Second Session, 49th Legislature

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Authorities, municipality as beneficiary and provide for furtherance of authorized or proper function, sales tax exemption. HB 2213 (smde hc), Piatt H, Crutchfield S

County land conveyance, adding of which county is beneficiary. HB 2211, Blackburn H, Price S

Hospitals Public Trust Authorities Act, Community:

Community hospital, defining; district hospitals, entitlements. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Maximum utilization and efficient administration in delivery health care services. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Medicaid Payment Reimbursement Fund, procedures and method for deposits and transfers of funds. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Meetings, may change time and place of regular. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Municipality, may be beneficiary of. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Represent 30% of licensed beds of all hospitals located within proposed district; procedures and requirements. HB 2350 (smad hc), Benge H, Smith S

Industrial development, acquiring property near electric generating facility. SB 1088 (smad hc), Kerr S, Walker H

Municipality is beneficiary, auction bidding procedures. HB 2353 (smad cc), Benge H, Riley S

Nonpayable warrants and agreements by school district or county for short-term cash management. HB 2332 (smad hc; bank agreements, smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Retail outlets, county financing. SB 1092, Capps S



Committee for review (smde cc); payments; eligibility; fund; claims; warrants; penalties; executive session. HB 2373 (smad hc; tire companies only, smad cc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Creating, aid for at-risk companies; expansion or retooling projects, rebate; tax incentives. HB 2373 (smad hc, labor disputes, settle prior to accepting payment, smad hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

References, modifying statutory. SB 1337, Helton S



Sales tax exemption, removing licensed. HB 2209, Winchester H


All-terrain vehicle crossing tracks. HB 2265 (smad sf), Paulk H, Smith S; SB 1479, Laughlin S; SB 884 (smad sc), Laughlin S, Maddux H

Commercial vehicles, stop at crossing to conform to federal regulation. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S

Construction, exemption from Fair Pay for Construction Act. SB 1561 (smad hf), Coates S, Paulk H

Federal government, cooperation with, updating language. HB 1840 (Shell), Plunk H

Land acquisition review of commissioner's report:

Claim asserted by party instituting condemnation proceeding, award lower than court-appointed commissioners; fees. HB 2603 (smad hf), Lindley H, Shurden S

Jury consideration for fee reimbursement. HB 2603 (smde hf), Lindley H, Shurden S

Loans, Transportation Department report showing all applied for and approved. SB 461, Stipe S, Tyler H

Transportation Act of 2004, creating. HB 2328 (Shell), Tyler H

Union Pacific Railroad line, Transportation Department purchase of unused rail. HR 1055, Harrison H; SR 69, Lerblance S

Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)

State budget, tax money not needed, deposit; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1058, Dank H

Age of consent, increasing to 18. SB 1413, Coffee-S, Newport-H

Castration. SB 1199 (Chemical, removing, smad sf), Shurden S, Erwin H; SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H

First degree:

Attempt to commit, punishment. HB 2259 (smad hf, smde sc), Wilt H, Coffee S

Jury discretion or fails to fix punishment conditions, removing. HB 2259 (smad hf), Wilt H, Coffee S

Life or (more than life, smad sc) (life without parole, smde sc). HB 2259 (smad hf), Wilt H, Coffee S

Statute of limitations, removing. SB 1413 (smde sc), Coffee S, Newport H

Subsequent offense, prohibiting probation. HB 2259 (smad hf), Wilt H, Coffee S

Prosecuting, prosecutor provide court history of past convictions within last 10 years. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S; HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S

Repealer. HB 2259, Wilt H, Coffee S

Second degree, castration. SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H

REAGAN DAY, PRESIDENT RONALD. HCR 1043, Balkman-H, Laughlin-S; SR 37, Coffee-S


License, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S

Oil and gas surface damages certification requirements, removing. HB 2144, Wells H

Broker liability for actions of broker associate, sales associate or provisional sales associate for fraud, misrepresentation or losses, prohibiting. HB 2555, Nations H

Code, include any interest in surface and groundwater; water broker and associate, defining. HB 2508, Blackburn H

Development Act:

Annexation; nonprofit corporation, trust or other business entity. HB 1668 (smad sc), Vaughn H, Coffee S

Creating; procedures; declaration; homeowners associations; board of directors; damages and fees. HB 1668 (Owners association, repealing, smad hf), Vaughn H, Coffee S

Foreign judgment lien, creditor compliance. HB 2713, Toure H, Smith S

Income tax deduction for capital gains earned. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

License Code, updating language. HB 2312 (Shell), Adkins H; HB 2338 (Shell), Phillips H

Military persons called to active duty licensing, rules. HB 2172, Wright H

Property (see specific)

Realtors (see REALTORS)

Residential (see PROPERTY)

Unlicensed person violation of License Code, penalties; fines and fees deposit to Real Estate Education and Recovery Fund. HB 2172, Wright H

Licenses with felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc; substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S


Fund, Real Estate Education and Recovery, violations deposit. HB 2172, Wright H

Language, clarifying. SB 1218 (Shell), Coffee S

Military persons called to active duty licensing, rules. HB 2172, Wright H; SB 1312, Ford S, Miller (Doug) H

Mold assessment and remediation educational materials, participate. HB 2554 (smad hf, smde sc), Paulk H, Nichols S

Unlicensed person violation of License Code, duties. HB 2172, Wright H

Water brokers and broker associates, duties. HB 2508, Blackburn H

Land Office Commission tenants in commercial leasing of trust property, retain. HB 2681, Dorman H, Kerr S

License, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S

Licensee called to active military duty, postlicensing educational requirement. HB 2172, Wright H; SB 1312, Ford S, Miller (Doug) H

Unlicensed person violating Real Estate License Code. SB 1312, Ford S, Miller (Doug) H

HB 1018 (4-27-04), p. 1715. HCR 1080, Leist H, Shurden S

HB 2205 (4-26-04), p. 1715. HCR 1077, Wilt H, Coffee S

HB 2472 (4-13-04), p. 1331. HCR 1073, Braddock H, Helton S

HB 2556 (5-26-04), p. 2124. HCR 1094, Nations H, Nichols S

SB 1600 (4-22-04), p. 1714. SCR 62, Cain S, Vaughn H

SB 879 (3-24-04). SCR 55, Capps S, Bonny H
RECORDING DEVICE ACT, UNLAWFUL USE OF A. SB 1234 (smad sc), Coffee S, Carey H

Agriculture Department confidential, court to quash subpoena commanding disclosure. SB 1300 (smad cc), Price S, Covey H

Corrections Department, confidential. HB 2109 (smde 2cc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S; SB 1397, Robinson S, Braddock H

Court, deleting language. SB 1618 (smad sf), Smith S, Harrison H

Criminal expungement, deleting within one year of arrest if no charges are filed or dismissed. HB 2271 (All charges, smad sc; dismissed on merit, smad sf), Coleman H, Reynolds S

Identify theft, expungement conditions. HB 2287, Cox H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; HB 2503, Perry H; SB 1164 (smad sf), Johnson S, Winchester H

Juvenile offenders, out-of-state offense, after being treated or placed in facility or private treatment facility, confidentiality exception. HB 2249, Case H, Riley S


Insurance fraud investigation, certain not considered confidential. SB 1430 (smde 2cc), Robinson S, Dorman H

Mental health or substance abuse treatment, access. SB 1223, Robinson S


Copying or reproduction, availability. HB 2655, Reynolds H

Request, duty and procedure to respond. HB 2654, Reynolds H

Self-insurance pools, confidential information. SB 1268, Smith S, Braddock H


Blind and Deaf Schools, trustee; create trust for real property, income from leases or sales. SB 1280, Robinson S, Hilliard H

Department, policies and rules. SB 1280, Robinson S, Hilliard H

Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Braille school textbooks electronic file format, duties. HB 2194 (smad hc), Deutschendorf H, Williams S


Appointment, duties, staff, contracts. SB 1280, Robinson S, Hilliard H

School Readiness Board, Partnership for, member. SB 1 (smad sc), Fisher S, Peters H

Disabilities Services, Rule Advisory Council on Developmental, one person member. HB 1587 (smad sf), Leist H, Lawler S

Disability Determination Unit, funded by federal funds, exempt from FTE limit. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2053, Mitchell H, Morgan S


Disbursing, transfer of monies from General Revenue Fund, conditions; requests, in writing. HB 2053 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Early allocation to alleviate cash-flow problems. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2053, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Medical and Assistance, transfer for client service, supported employment and independent living programs. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2053 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Unanticipated federal, exempt from expenditure limitations. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2053, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Technology information for disabled, assure state compliance for accessibility; duties. HB 2197, Deutschendorf H, Capps S

RELIEF CREDITS ACT [RCA]. SB 1177, Shurden S, Leist H

Churches (see CHURCHES)

Schools (see SCHOOLS)

Service provider contractor to state discrimination, prohibiting; contract overview. HB 2392, Blackburn H, Monson S

Telecommunications, leaders exemption from commercial charges of service provider rules, Corporation Commission. HB 2358 (1,000/less population, smad hc), Smith H, Laster S

Ten Commandments posting in public buildings, authorizing. SB 1627 (smad hf, smde cc), Cain S, Gilbert H

REPORTS, VARIOUS (see Main Heading)
RESORTS (see LAKES, Texoma)

Alcoholic beverages package store (see INTOXICATING LIQUORS, Package)

Medication containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, limiting sales. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S; SB 1173, Corn S, Smithson H

Municipal property trust exception, deleting. HB 2224, Case H, Pruitt S

Outlets, county financing. SB 1092, Capps S

Smoking prohibition exemption. SB 1344, Shurden S

Soft Drink Tax Code, creating. HB 2116, Ellis H

Television (see TELEVISION, Sale)

Tobacco products (see TOBACCO PRODUCTS, generally)


Oklahoma (see OKLAHOMA COUNTY)

Tulsa (see TULSA COUNTY)

Elected Official Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Act:

Contributions cessation; managed account; investment options. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Creating; participation in Plan; employee and employer contribution; vesting; retirement date, eligible; death distributions. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Firefighters Pension and Retirement System:


Alternate payee. SB 1389, Monson S, Erwin H


Disabled preceding. SB 1389, Monson S, Erwin H

Surviving spouse; length of marriage. SB 1389, Monson S, Erwin H

Design modification, contribution increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Disability, in line of duty payment. SB 1389, Monson S, Erwin H

Increase. HB 2436, Askins H, Corn S; SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H

Volunteer firefighter (see below)

Waiver option. SB 1389 (smad cc), Monson S, Erwin H

Board of Trustees membership, increasing; appointments; terms. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Cost-of-living increase. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (Four percent, smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Credited Service:

Military (see Military, below)

Not considered actual experience for purpose of meeting qualifications of fire chief. SB 1389 (smad cc), Monson S, Erwin H

Volunteer becoming member of system, five years. HB 2325, Morgan (Danny) H

Military, service credit, eligibility; limitation; proof of service. SB 1434, Hobson S, Adair H


Credited service (see above)

Employer contribution, prohibiting. HB 2399, Smith H, Laster S

Employment, 45/older to serve, municipality conditions. HB 2399, Smith H, Laster S

Firefighter, $6.96 per each year of credited service. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Service, ineligible for service credit. HB 2399, Smith H, Laster S

Higher Education Act of 2004, Alternate Retirement Plan for Eligible Employees of Participating State Institutions of, creating. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S

Justices and Judges, Uniform Retirement System for:


Compensation based on highest three years service; calculation, presumption not to include computation error. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Death payment. HB 2691 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1203 (smad cc), Helton S, Roberts H

Design modification, contribution increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Disability, increasing cap. HB 2691 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1141, Corn S

Errors correction; overpayments recovery. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S

Fraud, misdemeanor:

Fine. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S

Offset to pay judgment against. HB 2691 (smad cc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1141, Corn S

Increase. SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H


80% of average monthly salary. SB 1141, Corn S

Earnings, 100% of highest three years service. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Surviving spouse, additional, eligibility. HB 2691 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1141, Corn S; SB 1165, Laster S, Harrison H

Board of Trustees:

Duties. SB 1141, Corn S

Rules and regulations; actuarial tables, adopt; administrative decisions, effect. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S

Contributions, due date. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1141, Corn S


Adjustment recommendation, annual. SB 1175, Laster S

Increase. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (Four percent, smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Health insurance, early retirement, premium. SB 1138, Corn S

Instrumentality of State, establishing as. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Restructure study, uniform contribution rate for all members. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Salary cap, removing if after certain date. SB 856, Lerblance S

Law Enforcement:


Beneficiary term. SB 1261, Corn S, Ferguson H


Health and dental insurance benefits. SB 1139, Corn S

Surviving spouse distribution. SB 1144 (Deleting termination of benefits upon remarriage or eligibility for other health insurance, smad hc), Corn S, Covey H

Disability. SB 1261, Corn S, Ferguson H

Health insurance premium, 100%:

Catastrophic, traumatic or killed in line of duty. HB 2442 (Personal, smad sc; killed in line of duty, smad hc), Roan H, Corn S

Retired due to service-connected disability and any surviving spouse (of member killed in line of duty, smad sc). HB 2442, Roan H, Corn S

Increase. SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H

Board, increasing membership; appointments; terms. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Contribution, benefit design modification, increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Cost-of-living increase. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (Four percent, smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Credited Service:

Involuntarily furloughed employee, one month for each day. SB 1390, Monson S

Member of Public Employees Retirement System with vested benefit, transfer procedures. HB 2701, Staggs H

Military (see Military, below)

Deferred Option Plan:

Death during period of participation. SB 1261, Corn S, Ferguson H

Disabled, distribution. SB 1261, Corn S, Ferguson H

Member of Public Employees Retirement System transferred to, participation. HB 2701, Staggs H

Health insurance:

Early retirement, premium. SB 1138, Corn S; SB 1139, Corn S

Repealer. SB 1261, Corn S, Ferguson H

Illness or injury as serious, rule determining definition. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S

Military service credit, limitation; eligibility; proof of service. SB 1434, Hobson S, Adair H

Military service credit, defining for state retirement eligibility. SB 1434 (smad sf), Hobson S, Adair H

Pension System Dedicated Revenue Reallocation Act of 2004:

Creating; revenue source apportioned to public retirement system having lowest funded ratio as of June 30 valuation date. HB 2692 (smad hc; funded ratio of 80%/greater, smad hf), Ferguson H, Corn S

Time period; methodology for determination of; continuation of process; termination. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Police Pension and Retirement System:

Auxiliary Police Officer Retirement Plan Act of 2004, creating. HB 2398 (Shell), Smithson H


Crime against system, offset. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1422, Corn S, Ferguson H


Beneficiary to receive member's accrued retirement. SB 1422, Corn S, Ferguson H

Surviving spouse; length of marriage requirement. SB 1422, Corn S, Ferguson H

Disability definition; payments; credited service accrual. SB 1423, Corn S

Increase. SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H

Board membership, increasing; appointments; terms. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Contribution, benefit design modification, increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Cost-of-living increase. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (Four percent, smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Credited Service:

Military (see Military, below)

Purchase by persons who have terminated membership and work on contract basis for Department of Defense or Secretary of State in war zone. HB 2693 (smad cc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Deferred Option Plan:

Back drop date, increasing to eight years. HB 2560, Nations H

Deputy police chief (see below)

Participation duration, increasing to eight years. HB 2560, Nations H

Deputy police chief:

Deferred Option Plan in-service distributions, including upon reemployment. HB 2560, Nations H

Membership exemption. SB 1149, Nichols S

Director, duties. SB 1422, Corn S, Ferguson H

Membership (see Deputy, above)

Military service credit, proof of service; limitations; eligibility. SB 1434, Hobson S, Adair H

Municipalities employment of police officers, hiring persons age 45/over without requirement to participate in System. HB 2693 (smad cc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Purchase, lump-sum or actuarial price with interest. SB 1335, Corn S, Ferguson H

Public Employees Retirement System:

Alternative plan:

Health insurance premium, option to receive larger retirement check prior to turning 65 to cover cost; after age 65, lower. SB 1226, Coffee S, Ferguson H

Insurance Savings Plan Act, Alternative Retiree, creating. SB 1143 (smde sc), Corn S, Hilliard H

Member retiring prior to being Medicare eligible; benefit reduced when eligible. SB 1226, Coffee S, Ferguson H


Corrections Department employees:

2 1/2% multiplier. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Contributions. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Correctional officer, probation and parole officer or fugitive apprehension agent. SB 1203 (smad cc), Helton S, Roberts H

Killed/wounded during performance of duties, monthly pension; additional for children under 18. SB 1203 (smad cc), Helton S, Roberts H

Twenty years and out plan. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Cost of living adjustment. SB 1260, Leftwich (Debbe) S


Alternate payee payment pursuant to qualified domestic order, ex spouse still receive. HB 2460 (smad hc; actuarially equivalent benefit amount, smad hf), Smaligo H, Brogdon S

Payment for month member died. HB 2690 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Designs used by other states for persons engaged in public safety, study. SB 1345 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Elected official:

Also (see Board of, below)

Deferred Option Retirement Plan, retire from system prior to taking oath of office. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Act, creating. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S


Confidentiality, disclosure. HB 2651, Reynolds H

Open record. SB 1434, Hobson-S, Adair-H

Years of service performed, computations; separate computations when employed not as elected officials. HB 2234 (After 11-1-04, smad hc), Reynolds H, Snyder S

Health insurance premium increase. SB 1257, Laster S

Increase. SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1257, Laster S

Medicare, option for members retiring before eligible. SB 1226, Coffee-S; Ferguson-H

Offsetting to pay judgment or settlement against member or beneficiary for crime involving system. HB 2690, Ferguson H, Corn S

Vested, decreasing credited service to five years upon date of termination. HB 2690 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Board of Trustees:

Composition. HB 2690, Ferguson H, Corn S

Cost-of-living increase, funded ratio not less than 70%, condition. HB 2155, Balkman H

Crime by member or beneficiary incorrectly paid, offset benefits to pay judgment. SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Elected Official Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Act, investment options. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Membership. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Office space and facilities assignment; removing Central Services Department. HB 2690, Ferguson H, Corn S

Temporary service, purchase of four years of nonparticipating, rules. HB 1830, Leist H, Shurden S

Circuit engineering districts, including as eligible employer. HB 2330, Tyler H, Lerblance S


Benefit design modification, increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Circuit engineering district employer, including. HB 2330, Tyler H, Lerblance S

Counties and municipalities, employer and employee. HB 2690 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Employer rates. HB 2690 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Participating employer, remit on monthly basis. HB 2690, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Schedule and amounts, employer; maximum increase. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

State agency, equal to percentage of monthly compensation of each member, deadline. HB 2690 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Corrections Department employee:

Benefits (see above)

Retirement date. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Cost-of-living increase:

Computation method. HB 2693 (smad hc; reducing funded liability level of plan, prohibiting, smad sc; smde cc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Eight percent or $100/month, whichever is greater. HB 2693 (smde hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Funded ratio not less than 70%, condition. HB 2155, Balkman H; HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Graduated scale based on years of service/current benefits received. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Two percent. HB 1857, Brannon H, Corn S

Credited Service:

Conservation district, purchase. HB 1823 (smad cc; vetoed), Erwin H, Shurden S

County defined benefit retirement plan transfers to, repealing. HB 1891 (Reference, deleting, smad hc), Benge H, Brogdon S

Involuntary furloughs:

District attorney employees, conducted in substantial compliance with rules of Personnel Management Office. HB 2445 (smad hf), Roan H, Wilkerson S

One month for each day of. SB 1390, Monson S

Personnel Management Office rules, subject to and compliance with. HB 2445 (smde hc), Roan H, Wilkerson S

Military (see Military, below)

Temporary, active member purchase, four years of nonparticipating:

Election to purchase; employer pay 1/2 of actuarial cost. HB 1830 (smad hf), Leist H, Shurden S

Payment; rules; (employer, no obligation if member does not make payments, smad hf). HB 1830, Leist H, Shurden S

Deferred Option Retirement Plan:

Participation. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Study; changes to contributions. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Disability, in line-of-duty, defining; establishing benefits. SB 1145, Corn S, Ferguson H

Early retirement. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Elected official (see Benefits, above)

Employee's Benefits Council, abolishing. SB 649 (smad hf, smde cc), Johnson S, Covey H


Beyond normal retirement date. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Full-time, increasing. HB 2690 (smde hf), Ferguson H, Corn S


Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Department, computation; election; death benefits; contribution rate. HB 2598 (smde cc), McIntyre H, Rozell S

Military Department, benefits if killed in the line of duty or mortally wounded for the Department. HB 2598 (smad sc, smde cc), McIntyre H, Rozell S


Dental, election to participate within 30 days of termination of employment. SB 1144 (smad hc), Corn S, Covey H


Early retirement, premium. SB 1138, Corn S

Election to participate within 30 days of termination of employment. SB 1144 (smad hc), Corn S, Covey H

Justices and Judges, Uniform Retirement System for, study restructuring contribution rates. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Membership, length of service required to be vested. SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Military service credit:

Compute benefit, prohibiting using on another system; credit only from system first retired. HB 1891, Benge H, Brogdon S

Proof of service. SB 1434, Hobson S, Adair H

Office space. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1142, Corn S, Ferguson H

Organization annual general mailing. SB 1384, Monson S, Ferguson H

Retirement date:

Corrections Department employees, 20 years and out plan. SB 1203, Helton S, Roberts H

Hazardous duty position employee. SB 1345, Corn S, Ferguson H


Deleting reference. HB 2690, Ferguson H, Corn S

Modifying. HB 2704, Armes H

Temporary service purchase (see Credited, above)

Transportation Equipment Operator or Transportation Superintendent, retirement date; compensation calculation. SB 1330, Gumm S


Alternative Retiree Insurance Savings Plan Act, creating. SB 1143 (smde sc), Corn S, Hilliard H

Benefit Design and Equity, Task Force for the Study of Public Retirement Systems, creating. HB 2536, Walker H, Corn S

Benefit design modifications, boards of trustees actions; actuarial analysis; increase in employee contribution rate; report. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Laws related to reduction of tax or other revenue sources, prohibiting Legislature; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1071, Dorman H

Pension Obligation Financing Act, creating; ancillary obligation of state and issuance and sale of bonds; committee. SB 1339 (smde sc), Robinson S, McCarter H

Terms. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S


Administration, definitions. HB 2643, Staggs H, Crutchfield S

Appropriation. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S


Alternative plan, study. SB 1304, Corn S

Compensation, exclusions from regular annual, reimbursement payments and certain allowances. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Computations, modifying for members. HB 2226 (smde hc), Ingmire H, Morgan S


$18,000 for family if teacher dies while working. HB 2643 (smad cc), Staggs H, Crutchfield S

Payment eligibility. HB 2643 (smde hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S; SB 1131 (smde hc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Health insurance:

Early retirement, premium. SB 1138, Corn S

Plan year. SB 1144 (smad hc), Corn S, Covey H

Premium payment amount, increasing:

$25.00 based on years of service and annual salary average. HB 2290, Turner H, Shurden S

($40, smad hc) ($75, smde hc) maximum payable by System. HB 1437 (smde cc), Toure H, Monson S

Based on years of service. SB 1133, Corn S

Premium tax, allocated 15%. SB 1133, Corn S

Ten years service or vested. SB 1144, Corn S, Covey H

Increase. SB 1134, Corn S, Ferguson H

Recalculation, allowing. HB 2226 (smde hc, smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Board of trustees membership, increasing; appointments; terms. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S

Compensation, regular annual:

Defining; exclusions. HB 2226 (smde cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S; HB 2643, Staggs H, Crutchfield S; SB 1131, Corn S, Ferguson H

Exclusions, expense reimbursement payments; office, vehicle, housing or other maintenance allowances. HB 2643, Staggs H, Crutchfield S

Comprehensive Universities:

Benefits recalculation if adversely affected by salary caps. HB 2226 (smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Eligible employees 45 years of age at time of employment, option to join, deleting; prohibiting participation in system; termination. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S

Health Sciences Center and Oklahoma State University-Tulsa, including. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S

Computations, post-retirement earnings:

Employment in educational related capacity in any state agency. HB 2643 (smde hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S

Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act payments. HB 2643 (smde hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S

Volunteer service to obtain paid position at later date, prohibiting. HB 2643, Staggs H, Crutchfield S


Benefit design modification, increase by employee. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Employer, retired classified returning to work, pay. HB 2370 (smad hf), Jones H, Wilcoxson S

Cost-of-living increase:

Four percent, certain members receiving benefits pursuant to subsection (3) of Section 17-105 of Title 70. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Graduated scale based on years of service/current benefits received. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Providing. HB 2692, Ferguson H, Corn S

Two percent. HB 1857, Brannon H, Corn S

Credited service:

Effective July 1, 1004. SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H

Retired classified returning to work, prohibiting. HB 2370 (smad hf), Jones H, Wilcoxson S

Early retirement. HB 2489, Brannon H, Corn S

Employee's Benefits Council, abolishing. SB 649 (smad hf, smde cc), Johnson S, Covey H

Fund, Revolving, cigarette and tobacco revenue increase, apportionment. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Health insurance (see Benefits, above)

Higher Education Act, Alternate Retirement Plan for Eligible Employees of Participating State Institutions of:

Contributions for vested and non-vested employees. HB 2226 (smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Creating to provide retirement and death benefits through purchase of annuity contracts, qualified retirement trusts or custodial accounts. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S

Election to participate:

Irrevocable; dependent upon receipt of private letter ruling from IRS. HB 2226 (smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Time periods for making; effect upon contributions and service credit. HB 2226 (smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Eligible employees, ineligible for participation in Teachers' Retirement System; rules; requirements. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S

Initial funding surcharge paid by universities, amount; revenue amount transfer. HB 2226 (smad cc), Ingmire H, Morgan S

Liability, unfunded, reduction:

Act of 2004, Teachers' Retirement System Unfunded Liability Reduction, creating. HB 2447 (Shell), McCarter H

Indebtedness by state; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1061, McCarter H

Limit on allowed earnings. SB 1458, Pruitt S

Pension Obligation Financing Act, creating; ancillary obligation of state and issuance and sale of bonds; committee. SB 1339 (smad sc), Robinson S, McCarter H

Post retirement earnings limitations, period of time for applicability of earning limit. HB 2489 (Age of 90, smad hc), Brannon H, Corn S

Retirement date, normal. HB 2704, Armes H

Returning to work, capping salary of classified. HB 2370, Jones H, Wilcoxson S

Salary, Higher Education, Alternate Retirement Plan for Eligible Employees of Participating State Institutions of (see Higher Education Act, above)

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