017

MD/FP Residency Programs. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Nursing Program. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Osteopathic Internship and Residency Program. HB 2016 (smad cc); HB 2017; SB 915; SB 916

Specific subject (see generally)

Poultry Education. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055 (smad hf)

Poultry Research and Disease Control Research Programs. HB 2055 (smde hf); SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Poultry Veterinarian and Area Poultry Specialist. HB 2055 (smde hf); SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Prader-Willi syndrome. HB 2007; HB 2048 (smad cc)

Preparation, clarifying language. HB 1996 (Shell); HB 1997 (Shell)

Prison Industries. HB 2074 (smad cc); HB 2075; SB 1037 (smde cc); SB 1038; SB 1082

Probation and Parole Services. HB 2074 (smad cc)

Public Employees Relations Board. HB 1915; HB 1916; SB 1069; SB 954; SB 955

Public Safety Department:

Administrative Services. HB 2089; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Alcohol and Drug Influence, Board of Tests. HB 2089 (smde hf)

Budgetary limitations. SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Capitol Patrol, officer services to Workers' Compensation Court. HB 2089 (smad sf)

Chemical Tests Board. HB 2089 (smad hf); SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Clinton/Sherman Industrial Complex lease payment. HB 2089 (smad sf)

Drivers Licensing. HB 2089; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2088; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1069

HB 2007, uses. HB 2089 (smad sf)

Highway Safety Office. HB 2089; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Homeland Security. HB 2089

Law Enforcement Services. HB 2089; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Management Information Services. SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Motor Vehicle Operations. HB 2089

Motor vehicles. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Patrol Academy, 30 cadets. HB 2089

Size and Weight Permits. HB 2089; SB 1051 (smde cc); SB 1052

Specific subject (see generally)

Telecommunication Services. HB 2089

Troopers pay schedule, compression. HB 2089 (smad sf)

Public schools (see Education, Board of, above or Schools, below)

Quality Awards Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

REAP (see Rural Economic Action Plan, below)

Rainy day fund:

Education Board. SB 1071 (smde hf)

Generally. HB 1981

Shell bill. HB 1982

Red Earth. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Regional Council of Government. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S

Regional substate planning districts. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; SB 1017 (smad cc)

Rehabilitation Services Department:

Blind and Deaf Schools. HB 2052; HB 2053; SB 986; SB 987

Budgetary limitations. HB 2052; HB 2053; SB 986; SB 987

Disability Determination Division. HB 2052; HB 2053; SB 986; SB 987

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2052; SB 1069; SB 987

HB 2007, lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2053 (smad sf)

Rehabilitative and Visual Services. SB 986; SB 987

Specific subject (see generally)

Vocational Rehabilitative and Visual Services. HB 2052; HB 2053

Residential Care Programs (see Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department, above)

Right-of-way (see Transportation Department)

Risk Management Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Revolving Fund. HB 1915; HB 1916

Risk Management Fire Protection Revolving Fund. HB 1915; HB 1916

Risk Management Foster Family Protection Account. HB 1916 (smad hf)

Roads and highways (see Transportation Department)

Rural Development (RAPP). HB 2288, Turner H, Gumm S

Rural Development Foundation. HB 2054 (smad cc); SB 1017 (smad cc)

Rural Development (RAPP). HB 2288

Rural Economic Action Plan:

Fund accounts. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Grant program administration. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; SB 854, Gumm S

Regional councils of government (COGs). HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S

Regional substate planning districts. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; SB 854, Gumm S

Water Projects Fund. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; SB 854, Gumm S

Rural Economic and Community Development Programs - Kiamichi Economic Development District. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Rural Enterprise Institute. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Rural Enterprises Inc.:

Business Revolving Loan Fund. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Generally. SB 1017 (smad cc)

VANSAT Pilot Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Rural Water Association:

Contractual services. HB 1962; HB 2060; SB 1031 (smad cc)

System operators or board members technical assistance and training. HB 1962; SB 1031 (smad cc)

Rural fire:

Coordinators. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Defense Equipment Revolving Fund. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055

Dry Fire Hydrant Program. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Equipment Revolving Fund. HB 2054; HB 2055

Fire Hydrant Program in conjunction with substate planning districts, limiting amount. HB 2055 (smde hf)

Match Program, 80/20. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055 (smad hf); SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Operation Grants. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Volunteer Firefighter Employee Contribution Revolving Fund. HB 2054; HB 2055

Santa Claus Commission. HB 2050; HB 2051; SB 985; SB 988 (smde cc)

Scenic Rivers Commission:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1960 (smad hf); SB 1029 (smad hf)

General Operations. HB 1959; HB 1960 (smad hf); SB 1029; SB 1030

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1029 (smad hf)

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1960 (smad hf)


Aid and Programs. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2012

Also (see Education, Board of, above)

Charter Schools Incentive Fund. HB 2012

District Administrative Reorganization or Consolidation Task Force, funds transfer. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Financial Support (see Education, Board of, above)

Independent, costs incurred expanding number of grades. HB 2012

Partnership for School Readiness. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Small School Cooperatives; telecommunications. HB 2012

Small school incentive grant for expanding number of grades. HB 2012

State Aid:

Formula adequacy, contract with independent consultant. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Generally. HB 2012

Support Personnel Health Benefit Allowance. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012

Science and Engineering Fair. HB 2012

Science and Mathematics School:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1909; HB 1910; SB 929

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 929

Pilot Outreach Science and Mathematics Programs. HB 1909

Pilot outreach programs. SB 929 (smad cc)

Regional Outreach Science and Mathematics Programs. HB 1910; SB 929; SB 930

Statewide Enhancement. HB 1910; SB 929; SB 930

Science and Technology, Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of:

Administration. HB 1912; SB 931; SB 932

Budgetary limitations. HB 1911; HB 1912

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 931

Research Support Revolving Fund. HB 1911; SB 931

Research and Development. HB 1912; SB 931; SB 932

Technology Transfer. HB 1912; SB 931; SB 932

Secretary of State:

Administrative Rules Office. SB 1069

Ballot Titles. SB 1069

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2036 (smde cc); HB 2037; SB 1069; SB 948; SB 949

HB 2007, fiscal procedures. HB 2036 (smad cc)

Revolving Fund, transfer to Special Cash Fund. HB 2036 (smad cc)

Securities Commission:

Administration. SB 1011; SB 1012

Budgetary limitations. SB 1011; SB 1012

Generally. SB 1011; SB 1069

Regulation. SB 1011; SB 1012

Securities Department:

Budgetary limitations. HB 2069

General Operations. HB 2069

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2068 (smde sf)

HB 2007:

Nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2069 (smad hf)

Section 104, repealing. HB 2068 (smad sf)

Transferring monies to Special Cash Fund. HB 2068 (smad sf)


Generally. SB 950; SB 951

HB 2007, making nonfiscal. HB 2038 (smad cc)

Information technology security upgrades and digital conversions. HB 2038 (smad cc)

Insurance Commissioner impeachment. HB 2038 (smad cc)

Journals and calendars. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2038 (smde cc); HB 2039; SB 1069

Operating and personnel expenses. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2038 (smde cc); HB 2039; SB 1069

Renovation and modification. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2038 (smde cc); HB 2039; SB 1069

Senior citizens:

CENA, nutrition program. HB 1818, Mass H, Shurden S; HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1017 (smad cc); SB 1157, Corn S

Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance (CENA) program. SB 855, Gumm S

Dental services. HB 2042

Flu vaccinations. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Health Insurance Counseling Program. HB 2064 (smad cc); HB 2065

Sexual Assault Examination Fund, transferring monies to from Crime Victims Compensation Revolving Fund. HB 1970 (smde hf); HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009

Shakespearean Festival. HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Shell bill. HB 1983; HB 1984

Sickle Cell Research Foundation. HB 2042; HB 2043

Small Business Incubator-Kiamichi Economic Development District. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Small Rural Manufacturer Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

SoonerStart Early Intervention Services. HB 2012

South Central Oklahoma Governments Association. SB 1017 (smad cc)

South Western Oklahoma Development Authority. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Southeast Area Health Center. HB 2042 (smde sf); HB 2043

Southeastern Oklahoma State University for the Statewide Small Business Development Centers Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Southern Oklahoma Development Association. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Space Industry Development Authority:

Administration. SB 952; SB 953

Budgetary limitations. HB 2040; HB 2041; SB 952; SB 953

Federal Funds. SB 952; SB 953

General Operations. HB 2041; SB 952; SB 953

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 952

HB 2007, lapse dates, budget procedures, nonfiscal. HB 2041 (smad sf)

Spaceport, Burns Flat. HB 2007

Special Cash Fund:

Cash-flow Reserve Fund to avert shortfall, transfer. HB 1985 (smad hf); SB 1072

Environmental Quality Department Revolving Fund. HB 2060 (smad cc)

Shell bill. HB 1983; HB 1984

Transferring monies to from:

Consumer Credit Department. HB 2056 (smad sf)

Corporation Commission Well Plugging Fund. HB 2058 (smad sf)

Insurance Commissioners' Revolving Fund. HB 2064 (smad cc)

Secretary of State Revolving Fund. HB 2036 (smad cc)

Securities Department Revolving Fund. HB 2068 (smad sf)

Treasurer, transfer from Unclaimed Property Fund and from unclaimed deposits. SB 970 (smad hf)

Substate Planning District Multicounty Regional Planning. SB 1017 (smad cc)

Summer Arts Institute. HB 2012; HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Sunrise Agriculture News Program. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto)

Supreme Court:

Administrative Office of the Courts. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Budgetary limitations. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Court Clerk's Office. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Dispute Mediation. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Generally. HB 2007

Justices. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Legal Aid Services. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Legal Services Revolving Fund transfer. HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1069

Management Information Services. HB 1978; SB 1065; SB 1066 (smde cc)

Revolving Fund. HB 2007


Block Grant, federal monies, to DHS. HB 2048; HB 2049

Cash Assistance. HB 2048; HB 2049; SB 983; SB 984

Work Activities. HB 2048 (smad cc)

Tar Creek Superfund Project and reappropriation. HB 2060 (smad cc)

Tax Commission:

Ad Valorem Programs. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund, transferring monies to from Education Department. HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1071 (smad hf)

Audits. HB 1927; HB 1928; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Budgetary limitations. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Central Processing. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Collections. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Compliance of cigarette and tobacco tax laws. SB 966 (smad hf)

Film Rebate Program. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 966 (smad hf)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 966; SB 967 (smad cc)

Headquarters/Administration. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Legal Services. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Maintenance costs associated with facilities/equipment used for determining weight of vehicles operated on roads/highways. SB 967 (smad cc)

Management Services. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Motor/Diesel Fuel Indemnity Fund ("1695J Fund"). SB 967 (smad cc)

Motor Vehicle Enforcement Section, International Registration Plan Section and International Fuel Tax Agreement Section. SB 967 (smad cc)

Motor Vehicle. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

New building, Lincoln Renaissance Project. SB 967 (smad cc; line item veto)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Tax Administration. HB 1927; HB 1928 (smde hf); SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966 (smde hf); SB 967 (smde cc)

Tax Policy. SB 966 (smad hf)

Taxpayer Services. HB 1927; HB 1928; SB 1081 (smde cc); SB 141 (smde cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 966; SB 967 (smde cc)

Taxpayer Equity Act, limiting legislative appropriations; ballot. SJR 49, Pruitt S

Teacher Preparation Commission:

Budgetary limitations. HB 2020; HB 2021; SB 919; SB 920

Curriculum enhancement and monitoring programs for applicants. HB 2012

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

HB 2007, lapse date. HB 2020 (smad cc)

Preparation and Professional Development of Teachers and Administrators. HB 2020 (smad cc)

Program development and evaluation. HB 2012


Ambassador of Teaching. HB 2012

Great Expectations Summer Institutes. HB 2012

Mathematics Improvement Program. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Mentor Teacher Stipends. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Minimum salary schedule. SB 1458, Pruitt S

National Board Certification Revolving Fund. HB 2012 (smad cc)

Neuro-developmentally based student learning differences. HB 2012

Professional Development Institutes in Reading. HB 2012

Reading, multiple ongoing assessments and remediation. HB 2012


Certified Employee Health Benefit Allowance. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2012

Credit. HB 2012

Health-care premiums, 100%. HB 2007 (smad sf)

Salary increase. HB 2012

Staff Development Program. HB 2012

Teacher of the Year Program. HB 2012

Temporary Aid to Needy Families (see TANF, above)

Textbooks. HB 2007 (smad hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2012; SB 1069

Tick Eradication. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto); HB 2055; SB 997; SB 998 (smde hc)

Tobacco Settlement Fund:

Health Care Authority. HB 2008; HB 2009

Health Department duties. HB 2008; HB 2009

Human Services Department. HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2048; HB 2049 (smde hf)

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department. HB 2008; HB 2009

University Hospitals Authority. HB 2008; HB 2009

Tolliver Alternative Care Center. HB 2042; HB 2043

Tourism and Recreation Department:

Administration. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Budgetary limitations. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Divisions. HB 2071; SB 1013; SB 1014

Environmental issues within state park, resort and golf course system, repay assistance from Water Resources Board, legislative intent. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071

Film and Music Commission. SB 1013; SB 1014

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1013; SB 1069

Golf Courses (see Golf Courses, above)

HB 2007:

Lapse dates. HB 2070 (smad cc)

Nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 2071 (smad hf)

Multicounty Organizations. HB 2070 (smad cc)

Park Ranger, salary increases. HB 2070 (smad cc)

Parks Maintenance and Equipment. SB 1013; SB 1014

Parks, Resorts and Golf Courses. HB 2070 (smad cc); HB 2071

Research and Development. SB 1013; SB 1014

Travel and Tourism Division. HB 2070 (smad cc)

Transportation Department:

Administration. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Aeronautics Commission Revolving Fund. SB 1085; SB 968 (smde hf)

Budgetary limitations. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Capital Improvement Program. HB 1929; HB 1930; HB 2329, Tyler H; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Capitol Improvement Program Debt Services. SB 968

County Roads, Bridges and Equipment. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Disaster relief. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 968

Engineering. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Federal Aid Roads and Bridges. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Highway Construction and Maintenance Fund. HB 1929; HB 1930 (smde hf); HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2329, Tyler H; SB 1069; SB 1085; SB 968 (smde hf)

Highway and bridge projects. HB 1929; HB 1930 (smde hf); HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 968 (smde hf)

Historical sites and lake access roads. HB 1929; HB 1930 (smde hf); HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 1085; SB 968 (smde hf)

Industrial and Lake Access. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Industrial sites. HB 1929; HB 1930; HB 2007 (smad hf); SB 968 (smde hf)

Intermodal. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Maintenance costs associated with facilities/equipment under control of Tax Commission. SB 967 (smad cc)

Operations. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Public Transit Revolving Fund. HB 1929; HB 1930 (smde hf); HB 2007; SB 1085

Public transportation facilities or publicly owned facilities, disaster repair or replacement. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 968

Right-of-Way Acquisition. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968 (smde hf); SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Specific subject (see generally)

State Aid Roads and Bridges. HB 1929; HB 1930; SB 1085; SB 968; SB 969 (smde sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Trauma transfer and referral center, Emergency Medical Services Authority. HB 2042 (smad sf)

Treasurer, Office of State:

Administration. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Agricultural land free of homesteads. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Bank service charges. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Banking Services. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Budgetary limitations. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Comptroller/Investment Services. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Data Processing. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 970

Land Reimbursement Fund. SB 897, Laughlin S

Special Cash Fund, transfer from unclaimed deposits. SB 970 (smad hf)

State Land Reimbursements. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970; SB 971

Study and implement reform initiatives related to financial operations of state government. SB 970 (smad hf)

Unclaimed Property. HB 1931; HB 1932; SB 970 (smad hf)

Tsa-La-Gi Theme Park. HB 2070 (smad cc)


Corporation Commission field office. HB 2058 (smad sf)

Indian Health Care Resource Center. HB 2042; HB 2043

Medicolegal Investigations Board, body transport contract. HB 2007

North Tulsa Heritage Foundation, Inc. HB 2042; HB 2043

Urban League, Metropolitan. HB 2042; HB 2043

University Hospitals Authority:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1937; HB 1938; SB 981; SB 982

Enhanced Trauma Care Rates. SB 982 (Intended, not specified)

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 1086; SB 981

Hospital GME Replacement. SB 982 (Intended, not specified)

Hospital Operations. SB 981; SB 982 (smde hf)

Physicians at OU Trauma Center. SB 982 (Intended, not specified)

Supplemental. HB 2007 (smad hf)

Tobacco Settlement Fund. HB 2008; HB 2009

VANSAT Pilot Program. SB 1017 (smad cc)

VISION Project. HB 2012

Veterans Affairs Department:

Accrediting Agency, State. HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 976; SB 977

Budgetary limitations. HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 976; SB 977

Capital Lease. HB 2046; HB 2047

Central Administration. HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 976; SB 977

Claims and Benefits. HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 976; SB 977

Generally. HB 1992; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 1069; SB 976; SB 977

HB 2007, budget procedures; lapse dates. HB 2046 (smad sf)

Nursing Facilities. HB 2046; HB 2047; SB 976; SB 977

Veterans Affairs Secretary. HB 2007 (smde hf); HB 2008; HB 2009

Veterans Memorial within Capitol complex. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069

Vinita forensic medicine center. SB 975 (smad cc)

Vocational Schools, Board of Private:

Budgetary limitations. HB 2018; HB 2019; SB 917 (smde cc); SB 918

Generally. HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 917 (smde cc)

HB 2007, lapse date. HB 2018

Licensing/Investigative Operations. HB 2018 (smad cc); HB 2019; SB 917 (smde cc); SB 918

Vocational and Technical Educational Board and Department (see Career and Technology, above)

Volunteer Firefighter Employer Payment Contribution Revolving Fund. HB 2054 (smad cc); HB 2055

Volunteer Firefighter Group Insurance Pool, CompSource Oklahoma. HB 2054 (smad cc; HB 2007, transferring monies to, smad cc); HB 2055

Water Quality Programs. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Water Quality/Wetlands. HB 1951; HB 1952 (smad hf); SB 1019; SB 1020 (smde cc)

Water Resources Board:

Administrative Services. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Budgetary limitations. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Environment Secretary. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Financial Assistance. HB 1962

Generally. HB 1961; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1031 (smad cc); SB 1069

Grant program. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; SB 854, Gumm S

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1962 (smad hf)

Planning and Management. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Rural Economic Action Plan Water Projects Fund. HB 1819, Mass H, Shurden S; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1069; SB 854, Gumm S

Rural Water Association, contractual services. HB 1962

Water Quality Programs. HB 1962; SB 1031; SB 1032

Watershed Operation and Maintenance. HB 1951; HB 1952 (smad hf); SB 1019 (smde cc); SB 1020 (smde cc)

Wildlife Conservation Department, Conservation Fund, transferring monies to from Finance Office. HB 2026 (smad cc)

Will Rogers Memorial Commission:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1964; SB 1033; SB 1034

Generally. HB 1963; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1033 (smad hf); SB 1069

HB 2007, nonfiscal; lapse dates; budget procedures. HB 1964 (smad hf)

Museum Operations. HB 1964; SB 1033; SB 1034

Workers' Compensation Court:

Budgetary limitations. HB 1980; SB 1067 (smad hf); SB 1087 (smde cc)

Capitol Patrol officer services. HB 2089 (smad sf)

Data Processing. HB 1980; SB 1067; SB 1068 (smde cc); SB 1087 (smde cc)

General Court Operations. HB 1980; SB 1067; SB 1068 (smde cc); SB 1087 (smde cc)

Generally. HB 1979; HB 2007; HB 2008; HB 2009; SB 1067 (smde hf); SB 1069

Workers' Compensation, fraud. HB 1966 (Vetoed); SB 1053; SB 1054 (smde cc)

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